Veemon's Happy Day

Story by Vee_Stitch on SoFurry

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The year was 1991, in the bustling era of a growing Tokyo Japan. The clock in Veemon's room was hit twelve. He was still sleeping. His snoring filled the entire room. His young tamer was Davis. They had gotten back from adventures and got to team up with the original tamers a few times. Veemon's eyes slowly opened, he stretched his hands above his head. He let out a long yawn. He scooted to the edge of the bed putting on a white t-shirt and blue jeans. He stood up and dragged his feet along the wooden floor. He joined Davis in the kitchen getting to the chair. He raised his hands pulling himself up on the chair. As soon as he adjusted himself he let out a deep sigh. Davis looked up seeing that Veemon was moving his breakfast along instead of eating it. Davis already figured that this had to do with Gatomon. His long time crush and they were in battle just yesterday. It was an opportune time to ask her out on a date but he couldn't muster the courage do so. Veemon had been like this since he first met Gatomon. Davis looked at the young blue dragon and felt like he had to say something. It was getting rather tiresome.

Davis finally spoke up, "Do worry Vee, you'll get over Gatomon."

Veemon placed his hands on the table and crossed them letting out another sigh, "Please, that's like you hooking with Kari. You'll never step up and if you did Tai would explain that you're both too young. So it's not going to happen."

Davis stopped eating and his pitch was a bit high, "Hey, watch it," He calmed down seeing Veemon nearly snap back against his chair. Davis relaxed and said, "Alright, I get it you can't get over Gatomon, so ask her out already."

The white part of Veemon's turned red while he pressed his two thumbs against each other shamefully admitting, "I always get so nervous when I'm near her."

Davis grabbed his bowl and finished what was left then got ready to leave then he shrugged off, "Well I can't help you. I am going to Kari's house to ask her out and she will say yes."

Davis rushed outside, Veemon looked back to the empty chair across from him and spoke out loud, "Maybe I can get help from Agumon."

Veemon stuffed his belly finally eating everything in the bowl with one gulp. As soon as he opened a door a strange sensation came over him. He suddenly felt the need to scratch his right arm. It came and left just like that. So he didn't think anything of it.

He started to move going right into the alleyways to avoid human detection. Only the tamers knew of the Digimon's existence. Any other human would likely freak out at the sight of a huge dinosaur like monster. He made his way to the rooftop of a building and started to use parkour to get from building to building. Veemon had a set path of buildings to use to get to Agumon's apartment undetected. He arrived shortly and knocked on the glass of his house. There was no response he tried once more and still got nothing. He scratched his chin, "Maybe Gabumon's home."

He went through a few more side streets as Gabumon didn't live too far away either. He got to the house and knocked and waited and there was no one to answer. He then tried the doorbell and there was still no answer. He went over to the garage to see if Gabumon was sleeping inside there. He peaked up through the window using a garbage can to boost him up but no one was inside. He placed the can back and decided to go back to Agumon's apartment to see if Gatomon had arrived back. He figured he might as well try the direct approach so he made it back and went to the glass and gave it a knock. There was no answer. He asked, "Where is everyone today?

He started to sneak back home. When he got off the buildings he saw a group of humans walking toward his direction. He gulped and instantly veered away taking a sharp turn and saw some bushes to hide behind. He dashed across the street and dived into the bushes. He breathed heavily knowing that was the closest call to being discovered. He looked up to see a stairway the lead up to a library. It was closed at this time. He leaned against the wall then waited a bit. He looked out the bushes to see the humans pass by. He noticed Monodramon was in one of the back alleyways casually leaning against a building. Veemon ran across the street and waved, "Hey what's up Monodramon?"

The purple dragon pushed himself off the wall and said, "Nothing new, Veemon."

Veemon asked, "Where are the other Digimon?"

Monodramon scratched his head; "Like who?"

Veemon explained, "Like Agumon, Gabumon and Gatomon."

Monodramon tapped his finger on his chin and explained, "oh yeah that's right, Agumon and Gabumon left to go on some island a while ago."

Veemon asked, "What about Gatomon?"

Monodramon answered, "From what I've heard she's with Impmon."

