A Light In The Darkness

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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A Light In the Darkness

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

This was a story request made by darkangel27, the characters belong to him and I have permission to use them. Hope you enjoy it.

His eyes slowly opened, allowing him to take in the world around him. Well, his room anyway. The curtains were still closed and his music was playing quietly. He yawned and brought a paw to his face, trying to wipe the sleep from his eyes. The male gave a quick glance towards his clock and he only gave a sigh. It would just be another useless, boring day at that hell hole he knew as school.

"Vladimir." He looked at his door and saw the door handle twisting. He didn't do anything, instead he just lay there and waited. When the door opened, he saw his mother with a "Not again" look. "Really Vlad, you should be getting ready for school, not lying in your pit!"

"Dammit mom." Vlad turned over but sunlight shot at his face when his mom opened the curtains. He turned and saw his younger sibling in the hallway.

"Wow, the Goth's awake. Didn't know you were a vampire, sunlight too much for you? Maybe you'll explode."

"Shut it you little dick!"

"Vlad! Reci!" Their mother gave them both a glare and Vlad watched his little brother turn and leave.

"Why cant I have a normal brother?"

"Little shit." Vlad sat up in bed and felt his mom cuff him on the back of his head. "What was that for?!"

"Don't talk about your brother like that. Now get ready for school."

Vlad sighed and realised his mother wasn't going anywhere until he moved, he learned this by now. Getting up, Vlad walked into the bathroom and shut the door but he quickly moved onto one of the mats. The tiles were cold and tried to steal the warmth he had in his feet. As he looked in the mirror, his reflection stared back at him. A 18 year old snow leopard with black head-fur, blue eyes and standing at 5ft 9. While Vlad stood there, he just felt like staring at the mirror all day. It'd be better than wasting time at school.

"Vlad hurry up!" The feline growled. His little brother was a pain in the ass, always trying to provoke him. Sometimes Vlad wondered if it be alright to throw something heavy at him and see if it shut him up, but he knew the outcome of that little scenario.

"Just wait, you had all morning!" The footsteps grew quiet and Vlad removed his boxers and stepped inside the shower. The warm water rushed out at him, running down his body. Peaceful times like this meant a lot to him, it was when he felt like nothing else mattered. His body relaxed and he leaned against the wall. He moved his paw down towards his sheath and gingerly stroked it and tried to coax his cock out of it's hiding place. The tip of his feline meat poked out and he rubbed it softly. More and more of his cock appeared and grew in his paw until his length was at full attention.

". . .so much better. . ." Vlad spoke quietly and started stroking his length, losing himself in the pleasure. His soft moans started becoming louder, Vlad gripped his pulsing member and pawed himself furiously. He felt his climax coming, just a little longer.

"Vlad will you hurry-. . .oh fuck Vlad, that's wrong!"

The older feline stopped and stepped out of the shower, pissed off and dripping wet. "Oh shut it, you do it too!"

"J-Just cover up will you!"

"Stop acting like you've never seen guys cock before."

Reci growled and covered his eyes. "Just hurry up."

"Take the damn shower then!" Grabbing the towel, Vlad walked back into his room and slammed the door shut. His cock was still throbbing hard, his climax was so close, the snow leopard wanted to do nothing more than spill his seed all over his paw.

He leaned on the wooden door frame, with each passing second his cock throbbed painfully, begging for attention. He started digging his claws into the door and tried to distract himself from it but as his eyes looked down at his pulsing member, Vlad couldn't hold back the urge. Despite that he was still wet, the snow leopard started to paw himself again. He felt his breathing become harder, he closed his eyes and let himself fall into the pleasure. However, his eyes opened and he looked down. His paw and his softening cock was now covered in his seed. The climax was too soon and it felt hollow to him. Sighing, Vlad picked up the towel and cleaned himself up.

"Vlad? You better be getting ready."

"-sigh- Yes mom." He was becoming seriously annoyed now, just wanting nothing more than to be left alone. But he didn't want to be grounded like a little kid either, so he pulled out some clothes from his drawer. A tight pair of black jeans, a simple slipknot t-shirt along with a pair of boots.

He walked downstairs, grabbing a slice of toast and placing it in his mouth and leaned against the counter.

"Good to see you're awake Vlad." His mother said, grabbing the milk out of the fridge.

"Why bother? The vampire would just turn to dust in the sun."

"Really, is that all you can think of Reci?" His brother gave him a glare, like usual, but another word from their mother stopped the two from going at each others throats, for now.

When they left the house, both Reci and Vlad walked down the path towards the school. Turning a corner, Vlad felt his brother grab him forcing him to look into his eyes. "Okay, listen here goth."

"Let go of my shirt." Vlad pushed himself away and stared at his little brother, thinking that Reci would try to fight him or curse at him again.

"Look, mom and dad are leaving later on tonight and I've got a date with Jenna and I'm planning on bringing her home with me. The last thing I want is you in the house scaring her off."

Vlad scoffed. "Why? I cant be that scary, plus I live there."

"I just don't want you around!"

"Really? All I know is that you're bringing her round just so you can feel her up."

"Fuck you!"

"I'm right, heh, maybe later on she'll find out you're just a smug, arrogant little bastard." With a fake smile, Vlad walked off down the path, leaving his brother cursing at him. After ten minutes of walking, Reci didn't bother to catch up with his older brother with Vlad was glad about. But after bumping into Reci's little friends, his good mood vanished.

"Uh. ..hey V-Vlad.. . ." The voice belonged to a small timid feline named Josh. Vlad always wondered why he hanged around with Reci, the cat was too easily frightened and sometimes the victim of his brother's jokes. Plus, he was always frightened of Vlad, and the snow leopard never understood why, he'd never done anything to the small cat at all.

"Reci's back there. And stop acting like a wimp Josh."

Vlad walked past and he heard the voice of the second fur. "Come on Josh, just leave the goth." The voice belonged to a racoon who was called 'Dash', mainly due to him being on the track team. But he was cocky at times and always helping Reci play jokes on the small timid cat who was his friend. He heard all three of them talking and Josh's voice stood out at one point, no doubt in Vlad's mind that another joke had been made about him.

