A Gamers Dream pt. 4 - Expansion Pack

Story by Kazu The Bunny on SoFurry

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#4 of A Gamers Dream

_ I've been gone for a while. Like...a long fucking time. I'd forgotten about my account here until I remembered my old story. When I reread it, along with Cabin Break by Ghosty, and The Little Harem by Lemniscate, it really got me back in the mood to write. So here we have the continuation of A Gamers Dream. I hope you guys enjoy it. I know my writing may be a bit crappy since its been a while, so if you have any advice, feedback, insight, ANYTHING. please let me know. Its ALL appreciated. Oh, and if Ghosty is reading this...HI! I wanna say Cabin Break was one of my reasons for making an account and stories on here when I was younger. I never finished it then, but when I came back I hunted that story down and read up to your last chapter. BOTH THE REMAKE AND THE ORIGINAL! I love your work Ghosty! Okay, I'm done. Enjoy the chapter. >.> _

Music. This walk was gonna need music. I reached into my pocket for my phone and ear buds as I took the first few steps off my porch. As I turned on my tunes I sighed and took a breath. Kinta was gonna use this video against me, I just knew it. I wanted to believe the words Sasha said, but I knew my brother. I opened the gate at the end of the walkway and took off to Matts house.

The thoughts of what happened floated in my head, along with a few questions. 'Why is Dante ok with me having sex with Sasha? Once was one thing as well, but he KNEW I'd do it again and was ok with that too?' I was lost on it all, but it didn't stop my thoughts of what happened between her and I. Her moans were still fresh in my ears. The feeling of her curves and fur still in my hand. I shook the thoughts and looked up. I was at Matts in no time flat.

When I knocked on the door I was greeted by Matts mom shortly after. She smiled as she moved back and opened the door wider for me to enter. "Hello there Dante."

"Hi miss Anders, how're you today?" As I walked in she bopped me on the head lightly and closed the door.

"Come now Dante, you've been friends with my son since you were a little cub. You don't need to be so formal with me." I gave a small laugh and scratched my head.

"Its just force of habit. I'm sorry momma." She gave a warm smile at hearing that.

"That's better." She walked over to the living room and nodded in the direction of the stairs as she grabbed her purse.

"If your looking for Matthew he's in his room. He hasn't bothered to come out of there yet, but his sound system is on, so I'm sure he's awake." She walked to the door and reopened it, grabbing her keys in the process.

"Tell him I have to stop in at work to check on some things, I'll be back in a bit. You boys behave."

I gave her a thumbs up and climbed the stairs as I heard the door close. Matt may as well have owned this place. His mom was always away, leaving the house in his care while she was gone.

When I got to the top stair I could hear the music coming from Matts room. Dubstep. There was no way in hell he was gonna hear me knocking. I walked over to his bedroom door and noticed it was slightly ajar. I smiled as I slowly began to reach for the knob and push the door open. As I did I could hear the song that was on the radio fading out, signifying its end.

'Damn,' I thought. 'There goes my plan to scare the fuck out of him.' I scrapped the plan and went to the open the door, but stopped when I heard, what I thought was panting. I pulled my paw away from the knob and decided to peer inside.

Inside Matt was on his bed; clad in only a t-shirt that he had halfway pulled up, with his eyes closed as he stroked himself. I watched as he worked himself from the base of his hard cock to the tip, loosening his grip only to tease his barbed head. The song that began was a much softer one, so I could hear as he panted and moaned. He was really into it, his hips occasionally bucking upward into his moving paw. I began to blush as I realized I was intently watching my BEST friend jerk off. Oddly enough, it was having an effect on me as well. I could feel my own cock stiffening in my shorts.

'I should go. Or...at least knock and act like I just got here...something Dante.' I stood upright from my peering position and lifted my paw to knock on the door, but just as I was about to...

"D-...Dante...harder, that's it. Fuck..." I stopped in my tracks. No way he just called my name. I looked back inside and could see he now was using his other paw to gently fondle his fairly large testicles. His moans and pants quickened as he stroked faster, his paw a blur.

