Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#41 of MLP

Almost three days in, they finally arrived at the capital of Gryphonia, First Keep.Unlike Canterlot, when they chose a mountain for their home, itwas logically built into the mountain, as opposed to attachedhalf way up. The kingdom of Gryphonia was fairlymountainousregion, but was blessedwith many fertile valleyshidden between its high peaks.

As they closedin on the largest peak, a pair of Gryphon soldiersflew up to meet them, and once they were identified,directed them infor landing. Thecarriage touched downin alarge courtyard, surrounded by low stone walls.

Upon exiting the carriage, they were met by the welcoming party, which consisted ofGyphron Kinghimself, his wife,andhis son.All of them weredressed in full ceremonial armour, which causedCadance to give a knowing smirk to Shining, eliciting a grumblefrom him. Cadance gave a nodded low towards the king, andintroduced herself;

"King Horus, I am Princess Cadance,niece toPrincess Celestia, and I come in her stead.She regretsthat her duties keep her from attending your Founding Day,and hopes that by sending me, you see how we are still committed allies aswe celebrate the momentous day foryour Grand Kingdom."

"I can understand the needs of royal duties,andthough it saddens me that your Auntcouldnot be here, I welcome you your Highness, and hope you enjoy your time here." Cadance nods respectfully. "And who may your companion be?"

"This is my escort, and a member of the Canterlot Royal Guard,Shining Armor. He looks tough, but I can take him." Shining glared daggers her way.

"Well,I bid you welcome to First Keep,and I look forward to talking more with you atdinner." He stomped his talon a couple times, and servant appeared beside him. "Grenda, see Princess Cadance and her group to the diplomaticquarters,and see to their needs for the duration oftheir stay." The female Gryphon bowed,then proceeded to direct Cadance and her company to their quarters. The pegasiwere given the rooms directly next to the diplomatic wings entrance, and they helpeddrop off Cadance's and Shining's stuff beforeretiring themselves.

Both Her and Shining got their own rooms, each one designed to hold visiting diplomats or royalty, and they were equal to one of Manehattan's fanciest hotel rooms.

"Will you need anythingelse,your highness?" Grenda asked.

"Only the time dinner isset for."

"It's at seven,your highness. You can pull this rope if you have need of my services", she pointed towards a black rope that ran down the door frame.

"Thank you Grenda." The Gryphon bowed and left.Cadance tooka seat, the first one on solid ground for almost three days, and melted into it. Using her magic, she removedher armor,and restored her regalia,relaxingby a window and observingthe citybelow.

* * * * *

Grenda showed up a few minutes before seven, collecting bothCadance and Shining. They were led to the 'Imperial Dining Room', which was apparently one of five the castle held.They were offered seats to theright of the king,and were brought plates of fruits and vegetables. A large gobletwas given to each of them,filled with a deep red liquid. A quick sniff told her it was wine; and if the many partiesshe'd attended since her arrivalwere anything to go by, then this one was quite a vintage. She eyed the rest of the room, the tables is a rough 'U' shape surrounded by the royal family, and hordes ofgryphon nobles. Every single one wasdigging into a plate of meatas if it was their first meal in over a week, looking as if they weretrying to make it anespecially bloody and goryaffair. Shining was starting to turn a shade green from it. Cadance turned to him, andput a hoof under his chin.

"Ponyup Shining, they aredoing this on purpose,trying to test your metal." With that,she lifted a carrot and resumed eating, not bothered by the scenearound her. Being a former omnivore,she was in fact a little jealous. SHe hadn't eaten meat since she got here. She continued eating and enjoying her meal,and she noticed they gory sounds grew less and less, the nobles obviously aware that their guest weren't easily put off. King Horus decided to break the silence.

"So Princess Cadance, I'm curious to know what title you hold amongst your kin.Your aunt,Princess Celestia,is the Alicorn of the Sun,so I am wondering what youare the alicorn of?"

"Iam the Alicorn of Love." She ignored the snickers around the room, and continued: "I can seeand feel the potential couples, followlovelines between strangers, and feel the love beings have for each other.For instance, the love you have for your wife and son;it feels like a warm breeze, and I can feelit radiate from you to them, and back again."There was a definite muttering about her being the right colour for the job.

Horus smiled, and placed a wing around his wife seated next to him. "I think I understand. Yet you come dressedlike a warrior." Horus commented. "Strange for a pony with such a title."

"I believe in tough love. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, and sometimes love is like a war in your heart." The King gave a nod of his head,and Cadanceinwardly smiled,thinkingshemay have won somepersonality points with him, as they both returned to their meals.

-'They aren't use to dealing with a pony like me'-she thought.Dinner went on with small talk, broken up withstories of the gryphon's great feats.

