Suki's Connections Chapter 7

Story by Rick Coona on SoFurry

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#8 of Suki's Connections

Suki's Connections Chapter 7

Back online (sort of) connection speed leaves much to be desired but it will work after a fashion,

Chapter 7 in which Suki gets some protection and has a bit of fun


Today was a special day for Suki. She had a little notion of doing this for a little while, and some discussions here and there with Ken, Anna and Sally set her on this path. There were nice birth control treatments available that were subcutaneous and pretty much 'automatic' yet reversible. With all of the erotic attention she was getting from the lads, she figured it might be prudent to go for such an appointment. Anna and Sally recommended their family doctor, whom was very big on family planning and keeping things safe, and thus Anna was on her way along with Suki to the doctor's office at Scarborough Medical Group. The appointment ended up being very convenient for the two, and having a friend along certainly would help with comfort.

Their family doctor was a feline woman named Enora Ching, well known in the community.

As Anna and Suki entered they were greeted by a badger femme in a crisp white nurses uniform. "Anna! Good to see you again, How's the family?" the badger asked welcoming the new arrivals into the office

"All is well, Gloria, We have a new adoptive member of the family here to see Enora, This is Suki Amiyah. Suki, may I introduce Gloria Woodland, Dr Ching's front office goddess." Anna said with a smile causing the badger to roll her eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. This is a very nice office. And I have heard good things about Dr. Ching on the way over," Suki replied.

"Wonderful well Sally has been a patient since her early teens, and we cater to all aspects of familey planning and health, so what can we do for you today Suki?" Gloria asked the raccoon fem

"I believe that I am here for the birth control. It's is it said, the rods?" Suki asked, curiosity in her eyes.

Yes they are a very good choice, they give you up to five years of protection, take effect within twenty-four hours of implantation and can be removed at any time if you decide you want to have children. I take it you are sexually active now?" the badger asked holding up a clipboard and taking notes for the doctor.

""Yes, Ma'am...I...I am," Suki said, blushing profusely. "Very much so."

"Very good, and what form of birth control are you using at this time?'" Gloria asked with a smile.

"I...ummm...did not use any partners," Suki admitted. "Miss Anna and I talked about that, and yes it is risky, and I know it is naughty of me...I just wasn't thinking, I happy, you know? Still am!"

"Oh my, well unless you want to experience motherhood first hand than I think it is wise you came in. for children tend to come along on their own schedule, and sometimes it is not always what we femmes would have planned, you are taking control of your sexuality and your reproductive choices, that is always a good thing in my book, enjoy live and when you feel ready then let those little bundles of joy come into your life. Yes?" Gloria said with a nod.

"Yes, yes," Suki said, feeling at ease now and not under censure. "Okay. I feel like I am ready to do this, yes."

"Very good. if you could just fill out this new patient history form. I will have Dr. Ching see you as soon as you have everything completed." the badger said, removing her notes and handing the clipboard to the raccoon before turning her attention to Anna.

"So, Anna, we should be seeing your eldest granddaughter in here before too long, isn't she getting close to that age for her first femme's check up?"

"she's eleven now and starting to show the first blush of breast, so it shouldn't be too long if her mother was any indication." Anna chuckled as Suki worked on her paperwork

Suki, in the meantime, successfully completed the form, giving all of her relevant ID as well. It felt a little more empowering doing this as she handed the information to Gloria.

"Thank you Suki, I will get this to Dr Ching and she will see you in a few minutes." the Badger returned to her desk entering the reliant information into the system's database and letting the Doctor know she had a new patient then dissapearing into the back to deliver the folder for Dr Ching to review before seeing her for the first time.

" Nothing to worry about Suki, think of this as giving you a free pass to all the sex you can handle with none of the associated risks. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and every femme who desires it should experience it to the fullness that experience brings. You and Ken are enjoying yourselves, and I am grateful you accepted the mutual invitation we offered." Anna said to the young raccoon placing a hand on her shoulder.

"now, if say that first time, you and Ken made love, you became pregnant, we would all welcome you and your bundle of joy into the family, of that there is no question. As Ken's apprentice, you are still learning the bakery business from Kenny and having a child would slow down your acquisition of skills, so why not get some protection now, and have kids when you are ready?"

Suki hugged Anna tightly never before feeling this much love and acceptance for her choices in this life.

"Oh, Miss Anna you are so wise and compassionate to take one such as I into your family and showering me with all the blessings in the universe. I...I have no idea what I did in a previous life to be so deserving, but I am beyond grateful for everything."

Soon it was time for the appointment and Suki (along with Anna) were directed to the Exam room 3 where the doctor would be waiting.

Exam Room 3 was fairly standard. Exam table, couple of chairs the standard posters on the walls and models on the counter, supply cabinets and a =large=box of latex exam gloves.

