The Emperor's Garden

Story by DrakeLover on SoFurry

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#1 of Swallowed By Love

The following story is intended for adult reading only. If you are offended by lesbians, dragons, getting swallowed, free speech, or anything else that's good, just don't read this. If you're offended because your kids saw it, don't go crying to me. You should be watching them better than that.

Chapter 1: The Emperor's Garden

Daeline stared over the tops of the buildings ahead with intense hatred burning in her eyes. The Emperor's palace stood high above the rest of the city, completed when she had been a little girl, almost ten years ago. The garden, however, had been completed this very day. High walls covered with lush vegetation, creepers, and vines kept anyone from looking into it, even from Dae's high vantage point. She had seen the plants going into there, though. Fruit trees, flowering bushes, round marble stones gilded with precious metals to depict a pictographic history of the Emperor's family, they all found their way through those doors into the immense garden which occupied an area encircling the palace, where once there had been hundreds of homes on top of that hill.

Oh, how she hated him. He indulged in his supreme rule by bleeding every ounce of gold he could get out of his people and investing that into making his palace greater. The city was in poverty and the buildings were clearly on their last legs, and what does he do? He builds the biggest garden known to man!

Dae closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and trying to regain her composure. She wanted to spite him. She wanted to invade his garden and burn his palace to the ground. She wanted to see the Emperor in tears before she was through.

The groan of tired wood and the heavy sound of equally tired hooves alerted her attention, and she moved slowly to the other side of the roof. The main street below was dominated by a huge wooden crate mounted on six wheels and drawn by a whole team of oxen. The crate itself looked large enough to hold twenty men comfortably, and it was tall enough to challenge some of the buildings to either side of the street, including the one Dae was on.

She knew it was going to the garden, for she could see many of the Emperor's men escorting the crate. Dae grinned to herself, backing up. She would get in that garden! A quick run and a light jump brought her down on it, landing on top with the lightness a thief always develops by necessity. The guards, thankfully, didn't notice and interpreted the light thump as another bump in the road.

The young woman grinned like a madman, pressing her body flat against the top of the crate. She actually rather delighted in the vibrations traveling up through the wood and into her stomach and breasts. Very stimulating, and it almost made her wish that she had a boyfriend instead of having to pay for those infertile men to play with.

The crate was dragged steadily to the gates of the Emperor's garden. They were tall, covered with the same vines as the walls. When they parted slowly, it became evident that they were very heavy too. The crate was dragged in, then deposited in the center of the first section of the garden, cobblestones of varying colors set into the ground in mosaic patterns of spirals and swirls.

Dae remained there, silently listening to the guards as they freed the team of oxen and led them out. Several bolts could be heard being pulled out, at least a dozen of them. The guards then hurried out, closing the gate behind them and effectively locking Dae in the garden. She grinned, then stood up, only to hear a low rumble under her feet.

This was unexpected, and she froze in place on top of the wheeled crate. Something inside shifted its weight, something large, and it nearly threw her off balance. The crate bucked and wobbled as whatever was inside got up and pushed the doors at the front open with a loud crash. As it walked out, Dae was thrown halfway off the edge.

She clung there, the ragged edge of her pant leg caught on a nail below her. She started to pull herself up, but her leg was effectively secured to the side of the crate, leaving her half-hanging off the side with one leg up on the edge and one stuck by the edge of her pants. Dae turned her head, straining to see what was coming out of it, but all she saw were the tops of trees.

Something large rumbled behind her, and she knew immediately that whatever-it-was had spotted her. She struggled, trying to pull herself up, but the nail held its grip near her thigh. She tugged hard, only to get a terrible scrape along the inside, one which started to throb with pain as hot blood trickled downward. Something nudged her backside, something warm and soft and apparently large enough for her to sit on. Hot breath wafted onto her ass cheeks as the creature sniffed her.

She froze there, waiting for the monster to bite into her, but the teeth didn't come. The creature rumbled, then slid its nose under her other leg, forcing her off the top of the wheeled crate and allowing her to become dislodged from the nail in the process. Dae slid down, clinging to a warm snout covered in soft, shiny black scales that reflected miniature rainbows into her eyes, swirled like frozen oil.

