Part two: Lessons

Story by Coyote the trickster on SoFurry

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#2 of The Breaking Chronicles

It's me again, my second part in this tale, hope you enjoy!

They had been walking for a while now. The sun had risen high in the sky, illuminating the clouds on the edge of the horizon. The wastelands had been just as snow coated as her town but gradually the snow had melted and the temperature had increased and now Song was comfortably warm. She still chewed on the gum Bash had given her after their meal, telling her it would help the time pass quicker. She searched her mind, recalling everything he had told her the previous night, knowing he wouldn't talk about who she reminded him of.

"You know what would really make this easier? Besides having a car?"

He smiled at her joke. "No, what?"

"Tell me about your teachers and what you learned from them."

"Okay, though they weren't really teachers. They were more like trainers, and they were supposed to recommend tribes and clans for us after we completed several tests. I guess they did teach us a few things though." He shook his head, "Never mind. Just remember that they were high ranked breakers who watched over us when we did our tests."

From here I'll narrate as it happened instead of as Bash remembers it because he leaves out a few details.

Bash hurried through the woods by his school, hopping from branch to branch along the trees to the place where his group was supposed to meet. This Bash is younger than the one we know, but looks basically the same, just shorter and this one lacks the sword and armored claw.

"Man, I'm gonna be late." He said to himself. "Man, how come it couldn't have been groups of five, then our whole gang coulda been together." Suddenly the forest ended at a riverside clearing. He hopped down, deftly bouncing from branch to branch until he reached the ground.

"They aren't here? Maybe they're even later than me? No, some body was here recently." He ponders aloud, sniffing the air. Suddenly he falls into a cleverly concealed ditch. "Ouch." Bash says from eight feet in the ground.

"That's your first lesson." A male voice said and Bash looked up to see its owner, a white hare. "Never show up late."

"Fine, fine." Bash said, brushing dirt out of his fur. The coyote hops out of the hole and sees a few others than the hare. Three of them are students, like him and the other had to be one of the trainers. His jaw dropped at the sight of her, she was beautiful. Bash had never seen anyone like her.

Fortunately, his gawk lasted only a moment so the others didn't notice. Suddenly the hare clapped a paw on his shoulder. "Okay, now that we're all here, why don't you four introduce yourselves, tell us a few things about yourself." Bash stood by the others and inspected the hare. He couldn't be much older than himself, twenty at most and he wore bandages around his paws as well as his waist and calves. His ears were almost comically long with black tips, hanging down at his butt. His chest was bare under the open shirt he wore, revealing a sculpted physique.

"You can go first," he pointed at a dragoness with red skin. She was very pretty, with hypnotic violet eyes with a swirl of green in them and auburn hair. She wore a halter top, allowing her feathered wings free movement and a pair of low rise jeans that hugged her curves.

She smiled, revealing pearly white teeth. "I'm Avale. I'm a thunder breaker. My favorite thing to do is walking in the rain with tae kwon do at a close second."

"And what's your reason for becoming a breaker?"


"What's your reason? You all had to have had some reason or motivation for taking this path or you never would have made it."

"Well..." she looked up thoughtfully. "I suppose it would probably be so I can help the weak, I've seen too many people suffer at the claws of the strong and I want to put a stop to it."

"A noble cause. Now you." He nodded at the squirrel next to Bash. His fur was gold but he had it dyed in blue stripes going across his arms and legs. His ears were weighed down by the many rings he had on them. Jewelry hung from every part of his body, wrists, paws, neck, even his belt buckle was silver. His hair was a lighter shade of gold and he wore a denim jacket and long shorts that hung past his knees.

"I'm Erit and I'm the best lightning breaker there is. My favorite thing is food, couldn't live without it. I love eatin', had a big meal before I came here." It sure didn't look like it, he was lean. "My reason for becoming a breaker is so that I could prove to everyone that I'm the best."

Damn, that was a good one. Bash wished he had gone before the squirrel, because he honestly had no idea what his motivation was. "Okay, now you." He pointed at the silver wolf on Bash's other side.

The wolf turned and looked at the hare, staring at him with piercing golden eyes. "My name is Gene. I have no likes or dislikes in particular but if I had to name one of each, they would be winning, and slackers. I became a breaker because it was the means to an end."

The hare frowned. "And you, the late one."

