A New Life: Surprises

Story by StevenFox on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Life, A New Love

Well readers, after a long delay, here it is! Chapter 4! Sorry it took so long, but work has kept me really busy (but mostly procrastination ;)) Again, sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm sorry for any spelling, grammar or puncuation mistakes in the story. It's been a while, so be nice, but helpful.

Wow that was a lot of sorrys...

All characters belong to me StevenFox.

(chapter 4)

Chris was laying down on his back, not knowing what to think of the situation. There was a knock on his door.

"Chris?" It was Joe, his so called "uncle."

"You alright in there?"

"Go away," Chris had no emotion in his voice.

"Aren't you worried?"

"Yes, but I don't want to talk to you."

"Who do you want to talk to?"

"Not you, not anyone.

"Are you sure you don't want to ta-"

"I said GO AWAY!" He yelled chucking his clock at the door. Shattering into many pieces when it hit the door. There was silence after that. He could hear the faint sound of footsteps walking away from his door.

"What are we going to do?" Kelli looked at her husband come down the stairs.

"I don't know. We need to protect Chris from the convict anyway we can."

Kelli pondered a bit.

"What about the police? We could get some sort of body gaurd to watch after him, to make sure nothing bad happens."

"That'll at least take a few days to get that arranged," Joe sat down and rubbed his forhead.

"Then you might wan't to get to it," she said kissing him on the cheek, placing her hand on his jeans. She rubbed the growing member in his jeans until she felt it was at full length.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" She moved to his zipper and unzipped him.

"Oohh, mhmm," Joe moaned. She pulled his jeans off revealing the very noticeable tent in his boxers he made. She then continued to remove her shirt and shorts, so she was just in her underwear. Joe removed his shirt and chucked it somewhere in the room. Kelli swung her leg over and began grinding against his member. Joe groaned with every movement, and her pussy had already became wet.

"Oohh, stop teasing," Joe begged. Kelli giggled and slowly removed her bra. Joe grinned at the sight of her stripping and removed his own boxers after she had removed her thong as well. Joe teased her entrance by rubbing the tip of his cock along her wet cunt, making her moan. Then he slowly inserted his erection inside of her.

"It has been a while, you're so tight!" Joe exclaimed. He placed his hands on her hips as she continued to ride his cock.

"Oh my god! It feels so good!" Kelli moaned as her peak came closer and closer with every movement. She continued to ride him until his knot had finally formed. Joe thrusted his hips upward, shoving his knot inside her. Having his knot inside her was enough to make Kelli cum, along with Joe. Their fluids mixed, some leaking onto the couch. Kelli collapsed on top of Joe, exhausted.

"Make sure to take care of those papers in the morning hun," Kelli said before drifting off to sleep.

"Don't worry, I will," he said kissing her on the forehead.

Chris rolled over and open his eyes. Suddenly, he sat up trying to figure out where he was. He settled down when he remembered he was in his room. He sighed with relief and looked at his cell phone, since he had completely shattered his clock last night.

"Must of fallen asleep," he rubbed the blurryness from his eyes and looked at his cell again. It was already three in the afternoon on Sunday. He layed back down and sighed, to depressed to do anything else; Chris just stared at the ceiling. He felt like crying, but he knew that would do nothing.

"Crying isn't the answer," Chris said to himself.

"Is he ever going to get up?" Kelli looked up from the paper.

"Just let him sleep, he's going through a little bit of a shock right now," Joe answered, he was working on the forms to set up a body gaurd for Chris. In the papers, it said that the gaurd would only look over Chris outside of the house, and would keep 30 feet away. So he could watch him, but stay out of his social life.

Chris did nothing the entire day. Not once did he get up to eat or use the restroom. For five straight hours, he looked at the ceiling, ignoring all the texts and calls he was getting. Either it was Ally wondering where he was, or asking if he was alright. If his phone rang, he would just shrug it off.

At eight at night, he had gone the whole day without eating or drinking. He was building a good streak until he finally had to pee. He got out of bed and slowly opened his door, hoping to go unnoticed. Chris snuck his way to the bathroom, not making a sound the whole way. After locking the door to the bathroom he went to relieve himself. Afterwards, he walked to the sink to wash his hands. Drying off his hands, he looked at the mirror and gasped.

He noticed he looked horrible; his fur was tangled and messy. There were bags under his eyes; it looked like the color had been drained from them. That's when he got a nose full of his stench. He also hadn't showered in a while, and parts of his fur stuck out, refusing to go down. He sighed, opened the door and walked to his room.