* * * * *

The next morning,Cadancehad a light breakfast in her room. With nothing planned till later, she walk the castle's halls till she stumble out into a flagstone quad, where some of the gryphon guardswere sparing with wooden weapons. Shining soon located her, and together they watched the training session. Shecarefullyobserved how they moved,and noticed how often they used their talons in their fighting. Shining was making his own observations.The current bout between an eagle gryphon and a hawkgryphon ends as the hawkone is ejected from the ring. The spectating guardsclapat the victory, and Cadance joined in. Thesound of clip-clopping hooves catches the victors attention, and spinning around henotices Cadance has been watching him.

"Care to try your luck, miss Pretty in Pink?" His tone was almost as full of ego asRainbow Dash, as was his confident smirk. The name got a few laughs from the crowd.Giving a smirk of her own,she got up andstrode forward.

"Sure, why not." One of Shining's hooves blocked her path.

"Why don't I take care of this Cadance. You are here to represent Equestria and Princess Celestia, we can't have you getting hurt."

"No,Shining I'll be fine" She looked past Shining to the gryphon. "Besides, I think I can take him." A few of his fellow guards chortled at his expense.

"Cadance, I can't..."

"Now now Shining, this is just a simple sparring match" she looked towards the gryphon "correct?"

"Yes your highness. The most you will get are a few bruises,but if you'd prefer toget the armor, we can spare that daintyhideof yours." That got a fewmore snickers from his fellow gryphons. Cadance kept her smirk.

"No,I don't think that will be necessary." She moved past Shining,who lowered his headin defeat, mutteringsomething aboutbeing banished to the moon. She just shook her head,and picked a wooden swordout from a nearby rack,before entering the ring. They both took a combat stance,and waited. Another gryphon broke the silence.


With that, they both leaptat each other, andtheirswords clashed. Cadance parried, thrusted and swung her sword;her opponent blockingmost blows,and answeringwith a few of his own.

They soon took to the air, diving and rolling, almost turning the spectacle into a type of dance. Wood met wood, theconstantclacks almost like machine gun fire, only punctuated bygrunts of exertion from both combatants.

Finally,Cadance did abackwardsflip,trying to bring the blade to bear from belowthe gryphon. At the last moment, he barreled rolled out of the way. Cadance, her blade having met no resistance, was subject to momentum, causing her upwards strike to continue far past her intended arc. This forced her head and neck upwards, opening her stomachtowards the gryphon. Seeing his chance, heplowedbodily into her,forcing her to the ground, and placing hisblade toher neck.

"Crap." She dropped her swordand yielded. The sword at her neckwas removed,and atalon held out for her.

"You fought well, your highness. I wouldn't mind you at my side in combat." The Gryphon complimentedas Cadance took the assistance up.

"I was still hoping to win there though."

"I've had years of combat experience, and you havejust had training,correct?" She nodded. "Experience trumps training every time. Butevenfor just training,you did very well. Take pride in that. You certainly have my respect."


"Raven Warfist."

"Thank you Mr Warfist. It was fun sparring with you."

"Like wise your highness." Cadance walked overto Shining, who looked past her. Following his eyes, sheand noticed the looks of respect comingfrom the assembledgryphons. She may have lost the match,but in the effect of the gryphons, it wassmalla victory for Equestria. Shewas happy withthat.

* * * * *

Cadance spent the next few hours enjoyinga long hot bath,soothingthe bruisesearned in the match,and man was it relaxing. When she went to dinner that evening, she noticeda huge reduction in the amount of sneeringor snickering directed her way. News of her spar must've travelled quickly throughout the castle.

After the dinner,the king asked for an audience in the throne room. Seeing no reason to deny the request,she and Shining headed over.

The king led them through the castle, and into its throne room. While it couldn't hold a candle to the one back home, it was still impressive. One arrival, they were led up to the throne, were the king took a seat, and offered the pair the adjacent divan. Once they were seated, he clicked his talons, and a servant appeared, holding numerous scrolls.

"Princess Cadance,I have drafted some trade proposals between our two kingdoms,and would like your input on them."

"Of course King Horus,let me take a look."The servant gryphon passed the scrolls to Cadance, and quickly scurried out of sight. Herself and Shining started to sift throughthrough them. They were basic proposals on easing tariffs,and the trading of importantresources.

"While I can't approve these suggestionsmyself, I can see the appeal of such agreements, and give them my supportwhen I deliver them to my aunt. I don't forsee any reason for her to reject these.There maybe a fewnobleswho refuse, but I have little patiencefor them. I'll givetheseto my aunt when I return home."

"That's all Ican ask.Thank you. Now please,have a good nights rest princess. We have a big day tomorrow."

"They same to you your highness." She said with a light bow, before leaving for her quarters.

