Bondage Story: Broken by Drakina

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned as an interquel by FA: DrakeHavok is this little story of his character being broken down by my dominant dragoness, Drakina. If you're curious, this comes after "Issues of Libido" (found here ) and before "His Sister's Slut" (found here )

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Broken by Drakina

for DrakeHavok

by Draconicon

"So tell me, little dragon. Just what have you done to my brother to make him avoid me more than usual?"

Havok whimpered at the sultry voice that filled his ears. He knew better than to answer it, but already he knew that he was in for a struggle. Not from the magical rings that lifted him off of the ground, nor from the gag in his mouth or the magically-controlled beads that wriggled like a tentacle inside of his ass. It wasn't from the fact that his cock was throbbing hard, constantly stimulated with stroking magic emanating from a glowing ring around the base of his shaft. It wasn't even from the fact that he'd been teleported from his own home, and into the mountain lair of a dragon.

No, he knew it would be a struggle because he was in Drakina's hands. Nobody escaped them without giving her something of what she wanted.

The white dragon's blush increased as she stroked her hands along his chest, and he could feel her behind him, his back against her chest, her breasts smooshed against his back. The simple strokes were almost bliss after all she'd already done, how long she'd kept him from having his climax. How long had it been? Two hours? Four? Six? He had no idea; time had no meaning around the purple dragoness.

He grunted around his gag as she moved in closer still, her shaft sliding under his tail and prodding his already-full hole. He shook his head, not wanting to be stretched further, but she was already brushing and nudging his ass. The beads wriggled further into him, almost like they were making room, and the largest one bumped and nudged against his prostate, making his cock bounce and ooze.

Her fingers moved from his chest to his cheek, patting his cheeks to the point of leaving light handprints on his scaly cheeks. He groaned, particularly as she leaned in and whispered in his ear.

"You know you'll tell me eventually. My brother may be able to hide himself, but I'll find him. Why don't you be a good friend, and tell me what you did? Otherwise, I might hurt dear Draconicon while trying to find out what curse you've laid on him."

It was a lie. He had to remind himself of that; she couldn't find any of them so easily as she pretended, and anything he said would only be ammunition she could use on his friend. Besides, he'd promised not to tell her. He had to keep his word.

When he didn't speak up, she chuckled, and he felt her cock prod a little deeper into his hole. It didn't help at all that the ring around his cock was pulsing faster, or the way that he saw part of the room light up with a purple glow, just out of his line of sight. Whatever she was doing, she was using magic to do it.

"You'll give in eventually, Havok. They all do. The question is how long you'll make me wait, and how much frustration you give yourself before you give in."

Something came out of nowhere, something that looked soft and tube-shaped. Before he could get a good look, it floated down to his crotch and -


His cock was swallowed up in what felt like a sex toy, but was too warm to be. It bounced and slid along his erect, bound shaft like a wanton slut, taking it deep into a warm, slick hole. He tried to buck his hips, but Drakina's grip around him was too much. He couldn't pull forward, he could only take it as his cock was stroked and sucked and fucked by the strange thing she had summoned.

As he was 'fucked' by her little object, he felt her cock pushing harder against his hole. The dragon shook his head, only to feel her hands move from his waist to his hips. Her claws scratched and scraped against his scales as she pulled him back, and he whimpered against his gag as his hole began to stretch, gradually opening as she pressed against it harder and harder.

"Mmmph! MmmmpH!"

"I don't speak submissive, Havok. But that sounds like begging, to me."

He shook his head rapidly, but too late. A hard buck of her hips later, and she was in. His eyes rolled back in his head at the sudden stretching back there, his stomach feeling like it was being stretched out by the beads that were still inside of him, being fucked deeper with each successive inch forced inside of him.

Drakina's soft grunts from behind were the gentlest thing about it, too. He was rocked back and forth in her magical bindings, his ankles and his wrists held at a spread-eagle, allowing her to fuck him however she wanted, and all he could do was float there. He was slammed forward into the sucking, sliding toy on his cock, and then yanked back onto her cock, even sliding along it when she started pulling out. It was torment, but pleasurable torment, which made it all the more problematic that the damn ring on his cock wasn't letting him cum.

And all the while, he could hear the obvious pleasure that the purple dragoness was taking out of fucking him like this, out of teasing him, humiliating him, having him as her toy. It wasn't just her pre in his ass that told him that; he could feel her pussy juices leaking down over her and onto his legs as well.

