
Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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The wizard raised his staff to use magic and Nethe braced herself, ready to fight off whatever spell he might cast. Her fire and the threat of her claws and teeth were keeping the other humans back for now, but if the wizard was stronger than she thought they'd be able to get through in a moment... The wizard finished his incantation and tendrils of magic appeared in the air before her; they paused a moment, then seized her and wrapped themselves around her body and limbs. She bellowed and tried to thrash for a moment, then set her mind against the magic, but he was too strong for her and after a moment she was helpless, bound securely by his spell and completely immobile. The men shouted victory and ran forward, and one pressed a spear against her throat and she had to stop struggling. Then a roar sounded from the cave entrance, and an orange dragon walked inside. "Get away from her," he growled. The wizard paused, then said to the other men, "I can't hold two at once. I'll let her go, then distract him with a spell so we can get out of here." "I gave you an order!" the dragon snarled, taking another few steps towards them, then-- "Now!" The wizard released Nethe and cast another spell, trying to snare this new dragon in the same bonds he'd used on Nethe. It worked for a few seconds, long enough for most of the humans to run past, but then the dragon broke free with a roar and pounced forward, trying to get his claws around the wizard. The human jumped to the side, surprisingly agile for the heavy robes he wore, then cast one final spell and disappeared. The dragon snarled and spun around, hurried to the cave entrance, then walked back to Nethe after a few moments. "I think they've left." She tilted her head and got to her feet. "I hope so... That wizard was so powerful. How did you break through his magic?" "Practice," he said, and sniffed at the pale yellow scales on her shoulder. "Did they hurt you anywhere?" "I'm fine, but I wouldn't have been if you hadn't arrived. What's your name? I don't think I've ever seen you before." He lowered his head. "I am Arol. I apologize for intruding on your territory, but I've been trailing that troublesome group of humans for some time now and have worked hard to make sure they don't kill any dragons. Who have I just saved?" "My name is Nethe," she said, and reached over to smell his neck. "Thank you for driving them away; who knows what they would have done if you hadn't come to help. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" The big dragon sat back on his haunches and curled his tail around his paws, silent for a little while. Then finally he looked her up and down and said, "I would like you to raise your tail for me." She growled. "That's not what I meant. Do you want me to hunt for you, or let you rest here for a day or two? Or I could ask the humans who live in the city at the base of my mountain to give you some gold or jewels, if you like those." "I have no use for treasure," he snorted. "And considering you owe me your life I can ask you for pretty much whatever I want, which includes sex." "But I don't want to give that to you," she looked away. "Isn't there anything else you might want? I'm grateful, there's no disputing that, but saving me doesn't give you the privilege to use me however you wish." Arol growled and bared his teeth for a moment. "I'm not asking to sire eggs with you, I'm just asking to mount you once. This isn't something only I would enjoy! Surely you've mated before, and know how wonderful an experience it can be; isn't it something you'd like to feel again? You don't find me unattractive, do you?" He raised his head and posed for her, and she couldn't deny that he was indeed rather handsome, big and sleek, not a scale out of place on his muscular frame. But still she shook her head and pawed at the ground. "It just... It wouldn't be right." He snarled and stepped towards her, clearly losing his patience. "There is nothing 'wrong' about two dragons mating occasionally without trying to make eggs. Now you can give me the reward I've asked for, or I can take it from you. What will you choose, Nethe?" She didn't want to admit it, but he was right and she knew it. "Very well," she lowered her head. "When did you have in mind?" "As soon as you present yourself," he said, grinning and pressing his tail against his slit. Nethe growled a little, but couldn't help but be aroused by the sight of his emerging penis and stepped forward, nuzzling at the base of his neck. "There you are," he purred, and he reared back and held her close to him with his foreclaws. "Know who it was who saved your life, and be grateful." He nuzzled her forehead, then nipped at her back and pushed against her, steering her with his paws until finally she turned around, spread her hind paws wide and raised her tail. Already? she thought. If you want us to do this so badly you're going to ignore that I don't want to, you could at least let us move at my pace. What's wrong with a little foreplay? Apparently he didn't need any time or help to get into the mood, because he planted his forepaws on her shoulders and drove his fully erect cock into her vent only a moment later. Nethe couldn't help but moan and quiver at the sensation and when he thrust for the first time she bucked against him a little almost out of reflex; maybe this wasn't such a bad idea, she thought. But Arol kept his pace slow for a while, and when she bucked again he shifted his weight, used his forepaws to knock her own out from under her and wrapped his tail around them so she wouldn't try to stand up again. He dug his fangs into the back of her neck, right behind her horns, then bit down lightly and pressed forward until she relented and let him force her head against the ground. Once she was fully pinned by his weight he growled and began to thrust harder, and she couldn't help but thrash against him, paws twitching in the grasp of his tail and squirming all up and down her spine, but