Feeling out of place: Chapter 8

Story by lonleyone on SoFurry

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#10 of "Feeling out of place"

WOO!!, not so sick anymore and i got my mojo back :D I'm very happy with this chapter and i think you guys will enjoy it alot. If i can get 2 chapters out this week i will be SO happy. Anyway thanks to everyone for all the support and i hope you enjoy it ^.^

That next day as I woke up and I felt that all my fears and insecurities had been lifted thanks to Steve. I wasn't afraid anymore, not afraid to say yes or no, not afraid to be who I wanted to be. I ate breakfast and called Roy to see if he wanted to spend our Saturday together. He invited me over and I walked up to his house and into his room to find him getting dressed. Before he could blink I walked over and pulled him into a hug, holding him tight.

"Josh are you alright?" He asked putting his arms around me, his bare chest warm against my cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just wanted to apologize, I know I've probably been annoying and needy with the whole Damien thing, and I didn't mean to be such a pest." I told him as I held him tight.

"Josh... I'm your friend, I'm always gonna be here to help you, you don't have to apologize for anything" He smiled. He finished getting dressed and I told him what I was going to do about Damien. "So what's your decision?" Roy questioned.

"I think I'm going to give him just one more chance, I know you may not agree, but I do think there is a sweet genuine person inside of him, but I think he's scared for some reason that he'll lose me to someone else, so he wants to keep me to himself. To be honest I don't know if he's ever been in a relationship before" I explained. Roy was silent for a few moments and a painful expression was on his face. He looked at me for a few moments and turned away, seemingly unable to conjure the words he wanted to say. He took my hand and held it tight, and looked at me once more.

"Josh... I have to tell you something. When I was a freshman, I... well, I went out with Damien." He murmured, his ears lowering in shame. I held his hand to brace myself from the overwhelming wave of vertigo that came over me. I could barely believe what he was saying. " I wanted to tell you, but... I was afraid you would think I was jealous when I told you to keep away from him, but thats not the case at all. You see, when we were together, I felt the same way you did about him, he was so nice, and charming, and kind, but...he hurt me more than anyone in my life. He would always keep me on a close leash, and got mad if I didn't want to be around him. But I didn't care, I thought I loved him, so I looked past that. I really thought he was the one, so... I told him about my lycantropy, hoping he would understand. He flipped out, calling me a filthy mongrel, and told me never to come near him again. I just couldn't understand how he could turn to hate me so drastically, but I guess it was to be expected. Not everyone can be as understanding as you josh." He smiled, holding back tears as he rubbed my hand.

"I'm not going to tell you not to go back to him, but please... don't let him hurt you like he hurt me. I couldn't bare to see anything like that happen to you" He muttered. I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back he he held me. I didn't want to believe what he was saying, but I knew Roy would never lie to me about this. I knew in my heart Damien was a good person, but he let his pettiness overshadow what truly mattered, and ended up hurting people he cared about. I only hoped that I could help him get past that, and be with the person he truly was.

I held Roy held each other for a few moments until he let go, giving me an approving smile as we turned and went out to get our minds off of such serious matters.

Roy and I went to the ice cream parlor and indulged ourselves to calm our nerves. After that we went to his house and played video games for hours until I went home for a bit to see if I could spend the night. I went into the kitchen and dad handed me an envelope with my name written on it.

"That guy you study with came over to give this to you" My dad stated as he went through his own mail. I curiously opened it and saw an invitation to Steve's 19th birthday party." I was a bit surprised and yet excited that Steve wanted me to come to his party. But I felt a bit apprehensive to go, for his friends probably wouldn't enjoy my presence there. I checked out the information and went up to my room to put it on my dresser. I packed some things for Roy's house and let the matter slip from my mind as I enjoyed the rest of the day with Roy.

The next day, after having plenty of time to think about it, I called Steve to RSVP for his party. He picked up the phone and seemed overexcited that I was calling.

"Hey dude whats up?! You coming to my party?" He asked joyfully.

