Jason's Summer

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_ *So I haven't written anything In a very long time I saw my old story and reread it and it brought back so many happy memories that it made me want to start a new one. Maybe now that I've grown and have more free time in my life I could possibly take on this project I hope for this to be a series and with that in mind I'll start with the warnings while this chapter may be clean this story will eventually develop adult themes that may not be appropriate for all readers. So if you're under 18 you should definitely not read these kinds of stories, since you know every one here is over 18 and would never lie about their age *wink wink* beyond that I would just like to say that all kinds of comments are welcome especially any constructive criticism. * _

_ _ ...Well things had certainly gone better before. Jason just couldn't believe he'd gotten himself into this kind of situation again! Just thinking back to the beginning when this all started seemed like so long ago even though it had just been a few days ago.

The lazy whir of the ceiling fan was the only sound that his half-awake ears could register laying on a small bed surrounded by boxes a small gray bunny boy was gaining consciousness. Feeling the last threads of his already forgotten dreams leave his mind the young bunny began to feel something else, something much more urgent and in dire need of his attention. Opening his eyes the young boy was met with a bright light and a mess of blurry splotches. Feeling around the boys hand finally found what his eyes couldn't see, bringing the small object to his face the world suddenly grew sharp and the young bunny was finally alive to world. Looking down the bunny couldn't help but smile at the sight of his best friend standing straight up almost yelling for the young bunny to focus on it. Getting out of bed the sheets slipping of his lithe gray form the bunny bare to the world wearing nothing but his glasses made his way to his door dodging half empty boxes his friend pointing the way bright red and almost angry with the neglect the bunny had shown him in the last eight hours.

Opening his door the young bunny peeked out making sure the hallway was clear of any unwanted furs who might not appreciate the almost defiant protrusion at the young boys waist. Seeing no one and noticing the door across the hall was open the gray youth wasted no time in running in and closing the door behind him the alarms coming from his waist becoming all the more urgent. Stepping in front of the porcelain tub the boy allowed his young spike to finally release, murring softly as the feelings of releasing the prior night's contents from his bladder sent tingles done his spine and made his soft gray toes wiggle on the cold tile.

Having finally appeased him the bunny's friend lost all stiffness and retreated back into his gray sheath almost as if ashamed at having caused such a commotion. Stepping away from the flushing tub in front of him the bunny made his way to the sink to wash his paws and begin his morning routine. Looking up from his wet paws the bunny came face to face with himself. Smiling at his reflection the bunny began searching his body like he did every morning. Looking at his long gray ears the bright pink of the inside really stood out against the gray of the rest of his body. Scanning his face the boy's smile only grew as he saw his favorite feature the bright teal eyes staring back at him from just behind his glasses. They were just so big and bright he sometimes felt like he could look into them forever. Moving on the boy wiggled his nose making the little pink nub shake along with his whiskers. The bunny brought a hand up and scratched an itch that was on his fuzzy gray chest, looking and twisting around the bunny admired his young body though small and skinny the bunny could definitely see some muscle showing through his short fur all those years of swimming had really made his body tight and his tummy flat.

Looking further down the boy almost laughed as he noticed that his friend had responded to all his touching and exploring, a bright red tip poking out of his gray sheath asking what all excitement was about. Below his sheath he saw his second and third favorite features of his body the plump gray orbs hanging freely seemed to almost quiver with the attention the bunny was paying them. He felt them and let out a sigh at the feeling of his paw pads on his young orbs. Finally ending his ministrations the bunny ended his daily exploration by looking down at his large foot paws and wiggling his toes making himself giggle at the sight. Drying his paws on towel that hung from the rack behind him the bunny opened the door and once again making sure that his way was safe made his way to his room only to hear a deep voice come from the stairwell.

"Jason are you awake? Breakfast will be ready soon hurry up and get dressed." The bunny, now Jason, just giggled and called down.

"Yeah I'm up dad I just need to find where I put my clothes and I'll be right down." Jason heard a muffled OK as he closed his door. Eyes landing on the multitude of boxes that littered his room Jason made his way to an open set of boxes by his empty closet. Searching through the mess of folded shirts and jeans Jason finally fished out a solid green shirt along with his favorite pair of jeans. He loved this pair because they seemed to hug his legs and his pert bottom, to be honest Jason didn't know why this mattered to him but he always received a lot of compliments when he wore them. Pulling the shirt over his messy head fur and ears, Jason carefully zipped up and buckled the button in front and with a deft hand fished out his fluffy tail from the back shaking it a little to wake it up. Opening his door Jason was met with the smells of breakfast from down stairs, the delicious smells beckoning him to hurry Jason raced down the stairs only to be met by a large fluffy mass at the bottom. With a soft huff Jason looked up to see the brown eyes and smile of his dad. The older gray rabbit laughing at his young son's energy offered a paw to the boy to help him up. Jason just giggled and took his dads paw jumping up and hugging the older fur in front of him.

"Good morning dad!" the bunny yelled arms still around the rabbits waste, "what's for breakfast?"

"Well good morning to you too," the rabbit chuckled out. "I was just on my way up to get you we're having waffles so let's go before they get cold."

Excited Jason ran into the kitchen, he loved waffles and he could see that his dad had made his all-time favorite blueberry.

