My Momma, Tamamo

Story by Werefox Inari Sachi on SoFurry

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Probably the only 'extreme' piece I'll ever write, and highly Oedipal. Let me know if your eyes bleed, and I'll up-rate it. I left it at 'Adult' merely for visibility.

I'd been meaning to write something like this for awhile. You're welcome. Or not.

And so the veil was lifted, and she stood before me in all her might. What had been the conclusion of several weeks of dates, promises, and passionate lovemaking:

Discovering my girlfriend, Mae, to be a fox. Rather, THE fox. It was too rich. I was too fortunate.

I had to repress a laugh of awe; her perching there on the fold-out mattress. She was glancing knowingly at me from one side of her face--a tapered muzzle with a small wet nose--and running her white claws through her long, golden hair, as she looked in a hand mirorr.

"We meet at last, for real." I say, overjoyed.

Her form was all I had dreamed. Though she sat in her scarlet kimono as in the nights before, now she was bathed in the light of the full moon. I could no longer see her as the short raven-haired Asian girlfriend she had been, but as the golden kyuubi with flowing long locks, and twitching nine tails, that I had secretly stalked for half my life.

"Ever since you saw me, you've been waiting for this moment, and waiting in vain." she whispered sternly.

While I could not hold back a small, sad grin, I nodded in confession.

"You know what the hunters have said about me."

"I know." I concluded. "You have killed, both in life, and in death, inscrutably ending the lives both of your friends, and those who touch you."

"You know what the stories say, about trysts between men and foxes, then, too." she whispers, combing back her hair from her face, and grooming her tails with her tongue.

I tremble a little at the suggestion. Electrical, seeing her in this state, as a fox-faced courtesan. More than I could have dreamed, it's like being in the presence of an impeccably beautiful woman, and a very dangerous and hungry predator, all at the same time.

"I have. And yet... I feel like there should be more to the stories, than that."


"Yes." I whisper, crawling closer to her.

"Why?" she asks, pulling a perfectly round, golden, fur-coated breast from her clothing. An ebony black nipple points at me, inquisitively.

"Because I think you're beautiful, with or without the mask."


She strokes herself fondly, grazing her skin with her hard dog claws, and delicate, black-padded fingers. She's a perfect chimera of all the traits that make a human and a fox sexy, and I know that she can be more fox than person, when she chooses. I have walked into her den like a mouse, after constant confrontation and research. It is now my tenth visit to her bedside, and I am ready to know what the worst is she can do to me. I am ready for death, and beyond.

"You understand, I can't be accountable for what happens with your life, if you go through with your fantasy. I can only make it more or less ugly, what happens, exactly."

"I'm ready." I tell her. "Make me all yours."

She seems to like this approval. Maybe it's hubris to think that I am the first male to compliment her in this way--but never directly to the whole of herself. For the next several hours, I sit next to her, embraced in her silky tails, stroking them and telling her how long I've thought of her--how I cried at the stories of her death. How I never suspected her, and how I loved her despite her reputation.

"But in the end, if I am a killer, I am a killer." she reminds. "Are you prepared for what that might mean, for you?" she asks.

I shake my head. "I don't want to die. I just want to belong to you--forever. If death is what it takes, then kill me, now."

Black slides up the side of her smile, as her canine lips unfold ever so slightly, into what is a human-like grin. Predatory as it seems, I now think she is liking this idea, and toying with me.

"I have a way, and you know what it is."


"For you to go inside of me."

I pause. Right now, that sounds like 'exactly' what I want.

"Alright," I say. "How should I start?"

* * *

She makes an atrocious smell, Mae. She's stinky like a skunk between her legs, along her tails, and in the roots of hair around her neck and ears. There are so many fibers of fur and hair that fan her stench throughout the room, as I caress her numerous teats, that I am directly in the middle of the musk cloud. If you have never scented a fox in heat before, imagine that someone has taken a deep drink of bitter oil, and choked on it while smoking, and belched the resulting, still-burning smell into a basket of cloves and cilantro. Tamamo breathes over my body as I bask in this stink, us both having long since shed our clothes. She grips my shoulders with her sharp nails, and spreads her hips wide, as I stoop prostrated, taking turns licking and suckling at her eight or so boobies.

Her hips are very human at the moment. She is nearly a clawed, tailed, fox-headed woman. I have never known her belly to be so swollen, as if pregnant, and it seems fuller by the second as I lick her nipples and try for a drink. And to my delight, hot milk spills after only a few more moments of effort, as she grips one of her superior breasts, and holds me into it by my neck and back.

"I will take the years from your life. Enjoy yourself until then." She whispers into my ear.

I am not even able to look up, as she begins to stroke me off. Her mitt of tough fibrous padding, and digger's claws make for a lousy pleasure tool, so she has donned the glove of a human hand with relative ease, or so it feels. Her skin is exquisitely cool and smooth, brushing the edges of my member--and she seems to know just how to contract her grip to keep a smooth experience, with little friction--her silky skin compensating for the lack of lube. As she shifts into a dominant position over me, I barely move a muscle but to shift my lips to her second pair of breasts. Already, I feel 'smaller', 'fresher', and ridiculously naughty. I'm doing the one thing the legends tell me never to do, without even being 'tricked' into doing it.