all she could do was lie there as he started to go faster and faster. Right when she began to relax as she felt herself near climax he stiffened, then bit down hard against the scales of her neck and came, groaning and humping her hard and fast as he emptied himself into her. Then he went still and she squirmed again, just a few thrusts away from orgasm, but when she thrashed in a silent request for him to give her the last bit of sensation she needed he growled, pulled out and released her. "See?" he purred, and walked around to nuzzle her cheek; he seemed oblivious to the fact that he hadn't given her an orgasm. "Wasn't that fun?" Nethe snarled and pushed him away, too shocked and angered to even try and get the rest of the way on her own. Really? she thought. You demand sex from me when you could ask for something more reasonable, even after I say no, and then even when I relent and give you what you want you can't even work hard enough to let me climax? When he tried to nuzzle her again, this time on the flank, she roared and kicked him hard in the chest. "Leave my territory, now!" Arol faltered. "But... I'm tired, and you must be too after mating with me. Can't we rest here together for a little while before I move on?" "I gave you what you wanted," she snarled again and advanced on him. "Now leave, or I will drive you off my territory." "Fine," he growled, then turned and left. She watched him fly away from the ledge outside her cave until she was sure he was gone, her arousal fading until finally it disappeared beneath her simmering anger. Good riddance, she thought, then walked back into her cave. * * *

Nethe awoke the next morning to hear the roars of a dragon nearby. But they didn't worry her; she recognized the voice of a dragoness who lived nearby, and was a close friend of hers. Nethe hurried out onto her ledge and roared back, "come down, Garasha!" The green dragoness appeared in the sky above a moment later and landed next to her on the ledge. "Nethe, it's been too long," she said, and nuzzled her on the neck. "How have you been?" She growled, but returned the nuzzle. "Angry. Come on inside, and we'll talk." Garasha bared her teeth and looked around, then followed her inside. "Why, what's happened? Did Lord Charles stop respecting your territory?" "No, not him. Yesterday a big group of humans came, with a wizard, and ambushed me here in my cave while I was resting off my dinner. I fought, and they got the better of me, but then this big dragon came and drove them away--" Garasha roared and drew her head back, wings flaring out reflexively. "No! He got you, too?" She cocked her head to one side. "What do you mean?" "Was the dragon's name Arol?" "Yes." Nethe thought she knew where this was going, and it only made her angrier. "The same thing happened to me, two weeks ago. Humans came and defeated me in battle, Arol arrived and drove them off, then he demanded that I let him mount me. Of course I raised my tail for him; I thought he had just saved my life. But then a week later Olma comes to see me and the exact same thing's happened to her, and now he's come to you, too!" She snarled. "I bet those humans are working for him, so he can take advantage of lone dragonesses like us. I wonder what he's giving them in return for helping him feed his lust?" "Who knows," she shuffled her wings. "But did you already know this? You were angry before I told you." "No, but that makes things worse. I was angry because I let him mate with me even though I told him I didn't want to and he didn't even try hard enough for me climax when he took me. I was about ready to kill him when he asked if I'd enjoyed myself." Garasha lashed her tail. "That's just ridiculous; the dragon has no manners to speak of." "I know... Someone needs to make him stop this, and the sooner the better. He shouldn't be allowed to take advantages of dragonesses like he has." "What do you mean? Do you want to track him down and kill him?" "He's sure to have a few friends among our kind, other dragons who think like he does, and if we killed him they would be sure to come after us." "So... What?" Nethe thought for a while, then grinned as a thought came to her. "We teach him some manners, whether he wants to learn them or not, and do so forcefully enough to make sure he won't forget what he learns." "You mean to defeat him in a duel, and then demand that he listen to us?" She growled. "He doesn't deserve to have a chance to fight, not after the way he took advantage of us all. I haven't thought it all the way through yet, but... I'll save my thoughts until we find Olma, so she can help us, then we will go to Lord Charles' castle and try to come up with some ideas of how to make Arol listen to us, without having to fight him." Garasha bared her teeth. "I like the sound of that. Let's go." It took two hours for them to find Olma, a big brown-scaled dragoness who lived across the other side of Garasha's territory. She seemed eager to help, and agreed to go with them, so the three dragonesses flew directly from her cave to the castle of Lord Charles. But when they arrived they realized that the castle grounds were not large enough to comfortably hold all three of them at once, so Nethe descended and landed in the courtyard while the other two circled overhead. Charles was quick to come out, his tall, thin wizard at his side. "Dragoness Nethe," he bowed, then straightened quickly and said, "why have you brought other dragons here? Is there something wrong?" "No-- Well, yes, there is something wrong, but you and your people are not in danger. My friends and I want to discuss our problem with you, because we may need some of your help." "I'd be glad to. Is there a particular meeting place you had in mind?" "Wherever there's room for the three of us," she shuffled her wings. "Square field is close by, and large enough for all of us. We could go there." Charles nodded. "David will take me there with his magic. See you there in a couple of minutes." His magician gripped his staff and muttered a short spell, then the two humans floated away on