"Yeah I'd love to come, are you sure you want me to come though? I mean your friends might not like me being there" I told him.

"Nah it'll be fine, ever since you drove me home that one night they seem to like you, they thought it was cool of you to do that for me" He encouraged. I felt glad that his friends didn't hate me or anything, and that Steve didn't seem to be phased at all by what we did the night before. I couldn't fight the urge, and asked him about our sexual encounter.

"Hey... um, I don't mean to bring this up but... have you thought about what we did?" I asked anxiously.

"Well... I'm still thinking about it, I don't mean to hold this over your head or anything, it's just really confusing" He sighed.

"No I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you with it, I guess I'm just curious is all" I replied.

"It's fine, but josh, I have to thank you again, I know I fucked up big time before, and it was really nice of you to let me... well... test things out another time" He thanked me. I felt my heart glowing with warmth after he said that, my entire being seemingly emitting an aura of assurance.

"It's no problem, I was just trying to help out" I said modestly.

"Well I guess I'll see you later" He told me as we both hung up.

I felt a great wave of relief as I laid in my bed and turned on my tv, but that was soon gone as I heard my cell ring and saw Damien's number on screen. I picked it up and Damien instantly went on an apologetic rant which I momentarily interrupted.

"Damien... can we talk in person?" I asked him.

"Y,yeah, um I'll come pick you up" He staggered before hanging up the phone. I waited in my room until I heard him pull up. I went out and got into the car, Damien sitting silent as we drove aimlessly onward.

"So where do you wanna talk?" I asked him.

"Wherever is fine" He replied. I suggested the local park as to provide some privacy. We eventually pulled into the parking lot and as we started walking I started to explain how I felt about the situation.

"Damien... I love you so much... but you can't act the way you've been acting towards me. I don't like seeing you angry and frustrated because I'm with other guys, I know it might be hard for you, but it's not fair that I can't hang out with my friends without you getting controlling and irritated" I vented.

"I know hon, you're right. I try not to be like that hon I really do, but It just... it just kills me inside when you're not around, it's agonizing for me" He explained.

"Damien, you know I can't be around all the time, and you have to learn to cope with that. I don't wanna lose you, I just want to be with you and make you happy, but I can't do that if you let your primal instincts get the best of you" I replied. He thought to himself for a moment, a struggling look on his face. I took his hand to comfort him, and his face lit up in amazement.

"Josh, I love you so much, I just... don't know how to handle myself when I get emotional." He struggled.

"That's why I want to help you hon, I want to help you get past that, so we can be happy together" I told him, turning to him as I took both of his hands in mine. We looked at each other and slowly drew closer, our lips meeting as our eyes closed, and our arms wrapping tightly around one another. It felt euphoric to bask in the warmth of his arms again, my body was practically shaking, my legs nearly giving out as we held our embrace. He squeezed me to him, shuddering in relief as he broke the kiss and nuzzled his head against mine. We stayed like that for the longest time, his strong hands sliding up and down my back as he sweetly kissed up and down my neck. I couldn't help but giggle at the tickling feeling of his muzzle fur brushing against my neck. After a while we walked back to the car and went out to get something to eat.

I felt a great sense of relief as I spent time with Damien. He seemed to be much calmer and wasn't as high strung as before. After we ate I asked him if we could go to my house, since we hadn't actually spent time together there. We drove over and went up to my room as we let the hours fly by talking, kissing, and cuddling. I was so glad to have the Damien I knew back. The sweet, affectionate, caring guy I loved so much. As we laid together in my bed, I felt myself nodding off in the comfort of Damien's arms. I slowly drifted into the darkness, glad to have my Damien back once more.

I awoke the next morning, Damien's arms still bound tight around my body. I shifted around in his grip so I was facing his body. I looked up to see he was fast asleep, an adorable look of content on his face. I leaned further into him, laying my head against his chest as I wrapped an arm around him as well. After a while he began to stir and stretched before looking down at me, kissing me on the forehead as he brushed my hair out of my face.

