Feline Love in Middle School

Story by Born To Die on SoFurry

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Feline Love in School

Ch: 1 Unexpected first.

By: Born to Die (dirty basterd)

When I was 15 I met a girl that was a little different than what my father had expected. I guess my pop was just proud that I was getting laid.

My name is Eros, and I grew up military town. My pop was a colonel in the army, and a real mans man.

It was a small base and our school only facilitated about 150 students. I had a few friends in my class who would come over to my house, as I had a pretty good set up for video games.

Our teacher was a veteran who used to yell a lot. And there was one girl in our class that every one hated. I she was a mix between a lynx and a mountain lion. Her name was Sasha and she was just about full grown. She was the only feline in our school and the only non-anthro in our grade, so, for obvious reasons, she never really fit in.

The whole school had family in the military, and there was never much use for someone who didn't have hands. I don't know what her father did there.

Every one was afraid of her because she was so un-predictable. She would often pounce on people when she knew they weren't paying attention. I don't think she did that to be mean, it was just her way of playing, but people would get very angry with her. They would say mean things, and I don't think she really understood why.

Some times she would get too excited and she would bite people. Not hard, But her teeth were like razor blades, and sometimes she would draw blood. When she did that, the teacher would make her sit outside for a long time until she calmed down.

The teacher said she was envious of our opposable thumbs, and all Non-humans go through that stage in there teens. She said that we should understand that it's not her fault. But kids are cruel, and they picked on her anyway.

I never really talked to her that much until one Friday afternoon after school. My buddy Dan and I were walking to the beer store.

We were talking about our day at school and he just happened to bring her up. She ate a big bug in the yard at recess and grossed everyone out. He said that the school should just stick her in the basement to keep the mouse problem down.

I just said that that's one thing she'd be good at, when all of a sudden I grey blur came out of no where and hit me. It knocked the wind out of me, and as I went down my head hit the curb. I was out cold.

A few seconds later I came to, and Dan was yelling at Sasha. When he noticed that I was moving, he started to help me up. Sasha's eye's filled up with tears, and she took of into the bushes.

Dan shined his pen light in my eyes to see if they would dilate.

"Stop that," I said, as I brushed him off.

I felt fine, but he insisted I get myself checked out. I went to a clinic down the street, and the whole way there, Dan was stewing about Sasha. How dumb she was, and how she was totally out of control. But I just felt bad; I was worried that she heard what we were saying about her.

When we got to the clinic I told the doctor I fell down some stairs. He just told me to take it easy. Dan left, and I went home to lie down.

I woke up at about ten o'clock. I knew I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep so I took a walk down to the park to see if Dan was there.

I was walking down Metcalf Street when I sensed that I was being followed. I knew it had to be Sasha again, and I decided that she was not going to get the better of me twice in one day.

Without looking back I casually turned the corner on to Elgin Street. The corner of an apartment was right there, so I was able to stay hidden, and wait for Sasha to catch up with me.

As soon as she emerged from around the corner I pounced on top of her, taking her completely by surprise. She was much stronger than I was, but she seemed to offer no resistance at all. She just lay there looking up at me. I didn't know what to expect next, she didn't make a move, and I found it very difficult to read an expression on her face.

I couldn't help but notice how soft she was. I had never touched her before, and her fur was like silk. I also noticed that she was as solid as a rock under that fur. She could probably break me in half so I just slowly brought myself back up, to my knees, and we stared at each other for what seemed like a long time.

"I'm really sorry about earlier today," She said, breaking the silence. "I didn't mean to push you so hard."

"Why did you pounce on me in the first place," I argued.

"I don't know," Sasha said under her breath.

I felt sorry for her, because even though I couldn't see expression on her face, I felt that she really was sincere. That she was trying to be more like us. I don't remember her ever apologizing on her own free will before.

I just sat down on the curb next to her. I thought it would be better if we talked eye to eye.

"It's ok," I said as I staring at the ash fault. "I'll live."

She gave me a little lick on the side of my head, which made me back away a little in shock.

"I think were just very different." I said after a moment.