"I feel really sorry for that kid." Vlad said to no one in particular. But Josh wasn't his problem. Still, his journey to school was uneventful, but along the way, he noticed many eyes falling upon him. The spotted feline ignored it, they could stare all they want. He wanted to know why so many people like his brother decided to label him as a freak, Goth and a host of other words. People around him would give him weird looks, parents would think he was mad and keep their children away from him. He clenched his fist at one point, when a group of furs where whispering about him, not all of it being good.

He continued on towards school and soon reached the large building. It was just going to be another useless day. At least he didn't have to worry about everyone here at this place.

Inside the building was like any other school, hallways filled with locked and doors leading to classrooms, stairs leading to other parts of the building. The snow leopard however just continued to his own locker. Opening the metal door, Vlad started taking out the things he needed for first and second period before shutting the door and turning around.

"Hey freak." Vlad didn't even flinch when he saw those eyes suddenly stare at him. He'd gotten used to it by now and he pretty much knew what was going to happen next. "How are you?"

"I'd be better if your disgusting face wasn't near me. Jordon."

Jordon smirked. He was a well built stallion, taller than the feline and more muscle. Shaking his head, he grabbed Vlad by his neck and shoved him hard into the lockers. "You'd better watch your mouth freak! Or I'll be tossing your sorry ass off a bridge!"

"Y-Yeah. . .right asshole.. ." Vlad barely managed to mutter those words but the horse heard them well and truly clearly. With a final slam, he dropped the feline to the floor, watching him gasp for breath.

"Don't let me see your face again freak."

Vlad watched Jordon walk away and out of sight before he got up. Other students were watching him, not doing anything to help him. Massaging his neck, the snow leopard stood up and realised his books were on the floor. Before he even bent down, a brown furred paw picked them up and handed them to him.

"Hey." Vlad examined the fur closely. He was a brown furred wolf, hazel eyes and standing a few inches taller than himself. The snow leopard didn't exactly know this wolf, just that he was in some of his classes, but they seldom ever spoke to one another. Vlad took the books and put them in his bag, not knowing what to really make of this.

"Uh. . .thanks."

"It was nothing. Um, sorry about not helping you earlier. I only saw Jordan walking away and you on the floor."

"Its fine." Vlad looked away, the wolf would have seen him beaten up countless times and this would have been the first attempt of the canine actually doing something to help him.

"So you feeling okay? I could take you to the nurse."

"I'm fine." The snow leopard focused solely on the wolfs face, trying to remember his name.

"Well um, what do you have first?"

"English. Then Chemistry."

"I guess I'll see you in Chemistry then Vlad."

The wolf turned and Vlad spoke. "How do you know my name?"

"Heh, we worked together in class a few years ago."

"We did?"

The wolf giggled. "Rick. That's my name." Turning, the wolf walked down the corridor leaving Vlad standing in front of the lockers alone.


Time had passed and Rick was sitting in his seat waiting for the class to start. Already, he noticed his teacher writing something up on the board, but he didn't really care about that. His eyes focused on the door and more students were filing in. When one person entered, he called him over.


Vlad turned and saw Rick waving at him. Throughout English, the snow leopard had been looking through all his memories that were about him and that wolf. From what he could recall, the wolf and himself were partners on an assignment and Rick had been one of the kindest furs to him, he just didn't understand why they never even developed any sort of friendship after that. Still, Vlad took the seat next to the wolf, seeing him smile on Rick's face when he sat down. Perhaps Rick wanted to try and be friends with him, or was it something out of pity? Only time would reveal that to the feline.

Rick wanted to speak to the feline but as soon as he opened his mouth, their teacher spoke. "Alright everyone, listen up." Closing his mouth, Rick looked at the older male standing in front of the class. "What I'm going over is very important so I expect you all to listen. What I've written on this board, I want you to copy it into your books and learn it as it will most likely come up in your prelims. After you‘ve done that, we‘ll continue with the lesson."

For the next few minutes, the room was filled with the sounds of pen writing on paper. Afterwards the teacher set them all work and worked on his own papers. Rick watched Vlad most of them time, but always making sure their eyes wouldn't meet. It nearly made him blush every time he looked at the feline's body but he was thankful he could control himself.

Vlad was busy writing but it had nothing to do with the work, he'd already completed it. It was a simple A4 notebook that he liked to write in. Just writing about the things he felt or experienced made him feel better, a way for him to take his emotions out on something.

Tuesday 14th October

The days just started and already I want out. Reci continues to treat me like shit and he wants me to vanish forever so he can have some stupid chance of getting his girlfriend's pants off. I've no idea what he's done to manipulate someone like her, still, she'll learn soon enough.

Jordon is still being a fucking jerk and is now threatening to kill me. The fucking idiot has tried this so many times and I'm sick of him and it. I don't give a damn if he were to vanish or not, it would certainly make things less god damned fucking complicated.

But the weirdest thing that's happened today is that Rick tried to help and now he's being nice to me. He hasn't done anything since we were 14 and that was that idiotic assignment. I find it strange, I don't know if he's actually trying to be nice or if he's doing this for some sort of sick joke. He's had years to try and now he just decides to be nice. I really don't know whether to trust you or not Rick.

Vlad closed the notebook and put it away. The book was only for his eyes and he would never let anyone else see this. Right now, all he could do was to wait for the day to end.

For the rest of the day, Rick continued to hang around with Vlad. Offering him seats in the same classes, sitting with him in lunch and partnering up with him in Gym. Vlad didn't know what to make of it, it was almost time to head home and he was writing in his notebook again.

To tell you the truth, I'm finding this a bit creepy. Rick's been hanging around me all day. Everyone else keeps giving us looks and its pissing me off. If Rick's being kind I'll. . .hell I don't know. This is all just way to quick and-

He stopped writing when a voice called his name. "Hey Vlad."

"Rick." Vlad didn't smile, instead he put the notebook away and looked up into Rick's eyes.

"I was just wondering, do you need a ride home?"

[A ride home? Heh, I knew it. As soon as I go with him, he'll toss me to all the jocks and watch me getting killed.]

"Thanks, but I can walk."

"You sure? I mean, I don't mind."

The snow leopard stood up. "Rick, you've been helping me all day. Right now, I just want to be left alone."

The wolf's ears flattened against his skull and he avoided Vlad's gaze. "Was I too much?"


