2020 A.D. Part 3 [unfinished]

Story by Shane1991 on SoFurry

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#13 of Alte Geschichte/Old Story

Fiction© Shane

translate and correction ©


Thumbnail ©


I would be really happy to get feedback, but please keep in mind this is not the end version of this story.

Alot details and changes i want to make later

I want to make a Comic about this Fiction / Story

if you want to support me, you can do it on this siteshttp://www.gofundme.com/5ne6abr3ghttps://www.patreon.com/user?u=318302&u=318302&ty=hEach Supporter get a Lick

Shane backed away, he tasted blood on Akira's mouth.

He was wondering from where the blood came, he wanted to know if it was human blood.

Akira said that the human was lying dead in the cellar, Shane wasn't able to remember him.

Both of them went together in the cellar, there he was lying, a dead man.

Shane found his way to the still warm body, he looked at the big bite wound at the throat.

He was shocked by Akira's behaviour, yet asking Akira, why the human had to die.

Akira answered fast, he had to do it, the man tried to reveal them and he had almost killed Shane.

Shane stood up and went back upstairs, Akira had to wash off the human blood.

Akira took the opportunity and had a shower.

Shane stopped Akira right after he came out of the shower and wanted to get dressed again.

He applied a new bandage on Akira's wound.

"I fetched bandages and medicine, I hope it helps you."

"You risked your life for me?" Akira tried to thank. "It's okay," said Shane and hugged Akira.

Shane stroked with his paws over Akira's belly, then he went deeper.

Akira liked it, he touched softly Shane's butt and caressed it softly.

Shane licked Akira's chin and pressed his snout against it. He went deeper with his head.

They had sex, Shane laid his head after the sex on Akira's breast.

He savoured every heartbeat, he caressed Akira's belly as long till he fell asleep.

Akira laid his chin on Shane's head and licked it once more, then he fell asleep too.

Akira dreamed of something strange, it was the Lupain from the transporter.

He and this Lupain were holding hands in front of an river, both of them enjoyed an gigantic firework.

Behind of them were plants, Akira had never seen them, was it on an different planet?

He saw how this Lupain hugged him, but the dream changed.

Suddenly everything was burning, chaos was everywhere, he heard an Lupain talking, but he didn't understand what he was saying.

He saw an enormous evacuation, huge spaceships, containing thousands of Lupains, were everywhere.

He saw how one of the ships disappeared into the ground, shortly before it could start. The planet broke apart.

He saw how both of them got away of this planet in one of the spaceships.

As he was looking back, he saw how the cities disappeared.

He saw this Lupain, he cried and Akira seemed to comfort him.

Akira woke up shocked, it was in the middle of the day, he looked at the left side, but Shane wasn't there.

Shane came to Akira with a breakfast tray, but Akira said, that he must go back there to find this Lupain.

Shane gave him the medicine. "This you take and I come with you," he demanded.

Akira wasn't sure what human medicine would do to him. But it was no human medicine, it was Lupain medicine.

Akira wanted to know from where Shane got the medicine.

Shane said that he got it from an large warehouse that belonged to the laboratory complex.

It was easy to slip in unnoticed, he knew where it was.

"I wanted to wait till I tell you this, but when you want your revenge, then I will help you," said Shane.

Akira was somewhat angry of Shane, but he wanted to find this Lupain as fast as possible.

Shane stopped Akira before he left the house. "Put it on, the humans should not see us," said Shane.

Shane gave Akira an wide black raincoat and he wrapped an scarf around Akira's neck, then he put it in front of Akira's snout and gave Akira a pair of shoes.

Then he put the cape of the coat over Akira's head.

Shane was looking exactly like days before, he was wearing his shirt and his shoes and he was wearing his blue scarf in front of his snout.

"Here, you will need it, but hide it," said Shane as he was giving Akira his M1-L1 back.

"You dropped it the first time we met, I took it with me," he said.

Akira and Shane left the house. Akira went along with Shane, because Shane knew exactly where he had found Akira.

Akira could perceive the scent of the Lupain, because the Lupain was following Akira.They only found Akira's cartridge cases where Akira killed the first human.

Akira took a look to see if the human was still there, but besides the blood stain and one cartridge case, the place was empty.

They kept on following the scent of the Lupain, but the trace ended soon, nothing was at the place where the transporter once was.

Akira was desperately looking, but Shane comforted Akira. Shane knew where the transporter could be.

Shane led Akira to an junk yard, they slipped fast into the junk yard without an human seeing them.

They found the transporter on top of an scrap mountain, the transporter was completely empty.

The electronics, the weapons, the cargo, even the dead Lupains were gone, only blood stains and remainders of fur were left.

While Akira examined the front side of the transporter, Shane took an bundle of the bloodstained fur and began to pray.

He kneed and said: "If Lupains have an god, I will pray for the dead Lupains."

"I don't know if Lupains have an god, or if something like this exists. But humans pray for their dead," he said.

Akira laid his weapon to side and kneeled to Shane, then he laid his hands on Shane's, he smiled a little bit.

Akira saw a broken drawer, which was installed at the drivers site, it was empty.

Then he found an relatively fresh trace, the already clotted blood was overdrawn with a shoe print.

Someone went into the transporter recently.

Akira stood up again and followed the track, it led him to an house, which stood at the junk yard.

Akira and Shane caught sight of an rather fat man through the window.

2020 A.D. Part 1 [unfinished]

Akira received many missions to ensure that he was really the best. He should kill all Lupain he could find and take as many weapons as possible. To ensure that the Lupain were really dead, he beheaded them. (The human soldiers could hardly compete...

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2020 A.D. Part 2 [unfinished]

Akira received many missions to ensure that he was really the best. He should kill all Lupain he could find and take as many weapons as possible. To ensure that the Lupain were really dead, he beheaded them. (The human soldiers could hardly compete...

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2020 A.D. Part 0 [unfinished]

In 2018, humanity came for the first time in contact with an alien life form. These "aliens" could be described as an humanoid wolf-similar species, they called themself "Lupain". The resources of the Lupain were scarce and they were desperately...

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