I asked her what it was like where she came from. What her old school was like. We talked for a long time. I found she was a lot smarter than people gave her credit for.

I had never paid attention to what a good looking cat she was.

It was getting late however and I tried to break of our conversation, by telling her we could talk more on Monday.

"It's really late," I said "I think I'm going to go home and go to bed."

"Oh." She said, but as I turned to walk away she started following me.

I began to walk a little slower, and I looked back.

"Um, can we talk at your house?" She said.

"Sasha..." I began.

"Please," she said. "There's something I really need to tell you."

I took my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time. It was almost one o-clock, but I didn't feel that tiered anyway, so I agreed, and we made are way back to my house.

When we got there, we went around to the back to get in, because I didn't want to wake my father. I had a big back yard, about 4 acres, with lots of trees and thick bush.

I stopped because I noticed Sasha wasn't behind me anymore. I guess this was one of the few places in town she hadn't been before, because she had to check out every rock and tree, sniff out anything that was hiding back there. After about 10 minutes I was starting to get irritated. I was about to give up on her and just go to bed when she just trotted out of the darkness, looking into my eyes. I sat down on the first stair of my big deck. The kitchen light was left on, and shining through the sliding door, it was just enough light to see her figure clearly. She sniffed my hand before she sat down and addressed me.

"So what did you need to tell me Sasha?"

She seemed really nervous. I could tell she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I must be in heat," She said. "This past week, I just feel so alone. You were always nice to me, and um, I guess I pounced on you today because I just wanted your attention. There's no cats here I can talk to, and I can't talk to my parents about this."

She paused for a second to think of what to say next.

"I just saw your eyes today, and I smelled you, and you've always been nice to me and..."

I stopped her there.

"Wait, wait. I don't understand what you're saying"

"I'm in heat; last time I just stayed home sick, but this time I think its worse."

"Ok." I said. "What's that?"

Now she was really at a loss for words. She looked around, and then she just blurted it out.

"I need to have sex, I want you inside me, and I want you to be my first."

Then she put her paw on my thigh, looked into my eyes, and started to climb on top of me.

She caught me completely of guard. I didn't know what to do. I just put my hands on her chest to stop her advance.

She could have easily fought my resistance, but she just stopped.

"I know this must be strange for you, it's strange for me to." She said softly. "Please just help me;

I can make it feel very good for you I think. And I won't tell anyone."

I stayed in that position for a long time, not sure what to do next. I was still in shock, and I pushed her back a little so I could think.

She was a beautiful cat, so soft and warm. I just never thought of her that way... at all. Her smell was doing something to me however. I never thought my first time would be anything like this, but I couldn't tell her to go away. She tilted her head down and backed away a little.

"I'm so stupid," She said as she began to turn around. "I'm Sorry."

"Wait," I said.

Her eyes brightened up.

"We should probably go to my bedroom." I said in a low shaky voice.

I told her to be very quiet, as she followed me into the kitchen. I turned off the lights off, and we padded our way up the stairs. We slid into my bedroom, and I locked the door.

I was so nervous I started to sweat. She was starting to breath heavier as I sat on the bed. She sniffed me all over, taking her time to sniff my crotch area.

My heart was racing, my palms were starting to get really clammy, and I was getting hard.

I shyly asked, "What now?"

I knew taking off my pants was probably important, but I guess I was insecure, and I wanted to hear it from her.

At this point she was no longer shy, and she just told me to take off all my cloths.

I nervously struggled with the button on my pants, and began to slide them down.

Sasha noticed the concentration on my face, and giggled a little. Everything was happening so fast, and I was so nervous. I was about to lift up my shirt before I realized that it was the only thing hiding my modesty. I was very hard now, and pre cum was starting to show through my boxers.

When she saw me hesitate, she jumped up with lightning speed, slid her nose under the bottom front of my shirt, slid her head up through the lose neck hole, and came face to face with me. Then she started licking my face, while I was helpless to get way. All I could do was laugh, and move my head back and forth to try and avoid her relentless tongue. When I started to laugh, I loosened up a bit.

She started to laugh. She could feel my hardness poking against her, and she let me pull up my shirt up and take it off.