"If I am, I'm sorry. . .I just thought you could use a friend."

"Well. . . .uh. . ." That had completely caught him off guard, he didn't expect anything like this off the wolf. It made him wonder if Rick was really trying to befriend him.

"But um. . .if you still want that ride home. . ."

"Um. . .sure."

Rick's face lit up and he smiled. "Great. Just meet me outside."

The snow leopard did as he was instructed and met the wolf in his car. Opening the door, Vlad got inside and sat in the passengers seat. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem. You might have to remind me where you live."

"Okay." With that, Rick drove away from the school while Vlad told him all the right directions. He still expected Rick to drive down some other road and make up some excuse that would lead the feline to some dark fate but not once did it happen. Vlad was staring at his home, still in a bit of disbelief about what just happened.

"You okay Vlad?"

"Yeah. Thanks for the ride." Vlad started to make his way towards the door but he heard the wolf shout to him.

"No problem. Hey, you doing anything Saturday?"

Vlad turned and stared at the ground, thinking. "No, nothing."

"You want to head to the movies?"

Vlad felt a little taken aback by that. This would be a first and part of him felt excited about it. "Um. . .okay, why not."

"Great, I'll get you at three on Saturday. See ya at school tomorrow."

"Okay, bye." With a wave, he watched the wolf drive off before he headed inside. Today had definitely been a different one indeed.

It was nearly eight in the evening, darkness had crept on the city and now the whole place was flooded with lights. Vlad was sitting at his computer listening to some music while writing into his notebook again. He would have continued but he felt a paw slam the back of his head. When he turned, he wasn't surprised.

"Dammit Reci! What the hell was that for?!"

"I thought I told you to fucking beat it tonight! I told you Jenna's coming round and she'll be here in a few minutes." Vlad sorted his dark headfur, not caring about what Reci said to him. "Vlad, get lost!"

"I'm older than you. I live here. You don't fucking tell me what to do."

"I don't care, just leave! I want-"

"To bed Jenna, I get it." Vlad cut him off.

"Y-You. . .Vlad just go, I don't care where, just go!"

Vlad considered how this would play out. He could leave and go somewhere and return a few hours later. He could stay and continue to argue with his brother or wait for Jenna to arrive and hope Reci took her somewhere else. He decided what to do.

"Fine. I'll go, but I'll be back."

"You're a freak do you know that?"

"Well, at least I'm not obsessed with women."

"At least I'm actually in a relationship."

Vlad gave a glare towards his brother and grabbed his jacket before heading outside. Part of him would have preferred to stay, but he realised his brother wasn't worth the effort and it could result in him getting shouted at by his parents when they returned. For now, it was just a matter of what to do for an hour or two. Heading down the sidewalk, Vlad took his time walking towards the park.

After ten minutes of walking, Vlad stared into the large area. It was practically empty except for the odd person walking their pets or just people randomly walking around. Vlad moved deeper into the park and sat at a bench looking at the large statue surrounded by flowers. He enjoyed the peace right now, a light cool wind blowing gently against his fur, caressing it softly, loud and annoying sounds melted away until they were completely gone. The wind was the only thing to keep him company and he loved it. If only he could experience peace like this all the time. However something always seems to disturb that peace, this time it was footsteps that were getting closer to him. Vlad didn't think much of it, believing it was just a person out for a walk. He was wrong.

A hand grabbed his shoulder tightly and a voice spoke into his ear. "I thought I said I didn't want to see your face again freak."

Vlad stayed perfectly still. Jordon was not alone and he was soon surrounded by many different furs. "Look, he's so scared he cant move!"

They all laughed, Vlad didn't care who said it but he was trying to think of a way he could get out of this situation. But he heard Jordon speak again. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" His friends laughed at that but Vlad still did not speak. "Listen freak, I warned you earlier this morning. So now, you're going to learn why I hate freak shows like you."

"Wha-" Vlad began, but he was cut off as a powerful muscled arm wrapped around his neck, dragging him off the seat and further into a denser part of the park. In seconds, he felt himself hitting the trunk of a large tree. He looked around and saw he was completely cut off from any means of escape. Vlad tried to defend himself but they all laughed at him. It only took another second until they were on him.

Waves of pain flooded his entire body. He couldn't fight back against any of them at all. He couldn't open his eyes as this happened, but the darkness brought no comfort or escape from the pain. His body started feeling heavy, he could smell the scent of blood all over him and his consciousness was slipping. He finally managed to open his eyes for a brief moment and saw one the furs trainers coming directly into his face.

His body twitched slightly and his eyes started opening. He felt warm, cosy and sore all over his body. He didn't recognise the room he was in at all, all he knew was that it hurt to move. The room was very tidy and well kept, a clock told him it was after eleven in the morning meaning he had missed the start of school. Rick immediately came into his mind and he wondered if the wolf could be thinking of him right now. He gave it up though, why would Rick wonder where he was?

A sound could be heard beneath him. They were voices and a set off footsteps were heading up towards him. Part of the feline didn't want to know who this person was, but he couldn't deny but feel curious as to how he got here. He watched the door knob turn and the wooden frame move out the way to reveal the fur.

"You're awake."

"R-Rick?" The wolf smiled warmly at him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got beat up. How‘d I get here?"

"Uncle found you. He was walking home and saw you on the ground. You didn't have any ID on you so he brought you here. You were in a bad way when he found you. But he was the one who cleaned you up and put you in bed. I told him who you were and he phoned the school."

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Too worried about you. Oh yeah, uncle is away out. He wants to know if you remember who did this to you."

Vlad looked back on last night. He remembered what happened. "Give a guess."



"Man, what the hell is his problem?!"

Vlad watched the wolf become enraged. The feline wondered if Jordon had been making his life a misery as well.

"Any reason why you hate him?"

"Because he keeps hurting you. . ." Rick paused and looked at the feline in the bed, but he looked back at the opposite wall again. ". . .he's a fucking jerk."

"I kinda knew that a good few years ago."

Sighing a little, Rick stood up and turned. "I'm going to make you some breakfast. What would you like? Toast? Eggs? Cereal?"

"Cereal. Any kind will do."