a bright green platform. Nethe went airborne and roared up to her friends, "follow me! We'll talk with him in that big field a mile from here." The five of them landed and arranged themselves in the field a minute later, the three dragonesses standing together before Charles and David. "What is this problem you three are having, and how can I help you deal with it?" he asked. "There's been another dragon flying through our territories recently," Nethe said, "an orange dragon named Arol. That he's been here isn't the issue, though, it's what he's been doing. He started in Garasha's territory, sending in humans to fight against her and defeat her in battle, then he came in and drove the humans away." Garasha cut in. "Since I thought he'd saved my life, when he demanded to mate with me I had to agree, even though I didn't want to. I didn't think badly of it at the time, but then when Olma and Nethe told me the same thing had happened to them, we figured out that Arol had manipulated us." "I have to admit that I agreed to his demand without any arguing," Olma growled, "but I would not have if he hadn't seemed to have saved my life." Charles nodded. "And I presume you want to get back at this Arol somehow. How does this involve me?" "The humans who work for him must be dealt with, if we're going to be able to get at him. We may need help from David, or some of your soldiers, to defeat all of them." "I'm willing to give you whatever you need, whether it's soldiers to fight them or gold to buy them with. Do you know where Arol lives?" Nethe shook her head. "We haven't started looking for his territory yet, but I would rather have a plan of exactly what we want to do and how we're going to do it before we do anything that could tell Arol we're looking for him." "Not a bad idea. Since you speak of planning, should I assume that what you want to do goes beyond simply defeating him in battle?" "He doesn't deserve the right to defend himself," Garasha growled. Olma said, "but there's no way he'd just submit to us without a fight, and we won't be able to convince him to stop trying to repeat what he did to us unless we give him reason to listen." "He'd be a fool not to listen if it's just him against the three of us." Garasha bared her teeth. "Sneak up on him, then have one or two of us pin him down while the other tells him to stop what he's been doing." "But why would he listen? We'd have done nothing to prove he should listen to us." "We don't need to!" she snorted. "A coward like him wouldn't care if we defeated him honorably, just that we got the better of him, and if we used some force when we told him what to do he'd be scared enough to obey." "You're right," Nethe said, "but that will only protect the other dragonesses who have claimed territory nearby. I don't think I'm alone in saying I want to do more than just protect others; I want revenge for the way he deceived me and used my body for himself." "I mentioned using force... We could beat him to punish him for his actions; you'd be able to let out a lot of anger that way." "We could..." Nethe thought for a moment, then grinned. "On the other hand, maybe we could get back at him in a more poetic way, if you know what I mean by that." Olma tilted her head to one side. "I know what you're saying, but not what you mean--" "He used us to get pleasure for himself, whether we would have let him or not," she growled. "We should do the same to him." Charles said, "Arol is not going to just let you do that to him, though, no matter how strong the three of you are and how much you hurt him." "Then we'll need your help to restrain him," Nethe looked to David. "Could you use your magic to keep him from fighting us?" He shook his head. "There are a couple of spells I could use to hold him for a little while, but I can't sustain either of them for more than a few minutes at a time, and unless... unless the mechanics of dragon mating are vastly different from what we humans do I don't think that will work for you." "I was thinking of something different, actually," Charles said, then beckoned to David with a finger and whispered something in his ear. The wizard listened a moment, then stood up again, spoke a word of his magic language and flew back towards the castle on a platform of green magic. "Nethe, do you remember when I helped you wipe out that cult of dragon-slayers a few years back?" he said. "Yes, why?" "When we did, I claimed all of their treasures as my own, as you know. Among them was a magically reinforced device that they used to restrain the dragons they captured before killing them. It could hold Arol still while you did... whatever you wanted to do to him." David came back into view a moment later, and they all watched in silence as he placed a large, complex metallic object between them. Olma sniffed it and hissed, jerking her head back. "You say they held dragons in this before slaying them... They must have killed dragons while they were bound by this very restraint." "It doesn't even look like it would hold a human, much less a dragon. How would you compress one of us this much?" Garasha peered at the object. "The metalwork has a lot of hinges, and they folded it for storage and transport," Charles said. "An ingenious piece of work, really, even if it had such a terrible use. Here, I'll show you." He reached towards the restraint and began to pull at the metal, folding it out on its hinges until it took on a more recognizable form: a stout frame that stood firm when each hinge was locked open, which supported a number of shackles that formed a rough outline of a dragon. "Interesting," Nethe stepped forward to examine it more closely, then spotted the marks of human writing running along the largest bar of the frame. "What does it say here?" Charles peered at it, then read, "so dragons may learn to bow down to their human masters before they are slain." "We shouldn't even consider using that thing," Olma growled and backed away. "It should be destroyed." "Why?" Garasha said. "Even if humans used it against dragons before, the humans are dead now. And