She was so soft against my naked body. I started to rub up and down her soft sides, up to her neck and back to her haunches and bum.

I was dizzy with excitement. I felt so vulnerable like this, but it also felt natural.

She let me shimmy up the bed a little, and she backed down to study my sizable erection. I just stopped and looked down to see what she would do next.

After sniffing the area up and down her gave it a lick right on the wet spot at the tip of my cock. I let out a gasp, and she licked it again. It felt like sparks were hitting my penis, and I fell into a trance. She started licking all over my thighs and around my bulge so much that my boxers were starting to get wet. It felt so good, that there was no room for shyness anymore. I slid my boxers' right down, and she started right back with the licks. I gasped a little too loudly when her rough tongue touched my naked shaft. Right away my body tensed up, and I could no longer sit still.

She licked every inch of my private area up and down, every once and while, licking the tip of my cock to clean away any pre-cum that leaked out. She licked all around the inside of my thighs, and my balls from the taint, to the base of my cock, like she was grooming me or something. I didn't care why; I just didn't want her to stop. I didn't know what I was supposed to do for her so I just rubbed her soft head as she was working.

She stopped and looked into my eyes. Then she licked her chops as she padded onto me. She came face to face with me again. I just smiled at her.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yah." Was all I was able to mutter while breathing heavily.

I instinctively pointed my cock straight up with one hand, and put my other hand on her rear.

She looked down in between us, and with delicate concentration, she maneuvered her vagina into position, and lowered herself down. My penis hit the wet spot, and she began panting hard.

She was so hot and wet, and tight, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to slide into her she was so tight. A bead of warm feline wetness dribbled down my cock and onto the mattress. And with steadfast determination, she started to push.

It was difficult for me because I had to make my cock as hard as I could get it to get inside her.

I'm sure it was even harder for her because she had never been penetrated before.

An inch of my cock had made its way inside, and now I was able to put both my hands on her bum. She was panting very hard now, and finding it difficult not to yell out. I wanted to pull her down onto me, but I didn't want to hurt her. She began bouncing up and down a half an inch, swallowing a little more of my cock each bounce. I wanted to kiss her, so I grabbed her neck and touched my lips on her muzzle. She was shocked at first, but she's seen humans do that before, and, at this point, she was ready to let me do anything. After a minute she was about half way onto my cock and bouncing up and down about 3 inches. Her whole body moved like a wave, of feline grace.

I was starting to sweat and pant hard as waves of pleasure rushed over me. I brought her muzzle to my lips again, and this time I put my tongue in her mouth, and moved it around. She pulled away at first, but then she began to enjoy it.

She got the idea, and started wrapping her tongue around my mouth as well. She began to pump faster, and I felt enough pressure release in her vagina that I could pull her down, forcing her swallow my entire length. When I did that she bit down on my lip softy and moaned.

I could feel more wetness leak out of her. It beaded down my balls, and made a puddle on the mattress. She stuck her tongue back into my mouth and started rutting onto me again. This time she would swallow my cock right down to the root, and pull back until I was almost out of her. She was working very hard now, banging our pelvises together. I could feel every muscle in her tense up, and I wondered how she was not getting tired. I could feel myself getting close, and my balls were getting sore from her banging against me. She broke our kiss and rested her razor sharp teeth on my shoulder, like she was going to bite me, but she didn't apply any pressure. I couldn't hold on any more any I held her as tightly as I could right before I started to ejaculate. I felt like I was filling her up, I don't think I've ever cummed that hard before. I know she felt it to because she took a deep breath in shock, and then relaxed a little. She bit down on my collar bone harder, and started panting again hard as she had another orgasm.

I just held her close as I squirted again and again in unison with my heart rate. A few seconds later, I had nothing left for her and I just relaxed. I could feel our combined fluids running down in between my legs, and making a mess of the bed. Her smell now was very powerful. I was very hot now under her heavy warm body, but I just wanted to stay like and fall asleep. She didn't move either, she just laid her head on my chest, and we both started to doze off. A few minutes later, my penis became soft and I slipped out her. She rolled onto her side and we both fell asleep.