Giving a quick smile, Rick made his way for the door and disappeared out of view. Lying in the bed, Vlad had a while to think to himself. [He always smiles at me like that. . . .] The spotted cat would have stayed where he was for longer but a call of nature got him out of the bed. He leaned up and groaned slightly, his body still ached from the beating he'd received last night. Vlad felt his body command to stop moving and just stay in the bed, motionless where he could be free from some of the pain. He ignored it and made his way, slowly and painfully towards the bathroom. He just had to find it first.

It took a minute or two to find what he was looking for. As he tended to his business, he realised just how tidy and clean Rick's house was. Especially his room, or from what he could tell. Everything was neat and tidy, the bed was made and fresh air blew inside the room from the open windows. Vlad smirked a little, this wasn't something he was used to. He simply put it down to either Rick, the wolf's uncle or both of them being neat freaks. Once he'd finished his business, Vlad washed his paws and headed downstairs.

"There you are." Vlad turned. He had already made it halfway down the stairs and looked back up to see the brown wolf smiling at him again. "You should stay in bed."

"Sorry. But I had to use the bathroom. Plus, I'm really hungry."

"I would have brought it up."

Vlad shook his head slowly. "Nah, but thanks anyway. . . .um, where is your kitchen?"

"Follow me." The brown wolf past him and led the feline into the kitchen. It was small but there was enough room for a few furs to move around easily. "I'm going to have some cereal too, I put yours on the table." Vlad looked to where Rick was pointing and saw a bowl waiting there for him. Taking his seat, the snow leopard saw he his bowl was filled with some "Frosties". Feeling his stomach rumble, Vlad took the spoon and ate the cereal, crunching away happily. Rick joined him and smirked before tucking into his own cereal.

"Um. . .can I ask something?" Rick looked at the snow leopard and nodded, he couldn't speak since his mouth was filled to the brim with the cereal. "Why is everything so. . .tidy?"

Rick swallowed what was in his mouth and spoke. "Uncle hates getting the house in a mess. And I've lived with him since I was a cub, so its kinda rubbed off on me."

"You don't live with your parents?"

"Nah. They split up ages ago. Mom wanted nothing to do with me. And according to uncle, my dad isn't a very fatherly type of person."


"Its okay. I'm happy like this." His curiosity satisfied, Vlad returned to his food and ate quickly. He hated it whenever the cereal got soggy. However, Rick spoke again. "Oh, I did phone your house. No one picked up."

"Reci was there."


"My little brother who wishes I would disappear off the face of the earth."

"Why didn't he pick up?"

"Trying to bed his girlfriend." Vlad said bluntly. Rick nodded slowly and finished off the food in his bowl. He waited for the snow leopard to finish with his own and when his hunger was satisfied, the wolf took the bowl and placed them in the sink and started washing them.

Rather than leave Vlad sitting there, waiting, Rick opened his mouth. "Hey, your clothes are kinda wrecked, so you can borrow some of my clothes." Vlad looked down his body, it only just occurred to him that he was in a pair of boxers, and they weren't his.

"Um. . ."

"Those boxers are mine. Don't worry, they are clean. All your clothes are either torn or covered in blood."

Vlad nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem." Leaving the bowls and spoons to dry, Rick dried off his paws and walked towards Vlad. "Come on, you can put them on." Getting out of the chair was slow and a bit agonising. However, he felt a warm arm around his body. Rick offered a gentle smile and helped the feline upstairs. When they did get upstairs, Vlad said he could handle it himself, although he appreciated the help.

Rick led him into his room, and pulled out a few clothes from his drawers. "Thanks." Vlad said as the wolf handed them over.

"Its okay. They should fit you." In five minutes, Vlad was fully dressed. He was in a pair of blue jeans and a white v-neck shirt. "You look good in that."

"Heh, thanks."

"Anything you want to do? Go home or you can stay if you want?"

"Um. . ." Vlad wasn't sure if he wanted to leave or not. He knew it was inevitable, sooner or later he'd have to head home and resume his life from before. But now, he wanted to know what it was like to be around Rick more often. The house offered a sense of calmness and the wolf himself offered a feeling of protection. Simply, Vlad felt safer around Rick. ". . . .can I stay a little longer?"

Rick smiled again. "Yeah, sure."


"Well, is there anything you want to do?"

"Well. . ." Vlad sniffed the air around him. He could smell blood slightly and he wasn't sure how clean, or who cleaned him last night. ". . .can I go for a shower?"

"Uncle did clean you up last night, but yeah if you want." Vlad thanked the wolf and headed for the shower. Rick said he'd get him a fresh towel while the snow leopard stripped down to nothing. He wanted to know where the smell of blood came from and he found it. A cut on his leg had opened again and he was hesitant about letting the hot water near it. He shook it off though, thinking that the hot water would clean it out and help sooth the pain.

Stepping in, Vlad turned the shower on and felt the warm water spray onto him. He gritted his teeth as the water started stinging him when is flowed over his cuts, but he soon felt it leave and it was now relaxing him. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting the water relax him. But before he could even enjoy it, Vlad felt his leg shake before it gave way, causing him to fall back against the wall and then crashing down to the floor of the shower. He yelled in pain and held his head tightly.

"Vlad!" The snow leopard immediately felt two arms pull him up to his feet. As he opened his eyes, he noticed Rick was in the shower with him, his clothes now soaked through and sticking to his body. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah. . .just fell back is all. Um. . .your clothes. . ."

"Oh. Well, it doesn't matter. I'll put them in the dryer." Rick smiled again and continued to hold the feline. "Vlad? This is kinda awkward. . .but. . .you don't mind if we shower together do you?"

Vlad blushed right through his fur and gulped. "Uh. . .well. . ."

"Um. . .we have showered together in school. . .plus I don't really want to leave you alone in case you really hurt yourself."

"I. . .It's your shower. . . ." Rick smirked and started stripping himself until he was completely nude. Vlad couldn't help but stare at the canine's package, a thick sheath and a large furry sac.

"Right, come here."

Vlad took his attention back to the wolf's face. "I uh. . ."