besides, you won't be the one trapped inside it; why does it matter to you if we bind Arol with it or not?" "It's just not right. Humans used this to make dragons submit to them, and to hold dragons still so they could hack our kind apart without a fight. Not even he deserves to be forced into it." Nethe growled and swung her head around to face the other dragoness. "It doesn't matter that humans have used it against dragons before. Those humans are dead now, and the use they had for this device died with them. It's our possession, so we can give it whatever new purpose we want for it." "Besides, it's the best you've got," Charles added. "Since they made it to be used on many dragons it can be adjusted to fit Arol no matter what size he is, and it's also strong enough to hold him. Anything we tried to make ourselves that would be capable of restraining him as this can might take half a year for David and my smiths to construct, and who knows how many other dragonesses Arol would be able to track down in that amount of time." Olma was silent for a little while, then lowered her head. "I suppose you're right. I don't think I have any other reasons not to use it, anyway..." Garasha paced a circle around the restraint. "Right. So, how does it work?" "First I have to open all the shackles... David, did you bring the key like I asked you to?" The wizard pulled a large key out of the sleeve of his robes and handed it to Charles, who took some five minutes working his way along the device and unlocking each of the many shackles. "Would any of you like to volunteer to be locked into it, for a demonstration, or should we just imagine how a dragon would look held inside?" "I'll do it." Nethe stepped into the frame, positioning her body as the shackles suggested and waiting while Charles closed each of them around her. Her hind legs were held in place wide enough to keep her from being tipped over but not uncomfortably far apart, with her tail also secured along one of her legs and then one of the bars of the frame. Three huge thick rings held her body and wings in place, then she folded her forelegs beneath her chest to fit into the cluster of manacles in that section of the frame. The position left her with her hindquarters raised and shoulders low to the ground, as if she was bowing to whoever stood in front of the frame--just as the writing said, she thought. Then Charles secured the last few circlets around her neck and head, the final one closing across her snout to make sure her mouth stayed tightly shut. "There," Charles said, and stepped back. "How does that look?" Nethe tried to struggle, but there were so many shackles so close to all her joints that she could barely move a muscle; even her tail was immobilized, only the very tip able to twitch uselessly back and forth against the metal frame. "It works very well," she said, though the band on her snout made it hard for her to speak clearly. "I can move my tailtip and my claws a bit, but that's all. Arol won't be able to get out of this without help." Garasha stepped closer to examine her and Nethe felt gusts of air from the other dragoness' nostrils against her belly and rump. "We'll have good access to him, too, and he won't be able to do a thing to stop us, not even with his tail! And if we lifted up the front of this thing we could force him to mount one of us." Nethe couldn't look back to confirm it, but she thought she could remember the base of the frame being triangular, splitting from the forepaws so that one separate metal rod ran to each hind paw and the space directly beneath her chest and belly was left open--aside from where the frame connected again between her hind paws and beneath the base of her tail. "Would you be able to give us something that would hold up the front of the frame without us having to support it the whole time, or..." "Well, if you want him to be mounting you then the frame would be supported by your back," Charles said, with frankness that surprised her. "I don't know if that metal would be very comfortable, but you'd be able to support it." "Right, I think this works," Nethe said, the restraint restricting her movement so much that she fought it almost unconsciously. "Charles, have Garasha or Olma let me out so we can be sure a dragon's claws can work the key." He nodded and passed the key to Garasha, who took it carefully in her claws and slowly unlocked each shackle on the frame, doing her best to be gentle with the little key. "I can make a spare key or two, just in case," David offered while she worked. "Not sure just how breakable that will be in your claws, but better to be prepared than risk trapping him in there until he starves... even if you don't like him." Nethe nodded and stepped out of the frame, pausing to stretch now that she could move again. "All right, I think I know what I want us to do to him, but I don't think you two need to know about this," she looked down at the two humans. "We'll discuss things for a little while, then once we know what we're doing we can start to search for Arol's cave." Charles and David left, taking the collapsed restraint with them, while the three dragonesses sat down together to make their plans. It only took five days of searching to find Arol's home territory. Each dragoness tried to remember the direction he'd flown in when he'd left their caves and from that they were able to track him down--Garasha was barely able to get out of sight before he saw her, but as far as they could tell he didn't know they were after him. The soldiers and wizard Arol had to help him with his scheme lived in a village with their families at the base of his mountain, only a mile's hike or so from his cave. After spying on the arrangement (with the help of a few of David's spells) they observed that Arol rarely left his cave before noon, and once he did finally wake up he went straight to the village to talk to the wizard who lived there before flying away towards the edges of his territory. Probably to find another dragoness to use, Nethe supposed. In the end they chose not to ask for any soldiers from Charles, just a little help from David. Once they were ready to act, Nethe, Garasha and Olma hid in the forest between the village and the mountain, in case something went wrong and they had to stop a human from going to Arol's cave, then sent David into the village to talk to whoever was in charge. He left a small mirror with them and used a spell that allowed them to look into the mirror and see--and even hear!