Veemon scratched his head, "With Impmon?"

Monodramon said, "She's at his place most likely having wild sex."

Veemon had a concerned look on his face, "Wait a minute, so Gatomon hooked up with Impmon?"

Monodramon looked away, "Sorry mate, I thought you had feelings for Gatomon. I should have said something to Impmon."

Veemon had a tear come down his face he moved his hand to clear his face and he muttered; "It's ok...I just took too long."

Monodramon started to walk back, "Well Vee, I have to get going. I hope you'll be ok mate."

Veemon watched Monodramon leave then he made his way back to the bushes. His feet had dragged him over barely over to make it as he felt and feeling of sickness come over. He leaned against the wall and started to cry. He thought, 'She's gone...she was so beautiful. If I had more courage I could had been with her. I was such a coward.'

Meanwhile in Hawaii Lilo and Stitch were preparing to leave to Japan. Lilo grabbed her last bag and stored it on the ship and looked at Stitch and explained, "Ok Stitch, this is the first time we will be going to a big city so try not to destroy anything. Now that we've caught all the experiments we are going on the vacation so I can meet my pen pals."

Stitch asked, "What about Gabuchibu?"

Lilo explained, "Angel is staying on the island with Jumba. He's working on making her songs more powerful."

Stitch crossed his arms and groaned, "Hmmm."

Lilo lifted the ship off the ground and the blasted off toward Tokyo. They were there within moments. She insured Stitch, "Don't worry; we won't be here too long. We will be back in Hawaii before you know it."

Stitch was still looking away from her. She hid the ship and they got out. Lilo

She adjusted Stitch's red chain with his name on it. She saw her friends up ahead and she looked back and said; "I'll be back Stitch. Try not to go too far from the ship." She left him alone. He started to behave like a dog getting on fours trying not to arouse attention. He sniffed around when he saw Lilo get out of view he stuck out his tongue, "Pffft." He went to the sidewalk he was lucky as everyone was either at school or working at this time so the streets were empty.

Meanwhile Veemon was still crying. In his mind he was standing right in front of Gatomon. He mind started to process a scenario as he closed his eyes. He got on his knees and said, "Oh Gatomon, I love you so much." She warmly smiled and in return made him smile. She swayed her thin frame a bit her long tail was a bit more active as she spoke, "I love you too." He stood up as she took off her gloves showing her crossed scares to him. He stood right in front of her looking right into the sapphire eyes as they glistened. Seeing her radiance and happiness spoke every word he ever wanted to hear. He took her hand. Gatomon said, "Veemon, I'm ready. Go on touch me." He gulped as he reached forward touching her white fur on her stomach. He moved his hands up finding her soft pink nipples under her fur. Veemon opened his eyes feeling a strange tingling sensation around his crotch. He didn't want this fantasy to escape him so he quickly shut his eyes and continued to think. His hands gave Gatomon a tighter squeeze as he leaned in and planted a short kiss on her lips. Once he broke away Gatomon leaned in and kissed him passionately her tongue came out wrapping around his tongue. In the dream his eyes remained open watching as their tongues danced like a wild flame. Her saliva and his dripped out making contact his dripped down as hers went inside his mouth. He swallowed it and worked toward his neck, he could already hear her purring. She begged, "Veemon, please go down, I'm ready for you." He worked his kisses down feeling the white fur bristle against his tongue as he made her way finding her exposed cunt. It was nice and wet he stuck out his tongue exploring her tasty frame. She purred even louder with a hint of deepened seduction, "Oh Veemon."

Veemon's penis twitched against starting to press up against his jeans a bit. His thoughts were getting carried away when he focused back on Gatomon she was already licking his blue penis pressing hard as he throbbed for her. He moved his hand guiding Gatomon to take in the shaft. She seemed eager for this which made it impossible to resist, her eyes watching him. He moaned out, "Ahhhhhh, Gatomon." He gave out having an orgasm. Do to this being his imagination he felt like he could hold out much longer to satisfy his lover with more of his sperm. In real life his penis was fully erect stretching his jeans out. Veemon moved his hand toward his zipper and exposed his penis to the thick hot air. It was stiffened upright at a full seven inches. He didn't bother to open his eyes as the focus shifted to fucking Gatomon. Fitting his penis inside her vagina filling her love hole with all the love he had to give. He rammed up against her. She didn't even care that he was going up against her doggy style. He fiercely humped away with deep heavy grunts, "Ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh."

