Arizona (Wendell)

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#21 of First Steps

It's gonna be about five hours until we get to California. Dexter said he wasn't planning on stopping anywhere else until we get to L.A. Todd decided to take a nap on my lap again and even though my leg is completely asleep, it's cute to see him sleep. Sometimes I gently rub his head and his ear twitches a bit. He's adorable.

"So, what do we do until we get there?" I ask.

"Not sure." Dexter says, "But I have to drive there. You two are on your own."

"I think Todd's already decided what he's gonna do for the rest of the trip."

"What's that?" To answer, I point at the sleeping fox on me. "Oh. Didn't he just sleep not long ago?"

"I don't know." I honestly don't. This whole trip feels like it's been going on forever. Gently, I caress Todd since I have nothing else better to do. Who knew that this would be extremely boring this far away from what I used to call home. But, in a way, I'm a bit excited because I get to see Angie after... I can't remember the last time I saw her.

I take out my phone. Still some battery left in it. And someone's left a few messages. All are from the same number. The reason it looks familiar is probably because it's my parent's home number. Probably dad trying to scold me after I spray painted his clothes. Or it could be mom trying to talk me into coming back to Tennessee. Either way, I can't listen to these. Too much of a reminder of the pain that was my old life.

Thankfully, my phones goes off and it interrupts my thoughts. It's Angie! I quickly answer it. "Hello?"

"Hi cousin!" her voice is on the other end.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing much. What about you?"

"I'm almost there. I hitchhiked a ride after my car got wrecked."

"What happened?"

"A twister happened."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Where are you right now?" I can tell she's trying to hide her excitement. To be honest, I am too.

"I'm in Arizona, heading your way." I tell her.

"Already? It's only been almost two days!"

"I know, but either way, me and Todd are excited to see you."

"Where is he? Can I talk to him?"

"Sure. If he ever wakes up." Angie laughs.

"That's funny. Wait. Did you say you were hitchhiking?"


"I thought that only happens in the movies. So, you are you with?"

"Some tiger named Dexter. He says he knows you." Dexter gives me a questioning look when I said this.

"Dexter? He's really with you?"

"You know this guy?" I'm surprised. I thought he was joking when he said he knew who Angie was.

"Yes. We met through that Big Brothers Big Sisters program." So I've heard. "Is he really there with you?"

"Yeah." I put the phone on speakerphone. "Don't believe me? He's right here."

"Angie?" Dexter asks, keeping his eyes on the road. He must've assumed I put it on speaker.

"Dexter? Is that really you?" Angie's voice sounds louder than it did before.

"Yeah. It is."

"Are you really driving my cousin to me right now?"

"I am. Why?"

"When Wendell told me, I didn't know if it was true."

"Well, it's true."

"That's great! I can't to see you guys!"

"Alright you two, I'm turning off speaker." I did just that a second later. "So, Angie, where's Janelle?"

"She's at the doctor."


"She's getting her medication."

"Does she know we're coming?"

"Yes. I told her after you called me two nights ago."

"Who are you talking to?" I look down and see Todd has woke up.

"Angie." I say.

"What?" she says.

"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Todd. He woke up and just asked who I'm speaking to." I explain.

"Really? Can I talk to him?"

"Sure." I hand the phone to Todd and he takes it.

"Hello?" he says, "Yes. I'm Todd... It's great to finally talk to you too... About seven years... Yes, it is. Why?... I know. Wendell showed me... I was just sleeping on him... Stop laughing! That's not what I meant by sleeping!..." I can't help but snicker because I think that I know what Angie just said. "I was not!... Yeah..." Todd rolls his eyes at whatever Angie just said. "I'm not doing anything right now. What about you?... That's boring... I know. I have to start school again soon too... I guess me and Wendell are going to that high school... I'm not sure where... Wait, you're serious?... You'd let us stay at your place for a while?... Sound great... Bye." He hands me back my phone. Angie's still on it.

"What did you just tell Todd?" I ask.

"I told him what I told you not long ago." she says.

"And what would that be?"

"That I'm letting you two stay at my apartment with me and Janelle until you two can find your own place."


"I'm serious. You guys can use that spare bedroom we've got."


"Just no funny business if you know what I mean." I laugh.

"What did you think we were gonna do?"

"I don't know, but I think that at the end of the day, my apartment is gonna smell like two other guys."

"Really?" I ask. She really went there? It's still funny.


"Whatever." That's when something comes to mind and I have to ask. "Hey, have Sarah or Bruno came over to your place and ask about us?"


"Oh. Because they said they were on their way the last time I talked to them. They said they were taking a plane there."