"Chris? Is that you?" Kelli sounded concerned. Not wanting any attention from them, Chris slammed the door and locked it. He made a bee-line towards his bed and dove on top of it, face down on the bed. Sleep overtook him within moments and he drifted off to sleep, forgetting there was school tomorrow.

"No!" Chris shot upright and lost his balance. His arms flailed as he tried to stop himself. It was to late as he rolled of the bed and hit the floor with loud "thud". He let out a painful groan when the air left his lungs. Chris layed there for a while, waiting for the air to come back to him.

"Ngh, it's... *cough* been a while," refering to the nightmare he just had. He got to his feet and looked around, it was Monday morning, around twelve he guessed.

He took a few steps towards his door then stopped panic setting in.

"Wait. MONDAY morning?" He ran towards the door and twisted the handle. Nothing happened and he began to panick, until he remembered he had locked it. He unlocked it, opened the door and ran down stairs. He looked around for Joe and Kelli; instead, a big, strong looking horse was sitting on the couch sipping coffee and watching the news. When Chris came down the horse smilled at him and waved. Chris looked at him puzzledly, he had never seen him in the house before. Maybe he was one of their friends; Chris wasn't so sure. He was going to ask the horse who he was, but then on the news a story came up about a convict on the loose, a shiver went down his spine. It was the same one that took his family's life that dreadful night. The horse turned from Chris to the t.v. to watch the story. Finally, Chris was able to find the courage to ask the man his name.

"Wh-who are you?"

The horse didn't look away from the television as he answered.

"Im agent 67, from the unit group 19."

"Sounds complicated," Chris scratched his head.

"You got a nickname so I don't have to call you that every time I see you?"

"Hehe, yeah. You can call me Alex."

"Nice to meet you Alex, but I'm late for school."

"There's a note on the counter in the kitchen for you by the way."

He turned and walked into the kitchen, he saw the note in a second. He picked it up, it read:

Dear Chris,

If you haven't noticed yet, we're not home, and we're sure you've met your new body gaurd.

Chris stopped to look back out into the living room. His own body gaurd? I guess Alex was the protection that Chris needed so badly. He continued reading.

We're so sorry that you have to go through this as a teenager. You should be able to live your life, love a girl, and grow up to be successful in life. By the way, when we left, we noticed you were still in your room. So don't worry about going to school today, we called you in sick. Enjoy your day off today. Hopefully you'll come down stairs to read this though.

-With loving affection,

Joe & Kelli

P.S.- Go out in the driveway.

"What did they mean in the driveway? What could possibly be out there?" He said to himself walking to the front door.

"Where you going?" He heard Alex's loud voice from the living room followed by footsteps.

"My parents left me a note saying-" He turned around and was practically face to face with Alex.

"Oh, that." Alex looked outside.

"Well let's go see what it is then," Alex said with a wink.

They both stepped outside and closed the door behind them. Chris' mouth dropped to the floor when he saw what was in his driveway. In replace of his old lamborghini, was a mustang shelby. He walked up to it and rubbed a hand on its shinny surface.

"So I take it you like it?" Alex snapped him back into existence.

"Huh? Oh, yeah."

"Hehe, glad you like it. But you can drive it later after a shower."

Alex was right, Chris reaked. He hadn't smelt this bad in a while. Chris couldn't wait to take it for a ride; maybe if he showered quickly Alex would let him take it for a ride. He gave the car one last glance before bolting into the house.

Chris turned the nozzle to the shower and stepped in quickly. He wanted to shower thoroughly, but quickly so he could get out and drive his new car. The warm water rushed through his fur and rid his body of stress and filth. He grabbed a bottle of all over body shampoo and poured it into his hand. It smelled liked a cool ocean breeze to him. He used his fingers to massage it into his head fur and body. Suddenly, it felt as if his depression and anger had gone down the shower drain. Chris sighed and let the water carry the shampoo off his body. He made sure that all the soap was off his body and turned the shower off. Then he grabbed a towel and quickly dried his fur off. He snatched a comb from the cabinet, he slowly combed his fur down making sure there wasn't any part of his fur sticking out.

He wrapped the towel around his waist and rushed to his room. The door closed behind him and he let his towel drop to the floor. Chris walked over to his dresser and sifted through his clothes to choose something to wear. He choose a black shirt and dark blue shorts that went past his knees. Satisfied with his outfit, he grabbed his hat from the floor and put it on.

Chris quickly ran down the stairs but was stopped by his hunger. His stomach growled, he hadn't eaten for atleast one or two days now. Alex was standing at the doorway waiting.

"Sounds like you need something to eat first," he said to Chris.

