The Real Deal

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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More Pokémon showing humans what it's like to get wild. Really, though, you're traveling alone through remote locations with your only companions being sapient creatures you're practically expected to form close emotional bonds with...I'm just gonna say it, there's a lotta fuckin' going on.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT WARNING: This story contains sexual acts between three males, unrealistic size disparities, bizarre aspects of sex with strange creatures, and a toy whose dimensions I will leave only to your imagination.

Conceived before Gen 6 came out...naturally, I'm inclined towards a Mega Evolution follow-up, but all I've got right now is the idea without any direction for execution, so consider this a stand-alone.

In a lot of ways, it wasn't the time or the place to be doing what Manny was about to do. The middle of a deep, dark woods in the middle of the night, a land scarcely walked by humans, the unknown rustling all around him, and he was about to find a place to ram himself onto a dildo. Had circumstances not been what they were, he would have thought something was wrong with him.

Hm, actually, that's still more than possible...

Okay, maybe it was strange. But he'd been feeling the bite for a while now, and opportunities for privacy were scarce for traveling Pokémon trainers. Manny never trusted the privacy of hotel rooms, and it wasn't like he could just walk home whenever he wanted. And even when he was away from the cities and towns, there was always the occasional trainer to be run across, and they had the tendency to show up at the worst times. Not to mention he had his Pokémon to take care of, and he wasn't about to do something like that in front of them.

So really, his options were pretty limited.

And that was why he'd decided to just bite the bullet and do it there and now. They were taking a supposed shortcut through a dense forest, so little traveled that there wasn't even a trail. Even if he was somehow going to run across a trainer in this place, it wouldn't be at that hour of the night. And Kreiger and Ragac were fast asleep by now, and well back by the tent. With no idea when the next chance for relief might be, he was determined to see it through.

His clothes came off quickly, the excitement dampening the nip of the night air on his bare skin. It was mildly cool, but he was fairly sure he'd work up a sweat before too long. Soon they were all in a heap on the ground, and his body was bare to the night. He was fairly average in all senses, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, just all-around average Manny. It wasn't exactly a prideful thing for him; he half-wished there was something more remarkable or memorable about his physique, something he could feel real joy in. But his lifestyle didn't leave many opportunities for creating that.

He stood the toy up on a spot of flat ground, making sure it would stand stable before he did anything with it. The thing was frighteningly large, and its shape certainly wasn't very reminiscent of a human's; he was fairly sure he would have died if anyone had ever found it with the rest of his belongings. He'd gotten it from a very private seller some time ago, one he'd barely been able to look in the eye as he'd bought it. Now he wasn't sure why; it wasn't like Manny was underage, the guy had to have seen weirder things, and he was selling the dildo. It wasn't like Manny was ever going to see him again, either. And there was only one real use for it, a use which Manny was hardly ignorant of.

Manny had only little sexual experience with other people, but the one that stuck out most was the guy who had used such toys on him, smaller than what he approached now but still larger than the usual. It was through that that Manny had discovered his penchant for larger objects, and he had been working himself up for the last couple years. He worried sometimes that he had ruined himself for future partners, but those thoughts scarcely came up when he felt the itch, and he relished every experience he got. He'd just gotten capable of taking this most recent acquisition all the way into himself, and tonight he was going to have a repeat performance.

Slowly he lowered himself down onto the tip, which he'd already taken the liberty of lubing up liberally. The hardest part for him was the initial entry, getting that first stretch around after that long period without action. It was the only part where he would have preferred holding the toy rather than standing it up; however, he never felt he could move it enough just holding it, and it was better to have the mobility afterwards than an easier initial entry. He'd had practice, though, and soon enough he felt the tip of the toy slide in.

From there on it was smoother sailing. He lowered himself slowly, working his way down. He passed the second barrier within him without much stress; he'd heard a lot about how that was usually the hardest part, but his own seemed to be fairly permissive on that part. Perhaps that was the remarkable thing about him, but it wasn't like he could go around advertising that. He still took it slow, not wanting to injure himself by rushing and potentially losing his balance. It took a few minutes before he felt blades of grass tickle his rear, the toy buried all the way to the top of the wide base.

Manny moaned as he shifted slightly, feeling the dildo rubbing against those sensitive spots inside him. It had gone faster than the last time, and he was working up the nerve to make this round a little more active than before. Still, he paced himself to start, lifting himself up and pushing down fairly slowly, letting the sensation of being so deeply filled permeate his body. He was fully hard and starting to leak, and one of his hands trailed from the toy up to his member, softly stroking it in time with his motions.

However, after just a couple more minutes, before he'd really gotten started, he heard noise behind him. He swiveled his head around, and gasped and fell over as he saw two large figures behind him in the darkness. He scrambled onto his back, exposing his erection and the base of the dildo as he tried to scoot away slightly. "K-Kreiger! Ragac!"

