Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 8

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#42 of MLP

Cadance was walking through the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters alone. She was looking for something that she found out was canon in this version of Equestria and she wanted to find it.

Normally Shining would never let her go anywhere alone, not since Celestia had assigned him as her guard. He is a great guy, and he has that loveable nerdy goofiness that seems to run in his family, but her aunts blatant matchmaking was starting to annoying her.

Also added to the mix was the fact her body was starting to betray her, and it was getting harder to keep her eyes off him. To the brain chemistry she had inherited, he was an attractive stallion, a worthy mate. THAT was something that was getting harder to ignore. Then throw in the feelings she gets from him.

She had honestly checked a few times to see if in truth she was a changeling, but every attempt just proved she wasn't. She doesn't need love to survive like they do, but she feels the warmth and power of it, and it does strengthen her. Right now, Shining's was the strongest source she had.

It could be worse. He could have been Blueblood. She would have to deal with this in time. Today she had been able to ditch him, as he is currently recovering from last night's bout of Roller Derby with Twilight, and the closest thing she has to friends. It was all according to plan; but it was fun, and seeing Twilight excited is always a good thing. She just wished her attempts at making Twilight more sociable had been more successful. It seems destiny wants her first TRUE friends to be her fellow bearers. Still, she has seen both her and Moondancer spend less time reading, and more time interacting with their friends.

She checked the blueprints she found in the archives again, and moved in the appropriate direction. Soon she entered the remains of Luna's room. It is clearly night themed, and it was probably awesome in its heyday. She checked the blueprints again, then moved to the furthest wall, and put her hoof on it. She moved her hoof along the wall, tapping till she heard a change in the sound, and placed her hoof flat to that section. Pressing the stone block, it gave way, and she heard mechanisms shift and stone grind, seeing a section of stone slide back to reveal a doorway. Lighting her horn, she entered the dark room and looked around, quickly spotting what she was after. She looked the items over; they needed some touch ups, but were overall in good condition beneath the dust. She placed them in her saddle bags, and left the room, pressing the stone to shut the door, before heading home again.

The 1000th Summer Sun Celebration was only a few days away and she had to be prepared.

* * * * * *

Cadance yawned as she woke up. Today was the day before the Summer Sun, and she was looking forward to it. She stretched out, washed up, and prepared for the day. She had slept late in preparation for the all night party that preceded the big celebration the next day. She had heard many ponies question the night party and it's role in the years she has been here, but she knew. It was Celestia's penance for ignoring Luna's plight.

After a nice breakfast, or it being this late - brunch, she was on her way to check the preparations in the Canterlot for the celebration, which she will be hosting this year. She was passing the chariot hanger when she noticed Twilight looking annoyed, and pacing back and forth.

"Hey Twilight what's up?" The unicorn mare was too annoyed to even do their dance. She wasn't sure if she was glad or disappointed in that. But she still lit up when she saw her foal sitter.

"Cadance! Please talk some sense into Princess Celestia! I tried to warn her about an upcoming threat and she just dismissed it, and is now sending me to Ponyville, PONYVILLE! I'm supposed to oversee the preparations there."

"And make some friends." Spike added, earning a glare from Twilight before the mare continued.

"Please, all of Equestria - no the WORLD - is on the line tomorrow, and she wants me to go and make FRIENDS!? Please Cadance, help me." Cadance closed the distance and put a hoof around Twilight.

"I believe you Twilight, but I also believe my aunty Tia has it under control. She likes to keep things close to her chest. YOU should know that by now. So go to Ponyville, see to those preparations which, btw, I know you will do excellently with, and make some friends." She heard Twilight groan at that. "Now, now. Friendship is important. Go make some. I know you were planning on avoiding Moondancer's party, and I would have dragged you there it wasn't for this assignment. So make some friends in Ponyville. Friendships made today just may save the world tomorrow."

Twilight rolled her eyes at and replied. "I expected that kind of line from Princess Celestia, not you Cadance."

"Well I do spend time with her a lot, and if she was the one telling you that. Would you be so quick to dismiss it?" Twilight lowered her head, and with the air of a doomed pony she stepped onto the chariot that soon speeded her and Spike away to destiny.