Doctor Enora Ching was a tan feline with jade green eyes, her jet black hair (cropped shoulder-length) seemed to be in in her middle years, specializing in femms reproductive health, she has been Sally's doctor for years. She greeted her old friend and new patient.

"Welcome Suki, Anna good to see you again, so Gloria says this lovely young femme is a member of the family, and you are here to safeguard your future, wonderful." the doctor said smiling warmly. "Why don't we have you out of those clothes and up on the table so we can give you a quick exam and you can tell me about your latest exploits!" the feline said with a conspiratorial wink to both Anna and Suki. patting the padded exam table with her hand.

"Oh, not a problem Doctor," Suki said, quickly undressing, placing her skirt and blouse (as well as her cute panties) onto a chair, and then climbing up onto the exam table. "Oh, I really thought this was going to be cold," she said, sitting down with her tail draped over the edge. Not knowing what to do, she just kept her legs together. "What a relief."

"Ya know, I used to hate that I felt like I was in a morgue; those old style exam tables <burrrr>" she said with an exaggerated shiver. "Now lay back place your feet in the stirrups here and tell me about your sexual history, and don't leave anything out, no matter how embarrassing it may seem, we are all femmes here with plenty of experience, okay?"

Enora smiled assisting Suki to get into proper position. "think of this as bonding, dear" Anna added

Once Suki was in the right position she blushed, beginning. "I, well my first time was back in Saraland...with a guy from secondary school. He was okay. We used a condom. I, well, had a boyfriend when I went to culinary school, but we didn't stay together long. We wanted different things. I had sex a few times with him, and I used a condom. I didn't really do anything until I got to work with Mr. Ken...and that one night...he...oh my, it was amazing what he did, but he put it in me, and...we got to do it many times. But we did not use the condoms. And then I got to try to have sex with Mr. Larry and that was a few times...I did not use that either. And of course I have the lovely times with Mrs. Anna and sister Sally...touching the women...but I did not use a condom."

"My my, that sounds wonderful. Not the _wisest_way to enjoy passion, but there _is_a medical term for women who tend to enjoy unprotected sex, you know?" Dr Ching asked with a mischievous smirk tugging the corner of her lips.

looking between Anna and Suki.

"...We call them _ Mothers _." the Doctor chuckled. "but that is why you are here so lets examine you and discuss your options shall we?" she asked palpating the raccoon's abdomen, "My you have lovely soft fur here my dear, any pain?" she asked.

"uh, no?" Suki replied, the Doctor nodded moving up to her diminutive breasts.

"Good good, now, any soreness here?" she asked massaging the raccoons breasts starting on the outer edge and slowly circling in to the nipple, Suki gave a slight sigh of pleasure at the skilled medical touch, Anna smiled noticing Suki's nipples stiffening

The little brown nipples got rock hard from the contact as Suki lightly replied, "No, it feels fine."

"You do your monthly breast exams?" the Dr asked. Suki gave her a blank stare before replying, "I did not know that I needed to do such, not know about them, no. My parents never told me about that, they only told me that I should not touch my breasts."

"That seems a bit odd, but nothing we can't overcome. education is vital to maintaining your health and long happy life, I'm not sure what your sexual education was like beforehand, but knowing Anna the way I do I'm sure she is teaching you well." the Doctor finished with a gentle tug on each of Suki's turgid nipples, Suki sighed almost moaning at the unexpectedly pleasurable touch.

"I know now so much...Mrs. Anna, sister Sally, they have taught me so much. I do not feel afraid or so shy any more," Suki said, looking at Anna lovingly. She did blush at the doctor too.

"Nothing to be ashamed of here my dear, I have been their family doctor for many years and I wish more families were as open and loving as they are... now I need to have a look inside you, it shouldn't hurt and we can then discuss the best methods available to keep you safe, okay?" the Doctor asked taking up a position between the raccoon's legs and opening a small drawer she pulled on a rubber glove and noticed the young raccoon appeared to be rather aroused by the exam and frankly erotic conversation.

"Okay Doctor. Yes, we can do it..." Suki said, blushing as she was so exposed. She could not recall having a good exam like this, at least not one that didn't feel sterile and cold.

"Well just relax, my, you seem to be a healthy young femme," Enora commented placing two fingers against Suki's arousal drenched sex, parting her lips as she started her exam. Suki moaned softly. Anna smiled down. "Not as bad as you thought, eh, Suki? Didn't we say Enora was good?" she asked, placing her hand on the raccoon's shoulder.

"Well, it seems you have no problems with adequate lubrication, that is always a good sign for an active sex life." the feline said slipping two fingers into Suki's sex. Suki moaned softly raising her hips slightly, really enjoying this exam.

The raccoon gasped a little. "Yes...this is going was not scary like I expected," she said, unable to suppress a very faint gasp.

