The Last One Alive

Story by tigerwriter93 on SoFurry

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I awoke to the sounds

of screaming and explosions this morning. Hair frazzled and only in my

underwear, I quickly put on a loose t-shirt and burst out the front door, only

to be greeted by the heated glow of the other houses being set ablaze.

I heard loud, deep

hums coming from the sky sounding as if there were giant flying beetles; yet

they looked more like military jet planes, though not of human construct.

Instead of giving off a white smoke trail, they didn't give off anything as

they flew by. Their attacks were low and quick, like feral raptors attacking

their prey. Whenever they would strike, they fired a quick succession of

light-blue lasers that instantly ignited anything they hit, even if it was made

out of fire-resistant material. Sometimes, these raptors would let out a thick cloud

of red gas upon the screaming civilians. I couldn't tell if these were at

random or not, so much chaos was happening in front of me I lost sense of any

observation skills.

I quickly ran back

inside and started packing the basics: cloths, food, toiletries, the works. I packed

whatever forms of entertainment I could find; maybe I can use them to keep my

sanity when I get out of this chaotic hell-hole.

Among the chaos, I

noticed a framed picture on my desk. It was of my brother and I a few months

after his family "adopted" me. I was 5 at the time, he was 8. It was in a

simple, dark wooden frame and it was just us being a couple dorks, but it means

a lot to me.

I buried the picture

amongst my clothes so it wouldn't jostle around and get damaged.

After packing everything I needed and getting decent, I darted out to my

Honda clunker. I didn't bother to lock up my house. I tossed the duffle bag in

the back seat, then got myself in the driver's seat and started up the ol'


I peeled out of the driveway and sped down the street, dodging any people,

raptors, or debris I encountered.

I hope Otso is safe, I thought to myself as I drove,

I don't know where that fuzz butt is, but

I think I have a clue.

            I pulled into the driveway of a

vacated house. Memories of when me and Otso used to hide out here flooded my

mind; as far as we knew, no one has lived here for ages, and it was never put

up for sale. It was a small, one-story house with a basement, it's white siding

and red shudders covered with moss, dirt, and vines. The windows were dusty,

some broken, and the handles on both the front and back doors were rotted off.

The yard looked more like a miniature prairie, the grass nearly went up to my


            But oddly enough, our favorite part

of this place was the garage right in front of me. A square, squat building

that's as old and broken as the house. The only way to get in was through a

door on the side in the back. I got out of my car, walked pass the rusted,

chain-link fence separating the front and back yards and entered the garage.


it's almost just like we left it.

            I walked inside of the garage. I never knew why this was our favorite

feature, maybe the apartment feel to it that made us feel independent, but not

a couple.

            I remember the time Otso and I decided

to clear this place out and, essentially, build our own little nest. Mom got

pretty pissed when we were gone for more than a night:


bro! I found some neat beds inside the house. We should totally spend the night

here instead!"


I don't know Hellen. Mother got very angry that one time we were out here all

day. I...I can't imagine what she'll do if we stayed overnight."


you're such a wimp. C'mon, aren't polar bears supposed to be solitary or



when they're still cubs."


you gotta be a big bear sometime. Can't have momma bear coddling you all the

time now."


say stuff like that! You know how much she misses Father."


I was just joking...ok? Can...can you please stop crying?"




you're so sensitive. Listen, a little rebellion won't hurt anyone. Ok?"



then. C'mon, I'll show ya all the cool stuff I found."

            "Hm, that was our first and only night out here," I said to myself.

            The inside was exactly how we left

it. My bed was in the corner across from the door, a dingy mattress on a

simple, metal frame that was also next to the garage door. We could never

figure out how to get that thing unstuck. On the corner across from the bed

were a couple wooden bookshelves that held whatever knick-knacks we found. Starting

at the corner and going along the wall across from where I entered was a long

workbench bolted in the concrete floor. Sitting on top was a damn good stereo

system we found during our 'explorations' in the house, along with a variety of

CDs and tapes. Centered in the wall across from the garage door was a small

furnace, its smokestack going up and out the roof. Otso always liked to lay on

the sunken, dingy, olive couch in front of it any time we were here; I never

knew why.

            After taking a brief trip down

memory lane, and noticing Otso wasn't around, I left the garage and headed

towards the house.

            (Hellen goes into the house and

finds Otso there. She explains the situation to him. They decide to hide out in

the their old hideout, the garage.)

*          *          *

The first snowfall of

winter covered the ground in a white, sparkly blanket in the course of a day;

it stopped by the time it got dark. The temperature dropped significantly, and

any melted snow during the day is now frozen. My fingers, toes, face, and the

rest of my body all started to feel numb because of the evening cold; it didn't

matter that I was bundled up in layers from head to toe. My eyes were stinging

from the cold, and I had a hard time keeping my head up with that same air

blowing gently in my face. I could see my breath from panting so hard; between

the heavy layers I'm wearing and my nose starting to get plugged up, my mouth

was my only source of oxygen intake, and there wasn't much in this air.

I nearly ran as soon

as I saw our garage up ahead; I couldn't wait to sit by the furnace and enjoy

some coffee and a cigarette.

I went to the only

working door of the garage near the back. I quickly opened the door, darted

inside and quickly closed it. Otso must

have gotten the furnace started; it's toasty in here. I took off only my

outer layers consisting of my gloves, scarf, winter coat, ski pants, and snow

boots and put them all in their proper places by the door. I grabbed my find

out of my coat pocket.

