CRONOLOGICAL STORIES YEAR STORIES 2300 HELLO SUNRISE! []( 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 GOLDPAW...
Chaos and Order
For chaos is order, for within the maelstrom of madness would always be the tiny island of order. countless times chaos would ask himself that is order why he would seek to move chaos around, for chaos could not understand the purpose of order.
Kung Fu Panda vs the First Order Part 2
Years past since the first order made peace with the masters of kung fu. in tigress's room, she was purring on jackson's lap, jackson had a black beats radio playing **heart vacancy-the wanted**.
Kung Fu Panda vs The First Order Part 1
This is a story about a favorite and lovable master tigress having a romantic relationship between a first order stormtrooper jackson (jk 364).
What's important right now is that you follow my orders and turned around so i can get at that blue tush." gumdramon raised a brow, "excuse me." he took a step closer and growled, "that was an order, turn around now!"
**chapter three: orders** the mysterious cloaked men all sat around a conference table, waiting for their leader. these men wore black cloaks, whether to look intimidating or mysterious.
The Order
It was, then, with great relief that they finally reached the orders castle and headquarters on the north end of of the continent. the order was the closest thing that the e'fkale had to a ruling body.
The Order
If anyone in the order found out, he'd spend the rest of his days in exile." a slight groan of creaky, cotton wrapped springs and lo's mind was cleared.
**What was he doing here? Trystan wondered as he stared at the mirror across the room. Two hours ago he was running late to class and passed the traffic light, now he was held in this stupid police station. For two hours without his backpack, his...
Ordering In
Perhaps he could order take-out.
The Order's Decision
Well, this order was created by order of the spirits. a command of them to make a group that would protect the world into the right way, and make it be the perfect world for everyone."
Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 16: The Order's Might
And if you simply want to get to know me, my writing, or my characters more, take a look at my tumblr at order of the black foot chapter 15: the order's might sponsored by leon by draconicon