"Dante...I'm gonna cum for you...I'm cumming!" One rope. Two. Another. All spurting from his twitching tip and landing across his lower stomach and t-shirt. His eyes were clenched shut now, as his paw gripped his need tightly. I could see his hips lifting off the bed as each wave of orgasmic pleasure coursed through him. Fuck. He was calling out my name. I turned around held my head as I tried to register what the hell had happened.

'How long has this been going on? Why me of all people?' I was confused as all hell about this, but...a part of me felt flatterd.

"Ho-...how long have you been here?" I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around to face the door and was face to face with a blushing Matthew. He looked at me and then down to the floor, his ears flat as he spoke again. "You heard me...didn't you?" I stared, regaining my composure and admitted it.

"Yeah. I uh...I heard. And saw." Matt looked up at me, his expression changing from shock to anger to sadness. "Dante I'm...I'm sorry." Tears began to fall as he began to shake lightly. "I'm so fucking sorry. I know your not like that, and you shouldn't have saw th-." I walked over and gave him a long hug, cutting him off. I didn't care what the hell happened. I wasn't one to see my best friend in pain.

"Dude...shut the hell up." I muttered. I could feel him chuckle and hug me back. As he did I could feel his body shake a little more, and the sounds of crying filled the hallway.

"Dante, what's wrong with me? You're my best friend, I shouldn't be pawing off to you. I'm not gay, I mean...I still like women, but when I think of you sometimes I get hard and my heart races. Your the only one this happens with too!" I pulled back as he continued rambling. He was distraught and I could tell it was only gonna get worst. I had to calm him down some so we could talk this through.

"Fucking hell man, maybe I should talk to someone about this...maybe the counselor at school when we get back from summer vactio-" I don't think he was expecting that. Hell, I wasn't expecting myself to do it either. It was kind of impulse, but as he talked, I pressed my lips against his, kissing him deeply. I could feel the panic increase tenfold, but quickly fade into nothing. His eyes closed as he kissed back lightly, he moved his paws to wrap them around me, but stopped, opting to leave them at his sides. I reached down to place them on my waist as he seemed to quickly melt into pleasure once more. He gave a light moan as I pulled back slowly seeming to miss the action already. Though it seemed slow to me, we were only kissing for a few minutes. He opened his eyes slowly, as a smile crept across his face.

"W-whoa." He muttered.

"Are you calm now?" He shook his head slowly. "Good, now let's just...talk about this okay? I'll be back up in a minute. I'm gonna grab us some sodas." I went to turn to the stairs and felt something brush against my shorts. I looked down and then back up to his face. "And please...put...put some damn pants on."

We sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity. I would catch him stealing glances at me and then look away, as if he were a scolded child. I shook my head at the fifteen minute mark and walked over to the sound system and connected my phone to play some of my stations on Pandora. After turning on some tunes and lowering the volume I sat down on a bean bag chair next to his dresser. I let out an 'Oof' as I descended into the beany goodness and smiled as I saw that I drew a chuckle from him.

"Okay, Matty. let's talk." His chuckle faded as he sat up on his bed and looked to me, his paws together in his lap. He was silent for a moment, as if contemplating where to start.

"What do you want to know?"

"Everything Matt." He shifted his gaze to the floor and sighed. Another moment of silence.

"This started the week before school ended. I remember us ditching class and relaxing in the old stairwell..."

Matt laughed hard as his tail swished along the stairs he sat on, His voice echoing down the bottom floor of the stairwell. As he sat in hysterics, Dante shook his head, letting his hair hit the window him behind as he adjusted his butt on the sill.

"Man you oughtta be lucky they don't use these stairs often. I'm sure with your damn laugh, we'd have been caught." Matt composed himself to a mere chuckle as he shrugged his shoulders.

"And? Dude, it's the end of the year! Grades are basically IN! And not to toot OUR own horn...but we're fucking smart. We don't need that "Last minute grade boosting" BS. The most they could do to us is give us detention, IF they even do that!" It was kind of true. Dante and Matt weren't trouble makers either. The only time they ended up in the principles office was when they were told to head home early due to family reasons. That or when they had to deal with...

"Well well well...I think I just found the meetup spot boys." Dante snapped out of his thoughts. He looked to the bottom of the stairs to see a large burly bear with a skinny monkey and average looking lion.