He ejaculated inside of her deeply desiring her to get pregnant.

In reality his penis was throbbing. He opened his eyes looking at his smooth penis that was close to looking close to a human's penis. He moved his hand and touched the head of penis. His entire body suddenly shivered with delight. It was shocked that it was more sensitive than his white ticklish stomach. He looked closer seeing a small brown substance coming out from the tip. He looked back up scanning around him. He was completely covered by the bushes. He thought, 'Oh man, I've gotten carried away. I can't go back home like this. I'll have to care of this first.'

He moved his hand down to the shaft. His head jolted from the looking up left all the way to looking down right. He let out an uneasy grunt, "Mmmm."

His eyes had nearly shut once more just from the pleasure that he was experiencing from touching himself. He started to move his hand down further reaching the base of his balls. He looked straight forward trying not to look at himself as he took a deep breath. He started to move his hand back up toward the tip and as soon as he reached that point his hand went right back down officially starting his first masturbation session. The feeling was good but it felt like something was missing, so he started to think about having sex with Gatomon again. His pace escalated a bit as he thought about ramming his penis inside Gatomon's hot warm body. Whatever tension he was feeling earlier eased up making the sensation of moving his hand up and down feel overwhelming. He moaned, "Ahhh." He let his mind wonder further exploring different positions with Gatomon hearing her purring get louder and louder. His hand started to move even faster. He arched his head up and let out a pleased moaned, "Ahhhh!" He never thought masturbation would feel this good. He had heard Davis had done it once and it sounded a bit more painful. The grief of not telling Gatomon his feelings had completely vanished overtaken by the fixation on sex. However rubbing his hand against penis started to get tiresome. He removed his hand taking a short break. He took a few breaths shaking off his hand. He switched to his other hand and got back into the mindset of fucking Gatomon. The heat was now too much as he felt sweat start to run down his face. His removed his hand and lifted off his shirt and tossed it against the grass. He then kicked off his pants and underwear now completely naked.

Meanwhile Stitch made his way near those bushes sniffing out the area. Veemon let out a loud moan, "Ohhh Gatomon!" Stitch lifted his head and stuck his head through the bushes. Stitch saw Veemon masturbating with his eyes closed. Stitch thought, 'Ever since I saw Reuben suck his own penis, I've been curious on what a penis taste like...I mean it's not like Angel will find out. Well here goes nothing.' He crawled inside the bushes and moved closer to Veemon. Stitch leaned his face moving close to Veemon's shaft. Stitch stuck out his tongue and when Veemon's hand was at the tip Stitch licked from the bottom all the way to where Veemon's hand was. Veemon felt the wet feeling and opened his eyes seeing a creature with a red dog collar around his neck. Veemon thought, 'I can't stop now. I can't worry about a blue down licking my penis.'

Stitch thought, 'Wow his penis taste amazing. I want to keep going.'

He licked back down and came back to where Veemon's hand was. Veemon removed his hand planting his left hand on the grass. He moved his right hand down as well. Veemon allowed the blue dog to continue on licking with those long slobbering like movement of his entire shaft. This felt far better than his hand. The wet sensation was so pleasurable. Veemon felt like he no longer had to think of Gatomon. This was real and happening right in front his eyes. He figured he let the dog know he was enjoying this so he moaned out, "Good boy."

Veemon continued to observe this cute dog work his shaft with those uneven licks. His entire penis was nice and wet. Stitch loved the taste of Veemon's penis he wanted to take it further. Each lick he made sure to press harder and move around even faster. Veemon's right hand started shaking rapidly so he placed it on Stitch's head pressing down his blue fur. Veemon lost it moaning even louder, "Good boy!"