She yelped, resting her forehead between the slitted nostrils and closing her eyes. She imagined that at any moment that she would be tossed up into the air and swallowed like a dog's biscuit. The creature decided otherwise, lowering its head to the firm cobbles and setting Dae on the ground. She tried to get up to get away, but only succeeded in rolling onto her back. A taloned hand came down, pressing her against the ground and sending the air out of her lungs with a wheeze. Her breasts were being crushed by this creature, which in itself was a pleasant, yet unnerving, sensation.

The creature looked down at her with silvery gray eyes, the long serpentine neck arching up toward the sun and sending down cascades of those little rainbows. Every color stood out from the blackness of its scales, giving it an almost heavenly rainbow appearance. The dragon was beautiful, and Daeline couldn't help but forget her position to gape at its sheer size.

Clearly its mouth was big enough to swallow her whole, and the body was slim and muscular at the same time. The long tail curled around, ending in a thick, whiplash appendage which (Daeline blushed) had a fairly phallic bluntness at the end. It regarded her thoughtfully, intelligence hiding behind those silver eyes, and very suddenly Dae felt sorry for the creature.

It lowered its head, sniffing at her legs, then extended a long, thick tongue that fanned out in two muscular prongs. The forked end lapped at the spot where the nail had drawn blood on her thigh, sending a few shivers up the girl's spine. It slid the muscular tongue up to her hips, where it caught the waistband, dragging her pants down over her thighs. She squirmed a bit, the fabric coming off her ankles and being tossed aside. The dragon then went back to licking the wound on her thigh, tenderly easing it.

Dae could not figure out for the life of her what the monster was doing, but the sensation of a warm, moist tongue soothing the pain in her thigh was far less than uncomfortable. A familiar fire started in her loins, spreading upwards to caress her entire body. The creature rumbled, sniffing again and slipping the tongue a little higher, leaving the wound in favor of a damp opening that certainly smelled appetizing.

She groaned as the tongue probed at her folds, feeling her lips with amazing dexterity. It lapped and rumbled, prodding deeper with its tongue, stretching her walls and squeezing inside. Dae couldn't believe the pleasure she felt rocketing up her spine. Before long, she was whimpering with pleasure and grasping the talons holding her down tightly.

Her climax was building fast, and the dragon started massaging her chest with those huge claws, pressing her down against the cobbles so hard she was sure it would bruise her shoulderblades to no end. Deeper and deeper the tongue went, lapping up her juices as fast as she could excrete them. Higher and higher, Daeline's mind spun out of control until it all crashed together in an explosion of pleasure that made her cry out with delight.

The dragon seemed to smile as it lapped up the remaining juices, then removed its claws and drew the long tongue along her belly. Dae groaned and stretched, smiling as it slid up under her shirt, tasting first one breast, then the other. It then curled out of her collar and ripped the fabric down her front, and the girl sat up to pull the remaining scraps of cloth away.

Her monstrous lover rumbled, then lay down on the ground and stretched out. Dae, eager to return the favor, brought herself up onto wobbly legs and followed the scaled belly. There, surprisingly, was a mound between the dragon's legs. This confirmed the creature's femininity. Dae was sure it must have been big enough to hold a piece of male dragon as big as herself, at least!

She had never examined another woman's sex, but this dragon appealed to her. The way her dark neck arched, the tenderness she had shown despite the initial appearance of ferocity, it all made Dae's heart beat a little faster. She smiled, approached, and placed her hand against the hot slit which was as long as her arm. It was moist, warm, and oddly inviting, smelling so wonderful that she could have plunged her face into it right then and there. The similarity in this dragon's opening to her own was uncanny, and this encouraged Dae to slide her hand along the warm lips, parting them to quickly find the beast's already erect clit.

She smiled, then nudged the dragon's hips with her slick hand, encouraging her to roll onto her back. The girl stood on the dragon's tail, pressing her stomach against the opening and placing her lips on the swollen mound. The creature rumbled with delight, and her hands soon joined in the game, massaging it feverishly with slick fingers.

The dragon's tail twitched and her hips bucked into the air, throwing Dae against the slit roughly. She frowned, figuring she would be thrown off before she could give this creature the satisfaction it clearly needed. She took her hands away from the throbbing clit, steadying herself on the dragon's soft, scaly skin as she brushed one foot against her leg, then probed first her toes, then her whole leg into the warm entrance. The second foot soon followed, and she met a barrier of resistance.