Kreiger, his Aggron, was staring down at him, a wide grin on his face as he surveyed his trainer's condition. "Well, well, well...what have we here?"

"I wondered where you got the time to use that thing." Ragac the Garchomp was leering at Manny, almost like he was about to rush him. "Depriving yourself of sleep like this isn't very wise, don't you think?"

"Gh! knew?"

"I really wonder what made you think you could actually hide that from us," Kreiger rumbled in a rather smug, knowing tone. "Something that size isn't going to fit many places...though it appears you've found one place where it does. And I must say, I'm impressed, that looks like quite a feat."

Manny hesitated, not sure whether that was a statement he should really be thanking the Aggron for. "I...guys...I'll just...take it out and come back to camp...sorry, I-"

"Oh no you don't." Suddenly Ragac did start towards him, first making a direct line for him and then starting to circle around, almost like he was stalking prey. "You remember what we talked about, Kreigs? Seems our trainer's been a little unfair to all of us...getting to have some fun without giving us any, and even then he's not doing it as well as he could."

"Indeed I remember," Kreiger said as he too approached Manny, kneeling down in front of him and putting his hand on the dildo's base. "And now that he's shown he can handle it, you're right, we can take care of all of that at once." He pulled slowly, extracting the toy from Manny's hole, causing him to moan out almost involuntarily. As soon as it was all the way out, Kreiger tossed it away, the toy dropping not far from Manny's clothes. "Consider tonight a little bit of payback and a little bit of education in how to really have fun with a big cock."

Manny's eyes widened considerably as he suddenly realized what they were talking about. Both Kreiger and Ragac were fully exposed and erect, and Kreiger's words had made clear exactly what they intended to do with those pieces. And what pieces they were; the Garchomp's length was studded with fleshy spikes, while the Aggron's looked vaguely rough and rocky, and his heart did a double-take as he realized they were both bigger than what he'd just had inside him.

Now he wasn't sure whether this was going to be very fun or very painful.

Maybe both...

In a flash, Ragac was behind him, and the finned arms suddenly slid under his armpits and lifted him up to his feet, then pushed forward into his hands and knees. Fortunately the ground was soft, so the rough motion didn't hurt, but it disoriented him a bit. Kreiger quickly got his attention focused by grabbing his head and pointing him up to his rocky shaft, the tip rubbing slightly across his nose. "C'mon, don't keep me waiting, trainer. Show your Pokémon how you care for their needs."

Manny swallowed hard, and then brought his head forward a bit, giving the tip of Kreiger's member a tentative lick. Instantly he noticed a very strange taste, somewhat of a cross between mineral and metallic. He licked at the tip again, bringing one of his hands up to rub along the rest of the massive length, the feel of the rocky shaft matching perfectly with the look. There wasn't too much more he could do, with the Aggron's size too great for him to even consider getting it inside his mouth, so he continued with the licking and rubbing.

After a short time, though, Kreiger stepped away from Manny. The trainer was confused for a moment, until he felt a weight on him, blue finned arms coming down around his sides, and clawed feet forcing his legs apart. A moment later, he felt the tip of Ragac's cock poking at his hole, the flesh seeming very pliable thanks to his earlier actions, a fact which didn't escape the Garchomp. "Well, there's one thing you did right...I'm glad you lubed and opened yourself up for us already, that means we don't have to waste time getting you prepared."

Manny didn't have to ask what that meant, but the point was emphatically made a second later anyway as Ragac thrust forward, sinking nearly three-quarters of the way in in one motion. Manny gasped loudly, feeling only a twinge of discomfort, but his amply-prepared hole seemed more than willing to accommodate the intrusion without much trouble. The feeling of those spikes was an added bonus, an electrifying pleasure that no toy he'd come across had ever provided. It was quickly growing to utter heaven in him when Ragac pulled back most of the way out and thrust in hard again, this time burying himself inside Manny completely, growling loudly as their hips met. "Aaaaah, FUCK, that's a good ass..."

"That was nice and quick," Kreiger remarked as he stepped back towards Manny, poking at the human's face with his rocky rod. "Is he as good as we thought?"

"Rah, yeah, maybe even better...loose enough to let me in with almost no fight, but fucking tight when it really're gonna love it, Kreigs!" Ragac started in with a sharp rhythm, pulling out and pushing back in roughly, forcing Manny forward towards Kreiger's cock. The trainer could only spare one hand to rub along the rocky spire, and was using his mouth as best he could to tease the tip, gathering up the pre that was beading out of his hole. It was a very strange taste, which had the odd affect of drying up his mouth a little. The force of Ragac's thrusts were threatening to force his jaw open whenever he came forward, though Kreiger was apparently careful enough to not let him get hurt. Despite the rough treatment at both ends, Manny's own erection was at full force and he was feeling a great deal of pleasure.