"Come on, I need to get your back." Blushing Vlad nodded and turned around. He felt Rick's paws on him, rubbing gently against his fur. His breathing became harder and he trembled a little. Even if it was his back, Vlad had never been touched by another male and it scared him a little. However, he couldn't deny the simple fact that the wolf was doing a good job. He resisted it for a moment but he soon let out a purr in content. He head Rick chuckle, causing him to blush and cease the purring. What came next made his eyes wide, the wolf's paws moved forward and stroked his chest. . .almost lovingly. It was then that he felt Rick pull him right into his body. Vlad could feel the canid's thick sheath rub against his ass, it made him wonder how big Rick was but he tried to banish those thoughts. It wasn't working though, he felt his own sheath getting warmer, forcing his cock to poke out of its hiding place. He was sure that the wolf was enjoying this, Rick had moved his paw further down and started rubbing the feline's cock. Vlad gulped and clenched his eyes shut, but they opened against his will and forced him to look down. His cock was growing and the Rick continued to stoke him. Vlad wanted to say something, but instead he pushed himself further into Rick and felt something hot against his back and he knew exactly what it was. He was about to say something, however, only a moan escaped him as he felt the palm of Rick's paw rub against the head of his cock.

". . . .R-Rick. . ." Vlad could barely make the word audible, but he felt Rick move closer to him.

". . .I've wanted you. . .for so long. . ." The snow leopard gasped as he felt Rick's tongue run along his neck. He felt Rick kiss his neck, slowly moving up. Vlad closed his eyes again, but they opened as he felt the canid turn him round, making him look the wolf in the eyes. They were filled with excitement and passion. Before a word was uttered, Vlad felt his body being pressed into the wolf's and the lips of the canid against his own.

[W-Wait. . .t-this is just. . .just. . .] Resisting the kiss, Vlad pushed the canine away and stumbled out of the shower. The pair just stared at each other but Rick broke the silence.

"V-Vlad. .are you okay?" He took a step out the shower but the feline quickly got up and took a few steps back. "Vlad please, I-" Rick was cut short. The scared feline quickly grabbed the clothes and ran out the door, dressing himself as quickly as he could while heading for the door. His wet fur didn't make things easier, but nonetheless he continued. With the jeans secure and the shirt half on, Vlad grabbed the door handle and ran for it down the street despite his aching muscles.

Every breath he took hurt his chest. He wanted to stop for a while, but he wouldn't let it happen. Wounds were starting to open again, letting blood flow down his body. It didn't matter, only getting away from Rick did. Vlad wasn't even thinking straight, his mind kept flashing images of what happened in the shower and it only caused him to run faster. Vlad could feel his body begging for him to stop, almost to the point were he nearly collapsed on the ground. He looked up and saw his home just in front of him. Before he knew it, he had already grabbed the handle and ran inside. Leaning against the door frame, Vlad slid down to the floor wet, bleeding and tired.

"Okay. . .so she came over. . ."

Vlad looked around, voices were coming from the living room. Getting up, he walked in and saw his brother while Dash and Josh sat in separate chairs. "Shouldn't you guys be in school?" Vlad said to them, causing all three of them to jump.

"Lunch break." Dash told him. "Why aren't you?"

"None of your business!" Vlad snapped back at him. The coon didn't flinch, but scowled at him. But the older snow leopard noticed Josh sinking into his chair, he rolled his eyes and turned.

"So what happened to you last night Vlad?" Reci asked him.

"Why do you care? Tried to call, but I guess you were too busy with Jenna."

Reci smirked. "I'm younger and I've lost my virginity, you must really be pathetic bro."

"Just as I thought." Vlad smirked and looked back at Reci. "You're just a guy using Jenna so you can get laid. Big wow. You're a. . .oh, what's the word? Whore? Slut?"

"Keep it up Vlad, you're doing so well trying to hurt me." Vlad easily picked up the sarcasm in Reci's voice and snarled. But rather than cause an argument, he left and he picked up on the rest of the conversation. "Okay, so we were hanging out and we watched a movie, talked and we made out a little."

"Reci, prove you did it." Dash told him.

"Heh, it was kinda weird at first, but we went upstairs and things happened. Next morning, I wake up and she's in my bed. Naked with me."

"Well done then man." Dash said giving the feline a high five.

[Lame] Vlad thought to himself. He may have been eavesdropping, but he wanted to know if his brother was just lying or maybe even telling the truth.

"I tell you guys, it was great!"

"I don't need to be told Reci, I know what its like."

"Yeah, cause all the girls chase you on the track."

Dash smirked. "Now all we gotta do is get Josh laid."

"Um. . .hey, why?" The small feline blushed and Reci laughed.

"Come on, he's not into girls."

"I am so!" Josh shouted, trying his best to keep a straight face even though his cheeks burned with embarrassment.

"Hey Josh, what about Stacey? You two have always been friends." The racoon smirked and winked at the smaller feline, making him look to the floor.

"I'm just not attracted to her."

"Definitely a guy for him then. What about Sean? He'd be right for you Josh."

"Piss off!"

Out in the hall, Vlad sat on the stairs trying to block out what the three in the other room were saying. He replayed the words "Definitely a guy for him" in his mind, making him wonder about Rick. He looked back on what happened to him, Rick held him close and said he wanted him for so long. The feline couldn't make any sense of this, one day Rick wants to be friends, the next he wants to force him into bed. . .and then he thought, [What if he didn't want to force me. . .what if he actually. . .loves me?]

He shook his head and went into his room. He knew what to do and walked over to his desk but something wasn't right. He looked around his room, but he couldn't find any trace of his notepad. Heading back downstairs, he wasn't surprised to see Reci reading it out loud.

". . .now Jordan wishes I would die and my bastard of a brother Reci wants the same. Sometimes I wish I could just shoot them both. . . .wow, I really come off as a bastard in this."

"YOU!!!" Reci turned and felt the pad being taken out of his paws. "Don't you fucking read this again!!!"

"Why would I? You just bitch about your life all the time in that book. Why don't you get a real hobby freak?" Vlad's face filled with anger. He wanted to hit Reci, make him feel pain like he had endured all these years. But the younger snow leopard got up and smirked. "We have to go, class."

The three of them walked out. Dash with a smirk just like Reci's, Josh just avoided any eye contact. When he heard the door shut, Vlad started trembling and walked back upstairs towards his room. Grabbing his pen, Vlad opened the book up to an blank page and pressed the pen against it. He wanted to write so badly, but his hand would not move, no words would come out his mouth. Things happened to fast for him and he failed to put it into words. His vision started blurring and he felt the tears running down his face. He wished Rick had never done what he did, he wished that Reci had never read his book, he wished his life was normal.