More pre-cum started to drip out. Veemon had look of lust on his face as he focused on the dog. Being with Gatomon was no longer in his mind. This was the moment now him watching this dog actually satisfy him. Stitch licked up the pre-cum finding the hint of salt to his liking. He opened his mouth taking in Veemon's penis inside. Veemon closed his eyes letting Stitch take over and go even further down his penis with a slight push of his hand. Veemon helped Stitch with the bobbing motion, When Stitch nearly pulled out Veemon pressed him back down with a repeating motion. Veemon gritted his teeth his red eyes gleaming with lust as he moaned, "Mmmmmmmm!" Stitch heard the blue dragon loud and clear knowing he wanted more. Stitch felt the dragon's grip tighten against his head guiding Stitch making him go faster. Veemon could feel his entire body tighten up as he could his penis building up fluids. Veemon opened his mouth as wide his he could as he moaned loudly, "Ahhhhh, ahhhhhhh, yeah!" Stitch started to want to please the dragon to completion. He moved his hands grabbing his blue balls and started to slightly tug at them. Veemon was please to notice Stitch advancement. Stitch let his tongue wrap around Veemon's penis. Veemon lowered his body his head barely touched the wall. Stitch could feel his own erection. It had been out for since Veemon's pre-cum dripped out. Stitch continued his exploration of this tasty penis. Veemon carelessly moaned so loud it filled the empty streets, "Ahhhh, yeah!" He arched up his knees trying to contain how close he was getting. He pushed off his left hand lifting his butt off the grass. The grip of his right hand nearly ripped of Stitch's head fur as he bellowed out his most intense moan, "Agghhhhhhhhhhh!" Stitch felt more of the brown substance flow into his mouth. Stitch gulped finding the taste of cum to be just as delight as the pre-cum. Stitch thought that was it and tried to pull away. Veemon pressed his hand pushing him back down eager o release even more. He moaned, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, that it...keep going!" He guided Stitch even faster. Stitch could have easily broke away but wanted the dragon to be satisfied completely. Veemon body started to tense up again as he right out yelled, "Fuccccck!" His sperm shot into Stitch mouth. The taste of salt was much more present but he drank it rather happily. Veemon's grip finally loosened up. He was heavily panting as he pushed Stitch off slightly.

Veemon opened his eyes finally taking everything. He never imaged his first time would be with a male dog. Never before had he fantasized about being with a male in general. This was stored in his mind heavily as it was all he could think of at the moment. But his erection did die down so he'd figure he try to go about the rest of his day normally. Stitch didn't think sucking of a male would ever get him aroused. Veemon looked right at the dog's black eyes. Stitch kept up the act panting like a dog as he started right back at Veemon's red eyes.

They stared at each other for what felt like a really long minute. Veemon blinked finally breaking his gaze as he picked himself off the grass. Stitch was too desperate as his dick had been throbbing and dangling for some time now. He slowly stood on his hind legs showing off his red doggy penis. Veemon blushed looking at the knot then his eyes tracked his seven inched penis to the tip. It was so thick. Veemon thought, 'I can't suck this dog's penis. This day has already been too crazy. I should just go.' He picked up his clothes and walked passed the dog making it close to the bushes. He suddenly felt a might shove from behind. He tried to claw away as he was now on his hands and knees. He felt his tail being lifted up. Veemon gulped as he tried to look back continuing to try and pull away. Veemon could feel the dog's weight on top of him making his claw attempt useless. He felt a warm thick meat-like feeling against his butt. Stitch nearly had Veemon fully mounted. Stitch searching and found the dragon's asshole. Stitch pulled back a bit. Veemon gulped again having a grave feeling of what was coming next. With one mighty thrust Stitch slammed his cock with a deep thrust fully penetrating the dragon's asshole. Veemon's eyes gaped open as wide as they could as he gripped the blades grass and screamed in agony, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" Veemon's penis stiffened up quite a bit. Stitch pressed his body against the dragon's rough back. Stitch pulled away and slammed back inside humping his hips against the dragon's backside. Stitch did not give any quarter continuing to fully ram his penis expanding the dragon's rectum. Veemon felt himself loosen up pretty quickly, his entire body bounding along. His erection came back in full as some jizz escaped his tip. His mouth gaped open his moans started to escape, "Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhh!" The lustful look came back. He blushed a deep red he his arched up a bit a he almost shamefully admitted in moaning form, "Oh god this feels...amazing." Stitch heard the dragon and agreed increasing his pace hearing the dragon's moans deepen while being anally fucked. Veemon was shocked how much pleasure he was getting having this dog's length push and pull inside him. The warmth was intense. Veemon let go of the shame and rested his arms crossing them and resting his head against his arms. Stitch let his tongue droop out panting like a dog. Stitch's lust was far beyond him to control, he loved talking dirty to Angel and that carried over as he opened his mouth and yelled, "Meega nala kweesta!" Veemon's eyes shot open, realizing this clearly wasn't a dog. However the sensation was too good plus he couldn't escape anyway. He managed to ask, "Who...or what...are you?"