--everything from the perspective of the top of his staff. David was spotted by a man as he approached the village and the man shouted for help, then unsheathed a sword. "Who are you and why have you come here?" the man demanded, as a few other soldiers ran up to see what was going on. "I am David, a wizard. I have come to you peacefully and wish to speak with whoever rules this village." "The dragon Arol rules over us, and he does not see outsiders." "I meant the human in charge." The man hesitated and glanced at the other men, then nodded. "Very well. I will take you to speak with our wizard, Jonathan. Follow me." They took a short walk into a building in the center of the village, and there they saw the magician who'd attacked them in their caves. There was a pause, then the image wavered a moment when David lowered his staff. The two wizards spoke briefly in their magic language, then David switched to English and said, "I have come on behalf of a trio of dragonesses who have a score to settle with the dragon Arol." Jonathan did not seem surprised. "Ah, I was wondering when this would happen. Arol was foolish to think his deception would never be discovered, and... Well, now I suppose he's going to pay for it." A short pause. "So you do not wish to prevent them from making him stop what he's been doing? By my understanding he has a deal with you, in that he does things to help you as long as you help him do... that. If they stopped him--" "We never approved of what he wanted us to do, but it was the only thing he would accept at the time. If he won't want us to help him get his undeserved sex anymore then we'd be more than happy to reconsider our agreement with him, so that he can have us do more useful and constructive things for him." He smiled. "Your dragons picked a good day to act, for Arol was flying very late last night and likely won't be up until the afternoon. You may go and tell them to fly to his cave; we will not send anyone to interfere." Another pause. "Thank you. I will return once they have finished." The mirror's image went black, then showed Nethe her own face, and after a few minutes David returned to them. "I assume you heard everything?" Nethe nodded and growled, tail flicking back and forth with anticipation. "Yes. Let's get to work." * * *

Arol woke up with a start, the feeling of cool iron against his scales rousing him. He jerked away from the sensation only to feel it nearly everywhere, all around his body, pinning him down... his hind paws spread apart and extended as if he was standing, his forelegs folded beneath his chest, and his head and neck secured against the ground with a band across his snout that kept his mouth shut. He growled and struggled against whatever held him, but he could barely move, and gave up after a little while. He tried to take stock of his position. As far as he could tell he was still in his cave, with whatever restrained him forcing him to stand in the center of his outer chamber. It was late morning, judging by the position of the sun outside, and he could smell... something. The metal devices that immobilized him reeked of human and that stench overpowered nearly everything else, but he thought he could make out a hint of another dragon as well, maybe two of them. He fought the shackles again, but once again couldn't get them to budge even a claw's width. "Hello?" he called, though his voice was greatly muffled by the shackle clamping his jaws shut and he wasn't sure his words were even making it out of the cave. "Is anyone there?" He bucked against the restraints. "Somebody help me!" A shadow appeared on the ledge outside his cave and after a moment a dragoness walked in, one who was terribly familiar... "Hello, Arol," she growled. He struggled for a moment. "Somebody's trapped me in here! Get me out, please!" She laughed softly and sat down on her haunches before him. "Why would I let you out? I'm the one who locked you up in the first place." He shrank away from her as much as the shackles would let him. "Why?" The yellow-scaled dragoness snarled at him. "You know why. You tricked me and lied to me, you took advantage of me and used my body to please yourself." Arol groaned, but tried to pretend she was wrong. "What? Nethe, I saved your life! I was in a position to ask for whatever I wanted, you know that. Didn't you at least enjoy yourself?" She struck him across the face with her paw. "You didn't even do enough work for me to climax! And don't you dare lie to me again." "I'm not--" She struck him again. "How many others?" "What?" She put her paw on his forehead and dug in with her claws, but didn't tear. "How many times did you lie to dragonesses like me so you could get your undeserved sex?" He sighed and looked away. "It... it was only you. Just once, with you." "Liar!" she roared, and dug her claws in further. "How many?" He howled and struggled, but the restraints kept him immobilized. "Just you!" Another dragoness, green-scaled, entered the cave. "And what would you say to me, Arol? Was it just me, too?" Garasha walked over and kicked him hard in the ribs. "Tell the truth." "It was... It..." He couldn't bring himself to lie again; who could tell how many of his quarries had gathered together to hurt him. "Six. I did it six times." The two dragonesses stepped back, and after a moment Olma joined them in the cave. "Six," Nethe said slowly. "You used six of us for your own pleasure, and if we hadn't come to stop you it only would have been more. Why did you do it?" The pain hadn't really scared him, but he didn't see a reason to lie this time. "I... I like mating." He hurried to speak again before they could