"I love you" He smiled.

"I love you too" I smiled back. He picked me up and laid me on top of him, resting his hand on my head as I listened to his heartbeat. I felt so at home in his arms as he whispered words of affection into my ear. We eventually got up and got dressed, Damien holding and kissing me every chance he got. We went downstairs to discover my parents had already left somewhere and we sat on the couch together and watched tv. It was nice just to spend some simple quality time with Damien, laying my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around mine. After a while Damien had to leave for work but he said he would pick me up later that night. I decided to go over to Roy's and hang out for a while.

When I arrived at Roy's I noticed that his parent's weren't home as I walked inside. I walked to his room and opened his door to find him jerking off completely naked on the bed. I quickly shut the door as I was quick to apologize for intruding on his privacy. I saw him open it back up still completely naked and looking at me with a confused expression.

"Dude you act like you've never seen me naked before" He chuckled as he sat back down on his bed. I nervously stepped inside, feeling weird about being near him while he was undressed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I can go and come back if you want" I told him.

"Dude it's fine, besides I don't mind jacking off while I'm talking to you, I mean if you're ok with it" Roy encouraged.

"Well yeah, It's just that I don't think Damien would like it if he knew" I explained.

"Oh did you talk to him?" he asked as he started pumping his cock again.

"Um, yeah he was just over but he had to go to work" I replied, trying not to look at him as he did his business.

"Dude if you really want me to stop I will, I can tell it's bothering you" Roy chuckled.

"It doesn't bother me, I just don't wanna feel like I'm cheating or something by looking. Really it's fine, I mean you're my best friend, and even though Damien's my boyfriend, I don't want anything about our friendship to change because of that." I smiled at him.

"Josh... that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Roy smiled as leaned over and pulled me into a hug. The fact he was naked didn't cross my mind as we held each other, I just wanted Roy to know that I would never push him away for any reason. I loved him as a friend, and I wouldn't let my relationship with Damien get in the way of any part of my friendship with Roy. Roy leaned back and smiled as he continued and we changed the topic. I read one of his video game magazines as he did his business and we talked about school. I remembered the invitation I got from Steve and told him the news.

"Thats cool man... what kind of party is it?" Roy breathed as he progressed with his session.

"A costume party, the night before Halloween" I told him.

"Oh god... what're you gonna, gonna wear?" Roy grunted.

"I'm not sure yet, what's really bothering me is what to get him. I mean I don't really know what he likes" I pouted.

"Fuck... one sec... oh fuck, oh god, yeah YEAH" Roy moaned as he hit his climax. I made sure not to look over, even though something inside me wanted to. I saw Roy get up and walk to the bathroom, cleaning himself off before walking back in. "Sorry about that, but anyway, he likes sports right? You could get him something along those lines" Roy suggested.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure if he enjoys sports all that much. I think his dad kind of pressured it into him, I want to get him something really special, something that'll mean a lot to him." I explained as Roy dressed himself.

"Well we could go to the mall and look for something, I'm sure if we browse around something will pop out to you" Roy suggested. I agreed and we went out and got in Roy's car and drove over to the mall.

As Roy and I were browsing from store to store, it was challenging to find something that Steve would like. I wanted to get him something he'd actually use, and as I turned a corner something caught my eye. It was a novelty stand that did everything from spray art license plates to embroidery. I looked and found something that I knew was perfect for Steve. They had a leather press that could put lettering onto leather, so I thought a wallet with his initials on it would be nice. I'd seen him pull out his wallet once before and it seemed pretty old, so this seemed like it would be useful. I picked out a nice light brown/dark brown wallet and she showed me sample of the lettering I could pick from. I picked a fancy looking swirly font and she pressed the initials into it. She boxed it up for me and I went over to the giftwrap center to get it wrapped.

"Dude you're going all out" Roy giggled as I looked for the kind of paper I wanted it wrapped in.