Unable to hold back the tears, Vlad lied on his bed and started sobbing into his pillow. He cursed everything, saying in his mind that he hated all this, wishing all his problems would just disappear.

Outside, a fur around Vlad's age noticed three younger furs heading towards a car. He ran up to the snow leopard that was with them and grabbed his arm. "Hey."

"What the hell?! Get off me!"

"Is Vlad there?"

"Yeah, now let go of me!" The older fur let go and headed up towards the house. Getting in the car, the snow leopard thought of him as some freak show.

Standing at the front door, he opened it and walked inside. He wasn't sure where he was going, but upstairs seemed like a decent place to start. The further he got up though, he heard a noise coming from one of the rooms. Opening the door slightly, he felt his heart go out to the feline. He walked in and placed a paw on his shoulder. The feline ceased his crying.

Vlad stopped his crying, wondering who was with him in the room. He turned slightly and saw a small bit of brown fur and it clicked in his head. But as he looked further up, he noticed the wolf looked upset.

"I'm so sorry Vlad. I didn't mean for you to feel like this." The wolf sat down on the bed and sighed before looking back at the feline. "I didn't mean to, I couldn't control myself."


"Vlad. . .I don't want you to be alone. And I don't want to be alone either."

"But you. . ."Vlad looked away, not wanting to meet the eyes of the wolf.

"I know and I'm sorry. I never meant to make you uncomfortable. . .I just. . .really care about you."

"But. . .t-three years. . ."

The wolf was a bit confused at first but he soon realised. "Oh. . .well, you see, after that assignment, I thought things were normal. They were and I just went on as before. It was really only a while ago that I wanted to be friends with you. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, its just, I wanted to help you whenever Jordan got near you and I wanted to hang out with you."

"T-Then. . .why didn't. . .you?"

"I was scared. Scared of Jordan mainly. Part of me didn't want to be labelled. . ."

"Like me."

"Vlad, I'm sorry. I hated myself for that and after a while, I started having thoughts. Then. . .every time I saw you. . .it would make me. . .really happy. Do you know how scary it is when you try to find out someone you love feels the same way?"

"No. . ."

"Well. . .Vlad. . .I . . ."

"You said love."

"Um. . .yeah."

"Are you fucked in the head?"


"I'm a freak. My family hates me, everyone hates me, they all wish I was dead!"

Rick grabbed the snow leopard and held him tight. "No you're not! No one wishes that."

"Yes they do. My brother. . .Jordan. . .everyone who sees me."

"I don't. . .I don't want you to die. I want you to stay here."

Vlad shifted his eyes towards the wolf who continued to hold him. "Why?"

"Because I love you. I know. . .its kinda sudden. . .but I really do love you." Vlad stayed silent and looked down. Rick had started to rub his back gently and Vlad liked it. He tightened his hold on Rick didn't want to let go. "I'll understand if you don't love me, I just want you to know you have someone and I'll protect you from Jordan and if you want you can stay at my place whenever you want."

"You really wouldn't leave me?"


Vlad closed his eyes and started to cry softly into the wolf. After all these years of being alone, he felt happy that he finally had someone who truly cared about him.

"You know, you're kinda wet." Vlad chuckled through his tears and felt Rick push him back softly. "We better dry you off unless you want a cold."

Sniffling a little, the snow leopard agreed and allowed Rick to walk into the bathroom with him. Everything that happened earlier seemed so insignificant now. Taking his clothes off, he stepped into the shower and turned it on hot. Rick placed a towel on the rack and left the room with that warm smile on his face. When the door shut, Vlad smiled to himself and continued with his shower.

Throughout the rest of the day, Vlad stayed with Rick. The wolf had dried him after the shower and carried him downstairs. He burst out laughing at that but he let Rick do what he wanted. The feline had even shown the wolf his notepad, but the canid only read a small part of it before holding Vlad close to him. For more than an hour, the two sat there on the couch, sharing each other's heat.

Rick did something though. He moved his head closer to Vlad's and kissed him softly on the head, making the snow leopard look at him. "Heh, sorry."

"Its okay." Vlad rested his head against Rick's body and felt a paw run through his black head fur.

"I like your hair. Its all nice and soft."


"I know I don't have any headfur but, I'm kinda glad I don't. I think I'd look weird."

"Mmmm. . .nah. You'd look alright."

"I dunno. Hey, Vlad?"


"I've been thinking and I really want to ask you something."

"What?" The feline sat upright on the couch, looking at Rick for an answer.

"Well. . .would it be alright if I. . .kissed you?" Rick cringed as soon as he asked that and felt stupid for bringing it up.

Vlad just stared and thought about it. He thought about that kiss from earlier in the shower and he didn't enjoy it. But it was under different circumstances now. "Um. . .yeah. If you want."

This was something Rick did not expect the feline to say. All he could do was sit there wide eyed at the snow leopard he loved. "You sure?"

"Yeah. I mean. . .you asked this time and. . .you can."

"Well, if you want to. . ."

"Yeah. . .g-go for it."

The canid gave that warm smile again and moved closer towards the feline. Pulling the snow leopard in softly, the two felt their lips meet. The two tightened their embrace and intensified the kiss. Rick couldn't believe it was actually happening, he was kissing the one person he loved most of all. Vlad did feel awkward at first but he was now beginning to enjoy this. It wasn't as bad as he thought and now he pushed himself into the canine.

Rick was the one who broke the kiss and looked down at the snow leopard. "Did you uh. . .like that?"

"Yeah. . .I really liked it."

"C-Could we try it again. . .maybe. . .upstairs?" Vlad knew what Rick was asking and agreed. The two of them headed upstairs together and into the snow leopard's room. Shutting the door behind him, Vlad looked at the wolf before moving close to him. Seeing Rick smile, the two of them kissed again. During the kiss, Rick slipped his paw under the feline's shirt and up his chest, gently caressing the soft fur making the cat purr. The canid brought round his other paw and pulled the shirt off, exposing Vlad's torso. The snow leopard didn't mind being undressed like that, hell, he at least wanted to know what it was like.