be angered by that. "But don't you, too? It's such a wonderful, incredible feeling, and something it's hard to get enough of. I just wanted to enjoy the feeling as much as I could." "Then you could have asked!" Garasha roared. Olma added, "instead of lying and putting us in a position where we couldn't say no to you... You aren't ugly, and if you had come to one of us with the proper intentions, tried to go about courting properly instead of going right to the sex, maybe one of us would have been willing to try for eggs with you when the time came." "Why do you care?" he snorted. "I wouldn't have come back to any of you again anyway. You could have gone your whole lives without ever having to see me or worry about me ever again." "That doesn't change what you did," Nethe growled. "It wasn't right to do what you did to us, and besides, who said we came just to keep you from finding another dragoness to use? Maybe we want revenge," she bared her teeth. "Maybe we want to use you like you used us, when you have no choice but to let us do what we want to you." Arol grinned. "I wouldn't have any reason to object to that." "Oh, you will," she laughed. "Anyway, we won't be getting to that until you promise to never take advantage of another dragoness again." He snorted. "Why should I listen to you?" Garasha darted forward and kicked him hard in the belly with a hind paw. "You have no choice," she snarled. He grunted at the pain, but shook it off after a moment. "You don't scare me." "Brave words for a dragon who can't even move to defend himself." She struck him again. He had to bite back a howl as the pain raced through him. "Stop!" "Oh?" Nethe tilted her head to one side. "Are you ready to make the promise we're asking for, then?" "No," he growled. "Then we'll just keep it up until you realize you should be listening to us." She swiped at his neck with her foreclaws. "Do you want to make a simple promise, or do you want to feel all this pain?" Arol snarled, but said nothing. The three females descended on him and rained blows down on his body, not stopping to give him time to recover between strikes, each of them roaring at him when he howled at the pain. He thrashed and struggled with all his might, trying to find a way to break free or even just to shield himself from the worst of their kicks and scratches, but the shackles held him perfectly still and all he could do was bellow and shiver at each fresh explosion of pain. Finally they stopped, after what had felt like at least a quarter of an hour of beating him. All three were panting from the effort, and he growled continuously as the pain flared up again and again even though they weren't striking him anymore. "Promise to us that you will never deceive another dragoness like you deceived us," Nethe snarled. He growled right back. "No." Garasha kicked him. "Promise!" "No!" He thrashed reflexively against his bonds. Nethe struck his face again. "Now! Promise, or you'll only make things worse for yourself!" Arol shivered, but recovered after a moment and looked her in the eye. "No." "Suit yourself," she snorted, and stepped away. "We have better methods of convincing you anyway... In a little while you'll be wishing you hadn't made us use them." She stood still for a few moments and Arol bucked against the shackles anxiously, but then something touched softly against the scales of his belly, stroking, caressing, tickling... One of them was teasing him with the tip of a tail or claw, tracing slow circles around his slit in a way that he couldn't help but find incredibly arousing. "What are you doing?" he said, squirming a little at the touch, but none of his captors answered and Nethe just grinned when he gave her a worried, questioning look. Even though he knew it was what they wanted--he couldn't figure out why, but clearly they were trying to arouse him--he couldn't help himself, and soon he felt his penis begin to harden until after half a minute or so the tip emerged from his slit. One of the dragonesses behind him gave a triumphant growl and seized his hardening cock in her paw, stroking it, teasing him more aggressively and quickly drawing out a full erection. "You like how that feels?" Nethe said quietly, lowering her head next to his. Arol couldn't help but nod as the head of his cock was squeezed between two claws. He shivered when it happened again and began to thrust after a moment, leaning into the touch and hoping whoever was teasing him would take the hint. "I wouldn't be so eager if I were you," Nethe growled. "Do you really think we'd reward you for refusing to listen to us?" He could barely concentrate on her words, the pleasure was growing so intense, though something in the back of his mind seemed to understand what she meant. But it was too late to rein in his instincts and he only thrust the little that he could harder, faster as the paw groping him continued its work. He bared his teeth and growled, feeling the pressure of his climax well up inside him, then-- "Stop." The claws let him go and he howled in protest at the sudden, terrible lack of pleasure, bucking and thrashing against his chains. He fought however he could to find one more moment of contact, the lightest brush of sensation, clenching the muscles in his belly and tail and trying to get himself that last little bit he needed to reach orgasm, but it was no use. "Please, just a little more!" he cried, but he didn't get a response, and after a little while he subsided, still twitching but with the feeling slowly fading away. Nethe laughed and touched one claw between his nostrils to get his attention. "I seem to recall you leaving me in a similar state when you used me," she growled. "It doesn't feel very nice, does it?" He whined and shook his head. "Well, we're going to do that to you again, and again, and again, unless you promise to stop taking advantage of every dragoness you can find. Will you make the promise now?" He whined and was tempted to agree, to give in just so they would take him that little more he needed to reach climax, but found his resolve after a