"I know, I just really want him to like it" I chuckled as I found the paper I was looking for. It was a shiny silver paper with a nice design on it and I had them put a blue ribbon and bow on it. I knew I was over obsessing about the little details, but I didn't want to disappoint Steve on his birthday. We walked out and headed for the temporary costume store and both looked for costumes. As we were laughing at all the different kinds of costumes and props, Roy pointed out a costume he thought would look good on me.

"Josh this is perfect, you'd look so pretty in this" Roy gasped as he pointed at one of the costumes on the shelf I walked over and saw it was an angel costume, with a white robe and small set of wings. I also thought it was pretty, but wasn't sure whether or not it would be suited for the party.

"I don't know, I mean I feel like it screams homo just a little too loudly" I joked.

"Well everyone in school knows you're gay anyway, it'll be fine. Besides you'll look so good in it maybe the girls there will get jealous that you're prettier than them" Roy grinned. Roy picked a costume out for himself and I asked him what he needed a costume for.

"Well mom and dad make me hand out the candy every year so they can go to their party, so it's just fun to dress up for the kids" He explained. Roy had picked a ninja costume and we both went and tried them on. I stepped out of the dressing room and Roy was already dressed and waiting. He actually looked very nice in the all black vest pants and hood, almost sexy even. He was looking me over for a few moments, spinning me around so he could see. It was a full white robe with draped sleeves that connected to the body. The bottom ended right above my feet and the back draped behind me a bit. The wings were tied on with a white sash and set perfectly without looking crooked or wobbly.

"Josh you look so good, you have to get it" Roy persisted.

"Okay okay, but only if you get the ninja one" I negotiated

"Do you like it?" Roy asked.

"Yeah it makes you look dark and mysterious" I told him. We both purchased our costumes and went to the food court before leaving.

We went back to his house for a while before I went home for dinner and waited for Damien to get off of work. In the mean time I showed my parents my costume and told them all about the party. Soon Damien called and told me he'd be there to pick me up soon. I packed my overnight and got my things for school and waited for him to arrive. I saw him pull up and said goodbye to my parents and threw my things into the car before getting in. I leaned over and pulled him into a deep kiss, a moan of content escaping me as I was glad to be able to kiss him again. I couldn't find the will to stop and kept kissing him, going down to his neck and up to his cheek before kissing him on the lips once more.

"Someone's in an affectionate mood" Damien breathed as he smiled at me.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help myself" I told him as I nuzzled his cheek and breathed him in, his body smelling like the hardware store. "God I love your smell, it's so manly" I stated as I let my hands run all over his body.

"God you're so cute, lets get to my place so we can do this more comfortably." Damien grinned as he pulled out of my driveway and I buckled myself in. After a few minutes of talking we got to his house and ran upstairs to his room. I plopped my things on the floor and went over to Damien, holding him tight as we kissed again, letting our tongues explore each other. Damien picked me up as we kissed, holding me up with one arm as he held me to him with the other as my legs wrapped around him. I giggled as kissed my neck and ear and licked my cheek. He walked over and set me down on the bed before leaning down into me, kissed me as I sank deeper and deeper in his mattress. I massaged his arms and admired his muscles as he took his work shirt off threw it to the side.

"Mmm you like my body don't you baby?" Damien asked he returned to kissing my neck.

"Yeah but I like your kind loving personality better." I told him.

"I know babe but seriously, do you think I'm sexy? Or am I just average?" He questioned as he held me down.

"Hon you barely fit an XXL with those huge muscles, your way above average" I replied, placing my hand on his cheek. "But I love you for who you are honey, not your biceps"

"I love you too baby, I really missed you. I'm sorry I was such an ass, you have to promise me to tell me when I'm being a jerk so I can just cool off and try not to upset you" He begged, cradling my body in his arms.

"I will, but hon I want you to understand that I know its not easy for you to handle your emotions. And that I'm always here to help you" I smiled as I kissed him on the cheek. He put his head down on my chest, squeezing me tight as I heard a whimper escape from him. I looked down and saw the Damien was actually crying. "Honey what wrong?" I asked as I put my hand on the back of his head.