Chris sighed and walked into the kitchen. Satisfied with a bagel, he walked to the door and noticed the clock on the wall.

"Damn, it's already three?"

"Yep, you've been sleeping for a while actually."

"Hey Alex," Chris started.

"Yeah," Alex looked from the clock to Chris.

"Do you mind if I go by myself? I know you're supposed to be watching me and all, but I want to surprise Ally."

"I don't know," Alex bit his lower lip.

"I'll be fine, I'm just dropping off Ally at her house then coming back." Alex gave Chris a questioning look.

"That's it? No where else?" He asked.

"Yeah, just there and back."

Alex scratched his head, "I'm not supposed to do this, but if that's all you're doing, then O.K."

"Sweet! Thanks Alex!" Chris gave him a fist punch then ran out the door.

Chris had just finished his bagel when he arrived at the school entrance. He looked around for Ally and found her with a group of friends. He rolled down the passengers window and honked. That got her attention pretty quickly; she and her group's jaws dropped as they saw his car.

"Hey babe! You gonna stand there or hope in?" He yelled, giving her a welcoming smile. She said bye to her friends and rushed over to his car.

"Where'd you get such a nice car?"

"My, uh. People."

"People?" She asked confused.

"Haha, don't worry about it. Do you want a ride, or are you just going to walk?"

She smilled at him and hopped in the car. Ally closed the door and Chris drove off to Ally's house.

"Where have you been? You didn't answer my texts or anything," she asked.

"Iv'e just been thinking of stuff. Not really a big deal," he answered.


"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something," Chris arrived at a four way intersection and stopped.

"What is it?"

"Are your parents gone forever or something? It seems like weeks since you said they were gone."

"I don't know; maybe they decided to stay or something," she giggled.

"Wouldn't that be nice," his thoughts went back to his memories with his family. What fun times they had, whether it be at home, or on vacation. He sighed, as those memories faded away. He pulled up in front of Ally's house and stopped the car. Chris stepped out, putting the keys into his pocket. They walked up to her front door, hand in hand. Ally reached into her pocket and pulled out her house key and unlocked the door. Chris decided for a more, romantic, way of walking in and decided to sweep her off her feet after she opened the door. She giggled as they walked inside.

But they stopped laughing when there were two figures that Chris hadn't seen before, standing in front of them.

"Mom, dad," Ally said. Chris quickly put her down and looked at her parents nervously. The man was only a few inches taller, but he seemed twice the size of Chris. Her dad eyed Chris.

"Well well, who's this Ally?"

"This is, umm," Ally seemed hesitant to answer, "My boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Her dad cocked an eyebrow.

"You didn't, mention anything about that in the phone calls." He looked at Chris from head to toe.

"And your name is?" Chris gulped hard, his mouth felt dry.

"Well son? I ain't gonna bite."

"Chris," he finally managed to get out.

"Well then Chris, I hope your being nice to my daughter here. She's the only one I've got, don't want anything bad to happen now do we?" Chris shook his head nervously.

"Good, now, if you don't mind going now; we need to do a little talking with Ally here," Chris nodded his head and made a bee-line to his car.

"Dude I'm telling you! It seemed like he was eight feet tall!"

"O.K., whatever dude," Drew replied. Chris was doing three way calling with Drew and Mike. Mike was another one of his friends he just recently made. He's a six foot three horse; built lean for sports and other activities.

"Hey Chris we've been meaning to ask you," started Mike.

"You play bass right?" Drew finished.

"Yeah, why?"

"Cuz were in a band, and the school holds a battle of the bands that's in a few months, apparently the school has a lot of bands, and we need a bassist. We've already got a drummer, and two guitarists" Drew explained.

"And a singer."

"I could do both," Chris said.

"Sounds good then, practice begins this weekend. Any songs in mind?"

"Yeah a few," Chris scanned his mind in search of a good song.

Days turned into weeks. And weeks turned into months. Unfortunatly, the talent show was post ponned for a few weeks due to rain. As far as Chris and Ally, they were doing great. Their love for each other grew and grew, with the occasional yiff every now and then. But Alex and Chris grew an even stronger bond. Alex felt like a dad to Chris; always there to protect him, or help him with stuff. He wanted to leave his gaurdians and go live with Alex, but they had legal holds on him, so he was stuck with them. Chris always felt like running away, to escape this life. But why? When he has so much? He could do nothing but stay here.

Chris was sitting on his bed practicing the song they were going to do for the talent show, when he got a text. It was from Drew.

"Don't forget, School Talent is tomorrow, don't forget your bass and amp."