Soon, she slides her big black muff over the head of my penis. It's so immensely warm that I almost lose my load there and then. It would surely be to her chagrin, so I do my best not to become horny and then flaccid, for the next half hour, as she rides me up and down--teasing in and out with her teats, and at one point spurting fox milk onto my eyes from her long warm boobs. Her proportions start to shift a little, feeling giantesque compared to my own, and eventually, just the heat around me is too much, let alone her strong, muscular contractions. Her man-fox pussy is going crazy around my comparably unimpressive human member, and at last, I'm exploding into her with ropes of hot white human semen.

I think at first that this is going to be where it ends, that I'll just up and die as a shriveled husk--or at very least age to the state of an elder man. But the magic of her curse is different with my will so thoroughly forfeited. I don't 'try' to hold on. Instead, I just keep suckling, and trying to regain my libido. I have to now. For 'her'. She needs this. She's a centuries old fox spirit, deserved a moment of honest sex after a lifetime of limbo for her transgressions.

In fact, her actions almost necessitate my cooperation. If I start to get flaccid and withdraw, it almost feels like I'm going to get my pelvis ripped off by her wild humping and muscular contractions. Soon, I am again getting hard, suckling her milk, and shrinking in stature--losing my muscle tone to feed orgasm after orgasm. She 'eats' what is male about me--drinks it up in her vulpine uterus--and I can only wonder if I am making her pregnant with our crossbred children, or if her womb yearns only for a tod's own seed.

Regardless, the pleasure shrinks away, and I feel a wonderful tingling in my body, as it drops from twenties to teens. Soon I fear I will be crushed, and she can sense this, as she shrinks into an eagerly humping vixen, perched on my lap. As her teats pull and shrink away to their canid counterparts, I feel a tingling in my mouth, and a soreness, as my gums begin to roll up aggressively against my teeth, threatening to consume them. As the doggish figure continues to milk my member, bouncing her rump against my lap and pressing her tough forepaws to my nipples, I feel light headed and dreamy. I feel new suggestions, that tell me I am to be the child of Tamamo no Mae--and I entertain them.

As the change continues, I feel a tightness in my loins. They are giving their all, shrinking as the heat begins to consume them--feeding drop after drop of semen, until all I can seem to spurt is a thin liquid. Finally, with a nice, snug pinch, I feel them ascend, past where they can possibly go in an adult body. I feel them climb into me, and leave an empty little sack of hairless flesh.

Even as the metamorphosis to a pre-adolescent occurs, Tamamo is sliding off me to reveal my two-inch penis, and hairless crotch. And now, all I can feel is the urge... the urge to pee.

I have been freed from sexual cravings. She has taken all that I could give, and given me my chastity back. And strangely, I don't feel emasculated.

I feel... clean. In a dirty, natural way, of course. Cleaned of age, cleaned of stress. But there are still things I am not clean of.

"Go on, then." She beckons, reassuming her human proportions.

I wince. I feel my bladder so full from that long session, aching to be relieved. I don't go for a toilet. I don't scream for a diaper. I just... piss. Everywhere. I soak her, I soak me. Hot fluid hits her hair, and sprays at my chin, and wets the padding and blankets around us. Most of the stream is directed at me, though, pounding my neck, moistening my body. And to my surprise, Tamamo pees as well, mixing the strongest secretions of her musk into my skin.

No longer am I a society-bound adult. No longer am I a shame-bound child. My muscles feel so delicate, and my limbs so light, as I shrink down further, skin of my sides, and cheeks, and butt, and belly, limbs and fingers, filling with baby fat. Mae has transformed me into her wild child, and all I can feel is the most instinctive urges. I don't even stop for permission to poop, as my stomach rumbles. My mind is trapped in the warm blank of just being an 'organism', not a 'person'. Soon, shit is pressing endlessly from my rear, and I don't have a care in the world.

"A little further. You're almost ready." she adds.

I can imagine my frame becoming less like a human's, and more like a little wild dog's, as I defecate. All it will take is a trip inside her body, to finish that fantasy. A brief respite lets me catch my exuberant breath to crawl to her in gratitude.

She picks me up, turns me around, and licks my rear with her long, ass-encompassing tongue. It's the most incredible whiping session I've ever experienced, as my memories occlude along with my gums. Soon, Mae is holding me as her own human progeny.

But there is more still to be done to my body.

"Drink. More. Drink it all." she says, staring into my baby blue eyes, with her blood red ones. Both our pairs contract to slits, as we share a moment of understanding--it is time for me to become the part of her, I was always supposed to be. The missing, free, passionate part, whose absence kept her bound to Konoe, and to her own wasteful death.

It is time to make Mae of Tamamo truly a mother--to uncheat her villainous fate.