The room was at that

temperature where it was comfortably warm, but you could still feel the cold

from outside trying to get in.

I saw Otso sitting on

the stained, olive couch in front of the furnace looking at a beer bottle he

must've just finished. Thankfully he had the decency to wear something before I got back; all he was

wearing were the only pair of shorts we could find that would his big, fuzzy

butt. I wasn't at all surprised to see him wearing only these in this freezing

weather; he is a polar bear after all. There was a dark orange hardcover book

next to him on the couch that looked like it had seen better days. It was a

beat-up copy of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. Still haven't read that find you were so curious about I see. And why

the hell did you decide to keep that abomination you call music! Nickelback was

never any good when civilization existed, and it's still horrid even in this


I rubbed my temples

with my free hand. "Oh god, why do you always listen to that garbage whenever I

get home?" I said in a low, irritated tone.

"Whaaaat? It's

catchy," he replied in his slight Scandinavian accent.

"No, just..." I

walked across the room to the stereo. "No," I said irritably as I turned off

the stereo and took out the CD. This is

going in the furnace later. I put it on the table the stereo was on. I

walked behind the couch to my desk next to my bed and got the coffee pot


"Come on Hellen, why

do ya have to be that way?" he whined.

"Otso, this isn't a

good time right now. I found part of what we've been looking for today." I took

a cigarette from the pack on my desk, lit it, and took a draw. "Plus, this may

be our most important clue yet to figuring out what the hell happened here."

He pouted some.

"Alright, let me see what you found." He held out a paw.

I tossed him the

object in question. He caught it in his paws with a clap. When he opened them,

he gave a confused wrinkle with his nose. He held it to me between his thumb

and index claw.

"A microchip?" he

asked disapprovingly.

"Yes. You are quite

observant," I teased.

"Ha ha."

"And yes, it is


"How? We don't have

any way to see what's on this. Every computer we've come across so far doesn't

work anymore or is straight-up destroyed."

"Yes I know, but I'm

certain this is important. Guess where I found this?"



"Ok smartass. Come

on, guess." I tossed the cigarette butt in a tin can that was on the other side

of my desk. The coffee pot was done and I poured myself a cup and sat next to


"Is it that creepy

university you always like going to, and where you sometimes drag me along?" He

lowered his head in disapproval.

"Actually no. For

once I found something important somewhere other than the university. I found

it in the parking lot of that half-destroyed Wal-Mart down the street."


was about to make a remark, but was caught off guard by my revelation.

"...Seriously? We could never find anything there."

"Well, you couldn't

find anything in Wal-Mart even before it was destroyed."

We both laughed.

Otso handed me back

the microchip. "But you still haven't explained why you think this is


"Well for one, if you

look closely, you can see that everything's in-tact. Now, do you recall us

finding ANY technology that's not broken in some way?"

"Actually no, at

least not with any computers. Just what we have here."

"Exactly! Plus, look

at the label."

He squinted. "...I

can't read it. And it definitely not English or Finnish, or any other language

you humans have."

"That's why I'm sure

we have something good here. I have no idea what language this is, but I agree

that it's not an Earth language...or Elvish or Klingon or Aurebesh."

He giggled under his

breath, "You're such a nerd sis."

"Hey don't judge me!"

I looked back at the microchip. "Besides, even if we did find a method to see

what's on here, how will we know what it says?"

"I don't know...make an

educated guess?" He shrugged.

"Yes...yes you're

right," I acted as if I had a revelation. "That's a brilliant plan."



He leaned forward and

put his paws on his cheeks, resting his elbows on his legs. "You don't have to

be mean," he pouted.

I rubbed my eyes with

my fingers out of frustration, but I was also very tired and the coffee wasn't

helping. sigh Why does he get this way

so often when I tease him even a little?

"Look," I said,

"Let's just get some sleep and tomorrow we'll figure this little shit

out...ok?" I said, holding out the microchip.

He rubbed his face

with his paws before straightening back up. He looked at me blankly. "Get off

my bed," he calmly ordered.

I got up and headed

to my bed that was hugged up in the corner by the broken garage door. I gently

laid the chip on a bookshelf before going to the side door to dump whatever

cold coffee was left in my cup. I undressed to just my underwear, not paying

much attention to the cold from outside coming through the thin garage door. No

matter how hot or cold it is, I always sleep better in my boyshorts; I could

never stand wearing clothes to bed, probably from being raised by bears or


Before turning in, I

noticed we left the furnace running, but I didn't mind; in this cold, we need

all the heat we can get. Otso was lying on the couch, and I could see most of

his shoulder and a corner of one of his light-blue stripes on his back. I

wasn't sure if he was asleep yet, though I could hear his heavy breathing. For

being such a big guy and the fact that he's...well a bear, he sleeps quietly and

doesn't snore, thankfully. Regardless, I walked back over to the couch; I

didn't mind walking barefoot across the cold concreate floor of the garage and

any cold air in here touching my bare skin.

Putting a hand on his

fuzzy, white shoulder, I said half-heartedly, "Hey...I'm sorry...alright? I didn't

mean to offend you...if I did." I gave his shoulder a comforting rub before

heading back to my bed.

I was so tired that

there were no thoughts running through my head, nothing about the chip, nothing

about what happened to our planet, nothing about having to survive in this

wasteland, just nothing at all. The only feelings I could process were Otso's

soft but heavy breathing, the little warmth I'm getting from the furnace, the

wind gently tapping on the garage door, and that ever-present worry for my big

baby brother. He's never been the same since our family's been separated.