He also couldn't take his eyes off the wolf. Rick pulled off his shirt and smirked before embracing the feline again. As their bodies met, Vlad felt his stomach go into knots, this felt so new and exhilarating, he only just noticed how soft the wolf's fur was. His paw ran through it and the wolf pulled him in closer. Vlad felt something hard press against his crotch and he could feel his own sheath thickening. Before long, he was just as hard as Rick and both bulges were pressing against each other. Vlad blushed but the wolf continued to hold him. His eyes widened when he felt a paw rub over his crotch. He would have moaned a little, but managed to hold it back. It felt so good, but it was soon over.

Rick had broken the embrace and was starting to undo his jeans, letting them fall to the floor. Vlad gulped and stared at the brown furred canine, standing only in a pair of white briefs. But Vlad's eyes immediately went down to the bulge in the clothing. His own length throbbed and pulsed, desperately wanting out. He didn't even realise that the wolf had moved towards him and kneeled down, trying to undo the feline's pants. Vlad breathed in a little harder when he felt the clothing fall down his legs to the floor. He was only in a pair of briefs as well as the wolf. Vlad gasped sharply when he felt Rick lick his bulge through the underwear. It didn't stop there, Rick licked him again and again. His eyes widened though, and he could feel the underwear at his ankles. He looked down at the wolf, still amazed that he was naked.

Rick just smiled and lay back on the bed. He pulled his own underwear off and tossed them to the floor, letting his hard cock spring free. Vlad just stared at him, the wolf was -in no other way to describe him- beautiful. The wolf commanded him forward using his finger and the feline obeyed. He was now at the edge of his bed, and he wasn't sure what was going to happen next, but even so, he climbed on his bed and lay into the wolf, kissing him. Rick's arms wrapped around him and deepened the kiss, pushing forward with his tongue. Vlad was a little hesitant about it but he opened his maw when he felt the wolf gently licking at his lips. The wolf explored as much as he could of the feline's mouth, licking over every tooth before letting it meet his love's rough sand-paper like one. The two wet muscles danced around each other, but the wolf broke away and started kissing the snow leopard's neck. Vlad closed his eyes and just held onto the wolf.

The wolf rolled him over onto his back and started moving down his body, licking and kissing the feline's chest. He felt Rick grasp his cock in his paw and looked at him. The wolf was looking back at him, as if he was asking for permission. Vlad began to think it was getting warmer in the room as his body grow hotter. He was also getting more nervous and he was even starting to sweat a little bit.

"Vlad? Are you okay?"


"Well um. . .if you don't want me to do anything. . .just say." Vlad nodded and he felt the warm paw run up and down his cock, eliciting a soft moan from his lips. Rick continued, gingerly caressing the feline and it only made Vlad respond more. The snow leopard dug his claws into his bed, trying desperately not to buck his hips, even though the desire grew.

Rick was starting to speed up. He kept his eyes clenched shut, it was so. . .strange and yet wonderful. Something wet slid down his cock but as he opened his eyes, he realised what it was. It wasn't Rick, the brown canine was just concentrating on what he was doing, but he saw the tip of his cock leaking pre. The wolf noticed this too and scooped up a small amount of pre on his finger before licking it off.

"Mmmm." The wolf licked his lips and moved down towards Vlad's length. He inhaled the scent emitting off the hard member and gulped. It was starting to get hard to resist but he was apprehensive about doing such a thing. Ignoring any warning signs going off in his head, Rick moved down and took the first two inches into his mouth. He heard Vlad gasp loudly and then moan making him go deeper. The taste was amazing and he wanted more. Keeping a firm grip on the base of Vlad's cock, Rick let more and more slide into his mouth.

Vlad's claws dug deeper into the sheets. It was the best thing he had ever experienced, and he didn't want it to stop. It was so warm and the wolf's smooth tongue running over his cock made him shudder and moan non-stop. He wanted the wolf to go deeper, he needed him to. Placing a paw on the back of his head, Vlad pushed the wolf down further and sighed happily. Rick started rising and dove back down, going faster and faster.

"Oh Rick. . .Rick please don't stop. . ." Vlad's chest was rising and falling at greater speed. He could tell the wolf was now playing with his furry sac, gently rolling them in his paw. He dug his claws in deeper, tearing the fabric. Vlad moaned louder as Rick dove back down on his length, it was becoming far too much for him to handle. "R-Rick you're. . .making. . .m-me. . ." He couldn't finish. Instead, Vlad gritted his teeth and pushed the his cock deep into Rick's throat as his cum exploded into the canid's mouth. He wouldn't let go of his hold on Rick, but as the rush of cum began to stop, Vlad let go of the wolf and lied back completely.

Rick stared coughing but he managed to get it under control. He smiled again and cuddled into Vlad. "That was. . .wow."

"I'll say. . . ." The snow leopard cuddled back and felt Rick's rock hard cock poking into him. ". . .um, Rick you're-"

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry about it."

"Well. . .um. . ."

"Vlad, really its fine. I loved what we just did, but I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do."

The snow leopard felt relieved. He was beginning to feel that he would have to return the favour or it would progress into something much more intimate. Such thoughts excited him, but the feline wasn't even sure if he would able to go through with this. Right now, Rick was a friend with privileges. But deep down, and in both of them, they wanted it to go a little further.

"If you're sure."

Rick kissed him. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'll deal with him later."

Vlad wanted to fall asleep where he was now, in the arms of the wolf next to him, but something clicked in his brain. "Rick. . .do you know what time it is?"

"Its um. . .nearly half three."

Vlad bolted upright, jumped off the bed and began dressing as fast as he could, even if some of his cuts pained him. "Shit shit shit shit shit!"

"W-What's wrong?"

"That little fuck will be home soon."


"Reci. My brother. If he sees this, I'm going to be-"

Rick held the feline in his place, effectively keeping him silent. "Calm down." Vlad nodded. "Vlad, I wont get you into trouble. But you could come home with me."

Vlad smiled but it soon evaporated. "I cant. Mom and dad will be home soon. If I'm not here I'll get hell from them."

"That's fine. I'll get dressed." Vlad watched the wolf grab his clothes. He was starting to feel bad about Rick leaving. It hurt him really, the first fur he could ever rely on couldn't be with him. [I'll see him tomorrow] Vlad thought, but tomorrow wasn't good enough. He already missed the warm embrace and care that Rick offered him.