So I cling with my feeble little human child's hands, as she palms my buttocks. She supports me as she gives me drink after drink, and I pass the warmth as stool and urine from my body, relieving all final impurities, to become her nestling newborn at last. The pressure of the change is so intense, as I fight to deliberately drink, excrete, and metamorphose, into a simpler being, whose carnality is measured not by mating, but simply by feeding and expulsion, and finally... at last, even that fades, as my droppings escape, and collapse into one last tiny pile on the floor. Even my mouth and anus now become vestigial in purpose, and a warm tingling emanates from my navel.

It has budded like a seed, and sprung a small cord of flesh. And as I give my last suckling efforts, I can tell Mae is in a state of bliss and rapture, even despite, and perhaps in recognition of all the dirty biological functions of the last hour or two. She has found the one human who can accept the crudity which all humans abandon instead, for darkness of their soul. I am in reverse, and accepting, as the cord knits together its own strange, alive self, with that of my lover mother's. Soon the knot of two tussling cords of flesh shrinks and fades, scarless, and I am bound somewhere inside her.

"There, then. You have your wish. But now, you cannot be seen, for awhile. So go inside me then, as you promised." she says, before cleaning me over once more with her mouth.

This connection is not a ball and chain of iron, between a jilted lover and her oppressor. It is a tie of faith, and love, and 'flesh'. I have claimed this mythical being as my mother, and this is the bond of my devotion. Soon, it engorges, swells, comes to life with purpose, and I feel it tighten as she relaxes. Sitting aside our mutual messes, mother and child alike reeking of fox, Tamamo no Mae lowers me to my ascent. I feel each beat of her heart, align in time with mine, and feel the cord contracting. She holds me helpless and barely aware, as the fog rolls over my tiny brain like a warm blanket, and I close my eyes.

I feel my toes, nail-less now, dancing against the folds of her enormous vulva. I even feel the little tufts of canine fur from her pubes at first.

And then I slide in.


Her lining massages my ankles, then my thighs. Her clitoris makes a passing rub against my teenie 'pee-pee', kissing it one last, juicy farewell, as it's engulfed in the wonderful heat of her passage. Soon, her clitoris is trailing its juices up my belly...

...up my chest...


And at last, as she eases my shoulders into her folds with her fingers, I am literally 'kissing' her clitoris, suckling as it spews fluid into my lungs and throat. I can't even choke. I just take in her warmth, and feel it seal my fate. Her love nub gives one final slide against my forehead, squirts it like it's a christening, and lubricates me to slide on down.

The suction of her vagina against my head is amazing, as I slide and suck down that passage into her uterus. It grips me around my skull, and I get to feel each amazing contraction, as the light of day shrinks between her folds. The lips of the sphincter pinch again, and again, gripping a smaller diameter of my head with each tight, wet grip, until finally I drift off, and am massaged completely inside.

Though I cannot see it, Tamamo relaxes, squats to her hips, and slowly starts to attain her wild body. Soon, she is little more than a collie-sized fox, waving her nine tails about in arousal, as she clenches her enormous black bell of a vulva tight. She strides out of our house, slowly, step by step, into the cool of the night, even as I continue to be swallowed up within her birthing canal.

From my perspective, the heat is all that can be understood. But it is necessary, sheltering, for my tiny body, as fluid drizzles in to my ever dampening confines. No longer able to open my eyes, no longer able to breathe, or to urinate, or to think a thought lasting more than a fragment of a second, I surrender to the second sphincter--her cervix, as her contractions pump me inside.


Like before, I feel my toes tickled, then nipped, then sucked inside. My legs are easy prey--and my genitals? An afterthought. There is nothing to distract my mind but one concept: Yes. Consent. The acceptance for re-entry, and finally... the delight of the second circle of flesh, massaging my width into her womb.

As I am unleashed into this deepest part of my momma, her viscera pulls some interesting tricks. I am slid along, and secured to one side, within a tight chamber of other bodies--tiny, just-gestating kits, that I will soon be one of. I cannot see them, but I feel their presence in my increasingly unstable mind. It's as simple as the pulse in the chamber--for we are one with mom. I relax my head, and feel a warm layer of flesh envelop me close to my navel. Soon, it is working its webbing over me, and at last, it inflates into its proper form as it is filled with mom's fluids--

--my placenta.

Now, engulfed in this nascent chamber, I drift into a long and delightful sleep--where all I need do is feel mom's reassuring heartbeat, feeding us all through our bellies. I don't need to breathe, I don't need to think. I simply... 'be' Tamamo no Mae, as her cells are added to mine, chimeratizing me--making me into a non-human pup. I have drifted to such a basic state, that there is no refusal, no ability or physiological desire even down to the protein level, to separate her from myself, so long as her body wills us to be one.

Soon, all is implicit, as she walks off into the night, to find a meal for us. And soon I--we--will be born anew as her children. For I am no longer just one person. My consciousness has broken as water against a dam--and I am sharing my human soul, with all of her children at once--tods, vixens--perhaps even kits of sexes in between. It no longer matters what I was, or even what I am.

I no longer need wholeness, or independence--I just need my mom.