She leaned over again, her teeth raking over his neck in rough nibbles before her lips pressed against the side of his head again.

"You might want to give me what I want, Havok. Tell you what. You let me know what you did to dear Drac, and I'll let you stay here as a little plaything for me for a little while. You know you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

He shook his head, even as his cock throbbed all the harder. The fact that part of him did like the rough treatment certainly didn't help.

"Such a pity that you're so stubborn. But perhaps you'll learn, in time, just where you belong."

Suddenly, she laughed. Not a sound that he wanted to hear, despite how sexy she managed to make it sound.

"Oh, I do have such a delightful idea. I think you'll like this."

She waved her hand, and he felt a strange tingle in his ass. He felt her pulling out, but even as he could actually feel her pulling back, hear her taking a step back, something slammed into his ass. He grunted as he was shoved forward by the hard thrust, and then opened his eyes wide as she stepped out in front of him, even as the fucking continued. Drakina smiled.

"Oh, don't be so surprised. I'm just as magical as my brother; creating a dildo to keep up the fucking while you walk around is child's play."

The dragoness floated up in the air, bringing her hips about level with Havok's face. He could just see the outline of her pussy beneath her cock, and then her feet were in his face. He groaned as he was smothered beneath the purple soles, particularly as the toes curled around his nose. The scent of her was very strong, and his eyes started rolling back in his head, particularly as he was pounded from in front and behind continuously.

"If you won't submit to my pleasures...then you will submit to my scent. Let it into you, Havok, and just relax..."

No, no, not this! He groaned, but he couldn't even shake his head. Her grip was too strong, and the scent too much. He panted softly, driven to it as his heart beat faster and faster from the constant attack on his prostate and the stroking, sucking tube around his cock. It was driving him mad; he hadn't cum for who knew how long, and now he was getting attacked on all sides. His body burned with need, and his hips were thrusting on their own, trying to give him what he needed but couldn't actually achieve.

The dragon was gasping for breath, but each successive heave for it brought more of her scent into his lungs. He could almost taste the musk off of her feet, leaving him lightheaded, and very, very foggy in the brain. It was taking all his effort to think about what he was needing to hold back, and even that was slipping as his lust was driven higher and higher.

She rubbed her feet against his face, cupping his cheeks, smearing his scales with her smell. His lips were coated with it as she rubbed her toes against it, and he actually stuck his tongue out to lick her sole before he could stop himself. She chuckled, pulling back, and he blushed.

"Ah ah. You don't get what you want until I get what I want. What did you do to my brother, Havok? What did you do to make him so afraid?"


"Want to tell me, little dragon?"

He nodded, and she snapped her hands. The open ring gag came out of his mouth, landing on the floor with a clatter. He moaned for a few seconds, finally able to freely do it, before giving in.

"I...I got a help me - mmmph - curse him...with the Thousand Man's Lust..."

"Oh ho ho naughty boy, cursing him with that. No wonder he's avoiding me."

"Please, just let me...let me cum....let me g-cum..."

He couldn't even ask to be let go anymore, only to be allowed to cum. She smiled, but shook her head.

"I'm afraid not. You are my property now, Havok, and my property only gets its pleasure when I decide it does. Speaking of which, I should make sure that nobody forgets just who you belong to."

Havok shook his head weakly, but there was nothing he could do. His body was so wound up that he actually started to open his mouth as she gripped her cock, pointing the softening thing at him. Even when her piss started to rain down on him, hot and plentiful, he couldn't bring himself to fling away.

His face was almost instantly drenched, and he felt the powerful flow run down his body, like a shower that stunk. He groaned, particularly when the splatter fell on his cock, which only seemed to take him to greater heights as she 'claimed' him and his cock for her own use. He groaned, arching his back in his magic restraints as he tried and failed to cum once more, whimpering -


He gagged as she shoved her cock down his throat, the remains of her piss going down his throat and into his stomach. It was hot and thin, and thankfully far enough back that he couldn't taste it. He still, however, almost drowned in it before she pulled out, chuckling to herself as she smacked her cock across his face.

"You will be a good toy, Havok. Now be still while I go and get my brother; I'll be back soon."

His wail of need echoed in the cave as she disappeared, his cock and his ass still under constant assault by her toys.

The End