"No one's come over here yet."

"Alright. Well, I've got to go now. I'll talk to you when we get there."

"Ok. Bye Wendell. I'll see you soon. Be careful." She hangs up, then I dial Bruno's number. It takes a few tries but he eventually picks up.


"Yes Bruno. It's me."

"You guys almost here yet?" he says.

"Almost. We're in the middle of Arizona."


"Where are you and Sarah?"

"Well, Sarah's drunk and she's currently vomiting in the bathroom."

"Bathroom? Where are you two?"

"My uncle's home just outside of town."

"Really? I didn't know you're uncle lived there."

"There's alot about me you don't know Wendell." Bruno says in that mysterious voice you'd see in a cheesy TV show.

"Bruno, you're not in a TV show from the 90's."

"I know, but it sounded awesome."

"Not really."

"Did so."

"Don't you have a barfing dog you should be watching over?" I ask.

"True. See ya." he hangs up. I look over at Todd.

"Barfing dog?" he asks.

"Sarah got drunk again. But, at least she and Bruno are both there, waiting for us." I say.

"Do they know where Angie lives?"

"No." That never came up.

"You should've told him so he knows where to meet us."

"You're right." I quickly text Bruno Angie's address then message Angie saying that Bruno and Sarah are coming over and we'll be there at around 7 or 8 tonight. "There. Taken care of."

"Ok. Just making sure." Todd says.


The next few hours were boring. It mostly consisted of Todd resting his head on my shoulder and me playing games on my phone. After that, I got bored of whatever I was playing. I put an arm around Todd and pull him in close. I think he murs a little bit. It's cute. Todd puts an arm around me and rubs my arm. I give him a kiss on his cheek.

"You're so sweet." Todd says.

"Well, you're cute." I say.

"Not as much as you." Todd kisses me on my cheek, then rubs noses with me.

"Awww. I love you so much."

"I love you more." Before I can respond, we lock muzzles. Unlike most times, we take it slow. I don't know about him, but I'd rather not get playful when there's someone else in the truck.

I slowly rub Todd's back. He puts a paw on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and hug him. Soon enough, he does the same. I can feel him pulling me in tight.

"Is foxy getting cuddly?" I say in my play voice.

"Yes." he says.

"Go ahead." Todd lays back down on my lap, his tail wagging. I rub his stomach and he murs again. "Why must you be so cute?" he just blushes in response.

"Do you two do this all the time?" Dexter says.

"Pretty much. This cuddly fox can't ever get enough of me." I say, hoping it'll tease Todd.

"Hey now! You can't get enough of me either." Todd says.

"True. But you're the one who gets affectionate all the time."

"Says the wolf who carried me home that one day."

"Says the fox who got a rose for me."

"C'mon. It wasn't that big of a deal." Todd blushes a deeper red.

"Are you kidding me? Roses are pretty much the most romantic flower there is." At least that's what I've been told. Todd blushes deeper. "Face it, cutie. You've got romance and cuteness written all over you." I tickle him a bit to tease him. He giggles a bit, but I do stop after a few seconds. As much as I love the sound of his laugh, I'll wait to mess with him until we get to California.

"I'm not the only one." he says.

"You're the only one for me." I say.

"Why must you twist up my words like that?" he sounds upset, but he's got that adorable smile.

"Why must you set it up for me so easily?" I try to use the same tone.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss his nose. "Are you going back to sleep? Or you gonna stay awake?"

"I'll try to stay awake." Just after he says that, he yawn.

"Really? It sound to me like you're about to fall asleep again."

"I can't help it. You're so comfortable to nap on."

"Thanks." Sometimes he's just too much. "Are we almost at the border yet?" I ask Dexter.

"I don't know, you tell me." he says. I look forward and I see it. The last state sign we will see on this trip.


"Hey, Todd." I caress his cheek.

"Yeah, Wendell?"

"We're in California."



New Mexico (Todd)

I wake up back at my old house. I don't see anything strange. I mean, nothing's out of the ordinary. I lift the blanket off of me and get off the bed. Holy shit! I just realized that I was naked! I quickly cover myself with my tail. I go over to my...

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Camping Trip

I can see my breath. It's too cold right now. This is what I get for not wearing a coat in this sleeping bag. I'm with my friend, Ben on a camping trip that he offered to me. I don't know exactly why I did come here. Maybe it's because I have a small...

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Runaway: A Divergent Parody

We run as far into the woods as we can. We only stop to catch our breath. "Is she on our trail?" I look behind me. "No," I say, "No one's following us." I sit and rest my back against an oak tree. Robby takes a seat next to me. He's this German...

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