This one was a virgin, she realized, then grinned with delight and started to rub her feet against it. The dragon squirmed and rumbled, Dae's feet steadily breaking through the barrier until she could slide further down. Once she was buried up to her chest, she started massaging the clit again, delighting in the feeling of the dragon's hot, slick walls all around her body.

Her tongue probed eagerly at the swollen mound, and her feet soon started kicking, rubbing against every available surface. The dragon rumbled and twitched, writhing on the ground and cupping her wings up toward the sky. The inner walls twitched, spasmed, then clamped down on Dae until she could barely breathe. Still she kicked and sucked, riding out the dragon's orgasm with sheer delight.

Her new lover settled, and Dae relaxed, sliding her body out of the warm cavity and standing. Her skin glistened with dragon love juices, and the smell that clung to her skin was overpowering. She smiled and started walking around toward the dragon's head.

She opened glazed eyes and seemed to smile, rolling back onto her stomach and settling. She nuzzled the ground in front of her, licking her lips invitingly. Dae smiled and nearly slipped in her haste to stand before the lovely dragon.

Her tongue snaked forward, arching upwards to hover in front of Dae's nose before snaking around her chest, drawing her toward the upward curving lips. Her pert breasts were squeezed lovingly, fondled by the strength of the nimble tongue. Dae tilted her head back, reveling in the sensation of the delicious tongue fondling her sore tits. The appendage dipped lower and lower, eagerly cleaning the girl's goosebumping skin.

She hummed and leaned heavily against the warm nose as the forked prong darted across her entrance, then continued on to clean her legs. The dragon flared her nostrils, inhaling the mingling scents, then breathing upon Dae's nipples. They stood even taller than before, as if groping for something to touch. The tongue responded by tracing a line up her stomach and rubbing firmly up against them. It slid downwards from there, keeping pressure on both those nipples as it slipped past. Dae's entrance was once again saturated with need, and a single drop was not allowed to spill on the ground, tasted by eager dragon tongue.

The dragon placed a taloned claw at the girl's back, pressing her against the warm nostrils while every part of her was tasted and savored. The tail was moved around, coming up behind her to trace up her inner thigh. It then plunged up next to the tongue, displacing it within her delicious femininity. The tongue then started lapping instead at the sweet groove leading to a door that had never been unlocked before. That didn't stop her from wriggling the large appendage up into the confines of Daeline's body, causing her to gasp in pain and start to struggle.

The tongue held her fast, and all movement came to a stop while her body adjusted to the scant pinky's depth within her. The soreness subsided, replaced by a fullness she had never experienced before... it was then that the tongue moved deeper, and she yelped again, but did not make any attempt at escape. She doubted she could even if she had wanted to.

She rocked back and forth between agony and desire, but each time the slick tongue moved inside her, the twinges of pain seemed less and less, until it was sliding in and out of her with relative ease. She bucked against the stimulating appendages, her face in an ecstatic grin of pleasure. She rose, mounted, and exploded in waves of heaven, further propelled by the probing tongue and tail. Still the dragon did not relent, pressing her hard against the soft nose as she was propelled quickly towards another climax, and another. Over and over, her body seemed to be caught in a perpetual loop until she was lying as limp as a rag doll.

Her final orgasm sent tiny shivers through her body, and the dragon chose this time to withdraw herself. Tongue holding the limp girl like a supporting comrade's arm, she opened her mouth and pulled Dae inside feet first. The breath was warm and unusually fresh, smelling clearly of both of their juices. Dae curled up slightly as the tongue relaxed, jaws slowly shutting until she was sandwiched between tongue and palate.

Her mind almost plunged into slumber before she got a strange sinking feeling. The fact was, she really wasn't sinking, but sliding down the back of the tongue. She blinked her eyes open, noting the darkness, then the slick flesh sliding past much faster than was comfortable. She tried to rouse her muscles to move, but they had been so drained by her numerous climaxes, the best grip she could make would have been beaten by any newborn infant.