Stitch moaned while still going, "I'm stitch. I'm an alien." Veemon could care less if this creature was actually an alien. In fact he thought it was way more erotic than a dog. From earlier Veemon figured he could get a bit loud and now he wanted to let it out once more. He let out and aroused moan, "Ohhhhhhhh, fuck yeah!"

Stitch took a more firm grasp wrapping his around gripping around Veemon's white waist. He lifted his leg just a bit which helped him moved even faster. Veemon gritted his teeth as he felt the knot pushing inside him. Stitch let out some salvia as the he gritted his teeth and growled, "Gerrrrrr!" His hot semen filled Veemon's asshole. Veemon didn't think it could get any hotter. Some of the sperm dripped down Veemon's legs. Stitch pulled away finally taking his penis out of Veemon's asshole.

Veemon stood up and turned around to face Stitch this helpful alien. He blushed while extending out his hand and introduced, "My name is Veemon but you can just call me Vee." Veemon was now erect after all that bouncing his penis had gone through. Veemon saw Stitch's penis was still throbbing as well.

Veemon thought, 'Damn, I want to go again.' He wanted to continue this amazing feeling with Stitch. Stitch stood there replaying Veemon's moans in his head. This extended his curiosity and now thought, 'It sounded like Veemon really enjoyed that. Now I want to know what it feels like...well since we've already gone this far..." Stitch walked over to the wall and placed his hands on the wall and swirled his blue butt and called over Veemon, "Yoo hoo!" Veemon looked over and deeply blushed seeing his big butt swirl and cute little tail moving along. His penis throbbed just at the sight of this. There were no more thoughts are questions about it, Veemon just walked up right behind Stitch. He placed his left hand slightly under Stitch's touching the wall as well. His right hand went on Stitch's hip. Veemon's right hand slid along the fur he the used his thumb to stretch out Stitch's asshole. He pressed his penis against his but the tipped it against Stitch's asshole and gave a deep shove going all the way inside like Stitch did. Stitch moaned, "Ahhhhhhhh!" He didn't think there would be that much pain. Veemon drew back slowly letting the warm feeling take it's time, also letting Stitch adjust to being stretched out. Veemon gave a few slow humps. Stitch's penis was pressing up against the grey brick wall. Veemon was still moving slow the pain back their subsided but his cock was still pressing against the wall. Stitch uncomfortably groaned, "Mmmmm. Mmmm. Mmmm." Stitch tried to ride it our as Veemon started to pick up his pace. Stitch's penis was only grinding against the wall faster now. Stitch groaned, "Vee, my penis feels awful rubbing against this wall." Veemon moved his right hand back to Stitch's hip rotating Stitch away from the wall as he pressed his own back against it. This freed Stitch's penis he moved his hand up behind him clawing against the wall and started to push off the floor. Veemon quickly adjusted moved his hands hooking them under Stitch's legs spreading them further apart. Veemon mainly guided Stitch lifting him further off his penis them letting him dip back down. Stitch let out his lower hands his left hand grabbed his throbbing cock and started masturbate matching up with Veemon's pace. Stitch was blown away by how much he loved getting fucked so he begged, "Vee, go faster." Veemon complied moving his arms faster to help Stitch moved faster. Stitch moans now got careless as he let out, "Yes, yes, yes!" Veemon adjusted his hands to bit closer to the center which helped him move Stitch faster. Stitch helped as well with the claws he dug into the wall bringing him up and down faster at a frantic pace. The pleasure was overwhelming for both of them. They both shot their eyes and moaned together, "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh!" They both had an orgasm. Veemon's semen filled Stitch's insides. Stitch semen mostly shot out into the grass. Veemon unhooked his arms and Stitch got off Veemon's penis.