"I was so scared I was gonna lose you honey, I love you so much. I'm sorry I was such a jerk, I just want to make you happy. You're the only one who understands how hard it is for me handle myself when I get upset, and I always fuck up because of it. I don't mean to cry I just a lot of pent up emotions." Damien sniffled as he nuzzled my chest. I held him to me and let him get everything out before he sat up again and wiped his eyes. I hugged him from behind and ran my hand up and down hi chest, feeling his paw interlock with it. I turned around and grabbed me, holding me to him as he laid down. "Hey honey?" He questioned.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Um... well, I don't mean to ask this of you, but... it's been a while since we've been intimate, and I'm really pent up. But at the same time I'm scared cause I don't want to do anything that'll upset you or hurt you if I get too into it." He explained.

"It's ok hon, to be honest I'm really pent up too. I have an idea. Tell me what you've always wanted to do but were to afraid to ask." I told him. He smiled and thought for a few moments and told me what he wanted to do.

"Well, I mean this is just how I imagine it, but I've always wanted to put you up against the shower wall and fuck you, and...well, I'm scared to tell you the other part." He muttered.

"It's ok, I'm open to whatever you want as long as it's not too painful or anything" I urged him.

"Well... I wanted to... um... well, my full fantasy is that you put on my old wrestling uniform and I put on one and I'm your wrestling coach. And I pin you down and rub my cock against you while I talk dirty, and I make you suck me off before I carry you into the shower and fuck you against the wall. There I said it." He explained as he looked away in embarrassment. My entire face grew hot and I nearly lost myself in the image of that scenario.

"Damien...I...I wanna do that" I told him, blushing furiously.

"R,Really?! Are you sure?!" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah, just tell me what to do" I smiled. He jumped up and opened his closet, pulling out a box of wrestling equipment. He threw me a thin blue stretchy outfit and he pulled out a larger green one for himself. He showed me how to put how to put it on and I watched him as he put on his. He turned to me and kissed me on the forehead.

"Babe, whatever I say while we do this is only for role playing, I don't actually mean everything I'll say when we do this. If you want to stop at any time just tell me, but just try to act along with me ok?" He reassured me. I nodded and he told me to walk into the bathroom so he could get into character. I was really excited and nervous at the same time, but I thought it was cool that Damien was comfortable enough to actually tell me, let alone act out his fantasy.

"Mr Taft can you come out here for a moment?" Damien asked. I was surprised that Damien was being so authentic with his role playing, so I decided to do my best and try to act as close to character as possible.

"Yes coach" I called out as I walked in to see Damien with his arms crossed across his chest.

"I wanna to make sure you're ready for tomorrows match, get on all fours" He ordered. I walked to the middle of the room and got on my hands and knees, and Damien walked over and got on all fours above me, putting me into the neutral wrestling position.

"You ready kid?" He asked.

"Yes coach" I replied. He pushed me down and tried to flip me over to pin me, but I grabbed his head from behind and resisted. He picked my body up and wrapped his legs around mine, rolling me over and pushing me onto the floor. I tried to resist but he pinned me and held me down tight.

"It looks like I need to give you a private lesson kid" Damien grinned as he pushed his crotch against mine.

"Coach? Wha what are you doing?" I asked, surprising myself in how well I was doing at staying in character.

"Mmm, don't worry kid, you'll like it." Damien sneered as he grinded harder, his cock bulging out of his singlet.

"Please coach, I don't wanna" I managed before Damien covered my mouth with his paw.

"Just relax, and if you scream or tell anyone about this I'll make you regret it" Damien scowled as he humped me. It was a bit frightening at how serious he was, so I tried to be just as in character as he was. He took his paw off my mouth and put his hands on my hips, dry humping me as I laid there.

"God coach, you're so big" I told him.

"Yeah you like my big cock don'tchya bitch" He grunted as his humps got harder.