Her feet came in contact with a ring, a treacherous hole that threatened to pull her inside of its own accord. She managed, somehow, to force her legs to spread, catching her toes on the very edge of the gaping toothless mouth. A tiny whimper escaped her throat, and she reached upward to feel the curve of the back of the tongue. She couldn't climb out, even if she did have the strength. One foot slipped, caught by the muscular neck and drawn inside. The other followed shortly thereafter, and Dae found herself buried to her knees in less to no time.

It caressed her body in a deceptively gentle grip, pulling her down until she was nearly up to her chest. She dug her elbows desperately against the sides of the beast's throat, tears running freely down her cheeks. "Please," she managed to whisper hoarsely, shivering. She fought the hole's grip, trying to hold herself up, but her spiritual strength gave out with the physical, and she took a deep breath, pinching her nose and closing her eyes.

The speed at which she moved through the tube was astounding, and within a few seconds her foot reached open air. She slid down, assisted by the muscular contractions of the tube in which she was constricted. At any moment, she expected to feel bile on her toes, but as her chest was released from the grip, her foot came into contact with soft, almost fuzzy skin. She was deposited there in a slightly claustrophobic space, here the warm, soft flesh felt good against her tired, aching body. There wasn't enough air for her to stay down here forever, though. Soon she would asphyxiate.. or worse.

The chamber she was in seemed to have other plans, though. Something the width of a thumb brushed against her lips, and she drew back, only to have it follow, giving her something as akin to a kiss as a thing with no lips could get to. It was persistant, and wouldn't leave her be until she had parted those lips and allowed it to slip over her tongue. She gagged, squirmed, then swallowed. Another larger appendage came into contact with her lips, and her tongue soon felt that it was a branching of the first, or vice-versa.

She willingly swallowed that one as well, her mouth accommodating as much as it could hold. Both branches of tubing slid down her throat, an odd sensation in itself, and she started to panic when it blocked her air passages. She needn't have worried, for soon fresh air was being sucked into her lungs through the tube. Her stomach became warm as it, too, was filled with what it needed.

She allowed herself to relax, her lids drifting shut against the blackness. She felt something slide against her legs, and adjusted her position just as something slid past her overly pleasured nether lips and cupped something seemingly made to fit the contours of her entrance. The phallic device inside her swelled, effectively locking itself into place.

Another one of the strange appendages chose her rear, sliding up inside and effectively settling into place there as well. It wasn't until she had been near to bursting for the need of relief did she learn that these were meant to carry away her waste, and there she allowed herself to use it freely and slept from then on.


Lover, the voice said, calling, as if that were her name. Lover, awaken, you've surely had enough rest for at least conversation after all that.

Dae's eyes fluttered, and she expected to see daylight streaming through the cracked and grungy window of her room. Instead, she was met by a red-tinged darkness. It is light, the feminine voice insisted. It's just hard to see in your.. current position. The mysterious words were laced with gentle humor, and Dae compulsively found herself wanting to trust her, completely, and without question.

Her mind reeled away, suspecting something that wasn't there. She tried to speak, but the life-links were still effectively lodged in her throat, forcing her to notice the soreness in her jaws from being left open on this the entire night, or longer.

You can speak to me, of course, the voice explained. All you need is to direct your linear thoughts towards me. I can hear you as easily as you hear me.

She pondered this in confusion, then formed these words in her mind, Who are you?

Shasa, I'm all around you.

All.. around?

I'm the one who pleasured and brought you inside me. I can expel you just as easily, and still speak to you. Dragon and human, together we are one at heart. It is a bond that has not been established for generations at the least. Do you accept me as your Lover?

Her heart swelled in a way she had never thought possible. It was a pleasant feeling, something that almost made her feel lighter, stronger, prettier.. more wonderful in every aspect imaginable. Were the feeling a drink, she would have gladly drowned in it. She recognized it as something she had tried to forge in many lovers long past, yet it was completely alien to her at the same time.

That swell of emotion seemed to be enough of an answer for Shasa, who returned a similar feeling, compounding with Dae's euphoria and multiplying it tenfold. She wanted the dragon to feel as good as she did right now, and thrust as much of her newfound love into the link as she could manage.

It was in such a fashion that they curled up together again, one inside the other, and fell asleep to dream of things more beautiful than any poet could convey were he or she given a thousand quills, a thousand pieces of parchment, and a thousand years.