* * * * * *

The next daysaw Cadance again in her armor, stood before a mirror and adjusting it to fit snugly. There was a knockat the door.

"Come in." The door opened to reveal ShiningArmour, wearing his full, and highly polished, guard armor.

"Time to go Cadance."

"Okay,I'm coming."She made one more adjustment beforewalkingover to him.Tappinghis armor with her hoof, she quipped "ShiningAmour's shining armour?" Hegave her a shrug and a sheepish smile. Rewarded with a smirk from her,the two followed Grenda. Cadance noticed the gryphonseemed to be moving rather stiffly, and avoided look at the pair of them, so shedecided to pry. "Grenda is anything wrong?"

"N-no your highness. Nothing's wrong." Cadance gave the gryphon that dead-panknowning look,and the gryphon wilted and caved. "It's just that I'm worried about my performance your highness. Have I displeasedyou in some way? You barely summoned me for any of your needs and....." Grenda stopped when Cadance put a hoof on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Cadance eye to eye. Cadance tried to project caringand warmth.

"Grenda,you have done nothing to displease me. The reason I have barely summoned you is that I'm a very hooves on mare. I like doing stuff myself. Shining can vouch for that."

"It's true, it drives us all crazyhalf the time, butit'strue." Cadance responded by sticking her tongue out at him,earning a giggle from Grenda. Cadance turned back to Grenda, glad to see her mood improving already.

"Put your mind at ease. When I needed your help you were right on top of it. With the lunch deliveries,to guiding us around the palace. Now come on and cheer up. This is a day to celebrate the founding of your proud nation." Grenda's spirit perkedup at the reminder of the holiday, and the three continued their journey.

Grenda brought them to a large balcony,over looking the main part of the city. She was given a spot next to the king, where they and engagedin small talkwith the royal familyuntil the time came to start the ceremony.

"My fellow Gryphonians! Today we mark the three hundredth anniversary of forefathersleaving Griffonstone,and bringingto pride back to our race! Since then we have experienced a great run of prosperity! Even anation who wasonceour enemy, and since turned ally,has seen fit to honourus as we celebrate our Founding Day!" He paused,and Cadance waved a hoof to the crowd below. "Now my fellow Gryphonians! Let us show the world our pride andour MIGHT!" With a a nod to the left Horus signalled to somegryphon.Cadance hearda gong, then silence. Soon though, she began to hear the sound of marching in armor,and flap of wings. A military band soonstruck up; playing a cheerful tuneshe was sure she had heard before. Shocktook over her system, as thetune startedplaying notes she knew all to well. She would bet her crown is was a modified version of John William's 'Imperial March'. Faustmust be having a laugh at this,the troll. She lookedclosely at the armored gryphons as they flew past.

-'Nope, none in white armor. Darn,Istill wish I hadbrought my Darth Cadance outfit. I'dfit inmore.'-She gave a small shake of her head and sat back to enjoy the show.

The march was impressive, hundreds of gryphons in armor either marched or flew passed,almost blotting out the sun at times. Gryphonia was not a nation to be trifled with, but neither was Equestria. God have mercy whoever gets both nations mad at them.

* * * * * *

After an hour the march was over, finished with theequivalent of aWonderbolts spectacular air and afireworks show. When that wasall said and done,there was a hearty meal. It was strange; this whole holiday was an alcohol free event. This meant that whenit was time for them to return to Equestria, everyone was able to see the, off. King Horus and his familyeven hugged them goodbye.

"Have a safe trip home Princess Cadance."

"Thank you your highness. May your reign be long andglorious." She secured her stuff,and took her spot next to Shining and with a double tap of her hoof the carriage took off. She waved at King Horus and his family as they waved back, until both parties wereout of sight. She sat back and sighed.

"It's good to be going home again."

"Indeed Cadance. I need to see my L.S.B.F.F." That earnta facehooffrom Cadance,before she got anevil grin on her face.

"So shall I start with 100 bottles of Cider, or 1000?"

"WWAAAAAAAAGGGHH!" All five of her companions wailed,causing the alicorn to laugh.

Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 8

Cadance was walking through the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters alone. She was looking for something that she found out was canon in this version of Equestria and she wanted to find it. Normally Shining would never let her go anywhere alone, not...

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 6

It hadbeen a couple months since her birthday, and today she was sword trainingagain; on the barrack's training grounds.She had nicknamed her sword 'Love's Pain', and shecherished it. Leave it to aunty to make sureshe gets a gift is of the finest...


Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 5

Cadance splashed water across, letting the cool liquid wash away the last vestiges of sleep, before drying herself off to meet the new day. On her way out of the bathroom, she crossed paths with her full body mirror, and took a look at her...