"Grab a seat fluffy butt and I'll serve you" said his dad. His statement was met with a little blush and a small whine.

"Aww dad don't call me fluffy but it's embarrassing," the young bunny muttered but he couldn't stop the giggle that was on the back of his throat. He loved his father the older rabbit was the only parent young Jason had ever had for as far back as he could remember. He once asked about his mother and his father just told him that she had died when she gave birth to him. His father had shown him pictures of a really beautiful blond rabbit with long ears and a smile so warm that Jason had felt safe just looking at her but the thing that he noticed immediately were her eyes they were his eyes, well they looked the same, the same hue of teal that reminded him of the ocean. When he told his father this the older rabbit just laughed and said those were the eyes he first fell in love with when he was younger and that when Jason was born those were the eyes that the older fur said had changed his world.

Jason sat on the table attacking the stack of waffles smothered with syrup that his dad had placed in front of him. The entire time listening to his dad go on and on about how great the new house looked and how excited he was that he and Jason would be starting their new life here. Jason could only slightly roll his eyes he knew how excited his dad was what with starting his new job soon at the oil refinery and moving to a new town across the country. Jason was happy for him but he knew he would miss his friends, his old school, and well everything. It was the beginning of summer and he was in a new house, in a new town, in a new state. He was nervous and a little scared that he wouldn't make any friends in this new place, he of course didn't tell his dad any of this Jason knew that starting middle school next fall he was going to lose a lot of his friends anyway he just didn't know what he was going to do this summer with nowhere to go and no one to hang out with. Jason's thoughts were interrupted by the loud sound of his father's cell phone on the counter. Looking up he saw his father reach for it and put it to his face.

"Hello... yes Sir good morning to you too... the new house is beautiful, Jason and I couldn't be more excited... today ... well sure why not I guess I could go for a bit to meet everyone, I'll be right over in a bit." His father ended the call and looked over at his son a cautious look on his face. Jason knew that look it was his father's guilty face he could guess from the call what was about to happen next.

"Hey bud I know this is a little sudden but that was the CEO of the company he wanted me to come in for a bit so that he could introduce me to the new team I would be managing from now on. I know we had agreed to just hang out today and do some shopping and I'm sorry to just run out on you like this but I really need to do this you understand don't you J?" the rabbit said in a soft tone searching his son's face for anger or sadness but finding nothing but understanding.

"Sure dad I get it you're going to be the new boss so I know you're going to have to do a lot of new things from now on. Don't worry I'm not mad we can go shopping tomorrow we have all summer so there's no problem." Jason said as he smiled at his dad the worried look on his face replaced by a smile. He watched as the older rabbit stood up and walked over to hug him in a strong hug.

"Thanks for understanding bud I'll make it up to you Ok I promise. What would you like for dinner I'll bring whatever you want," His father asked. The bunny got excited and hopping up and down on his chair he exclaimed KFC his favorite. With a chuckle the older rabbit finished his breakfast and started cleaning up with the help of his son. Finishing the dishes Jason heard his dad go upstairs and start to get dressed, drying his paws Jason made his way to his room and started opening boxes.

Loosing track of time Jason was startled by a knock on his door frame, looking up he saw his dad in a suite he had never seen before.

"Whoa when did James Bond move into this house, nice suite dad." Jason said eyes tacking in the details of the expensive looking suite his dad wore.

"Hahaha why thank you young man I do look pretty good don't I?" his fathered laughed self-consciously.

"You look great dad you're going to do great today good luck ok knock em dead." Jason said while sticking his thumb up in the universal sign of good job. The older rabbit thanked his son and told him that he would be back later in the day with dinner. Jason said Ok and asked if he could go out and explore his new neighborhood. His father said OK after giving him the standard rules every parent gives their child.

"I promise I'll be safe dad I'm just gonna go check out that park we drove by last night it looked huge and I bet I could probably have some fun there," the young bunny said happily. With that his father walked down stairs and a few seconds later Jason heard the sound of his father's car turn on and back out of the drive way. Jason looked for his shoes finding them at the bottom of a box. Shoes on his feet Jason grabbed his house keys and made his way down stairs making sure that everything was turned off and everything was locked he opened the front door and was immediately greeted by the smells of cut lawns, wet cement, and flowers. He loved the smells of summer closing the door behind him the young bunny looked around his new neighborhood seeing large houses and neat lawns the place felt a little intimidating but Jason had never been a shy or an easily put off youngster so with all the confidence of youth Jason made his way to the park and to hopefully a happy start to his new life.

Summer Adventures Part 4

Authors note: Wow guys it's been a really long time I'm really sorry for the delay but there was a lot of family drama and I really lost my muse for a while, but now I'm feeling a lot better and hope to continue this story on a regular basis. The same...

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Summer Adventure part 3

_Authors note: Ok then here's part three, from here on out the stories will begin to get longer and longer the stuff you guys have all been waiting so patiently for is coming in the next part. I'm so excited :3 disclaimer: This story series will...

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Summer Adventures part 2

_Authors note: Ok heres part two same disclamers as lat time underage sex with two or more minors coming soon don't read if you don't like and if it's ilegal in your region. all constructive critisism is welcomed._ _ AJ was terrified the cat and the...

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