It was ten at night, he hadn't done much most of the day, besides school work. Chris figured he better get some sleep tomorrow for the show. He put his bass in its case and layed down on his bed, drifting slowly off to sleep.

It was now the day of the talent show, surprisingly, the school actually made the kids skip class to go watch all the performances in the theater. Which is unusual for even a highschool.

"Dude, did the whole fucking school show up?" Chris peered out from between the backstage curtains. On stage was some band that was playing some music that resembled Nickleback.

"Actually yes," Mike said tunning his guitar, "The battle of the bands is a huge deal here."

"Hmm, weird, but that works for me," Chris looked back at the band. Their band composed of him, Mike and Drew on the guitar, and Reagan, a short fox, on drums. Drew was bouncing up and down nervously. Chris gave him a strange look.

"What's with you?"

"I gotta pee," Drew lifted the strap above his head and set his guitar on the floor.

"Are you shitting me!?!" Chris called after Drew as he ran off somewhere to find a restroom.

"No!" Was all he heard from Drew.

"Wow, that's Drew for ya," Mike said finally getting his guitar in tune. The other band continued to play for about four minutes before their song finally ended, and still no Drew.

"Man, where is he?" Reagan looked around. They had finally gotten all of their equipment moved upstage, including Drew's.

"Right here," Drew said grabbing his guitar off the floor.

"What the hell took you so long?" Mike asked.

"Dude, do you know how hard it is to find a bathroom here?" He said plugging his guitar into his amp.

"And next we have Leviathan!" Someone's voice echoed through the place.

"Just in time too," Mike added before the main curtains opened up. Cheers welcomed them as Chris leaned into the mic.

"Were going to play one of our favorites, Contagious, by Trapt."

Chris stepped behind stage with the school cheering behind him. He wiped the sweat forming at his brow and put his bass in its case.

"Hey dude, great job," Drew patted him on the back.

"Thanks dude, you too."

"Hey you wanna come over to my house for a party after this whole thing's over?" Drew asked.

Chris nodded, "Sure thing."

Chris pulled up in front of what he thought was Drew's house. His house was a small, white two story house; enough to support a small family. Drew's car was parked in his driveway, so Chris new he was in the right place. Chris stepped out of the car, Alex followed out of the passenger's side.

"You can just stay out here for now," Chris said. Alex nodded in agreement and leaned on the car, scanning his surroundings. Chris then continued to walk to the front door and ring the door bell. There was no answer so he rang it again. Still no answer. Becoming inpatient he tapped on the door, which creaked open slowly. Chris peered around the door before stepping inside. He closed the door and looked around. There was no one to be seen or heard.

"Yo Drew! You Here?" He shouted. The only voice that answered him was his echo. He slowly walked forward and turned a corner. Chris took a few more steps before something came from behind him and covered his mouth and nose. He gripped the person's arm to try and wrench himself free. It was no use as he realized his mouth was covered by a cloth, soaked in some wierd chemical that made vision blurry and was also quickly fading. The last thing he saw was a white figure standing a few feet in front of him before passing out.

Chris awoke tired and groggy. His vision was still blury so he blinked a few times to get the bluryness from his eyes. He tried to move but he found himself handcuffed to a bed. Chris tried to break the cuffs from his wrists and legs. They were to strong for Chris to break, no matter how hard he tried. That's when he realized that he was also naked. Words were hard for him to find at this point and they just came out as mutters.

"So you're finally awake," Chris turned his head to look at who was talking. It was Drew.

"I'm surprised you haven't found out yet," Drew stared at the naked wolf sprawled out in front of him.

"Huh?" Was all Chris could muster.

"By all these clues? Your'e a smart little wolf."

"What the hell are you talking about Drew?" Chris muttered.

"I'm bisexual," Drew told him. Chris blinked in amazement and in terror for what he thought was going to happen.

"And to help me," he pointed at the foot of the bed. Chris turned his head and his eyes went wide.

"You. How did you get Kaitlyn?" Chris questioned.

"Funny story actually," she began until Drew interrupted.

"Sometimes, some people really have to use the bathroom," Drew grinned.

"So when you..."

"When he "went to the bathroom" he was actually meeting with me to arrange this whole thing," Kaitlyn said. Chris looked over the half naked wolf before he turned back to Drew who was naked at this point; his cock already out of it's sheath. It was at half its length he noticed as he walked towards Chris.

"Suck it," Drew said holding his penis in front of Chris. He turned his head away from Drew, trying to maintain his own erection at the same time.