She watched them till they were out of sight, then teleported to Twilight's room. Walking up the stairs she found the broken teddy bear and it's box. She used her magic to repair the teddy, and was about to toss the box when she notice something else. At the bottom of the box was a picture of Twilight and her Canterlot friends. It had somehow dodged Spike's tail and was intact. She summoned another gift box and wrapping, and put both presents in.

She walked to the west courtyards, and soon she found the small party in it's beginning stages. Lemon Hearts, Minuet, Lyra Heartstrings, Twinkleshine, and of course the guest of honor Moondancer were all there. The five mares saw Cadance, and they ran over and bowed.

"Girls, you know better then to do that in a non formal setting. Please, rise up."

"Is Twilight coming Princess?" Moondancer asked eagerly as she stood up with the others. Her eyes beamed with hope. She was so like Twilight in many ways. They often did lab work together, and if it wasn't for some quick timing by Cadance, she could have hurt her eyes, resulting in her need glasses too.

"My Aunt has sent Twilight on an assignment to Ponyville, so she won't be able to make it." Moondancer's face fell immediately, and Cadance put a hoof under the filly's chin so she would look up and see her.

"She and Spike may not be able to come, but they did have this for you." She revealed the present to Moondancer. "If my aunt hadn't sent her away I would have made sure she would be here. Now if you'd like, I can stay for a bit before I have to take care of the preparations for tonight and tomorrow." Receiving a nod from everypony, she dove into the party, happy to see Moondancer had cheered up again. After an hour she had to leave and waved the girls goodbye.

* * * * * *

Cadance was looking over her checklist for preparations to the night party and the celebration afterwards. Yes Twilight had rubbed off on her a bit.

"Let's see; both the classical band and the rock DJ are booked." Sadly it wasn't Vinyl or Octavia. After Vinyl's sister Gleaming had died in the line of duty, the pair had both moved to Ponyville. At least she died a hero, saving ponies. "All the catering is done. Decorations are up and the rides and games are ready." She checked everything off as the sun set and the party was beginning. Her rounds ended as she reached the large platform the celebration would be hosted from, and she the noticed Shining approaching her, and he looked extremely nervous.

"Cadance! Thank Celestia I found you. Have you've seen Twilght anywhere? I've tried looking everywhere; in the library, in her tower, even Pony Joe's, but I can't find her."

"She's in Ponyville overseeing the preparations for Aunty's appearance tomorrow." Shiny's face dropped, looking shocked and fearful.


The years paired up with him let Cadance learn that he has a fierce protective streak, and she even wondered if what had happened to Cadance (The accident that started all this) had increased that protective drive. Given his sudden outburst, she realised she only had about 30 seconds before Shining started moving heaven and earth to get Twilight back. She was pretty sure that he would move mountains if he need too, and she doubted the rest of Canterlot's citizens would be too happy at being relocated.

Cadance moved to him and placed a leg around him, half as a comforting gesture, and half to hold him down if need be. "My aunt has sent her there because she believed it will be good for her." She gave him a big look. "And you're not racing after her. She's a grown mare now, and you should have faith in her abilities. I made sure she can defend herself; aunty has made sure she is knowledgeable in magic, and she is a very smart mare. She will be fine. It isn't like anything ever happens in Ponyville."

-'Good thing I'm not the Element of Honesty.'- She thought after saying THAT line. He seemed to calm down a bit, so she didn't have to worry about him going into shear panic and border line Lesson Zero. Years of being around the Sparkle family had shown her that the freak outs were pretty much a family trait. However, there was a couple times she had seen her aunt like that, so Twilight got it on both ends it seems.

She decided to drive the win home; she looked at Shining and gave her best puppy dog eyes: "Besides, if you run off now, who's going to escort me to this party?" Shining's face turned bright red, and he almost melted into the platform. Leaving the puddle of a stallion for the moment, she stepped up to the podium that Celestia uses, and addressed the crowd of ponies below.

"Ponies of Canterlot! I am proud to announce the start of the Eve of Summer Festival. So enjoy yourselves everypony, I know I will." With that she and Shining went into the crowd - fun was had.

* * * * * *

Hours later, Cadance was taking a break from the fun, and was walking the castle halls. The palace was basically abandoned at this time, with everypony out enjoying the festival. She was nearing her aunt's quarters when she heard singing, and it was coming from her Celestia's bed room. As she got closer, she could hear the lyrics.