moment. "No." Nethe nodded towards her companions and the teasing began again, this time in the form of a tail that wrapped around the whole length of his erection. It squeezed and twisted and rubbed against him, and even though Arol knew what was coming he couldn't help but begin to thrust again. But another part of his mind thought that they couldn't do this to him perfectly, and if he just was careful about showing his pleasure, maybe they wouldn't notice in time and he'd be able to get an orgasm even if they didn't want him to have one... For a second time, just as he grew near his climax the teasing touch was suddenly taken away and he howled again, thrashing desperately for relief. But the shackles held him firmly and he was helpless, unable to tease himself and unable to get them to give him the sensation he wanted so badly. He struggled for a while longer, but finally had to give up and sagged in his bonds, whimpering. "Promise," Nethe said. This time Arol nearly did it, he was so desperate. But the terrible feeling was already beginning to fade, deepening to a less intense level of arousal, and again he growled and said, "no." His captors left him alone for a little while, then yet again one of them began to tease him. This time it was slower and softer, one paw gently stroking up and down his cock and occasionally giving him a gentle squeeze at the head or base. He fought against the sensation this time, trying to ignore it by clenching his claws or grinding his teeth against each other, but the dragoness was patient, and after a few minutes of steady, light sensation his concentration broke and he started to lean into her touch again. The teasing slowly progressed, getting stronger and stronger and his arousal building so powerfully this time that he was sure they wouldn't be able to stop in time, that no matter when they left him he would still get that orgasm he needed so badly. He growled and rocked his hips back and forth the little his restraints would let him, groaning as the pleasure intensified once again; this time he'd get what he wanted, he was sure of it! But he was moments away when the sensation stopped for a third time. "Please!" he cried, bucking and squirming, trying to find the paw that had just brought him so close, looking pleadingly up at Nethe and whimpering at her. "Please, just a little bit more!" She shuffled her wings. "All you have to do is promise..." "Fine!" He couldn't stop himself this time. "Fine! I promise, I promise, just let me climax!" He thrashed again for emphasis. "What do you promise?" He could barely concentrate, but found the words after a moment. "I promise to never take advantage of another dragoness again, like I did with you three. I promise." She nuzzled him on the snout. "Thank you." She motioned to Garasha and Olma, and the three of them turned and began to leave the cave. "Hey!" he snarled and fought his shackles again, but it was no use. "Come back! I promised! Please, come back and tease me a little longer! Come back!" They ignored him, and all he could do was watch as their tails disappeared over the end of the ledge. He called after them a little while longer, but eventually gave up when his pleas went unanswered and slumped against the frame that immobilized him. Occasionally he twitched or bucked, almost out of reflex, but after a little while his incredible arousal faded away and left him with a dull, swollen ache in his hindquarters. Arol sighed as he felt his erection fade away and his penis slipped back into its slit. So close... They'd left him so close, even after he'd made the promise they were after, and now he was alone--and still trapped, still helpless. More than an hour later he heard the sound of wings outside and the three of them finally returned to his cave. He growled at them and said, "you lied to me. I made the promise you were asking me for, and you didn't do what you said you would do." Nethe laughed and wrapped her tail lightly around his neck. "Oh? I don't recall saying we would tease you to your climax, just that we would stop getting you up and leaving you so close." He growled, but couldn't complain; she was right. "Well, you got what you wanted, didn't you? Let me go." She shook her head. "You still owe me. You have to give me the orgasm you denied me when you came to my cave." "Let me out and I'll be glad to," he snorted. "Not yet," Olma said, and walked past him, out of his line of sight. "Now that you can't lie to get a dragoness beneath your belly, you must be taught the proper way to ask to mate with one." Garasha joined Olma behind him after a moment, and they began to tease him again. "Haven't you done that enough?" he groaned, shifting away from their touch. "No, not yet," Nethe said. "But I suggest you pay attention to me, not them." She unwound her tail from around his neck and stood tall in front of him. "Pretend I'm a dragoness you want to honor you with a chance to sire eggs. How do you first approach me?" Arol paused, thinking for a moment, then stiffened and moaned as one of the females behind him managed to coax out his penis and squeezed it lightly with her tail. "I... I would fly into your territory and roar to announce my presence, then wait for you to come to me." She nodded. "Correct. Then you would make introductions, but how do you bring up the prospect of mating?" The teasing distracted him and he answered without thinking. "I want to have sex with you." Nethe growled, and the teasing stopped. "Try again." "You're a beautiful dragoness, and I want to sire eggs with you." "Good," she purred, and the wonderful touch of the two dragonesses returned. "But why should I choose you to sire my eggs?" "Because... well, do you find me handsome, and strong? I don't have proof of fighting any great battles, but surely that I was able to come up with such a scheme to get sex from you shows my intelligence." The teasing stopped again, and all three of them kicked him. "Never speak of what you did to us again," Nethe growled. "Answer me properly this time." He shivered, then thought a little and replied, "I'm