The abuse continued for several minutes, longer than Manny had expected; Ragac seemed to be expertly holding himself back, speeding up and slowing down intermittently, drawing out the pleasurable torture. Manny was having much less luck; his initial treatment with the toy combined with the incredible sensation from those spikes was quickly driving him over the edge even without stimulating himself. He let out a loud moan as he came, gripping Kreiger's length to help steady himself as he shot his load onto the ground beneath him.

Manny's orgasm seemed to be a trigger for Ragac; without warning he was off like a shot, hammering home at a far more rapid pace than ever before. The human beneath him was barely able to hold himself up under the assault, but fortunately didn't have to wait long as with a final slam Ragac unleashed his own load into him, letting out a sound halfway between a roar and a growl as he flooded his trainer with his draconic essence. Only when every drop had been splattered inside Manny did Ragac finally withdraw, giving Manny one last trail of those spikes.

"Looks like you did a number on him, Ragac," Kreiger growled, rubbing himself slightly; Manny's treatment had left him quite horny but far from ready to blow. "I hope you left some for me to enjoy."

"Of course, Kreigs. Look at him, he's hard again already, he's just begging for you." Indeed, Manny's erection had returned under that last punishing fucking, and he was desperate to have it sated. He looked pleadingly at Kreiger, who grinned back at him.

"Good." Kreiger walked around towards Manny's rear, and with a quick motion flipped the human onto his back; the human was left slightly disoriented by the sudden motion, until his head was tilted up by Ragac's foot. "I gotta show for you, trainer. It's called watching me bury my rock into you. You're gonna love every second of it." He spread Manny's legs effortlessly and tilted them up, and started rubbing the tip of his cock at Manny's well-used hole. "Oh, and just a note, this will get pretty rough, but it shouldn't hurt you. Just feel really good to me."

With that, Kreiger pushed forward, sinking himself deeply into Manny, nearly the entirety of his massive pole sinking inside the human in one mighty thrust. Manny gasped as he was filled once again, forced to watch every inch force its way into him, as well as his own erection jerking and emitting a splash of pre. The Aggron pulled out partway, then thrust again, slamming himself fully into the trainer, growling in pleasure as he felt Manny clench around him. "Rgh...ah, yes, that's what I've been waiting for for so long..."

Manny suddenly felt Ragac's foot tilt his head up further, and then there was a lot of shifting he couldn't see, until Ragac was sitting down behind him, his legs now providing the support for Manny's head. He then felt claws poking at his hands, and following their guidance up to above and behind his head, where they found Ragac's still-hard cock. "Rub it, Manny, and do it slowly...I wanna be nice and ready for the next round."

Manny gulped; he didn't know if he could handle another round. Still, he said nothing, simply doing as he was told, stroking the Garchomp's length with both his hands, feeling the seed and lube residue from his fucking still on it. As soon as he started, Kreiger began thrusting hard into him, Ragac's head support ensuring that he was getting a full view of his fucking. He could do nothing but acquiesce, trapped between his two powerful Pokémon, but he couldn't help but enjoy the rough treatment; they hadn't been lying, it was vastly superior to the toy he'd been using.

It wasn't long before he noticed a new sensation from Kreiger's treatment; it actually felt like the Aggron's pre was making his thrusts harder rather than easier, and there was an unusual heat building up in his ass, almost like the friction was increasing. He briefly remembered the Aggron's earlier warning, before Kreiger ramped up his thrusting and drove all thought from his mind. The harder and faster thrusts were driving up that heat, but far from being painful, it was actually boosting his arousal. Kreiger, for his part, was growling almost continuously, getting louder and louder as he approached his climax.

But Manny's came first, his cock shooting all over his stomach and chest, his asshole clenching uncontrollably around Kreiger's cock. The Aggron quickly redoubled his own efforts, thrusting harshly and forcefully with nearly his entire length into the spasming hole, until with a loud cry, he slammed in and fired his seed deep into Manny. His fluids were yet another novelty to Manny, being thick and rough, almost like there were particles carried in them, and the size and duration of the load made sure he felt the sensation a lot.

Finally, Kreiger dropped Manny's legs and pulled out, a fair splash of semen accompanying his extrusion. "Damn, best fuck I've ever had."

"Same," agreed Ragac. "I'm not ready to finish this now, I think we can get one more from him, don't you?"

"Absolutely, and I'm sure Manny won't object, seeing as he still owes us." Kreiger lifted Manny by his torso and slung him over his shoulder. "I think we can head back to camp first, though, and give him a little boost before we begin."

"Ooh, I like the way you think, he'll be begging for us again."

The two Pokémon tromped away from the site of their activities, jarring Manny enough that he realized something. "M-my clothes, my t-toy, they're-"

"Oh, you won't be needing either of those tonight," Kreiger replied with a rumbling laugh. "And if we get our way, you won't be using a tent from now on either. That tiny little thing ain't gonna fit either of us, much less both, and you've got some making up to do."

And once again, Manny wasn't sure whether he should find himself thrilled or terrified.