"Once did a pony who shone like the sun Look out on her kingdom and sigh She smiled and said, 'Surely, there is no pony So lovely and so well beloved as I'

So great was her reign and so brilliant her glory That long was the shadow she cast Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved And grew only darker as days and nights passed

Soon did that pony take notice that others

Did not give her sister her due

And neither had she loved her as she deserved

She watched as her sisters unhappiness grew

But such is the way of the limelight it sweetly

Takes hold of the mind of it host

And that foolish pony did nothing to stop

The destruction of one who had needed her most

Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine And rest now in moonlight's embrace Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth Through cloud, and through sky, and through space

Carry the peace and the coolness of night And carry my sorrow in kind Luna, you're loved so much more than you know

May troubles be far from your mind And forgive me for being so blind."

-'Wow, she actually sings this song.'- Cadance thought as she quietly opened the door, listening to the saddest song known to the fandom. As Celestia finished the lullaby, Cadance put a hoof on her shoulder startling the older alicorn.

"Oh Cadance, I didn't hear you." Celestia attempted to look regal and perfect again.

"Don't bother aunty. That mask won't work on me." Cadance looked up and the moon and saw the slowly approaching stars.

"She's coming back tomorrow isn't she?"

"How did you know?" Cadance gave her a 'really' look.

"I studied history after my accident aunty, and I found out about Aunty Luna. The history, the lore, AND the prophecy. Twilight is a key part isn't she? Her magic ability is Alpha++ at least, and she could give me a run for my bits if she tried." Celestia looked down and nodded.

"Yes, yes she is. She is the new bearer for the Element of Magic. I sent her to Ponyville to meet and, hopefully, befriend the other bearers. They are the last hope I have to have my sister back." Tears started to from in her eyes.

"If Twilight has got your support, and those of the other bearers, then she will no doubt succeed. I look forward to seeing my long lost aunt, but not just for myself; I want you to have something real to smile about again, and not have to wear the one you paint everyday." She gave her Aunty a hug, and looked at her; "I hope you know you can talk to me about things like this right?" Celestia returned the hug, and gave Cadance a squeeze. After a few moments, they broke apart from each other. "Well you better get going for your appearance in Ponyville. I'll hold the fort here."

As Cadance left the room, she took a quick look back. Celestia's head was still hanging down, but she swore she could see the very corners of her mouth twitching upwards. As she turned the corner at the end of the hall, she heard Celestia take flight, likely heading for the chariot hanger.

* * * * * *

After hours of fun, food, and partying, it was nearly time for the sun to rise and bring forth summer.

Then the time came, and past, and it was still night.

Ponies started to look at each other as the night remained. Then some talking began. This wasn't good.

"Stay calm every pony. Princess Celestia may be just delayed." Cadance said with a calm voice. "Please continue to enjoy the festival and the sun will rise in time."

Cadance moved over to Shining. "Shiny, find Captain Iron Wall. Tell him to have the guard ready to counter a panic, and to subtly increase the guard in the city. Above all I want to extrude a look of control." He nodded, and walked off doing his best not alert the civilians to the problem.

As time went on, Cadance kept herself visible to help reassure ponies, and to keep up the appearance that everything was fine. Shining was always by her side after he informed Iron Wall of Cadance's orders. Both sharing smiles at each other, they relied on each other's strength, and kept the game going. The closeness was especially important for Shining, as reports came in that Celestia had gone missing, and that a black alicorn showed up in Ponyville, besting the guards that Celestia took.

News had come that Twilight had verbally confronted the alicorn, but all accounts said she was unhurt. That alone kept Shining from leaving. At least she thought so. She has been getting disconcerting looks from him since the news. She couldn't help feeling guilty that she did in fact know all this was going to happen.

Finally the sun rose, and the ponies in the city cheered to high heavens. Shining breathed a sigh of relief. Cadance and Shining stayed with the party crowd a little longer, before retiring to the castle for a nap. Cadance wanted a little rest before meeting Princess Luna.

* * * * * *

A few hours later, Cadance spotted a carriage approaching the castle. It didn't take long to tell that it was her aunt's carriage, and as it drew closer she could see the blue pony inside. Shining rushed up to the carriage as it landed, and Cadance guested he was looking for Twilight. Cadance followed him at a walking pace. The door opened, and Celestia stepped out.