"everything feels good so far, time to take a look inside," the Doctor said reaching for the speculum, "Think of 'Mister Ken', Suki" she advised, inserting the warm metal probe deep into the raccoon's love canal.

Suki blushed, her sex dilating as she thought of her lover and mentor, but it did help to think of what Doctor Ching was doing, and that the beautiful mature skunk Anna was in the room as well.

Peering into the raccoon's sex the doctor was pleased to see all the signs of a healthy sexually mature and active female. rotating the device she noticed Suki's engorged 'G' spot. and thought This was as good a time as any to collect a sample. "I need to collect a sample, just relax and enjoy yourself." the Doctor chuckled. Placing a small beaker over her sex she stimulated that most intimate of pleasure points and was rewarded by Suki's orgasmic release

Suki was suddenly rocketed into the most delightful and unexpected orgasm, panting as she recovered

"Unnngh..." Suki moaned a little, her body shaking all over, everything that could be erect was and she huffed in exertion and delight.

The doctor smiled, stood, and examined the beaker "a little over forty-eight milliliters, not too bad at all. I'd say you are more than ready for a sound birth control method," Enora said holding up the beaker before setting it on the counter. "You recover a bit and we can discuss your options when you are ready, okay?"

"Ohhh... I am excited to know about them...but I have no idea...Mr. Larry says I am chatty after I have a climax," Suki replied, blushing. "Thank you for making the exam good, Doctor."

"Well, we are all femmes here and most of my male colleagues tend to be a bit rough when examining femmes so I figure why not make it a pleasurable experience? Now then, you have several options open to you ..." Doctor Enora ticked them off on her fingers

After the doctor gave her explanation of the options, Suki remembered the discussion from earlier. "I'll go with the rods. I think that is the best option. I think that my family will agree."

"I think that is a wise choice, no chance of slip ups or forgetting to take a pill or come in for a shot, the procedure takes about half an hour, and the only outward sign is a one inch shaved patch on your upper right arm. but don't worry, your fur grows right back." the Dr said with a chuckle.

"Okay. Yes, let's do it Doctor," she said. "It sounds like a great idea."

And with that the procedure was kicked off. Everything went smoothly, and before she knew it, Suki was relaxing, waiting for the implantation to be ready. She looked at the doctor, checking out her figure as she laid on the exam table.

"Now that we are done, in twenty four hours you will be completely protected from pregnancy for the next five years, which means all the sex you want, but remember it does not protect from STIs, "

"I understand, Doctor...thank you for doing this, you are wonderful." Suki said appreciatively.

"Let me ask you something Suki, have you ever thought of getting your nipples pierced?" Enora asked

"I have not, no...I...don't think I have met anyone with them. sounds like that might hurt. Does it?" the raccoon asked. "Well, no more than having a lover bite them extra hard, but I think they look nice, what do you think?" She asks and opens her labcoat, much to Suki's surprise the labcoat is all the Doctor is wearing! There on display was a marvelous set of 'C' cup breasts, stiff nipples set with gleaming rings capped with faceted amber beads.

"They're gorgeous," Suki said, blushing. "Everything...your shape...the piercings..."

"why thank you Suki." The Doctor said "I had them done when I was in medical school. I figured I was not going to have kids so after I got myself fixed, I decided I would add a bit of jewelry to my nice rack. As you may be able to tell, I am a naturist, like those in your household, I like to strut around in just my fur... it is soo nice to take off ones clothes and the stresses of the day at the door. Please feel free to examine them as closely as you like." Dr Enora invited.

Suki reached out to touch the doctor's breasts, looking very closely at them and even examining the characteristics of her nipples, finding those to be very exciting. She even twiddled the piercings themselves gently.

"Mmm yeah as you can see the nature of the rings make my nipples permanently erect and sensitive. I think the faceted amber accents them nicely but I wouldn't recommend them if you plan on nursing as they block your milk ducts. but you can get some clip on styles if you ever want to get a feeling for what they are like."

"You picked a wonderful type of jewelry for them, is wonderful." she said softly. "I do want to have children one day and I do want to feed them in the same way as sister Sally and Mrs. Anna have."

"Wonderful choice Suki if you ever want to try out some of the clip on pseudo-piercings, most good quality sex shops have a good selection. they can be really fun for you and your lovers"

"Okay, I will definitely try to do it," Suki said. "Thank you so much, Doctor. And I cannot wait for the twenty-four hours to is exciting."

"Thank you for coming to see me today and if you have any questions, just call me." she handed Suki a card as she cinched her lab coat in place . "Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water today and if you feel dizzy sit down and rest as that is just your body adjusting to the new contraceptive level in your bloodstream. I don't expect you to experience any negative side effects you are young, healthy, sexually active and well loved. Enjoy your new safe life and I want to see you back in three months, okay?"

"No trouble at all," Suki replied, taking the card and getting dressed. "You are the best, I know so much more now about my body." She beamed towards Anna as well.

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