"I'm Bash, my favorite thing would probably between using my powers to overcome anything, and the smell of onion grass. My least favorite thing has to be people who give up because they may have failed before or they think it's impossible, and I guess you could say my goal is to show everyone that anything is possible." It had suddenly come to him while he was talking and he wondered if it was like that for the others, Avale and Erit, that is.

"My name is Baxter, and I was a commander in the military, where I used my powers to help end the Varian war. I'm a light breaker, which is rare so I'll be teaching you my skills, which should give you a leg up on the competition. My favorite thing is boxing, that's my best fighting skill without using my powers. And I became a breaker because there was someone special to me that I had to protect."

His partner, the beautiful hare with brown fur and dark blue hair smiled at them. She had a few tattoos, one on her bosom, a bolt of lightning going down her left breast, cut off by her shirt and Bash couldn't help wondering how far it went down. She had two silver earrings and long slender ears. She, like Avale wore jeans, these boot-cut, though she wore no shoes. "My name is Ayana. I'm a figure breaker, another rare talent and my favorite things are those who want to learn. I became a breaker so I could master my abilities, no more and no less."

"Lesson number one, or two for those of you who showed up late, team work. You'll never be able to beat an enemy if you can't work together." Baxter said. "Your first task is to beat Ayana and I and get this." He held up a silver ring, then put it on.

"What?" Bash asked.

"Beat us. Doesn't get much simpler than that. And don't hold back because we won't be going easy on you either, but feel free to use your powers. You have until midnight. The test starts... now."

Baxter was at them before they knew it, grabbing Avale by her tail and flinging her away without warning. Instinctively, Bash attacked, kicking the hare but instead of knocking him to the ground, his leg passed straight through. "Huh?" Baxter was behind him before he knew it and suddenly he felt something tap his back just above his kidneys. "Thought you weren't gonna go easy on us?" He said, elbowing the illusion in the face. Suddenly there was a terrible pain inside of him right where Baxter's fist had tapped. Spit flew out of his mouth and he doubled over in pain.

"Hey, are you okay?" Erit asked and suddenly he was sent flying when Ayame kicked him out of the picture.

Gene had hopped away so he could get a better view of the two opponents suddenly there were two of him and both had begun rushing at the others.

"So he's a copy breaker," Baxter said. "That'll make this interesting." Ayana quickly dealt with the illusion and the real Gene, taking care of both with karate chops.

Bash had gotten up while the two were unaware and was behind Baxter, but his plans were halted when Ayana knocked him away with an open paw to his chest. He was high in the air, when suddenly Avale snatched him out of the air.


"Don't worry about it, we're partners, right?" She smiled and he returned it with a grin.

"Right." She landed on a branch in the woods but close enough that they could still see the two in the clearing. Suddenly Erit appeared next to them. Avale jumped, surprised, but Bash wasn't.

"I'm going down there. Erit, can you watch my back?"

"No problem, no one can keep up with me."

"Avale, watch them, I'm pretty sure they'll beat us out there, but we need to know how so we can find any weaknesses in their strategy. Stay hidden, I don't want them to catch on." Bash took a step forward, landing on the ground twenty feet below.

"Who is he?" Avale mused. Bash was so laid back but he had already taken control of the situation.

"I like him." Erit grinned. "He's pretty cool. Not as cool as me, but close."

"Hey, I'm ready for round two." Bash said, cracking his knuckles.

"So you were always that good at making friends, huh?" Song asked in the present, bringing Bash out of his memories. "Was Ayana really that pretty?"

"Yeah, and she was a little older than Baxter, probably about twenty-two or twenty-one, bout your age." Song just smiled. "But she wasn't the only one I liked. Avale... well, what I did to her wasn't right, it wasn't right what I did to any of them." He sighed. "Anyway..."

The coyote stood at the edge of the clearing, a smirk on his face. "You're gonna have to do better than that if you want to get rid of me." He darted at them, his paws aflame. He shot both flames at the ground, sending himself high in the air, then flew down, trying to axe kick Baxter with a flaming footpaw. The commander easily dodged, stepping to the side, but as soon as Bash's footpaw came in contact with the ground, a ring of flames spread out from it, burning the grass around them and surrounding them ring of fire.

"Good, but that won't work when you're by yourself. You need help." Baxter said.

"Just what I was gonna say, flame sword!" He said and suddenly a blade made of fire was in his paw. Then, instead of slashing Baxter in two, he put it in the ground. "Explosion!" The ground around him, including what Baxter stood on exploded, blowing both of his opponents away and covering the area in smoke. Suddenly he realized Ayana was still behind him.