Stitch walked a bit then turned wanting to thank Veemon. He walked right into a kiss that Veemon suddenly planted right on his lips. Stitch could not believe this his eyes just staring down at his lips making contact with Veemon's. Veemon moved his right hand up pressing it against Stitch face. Veemon was so lost from the sex that he just went for it. His down sinking inside touching Stitch's tongue, Stitch now finally closed his eyes getting into the kiss. He moved his hands up to pressing them against Veemon's cheeks. This was far beyond a kiss of just passion alone. Their erections pressed up against each other never of them seemed like they wanted to break away now. Suddenly Lilo's voice called out, "Stitch!" Stitch broke the kiss then took a few steps back as he sighed, "I have to go..."

Veemon extended out a bit as he blurted out, "I love you Stitch."

Stitch could see Veemon's bright red face which in return made his face turn a deep purple. Stitch now seeing he went too far as he thought, 'I can't...I mean Angel..." Yet he couldn't help but getting staring at Veemon who was rather attractive in his eyes as well. Those words played back in Stitch's head. He noticed there was a tear coming down Veemon's face. Stitch felt a burning sensation build up from his stomach as if butterflies swarmed around inside him.

He was releasing this is how he felt when he first saw Angel. His mouth opened up as he slipped out, "...I love you too Vee." Veemon ran up and kissed him once more. Veemon's emotions were now focused on Stitch. He figured since Gatomon had moved on that this was the best course of action. He found love with Stitch and that was good enough. As their erections died down Lilo called out again, "Stitch!" Stitch broke the strong loving kiss as he waved off, "I better go." He started to try to walk out again. Veemon rushed up grabbed Stitch's left wrist and asked, "Will I ever see you again?" Stitch pulled away not wanting to say anything as he ran outside and joined Lilo.

Veemon stood still frozen for some time. He looked down and let out a depressed sigh. He put his underwear and pants back on then his shirt. He made his way back to Davis's house. When he got back to his room and sat on the edge of his bed. He thought, 'I'm still thinking about Gatomon...but now Stitch is also in my mind. I guess I'm bisexual. It's never crossed my mind before but now I'm thinking I've always been this way.' Veemon heard the door open and saw Davis walked in with a tape. Veemon reacted without warning grabbing the tape and bringing it to his room while locking the door. Davis yelled, "Get back here!"

He played the tape so see Davis seductively practice talking to a mop. A huge smirk came over Veemon's face as he felt good about being right from earlier in the morning. He thought about Stitch and this being his first time. Veemon laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, resting his hands behind his back. He felt a small sensation on his right arm again. He scratched at it and when the feeling went away he thought, 'I hope I will see Stitch again. Having sex was so good. I can't wait to have sex with him again.'

Lilo landed the ship back in Hawaii near their house. Lilo got left and looked back and asked, "Are you coming Stitch?"

Stitch waved her off, "Just giving me a minute." She went back inside. Stitch thought, 'No, it can't be. How could I say that? I won't be able to forget it and can't take it back. My life is over. I'll never be able to let this go. He's just I can't think about how cute he is. I'm with Angel. And yet my heart's still racing like I want to see him again. I had to say those three words to him. Gabuchibu, I'm sorry but I said I love you to Veemon. I think I meant it it can't be. This is so messed up. I can't stop thinking about him now.' He stepped out of the ship. He heard a noise like a branch snap his ears perked up. Stitch was curios as to what the sound was.

Veemon smiled warmly as he spoke out loud, "I can't wait to see you again Stitch. I know deep in my heart that day will come out. My heart belongs to you now. I love you my little blue alien." He closed his eyes to sleep.