a strong dragon, and handsome, and you can question me to test my intelligence if you wish. I would sire healthy hatchlings with you, if you would give me permission." Nethe nodded, and the teasing resumed. "Good. Have you sired eggs or mated before, to give proof that you're capable of producing strong hatchlings?" "I..." He groaned as his arousal grew stronger, drawing him close to orgasm once again. "I have not attempted to sire eggs before. I have mated in... in the past, but... but I'm ashamed of the circumstances, and would rather... not speak of it," he managed, panting as the sensation brought him closer and closer to climax. "Good. I think I will allow you to mate with me, then." She nodded, but the teasing stopped. "Again?" he howled, struggling unconsciously, uncontrollably. "I answered every question properly, I made the promise you wanted! What more do you want?" "I want to mate with you," Nethe purred. "Not for eggs, but as a reward. But since you already owe me one orgasm from when we first met and I'll want another once you have your second inside me, you should be happy I'm letting you have some time to calm down before making you give me two orgasms of my own." He growled; his body wasn't at all happy about it at the moment, but it made sense. "And what about the other two?" "You weren't as mean to them as you were to me," she said. "You don't have to worry about pleasing them, too, though I think they've had a lot of fun already after teasing you so much." She sat there in silence for a little while, and Garasha and Olma returned to sit next to her. Arol watched her carefully and tried to keep still, but the need in his loins was still so strong, and he couldn't help but squirm back and forth in his restraints and thrust at the empty air beneath his belly while he waited for her to decide it was time. Finally after about a quarter of an hour Nethe growled, and stood up again. "I hope you can control yourself, because I'm not going to let you rest until you give me both of the orgasms I want. Understand?" He nodded and bucked once. "Just let me out." She grinned. "Who ever said I was letting you out to mate with me? I just need to lift your forepaws up a moment so I can get under you, then you'll be able to mount me. You won't be able to move much at all, but I don't need you to move a lot for us to mate, do I?" She laughed and turned around, crouching and raising her tail to display herself to him. He growled and thrashed again at the sight of her exposed sex, his erection returning almost instantly. Nethe began to step backwards towards him and Garasha and Olma lifted the metal frame around his chest and forepaws, allowing her to get beneath him. Then they lowered him onto her and she said, "no, it's not uncomfortable," before backing up another step and raising her hindquarters still higher, searching blindly for the head of his penis. She finally found it and both of them moaned as he slipped easily into her vent. After the prolonged teasing Arol had to struggle not to do too much too fast, but in the shackles he almost didn't have to worry about it, as she had more range to thrust than he did and seemed willing to do most of the work herself. Nethe started out slowly, reaching up to nuzzle under his chin and wrapping her tail around the base of his own while she humped him, then when he began to shiver at the sensation she increased her speed and started to grind more roughly against his cock. The first of her two required climaxes arrived not long after that and she roared out her ecstasy from beneath him, squirming and bucking against his immobilized frame. But he groaned and struggled as the added pleasure aroused him more and more, then not long after she subsided he gave in and finally got the release his body had needed for so long, letting out a muffled roar as the wonderful spasms raced through him and forcing himself to keep moving, hoping it would make him last a little longer. But she didn't stop, and when he whined at the overstimulation she ignored him, working him still harder as she went after the second orgasm she wanted. Arol wished he could have forced her away, or at least helped her along with his tail, but the restraints still held him tightly and all he could do was clench his claws helplessly and groan at the tingling pain as she continued to thrust up against him. Then finally she gasped and collapsed beneath him, shivering all over and forcing as much of him into her as she could as her second orgasm ripped through her. She went still, and after a moment Olma and Garasha lifted the frame of Arol's shackles again so she could get out from under him. "Good dragon," she purred, and nuzzled him. "That's a good dragon, doing what the dragoness tells him to do." After a moment Garasha produced a key from near the cave entrance and began to let him out. "The wizard who works for you knows how to contact us, and has already spoken to a human who works for us. He knows that we don't want you trying to take advantage of another dragoness and likely won't let you himself, but if you manage to do it anyway he'll find a way to let us know and we will come back here to punish you again." Olma nodded. "If you ever want to mate again then you'd better hope you've received permission from whoever you mate with, truthfully, and that you're trying for eggs with her." He stepped out of the restraints as soon as he could, but only pressed himself against the ground. "I made a promise to the three of you. I won't break it." "You'd better hope not," Garasha growled, and folded up the frame Arol had been bound with for so long. "You're probably tired," Nethe said. "I know I am... Your humans will bring a meal up to your cave for you when they see us leave, so you don't have to worry about hunting." He nodded wearily and stretched a little. "Thank you." "Goodbye, Arol," she said, and the trio of dragonesses made to leave. "I hope you've learned some proper manners, because you're going to need them." Arol passed out to the sound of their wings bearing them away from his cave.