"Fuck." muttered Dante. He thought he had heard the door earlier, but paid it no mind. "What's up Bryan?"

He climbed the steps with his _ posse _and looked over the two boys. Bryan was always bad news. He was the bane of a lot of kids high school existence. Those that took him on ended up with more than a few lumps and bruises. Those who chose to bow to his bullying were left without some of their valuables and money. One kid used his laptop in class to take notes. Needless to say a week later he was taking notes on paper; angry and minus a laptop. He had his targets in his palm. No one even dared tell faculty, fearing the repercussions. Sadly Dante and Matt were both very regular targets for his bullying, though they knew how to avoid the bear, and both knew better than to come to the school with anything valuable other than their cell phones. Even THOSE were kept in their lockers just in case.

"You boys should know better than to skip class like this. Wouldn't wanna sully those nice looking grades would we?" His friends chuckled behind him as he smirked.

"Just goes to show you how much you go to class there Bryan." Matt started. "Grades are basically in."

Bryan shook his head in amusement. "BASICALLY in and IN are two different fucking things. Fucking moron. Thank god I didn't force YOU to do those grade booster sheets. I'd probably fucking fail."

"You probably still wil-"

"What can we do for you Bryan?" Dante interjected. He didn't want any trouble today. It was too close to the end of the year for him. Bryan turned to the wolf, his wide chest stretching out the tight black short sleeve shirt he wore.

"The boys and I were getting hungry. We're think about hitting up the Shake Shack and getting a few burgers." Dante knew where this was going.

"Oh? Are you inviting us to dine with you guys? I feel so flattered." Dante smiled up at the bear who gave one back. However, before the wolf could see how he got there, the bear had lifted him up by his shirt and pulled him in close. Dante felt a bit of panic. As the Bear bared his teeth Matt rose to his feet, though was quickly pushed back to the steps by the other lion. He looked up to him and tried to get up again, only for the monkey to walk over and place his foot on his chest and hold it there, forcing him to stay in his place.

"I get it now. You want to know if we have money, right?" Dante strained out. The bear slowly raised his other hand and place it outward, expecting the wolf to give up his cash.

"Sorry bro, but Matt and I don't keep money on us. We're just some poor old students. Free lunches and all." The bear huffed and slammed Dante's back into the wall, knocking the wind out of him.

"Bullshit." He snarled. "I know you two have something on you."

"I'm telling you we don't have shit on us!"

"MASTER! YOU HAVE A MESSAGE!" The stairwell went dead silent as the female Japanese voice rang out. It was quiet after that; the only noise being the hum of something vibrating.

"Fuck..." Matt muttered.

"C'MON MATT! YOU SAID YOU LEFT IT IN THE LOCKER!" Dante yelled. The bear dropped Dante to the ground and turned to face Matt. As he walked over to the lion his cohort removed his foot from him. The bear extended his hand. And gave the lion a deathly stare. "Phone. Now."

"N-no...I just got this phone recentl-"

"GIVE ME THE PHONE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" His voice roared through the stairwell as his paw pulled back into a fist. Matt was hit hard across the jaw, the sound of the punch resonating loudly. Dante rose to his feet and went to lunge at the bear who's back was turned from him, but the monkey was too quick, getting behind him and holding him back.

"Give me the fucking phone before you end up a fucking bloody pulp AND phoneless." The bear was clenching his other fist now, ready to land another blow if need be.

"No...I won't let you take my ph- GUH!" Another punch, this time to his stomach.

"Fuck this." The bear reached down for the boy and held him by the neck, choking him as he used his other hand to check the Lion over for the device.

"No! LET ME G-...!" Matt tried to scream, but Bryan simply tightened his grip on his throat, never deviating from his search. Dante could see his friend struggle. He could also seem him fighting for air. He couldn't take it anymore. He looked down and watched as the monkey swished his tail to and fro near the floor, his attention clearly more on the bear than his own situation. With a growl, Dante raised his foot and brought it down hard on the tail. The monkey screamed in pain and let him go, falling to the floor in agony. As soon as he was free he went for the other lion, landing a kick to his furred jewels, and bringing him to his knees as well. Without a moments hesitation he leaped onto the back of the large bear and wrapped his arms around his neck, squeezing tightly.