The attack came swift and hard. "Ow." Bash's head dropped and his ears turned pink as she kicked him in his butt. "Oww..." A second attack came when she put his arms behind his back, grabbed him by his ears and slammed the back of his head to the ground, sitting on his chest and effectively pinning him there.

"What were you saying?" Ayana said, smiling down at him.

Suddenly a blur tackled her, yelling, "Gerroff of him." It was Erit. Bash leapt to his footpaws to only be grabbed by a singed Baxter, his arm twisted, and thrown over to the side like a rag doll.

Erit had sprung free of Ayana but then a pair of paws reached up from underground and pulled him down up to his neck. "Hey!"

Suddenly Gene was up, his paws ablaze. Ayana dodged his every attack, hopping away. "Hey, help me out of here." Erit said but Gene ignored him, continuing his attack on Ayana.

"That Gene guy sounds like a real jerk." Song said.

"Yeah, he was but he was strong, stronger than I was." He laughed, "Might even be stronger than I am now. He was a copy breaker, someone who can learn any type of breaking techniques and use it. The only limitations are that of their body, when you do another type of breaking, it breaks your body, tears it down, so when he would do different breaking skills, it would hurt him the longer he kept it up without resting, the worse damage it would do to his body. They're some of the rarest breakers. I've only met two. You'll notice a lot of the abilities breakers have come at a price."

"And where was Avale during all this? She doesn't seem like much of a friend either."

"She was watching and waiting. If it wasn't for her we may not have ever passed that test."

The full moon was high in the sky and they still hadn't beaten the two. Gene lay over to the side, bruised and beaten, he couldn't move a finger, let alone fight. Bash was drained too, lying just a short distance from Ayana and Baxter. Few scratches had been added to the pair so they sat relatively untouched.

Bash may have been down but he wasn't out. While the pair may have thought he was unconscious he was just the opposite, Avale using her power to control sound to whisper in his ear from the woods.

"Remember how they knocked Erit in the water? Well, he's still there. He's waiting for me to give the signal and he'll jump out of the water and attack. Baxter's clones, water goes straight through them so only the real one will get wet. Then-"

"He'll use a lightning bolt." Bash whispered.

"Exactly. They've pretty much let their guard down for you two, they're waiting for me. I'll go in the air, and on my signal, we'll attack. "Just be ready..."


"Are you sure you're okay?"

"'Course, why?"

"You were out there fighting harder than the both of them, Erit and Gene, that is. From what I've seen, you should be as useless as Gene right now. I know if I used my power that much I would be."

"Don't fault him, he has it tougher than me."

"I'm not saying that because he's so exhausted he can't move, I'm saying that because he's a jerk! There were a dozen times he could've helped you guys and we could've been done with this. Sorry if I sound whiny but I haven't eaten in like ten hours."

"I know how you feel." He whispered, his stomach rumbling.

"Okay, it's eleven forty-five, we have to do this now, we won't have another shot."

The dragoness soared high in the air, finally leaving her perch. "Now!" She said, diving for Ayana, the hare locked in her sights. Erit leapt out of the water and the second he did so, several Baxters surrounded him. Quickly, he kicked water at the hares the illusions disappearing and the real one revealed for who he was. Without hesitation, a bolt of lightning jumped from the squirrel's paw to the hare, electrocuting him and knocking him to the ground.

Ayana prepared to go to the aid of her ally, surprised by Erit's ingenuity but suddenly her arms were pinned behind her by Bash. "Gotcha." He said, hopping away as Avale crashed into her like a bullet.

"Got it!" Erit yelled, hopping to his footpaws, grinning. He held the silver ring in his paw, dancing around in joy.

"Sweet." Bash said. "Looks like we beat you." He said to Baxter, who had gotten up and was now brushing dirt off himself. Avale got off of Ayana, who she had pinned to the ground, allowing the hare to rise.

"No, you didn't. You haven't learned anything, or not as a group. On your own, you're fairly capable fighters, but there are so many out there who are stronger, better fighters. You hardly worked as a group, look at Gene, you didn't use him at all. Your strategy was to wait it out and learn, but in a real fight, your enemies won't hesitate to kill you."

Bash's shoulders sagged, he had thought they would be happy, but instead they were angry. "You did well, all of you." Ayana said as Bash went over and picked up Gene, resting the wolf on his shoulder.