"Princess! Where's Twily?"

Celestia looked down at Cadance and Shining. Her eyes had red rings around them, evidence of resent crying, but her smile was threatening to rip her face in half.

"Be calm, my little pony. She has made five new friends, and has asked permission to stay with them in Ponyville. I agreed, and have tasked her with studying the magic of friendship, and she will be sending me reports on her findings." Cadance stopped next to Shining as he absorbed the news.

"But focus not on her absence, but on her achievement this day. Not only has she become the bearer for the Element of Magic, she has returned to me my greatest lost treasure, my beloved sister, Princess Luna!"

With that, Celestia stepped sideways, revealing Luna in the carriage doorway. Luna stepped down from the carriage, and looked at Cadance and Shining. Cadance inclined her head to her fellow princess, and after a jab to the ribs, Shining bowed low.

"Welcome to Canterlot Auntie Luna, it is a pleasure to meet you at last." Luna looked at her, scanning her features, and Cadance did the same. Luna in her 'Woona' form was indeed cute, but she wasn't as young looking as the show depicted. She was only slightly shorter then Cadance at this point. After years of hanging out with Fleur and Sapphire, she understood the pony ideal of beauty, and her aunty definitely good looking in this form. Finally Luna broke the silence.

"Sister, hast thou forgotten thine own 'preventative spells' speeches, oh hypocritical sister of mine? Oh and who is the sire?" It took all of Cadance's will power to not react. She eyed both Shining and Celestia on their reactions. Shining was doing his best to hold a laugh back while Celestia was in UTTER shock.

"Luna, how can you ask that!?"

"Tis simple, she is an alicorn, though her form takes more after me, being so lithe yet toned, rather then thine cake flanks. And since Twilight Sparkle is thine faithful student, and not thy daughter, then young Cadance can only be one thing. Thou's child; so who is the father?"

"She's our niece Luna, not my daughter." Luna looked shocked at her sister.

"Thou would reject thine own daughter!?"

-'Oh this is too good to pass up.'- Cadance decided to but in, in a dramatic fashion that would do Rarity proud.

Cadance threw her foreleg across her brow, and fell to Luna's hooves. "Oh dear aunty it's true! She has refused to ever acknowledge me as her daughter. Through what sick twist of fate her logic runs, I know it not, but I have always been known as no more than her niece." She just proved that Celestia could be even more shocked. Her mane had stopped billowing, and her jaw was greeting the floor. Luna picked up Cadance and hugged her.

"Do not be sad our dear niece. I will not reject our bond as thine mother has." Luna shot Celestia a withering glare. From over Luna's shoulder Cadance could see the speechless Celestia. She decided to employ the Twilight Awesome Face 27. That jolted her aunt out of her stupor, and she gave Cadance a frown. They broke off the hug. "Please, our dear niece. Let us bond as thy shows us the castle, it was built after the start of our... our..."

"After the beginning of your extended absence. You were not banished, Nightmare Moon was, and you got taken along for the ride. I would be glad to give you the tour Aunt Luna."

Luna smiled at, and allowed herself to be led past the poor stallion doing everything in his power to not laugh out loud. Cadance looked behind her at Celestia, and was sure she gave an evil glint. Celestia responded with fire in her eyes, declaring silently retribution. Cadance ignored it and showed Luna around the castle. Should Celestia actually succeed in revenge trolling her all she had to say to it would be.


Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 9

When Cadance awoke she was still tired from the night before. She had spent a good few hours with her aunts, relishing the company, and helping Luna tease the heck out of Celestia. It was one of the most enjoyable things she had done since she came...


Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 7

Almost three days in, they finally arrived at the capital of Gryphonia, First Keep.Unlike Canterlot, when they chose a mountain for their home, itwas logically built into the mountain, as opposed to attachedhalf way up. The kingdom of Gryphonia was...

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Love........SERIOUSLY!? Chapter 6

It hadbeen a couple months since her birthday, and today she was sword trainingagain; on the barrack's training grounds.She had nicknamed her sword 'Love's Pain', and shecherished it. Leave it to aunty to make sureshe gets a gift is of the finest...