"Let Matt go you extra large FUCKER!" He leaned forward and bared his canines, sinking them into the bears left ear. Matt fell to the stairs as Bryan struggled to reach for the wolf. He howled in pain as he felt a bit of blood run down his head. He began to backpedal quickly, hoping to crush the wolf on his back against the wall. As he moved, Dante released his bite and jumped off the bear and out of the way of his move. He watched as he stepped on his friends tail once more and hit his head against the wall. Disoriented, the bear moved forward again, trying to get his bearings. He never saw the wolf move behind him again. He never heard the growl, but he felt when he was pushed. He saw the stairs. Moving. Drawing closer and closer to his face. THUD THUD THUD! Down the stairs the bear tumbled. When he stopped at the floor below Dante took a breath and ran over to Matt and took his hand.

"We gotta bail. Let's move!" He nodded and got up, running along with the wolf to the upper level and through the doors. Just as the doors closed to the stairwell, the bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. The boys slowed to a walk as the hallways crowded with students and chuckled to each other, knowing the big lug would have a hard time finding them in the large mass of kids, let alone move through them. For once the bully was the beaten one.

"Who the HELL messaged you?!" Dante asked. Matt reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, checking his notifications. "It...It was a notification from Clash of Clans..." "Matt....I'm gonna kill you."

Matt leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. He looked over to me and shrugged lightly.

"When the day ended and I went home, that moment replayed in my head over and over. You saved me. You faced off against the biggest fucking assholes in the school for me. You were my hero that day." He chuckled a bit and shook his head. "It's stupid I know, but...it meant a lot to have you step up for me. From that day on I saw you in this new light. You were kind, and sincere. You were devoted and passionate about everything you did. You knew how to make me smile, even when YOU felt like shit. Then...there were the times you would talk about yourself. How you saw yourself as ugly and unattractive. The more I looked you over, the more I saw the opposite. You were never fat; you were cuddle material. You have an amazing smile. A-"

"Stop stop Matt..." I was blushing entirely too hard. My heart thumped like a piston. "You're killing me man. I'm not all that great."

"You're partially right. You have your moments where you're an asshole. There are times where you piss me off. But it's what makes you you." His expression shifted once more as he began to let tears fall once more. "I'm fucking stupid. I shouldn't like you like this. It's wrong." He paused. Silence. I let everything process in my head. Matt was really crushing on me hard.

"There's nothing wrong with liking me like that bro." He slowly looked up to me. "I know your not gay. You like tits too much for that. Your just a little bi. And That's cool. Whatever your sexuality is cool. Hell it really JUST may be a ME thing." I was stumbling over this topic horribly.

"I guess what I'm saying is...I understand your situation. I don't know about more than us exploring though. Maybe time will tell." As I spoke I got up from the bean bag chair and chose a new playlist from my phone. I looked over to him to see his cheeks red and his eyes staring to the floor.

"You don't have to do that Dante. I'm...I'm fine. I'm sure this is just a phase for me."

I sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him. "I want to. Truth be told...I'm kind of curious as well." His eyes snapped over to my own in question.

"Details?" He asked. His normal voice was and demeanor was back. The Matty I knew. It was my turn to avert my eyes as I let my arm fall. "Well...you know the sites I check for...porn and stuff? Every so often I may see one that features hermaphrodites or crossdressing guys. Some...some of them looked really good...and I...I'd paw off to them." It was quiet for a moment, but before long Matt was on his back laughing hard.

"No shit?! Your not fucking with me?!" I shook my head at him. He wiped the tears from his face and composed himself before sitting back up with me.

"Thanks man. I appreciate you taking this as well as you are. I honestly thought I'd be losing my best friend." He stared at me briefly and looked down. I shook my head and brought his head back up with my paw. When his eyes were locked with my own I slowly moved closer. He followed suit, his eyes closing, and our lips met. I could feel his paw caressing my cheek as I deepened the kiss, drawing a light gasp from him. When we pulled away, I could see he was flustered. I was too at this point, but I didn't wanna push anything yet.