"Let's go."

"What?" That was it? All he did was tell you about how you messed up? That Baxter sounds like a jerk too." Song said.

"He wasn't, really. He taught me a lot, how to be strong, and I wish I could thank him. I probably won't be seeing any of them ever again." He sighed. "So how far is it to Lunaval?" The sun was just setting, coating the wastelands with red light.

"I've never been there, not this way, but from what I've seen on maps it's about a week away."

"Damn." He sat down suddenly, creating a fire before him. "This's gonna take forever."

"We could always turn back, go back to town and get a car?"

"No, they'll be there waiting for us now. They probably already know you're with me too. Fortunately, we covered a lot of ground today. Speaking of, how'd you keep up so well. Most furres don't do this kind of walking on a daily basis."

She smiled, lying through her teeth. "Oh, you know, healthy diet and exercise."

"I see that it worked." He said, putting his arm around her when she sat next to him. She snuggled close to him as the wind began to blow. Even though it was much warmer now, as the sun had set the temperature had dropped dramatically and the harsh winds of the wastelands chilled to the bone.

Song pressed close, trying to give as much warmth as she could to the coyote and before she knew it, she had fallen asleep.

The vixen woke up to feel a wonderful sensation, Bash teasing her neck with his tongue, sucking on her neck, and massaging it. "Ohh," she moaned, "Don't stop." He lightly drummed on her neck with his paws, relaxing her and turning her on at the same time.

"I have to," He whispered into her ear. He gave her one last nibble on her neck before rising. "Let's get moving."

She rubbed sleep out of her eyes, yawning. "That was amazing!"

"Yeah, unlike sex, I have a lot of experience with that. I learned a lot of techniques for pleasing someone, and if you let me, I'll show you once we get a chance to rest. We'll probably have a chance once we reach Lunaval." He didn't know what was getting into him, he felt so frisky around her.

She smiled at the thought. "And I'll show you a few of my tricks."

"Then let's hurry."

Again they ate on the move and things were uneventful until about noon when suddenly Bash stopped. "D' you hear that?"

"What do you mean? I don't hear anything. You sure you're not just hearing things?" He stayed still, turning around. Suddenly he held out his arm, his thumb stuck out, looking for all the world like a hitch-hiker.

Then she heard it too, a low rumble approaching them, fast. She turned around and saw a speck on the horizon, quickly growing larger. Suddenly she realized what the sound was. It was the roar of an engine of some type of motorcycle. It was at them before they knew it, kicking up a cloud of dust that enveloped them.

The dust cleared, revealing a long Harley Davidson. Sitting on it was a female cat. She wore a leather jacket and jeans, the part of the biker chick completely portrayed with the black helmet with holes allowing her pierced ears to stick out.

"Goin' our way?" Bash asked.

"D'pends, where are you goin'?"


"Get on." She tossed Song a spare helmet, the vixen quickly putting it on. She looked at the bike nervously, she always had a fear of falling off a motorcycle, and this one looked more dangerous than a regular one, with thick, treaded tires so it would easily go across the rough terrain, the frame of the bike sitting a little higher than normal.

Song got on first, sitting behind the calico, and Bash getting on last, riding precariously on the edge of the seat. "Hold on." The biker cat said and they took off without further warning.

Song held on tight, probably too tight, grabbing the cat's breasts, startled by their sudden take-off. She pressed against the driver, hoping she wouldn't fall. "You okay?" Bash asked, having to yell over the roar of the engine. He was laid back about the whole thing, happy to get a ride.

She nodded, though she was still tense, released her hold on the cat's bosom, and tried to relax. Time flew quickly as they rode on the bike and after a while she got used to the roaring motor and began to enjoy the ride.

They stopped when it got to the point of being so dark riding would be hazardous. Song hopped off without hesitation, stretching. They had been on the bike so long her joints were stiff as boards. It felt good to be standing up and walking again. Bash had hopped off too, cracking his paws and his neck and yawning. "Man that feels good!" He said.

"I could make you feel better." The calico said, stroking his neck. She was shorter than the coyote, her ears level with his shoulders and quite pretty. Her hair was long and brown, matching her eyes perfectly. "It's been too long Bash."

Who is the mysterious calico and how does she know Bash? What did Ayana do to betray Bash? Why was there no yiff in this chapter? All these questions will be answered in the next chapter. And yes, it'll have hot, spoogey, yiff too. Mmmmmm : P