"Longer you wait the longer it'll take," Drew smirked. Kaitlyn took advantage of this and began to lick Chris' balls, making him moan. Drew's meat had finally bacame fully erect after watching her please Chris. Having no other choice, Chris dragged his tounge across Drew's fully erect 6 inch penis.

"That's more like it," Drew moaned and tossed his head back. Chris then used his knowledge from his past girlfriends to suck at the tip of his cock.

"Stop teasing bitch," Drew placed his hand on Chirs' head and forced him down his shaft. He almost choked from engulfing his entire cock at once; and made a very noticeable gaging noise.

"Oh come on," Kaitlyn removed her mouth from Chris' now erect man hood, "It's not that hard." She then continued to take his whole length in at once with ease. Chris moaned at the pleasure, which sent vibrations through Drew's dick.

"Oh man, you're going to make me cum," Drew moaned. Chris felt Drew twitch inside his mouth and quickened the pace.

"Ngh, I'm cumming!" Drew shot his load down Chris' throat one string at a time. It was too much for Chris to handle and swallowed all that he could, and the rest filled his mouth. Drew plugged Chris' nose and forced him to swallow his load. Feeling his warm seemen slide down his throat made him come closer to his own climax. But Kaitlyn stopped before he could cum.

"You think we'd let you cum now?" Drew removed his cock from his mouth and moved down to the end of the bed with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn then stripped completely naked while Drew climbed on top of the bed. Drew possitioned himself in front of Chris' tailhole and used his saliva covered cock to lube his tailhole. Chris went wide eyed when he realized what he was going to do.

"Wait!" But Chris was quickly silenced when Drew put the tip of his cock into Chris. Chris threw his head back due to the pain and pleasure Drew was giving him. The hyena continued to slide all the way in, letting Chris get used to the feeling of having him inside Chris. When he was all the way in, he pulled out and slammed back in, making Chris howl.

"This is so hot," Kaitlyn said spread out on the floor fingering herself.

"Well don't just lie there, come join in," Drew said. She smilled and lifted herslef off the floor. She moved onto the bed and kissed Chris seductively. The kiss lasted for a few seconds before she moved down to Chris' groin and played with his cock; torturing him with pleasure.

"I think he's had enough," Drew said still ramming his ass hard. Kaitlyn glared at him and said, "I can fuck him whenever I want." She then continued to play with his cock until she decided to go for it. She swung her right leg over Chris and positioned her wet cunt above his awaiting member. She slowly slid down his shaft, making Chris wiggle beneath her. Kaitlyn moaned and continued to slowly pick up the pace of her movement. With her bouncing on his cock and Drew pounding his ass at the same time, made Chris howl with pleasure. Chris' arms twitched, making the chains rattle. Drew realized this and gave Chris a devilish grin.

"Still trying to escape huh? Well then, this'll teach you!" Chris tried to explain but Drew picked his pace up to the point where pleasure was now pain, and his firm ass was turning red, some what showing through his fur. He wriggled from the pain he was getting, but also from the pleasure of having his cock ridden at the same time.

"Oh god. I'm gonna cum again," Drew clentched his teeth. He continued to pound his ass until he reached his climax and came inside Chris; filling him with his warm seed. Drew took a few seconds before pulling out of Chris, the feeling of not having Drew inside him made Chris feel empty. He whimpered as he came close to his own climax. Then Ally stopped and pulled out.

"Oh my god would you let me cum already!" Chris shouted with anger. Drew waved a finger at him.

"Tsk, tsk. That's not very nice. I think a punishment is in order. What do you say Kaitlyn?"

"I think yes," she said waving a strap-on in front of Chris' face. Drew had became hard once more and loosened the chains so he could position himself underneath him. Ally put on the srap-on and rubbed lube on the seven inch toy.

"Oh youv'e got to be kidding me," Chris moaned, his ears folding back.

"Nope," Drew said, slowley entering Chris again.

"Will this even fit?" Ally said pointing the toy at the already stuffed tail hole.

"Make it fit," Drew commanded, pounding Chris's ass. Ally put the member at his tail hole. It refused to go in at first, until Ally forced it in, stretching his ass to new extent. Chris squirmed from having two cocks inside him. He tried holding in his screams until it was to much.

"Oh god! It's too much!" Chris screamed.

"Yell all you want, but it's over when it's over," Drew snorted.

"Which might be sooner than I like," he said as him climax came quickly. He gave one last thrust before cumming again inside Chris. That was enough to drive Chris over the edge as he came all over his stomach. He felt better now that he finally had came, but felt extremely tired. Kaitlyn and Drew had succeeded in tiring Chris out, as he fell asleep between both of them.