"Y,Yes coach"I muttered as I let him pound into me. He picked me up and got on his knees and shoved my face into his package, rubbing it against me as he moaned.

"Yeah, worship my cock bitch, I wanna see how bad you want it." He grinned as he rubbed his hard cock against my mouth. I kissed and licked at his member through the material before bringing my hand up and rubbing it. "That's a good boy" Damien moaned as is rubbed his throbbing cock. I mouthed and kissed his nuts as I rubbed him, letting my other hand explore the rest of his body.

"You have such a hot body coach, please I wanna see" I begged as I serviced him.

"Alright kid, you've been good so far so I guess I'll reward you by letting you worship my body AND my cock." Damien grunted as he stood up and stripped out of his singlet, his cock bouncing as it throbbed. He got down and immediately shoved his cock in my mouth, pumping slowly as he growled in enjoyment. I let my hands sprawl across his body as I sucked his cock, Damien humping into me and moaning loudly. I moaned into his cock and massaged his chest, running my fingers through his fur. Damien took his cock out of my mouth and picked me up, stripping off my singlet and squeezing my butt, digging his claws slightly into it. "I'm gonna fuck your ass so hard kid" Damien growled as he slid hick cock tip across my ass.

"Oh god, coach I want you inside me" I shuddered as he teased my hole. He threw me over his shoulder and walked into the bathroom, opening the shower and turning the water on. He set me down and grabbed a bottle of lube from his cabinet, coating his fingers in it before slipping one into me. I gasped as he began to fingered me, loosening up my hole with one finger before adding another. After a few minutes he took me into the shower and pressed me up against the wall, briskly shoving his lubed cock into me in one quick thrust. He instantly started pounding into me, his balls loudly slapping against me.

"Yeah, Yeah, take it you little bitch" Damien grunted as he fucked me. He had his hand firm on my hips as he thrusted into me, pushing me hard into he wall with every thrust.

"Oh coach fuck me harder, rape my tight ass" I begged, his cock feeling incredible inside of me. Soon I was regretting that statement though. He turned me around while he was still inside of me, picked me up, and held me up against the wall as I wrapped my legs around him. His head was right next to mine as he fucked me at a pace and strength I'd never seen from him. His cock was slamming into me, his hips bucking wildly as he growled into me ear. I couldn't handle the building pleasure inside me and held tightly onto Damien, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning my head against his.

"Coach, I, I think I'm gonna cum" I stuttered as he continued to ram his cock deeper and deeper into me. Soon I felt my own member throbbing and my whole body quaked with ecstasy as I shot streams of cum all over myself and Damien. This caused my hole to tighten even further, Damien screaming as he fucked my ass like a jackhammer. I held his head to me as he rammed me, his body tensing as he was approaching climax. "Please coach, I want to feel your thick hot load inside me" I breathed. I could tell that drove him over the edge and he braced me in his arms as his cock swelled, huge pumps of cum flooding my ass as he continuously fucked me. He couldn't hold back anymore and let out a loud primal howl which nearly blew my ears out as he filled my ass to the brim, large amount of cum spilling out of me. Damien heaved as he tried to catch his breath, his arms and legs wobbly. He drew his cock from me, letting a heavy stream of cum escape from my hole as he set me down. He held me to him as we stepped into the water, its warmth easing our tired muscles. Damien washed me down before switching places and letting me massage his aching form with soap. We stepped out and dried off, Damien packing away his wresting equipment before flopping down into his bed. I laid down next to him and cuddled, laying my head on his chest. He held me tight and looked down at me with a smile.

"Honey...that was the most amazing thing in the world...thank you" He swooned as he kissed me on the head.

"Did I do ok with the roleplaying part?" I asked him.

"You were incredible, I could barely believe you were acting along so well." He encouraged as he held me to him.

"Well I could tell you were really into it so I wanted to do my best, I'm glad you liked it" I smiled as Damien turned off the light. I knew we would both sleep very well that night, and I quickly slipped into the darkness, feeling a closeness to Damien even stronger than before.