"Now that I think about it....what brings you over here today? Usually you text me when your on your way here."

"OH YEAH!" I jumped from the bed and turned to face him, my tail wagging excitedly behind me. "So...I got laid last night! The V card is no longer in my wallet!" Matt went wide eyed in shocked.

"There's no way in hell! You were here last night, and never picked up your damn phone. I know for a fact you don't have a girl. Stop trying to bullshit me man."

"I shit you not." I crossed my arms with a smirk. "My brothers new girlfriend is the owner of my V card."

He stared at me, silent; his maw slowly opening as what I said sunk in. "Your brothers girlfriend...took your virginity?" I nodded. "And how the hell did that happen?!"

"It was a shocker honestly. Long story short; I peeked in on my brother having sex, got scared and locked myself in the basement restroom. When he found out where I was he picked the lock and let his girlfriend in. We sat there for a bit talking and I kinda got caught staring at her. That led to us...fucking."

Matty was quiet, slack jawed as I ran down the details. I went as far as even telling him about today.

"Your brother is okay with you having sex with his girlfriend? He even congratulated you? Jesus man...I'm kind of jealous." I nudged his shoulder as our talk of my antics seems to go on forever. While we conversated I heard my alert on my phone go off. I got up and opened my lockscreen to check it and shook my head.

"Hey I have to leave. Kinta is leaving out and wants me to house sit." I reached over and chugged the rest of my soda and unplugged my phone from the sound system. I looked over to see Matt holding his head down. A part of me knew he didn't want me to go. We barely got into what happened today, but I knew it wouldn't be the end of it.

"Hey..." I spoke up. The lion looked up at me as I gave a smile. "Stop looking down. When I see you again we'll explore this thing you have for me." I raised a fist to him. He nodded as he raised his own to bump me before we walked downstairs together. When I walked onto the porch I could see Matt's mom pull into her driveway. Thank god we didn't do anything.

"Oh, I'm glad I remembered. Vergil messaged me earlier. He says you need to gear up for a match in a few days. There's a big tournament coming up in some new game." I sighed. This was gonna be another one of Vergil's pipe dreams. He gets the clan to spend money on some new game, that we play until the day of a tournament, that we don't know anything about, with some lame prize that we never get because we lose, and then we never play the game again. I crossed my arms and shook my head in frustration.

"What game is he trying to get us on now? We JUST started winning matches in MGO, Now he's trying to get us to learn something else?!" Matt shrugged.

"Its some game called The Last of Us. The story mode has people everywhere talking about how amazing it is, but apparently there's also a multiplayer mode. I was trying it out earlier before...well.." He blushed and trailed off. I had to hold back a chuckle. "Ne-Needless to say, it seems pretty good, but this isn't like MGO at all. We could be solo that entire game as long as we pulled our weight. This game demands we work together."

"Okay...consider me interested. What's in it for us? What's the tournament details?"

"I don't know honestly. Vergil never really gave them to me." As we spoke Ms. Anders climbed the stairs and gave me a smile as she kissed her son.

"About time you came out of that room? What were you doing all day?" Oh the shade of red on his face was pure gold when his mother asked him that. The stutters. The pauses. It was all so priceless.

"When I got to his room he was working on his joystick. I guess it was giving him a hard time or something." I spoke up, trying hard not keel over laughing. Matt covered his face in embarrassment as his mother shook her head and walked into the house. "You boys and your damn games." When she closed the door I burst into a fit of laughs, holding my chest as felt tears well up in my eyes. Gold I tell you. Matt punched me in the arm and huffed.

"Fucking ass. Go home wolf! I bought the game on my account, so log in start the download, and read up on how to play. There's some videos up online of gameplay as well. Study." I composed myself and agreed to do so, walking down his porch stairs as he opened the door to his house.

"Dante...?" I stopped and turned to look at him. He wore a big smile, a little red was still in his cheeks. "Thanks man."

"Don't make it gay dude..." He stood there silent for a moment before laughing himself this time and closing his door. I walked off his walkway and across the street towards home, shaking my head all the while. I had Sasha at home and now my best friend has a thing for me. It was like unlocking a new character. "Fucking Expansion Packs."