The wolf turned and saw the feline coming up to him. "Yeah?"

"You think I can. . .maybe stop by later? After I deal with mom and dad?"

"Sure. I'll tell uncle that your staying for the night too."


Rick put on the last of his clothes and adjusted his jeans. "Come when you're ready." He leaned in and softly kissed Vlad on the lips for a few moments. "I'll be waiting."

Vlad stood there in silence as Rick walked away with that smile on his face again. Hearing the front door shut, Vlad smiled and grabbed his notebook and started writing. This time, it was going to be about the wolf himself.

The days had gone by quickly. The night when Vlad stayed over with Rick, the two did little more than making out and a little fondling. The snow leopard was a little hesitant about actually doing anything other than kissing, but he had come to enjoy it. But even so, Rick was the only one of the two who would do anything sexual.

In school, Jordan had tried numerous times to make Vlad's injuries worse, but Rick was keeping him safe and even getting the horse into detention.

"You're the best wolf ever."

"I told you, I'm not letting him near you."

He desperately wanted to jump into the Rick's arms and kiss him then and there, but he resisted such a temptation. For now, anything that showed his growing affection for Rick would be in private.

But today was now Saturday, and the clock shown that it was after half six in the evening. Vlad stood at the edge of his bed, clothes all over the sheets. He wanted to wear something nice for Rick ever since the canine said he had made a few changes. In his chest, his heart was pounding hard and he checked the clock every few seconds. He'd promised that he would meet Rick just after seven and it was only making him more nervous. Trying different combinations of clothes, Vlad finally decided on a style that he felt was good. A clean pair of black jeans and a dark coloured shirt. He checked the clock and saw it was now five to seven. Grabbing his jacket and wallet, Vlad walked downstairs.

"Where you off to?" His father asked from the couch, engrossed in a football game.


"What would you do Vlad? Look for bridges to jump off?"

"Reci! Really."

"No shit for brains, I'm meeting up with a friend."

"A friend? Sure you are." Reci walked off into the next room while Vlad's mother came up to him.

"A friend? I'll want to meet him, I don't want you doing anything stupid."

"Um. . .okay mom. I have to go."

"Don't be out too late." His father shouted as he shut the door.

Vlad rolled his eyes and walked off down his street and towards where he would meet Rick. Getting to the end of the pathway, Vlad noticed a car pull up beside him and a brown furry face peered out of the window.

"Ready Vlad?"

"Yeah." Getting in the opposite side of the car, Vlad buckled up and let Rick drive. Throughout the drive, the two kept looking at each other and smirking until Vlad spoke. "Hey Rick? You've um . .never said what we were doing. Are we still going to the movies?"

"Yep. I just have other things planned too."

Vlad smiled and his mind started playing little scenario's about what was going to happen after the movies. When Rick pulled into the parking lot, he grabbed his wallet before the car was even switched off. Getting out, the two walked into the large building and Rick looked at the list of movies.

"Hmm. . .anything you want to see Vlad?"

"Well. . ." Vlad examined the list. There was nothing especially exciting, but he settled on an action movie and Rick agreed with his choice and immediately paid for the tickets and the food before Vlad could even take out his wallet.

"My treat." Rick smiled again and Vlad took some of the snacks off him to make things easier. Getting inside the large room, Rick took the snow leopard into a row where there was hardly any other people.

When the movie started, the only sounds that were heard were of snacks and the sound of explosions. Both Vlad and Rick had finished their food and the wolf had wrapped his arm around the snow leopard. Forgetting the movie for a moment, the two looked at each other and kissed. They forgot about the movie and everyone else around them and continued their romance. After a few minutes, Rick pushed the feline back and after receiving a confused look, the wolf leaned in close.

"Later." He whispered. Giving a wink and his usual smile, Vlad just smirked and yawned before turning his attention back to the movie, but, he made sure that he could continue to cuddle Rick. But his eyes darted away from the screen for a few minutes and he checked the crowd of people in the room and one fur caught his eye. Just like himself and Rick, this fur along with another had sat in a quiet area of the room and were whispering to each other.

[That cant really be. . .can it?] He watched the two furs get closer and he saw them kiss. {Holy. . .I didn't know he was THAT way!] Tearing himself away from the scene, Vlad watched the movie again, all the while, cuddling into Rick and caressing his soft fur.

When the movie had finished, Rick and Vlad were now in the lobby and heading outside. Vlad still couldn't really believe what he saw but he didn't want his mind to be wrapped up by something else when he was out with Rick.

"Um Rick? I'll be right back, bathroom." Rick nodded and said he would wait inside the car. Opening the door, Vlad went in and took care of business. Washing his paws, he intended to go out but he could overhear someone. The voice was all too familiar, even if it was quiet. Opening the door, he let it fall shut and stood quiet. Focusing his ears, he heard the voice in the end bathroom stall. Carefully moving down, he heard the faint voice again.

He stood at the door. Not even waiting, Vlad pushed the door open and heard two voices scream. His own eyes widened and the other two pairs of eyes looked back at him. "Oh. . .my. . .god. . .Josh?!"

"V-Vlad?!" Vlad was still in disbelief. Here he was staring at Josh, with his pants down and being pawed by another male who had his fly undone and his hard cock sticking out. The one Josh was with was a dragon, beautiful emerald green scales and yellow eyes. Vlad had never seen the dragon in his life before and it only made questions appear in his mind.

"Holy crap."

"Vlad. . ." The dragon had let go of the feline and sorted himself out and Josh hurried to do the same.

"So who's this?"

"Please Vlad, please don't tell Reci and Dash." Josh looked at him pleadingly and the snow leopard thought hard about it. "Please."

"P-Please man." The dragon said.

"Hmm . . .alright. However, one condition."


"I want you to stop being so scared when I'm around."

"I-I wasn't scared. . .I just. . ."

"Just what?" Vlad asked.

"He had a crush on you." The dragon said, keeping his voice low.

Vlad turned and raised an eye. Josh only nodded. "Well. . .okay. Josh. . .whoever you are."

"Its Greg."

"Greg, you two. .just. .go somewhere more private."

Greg moved out of the stall and Josh looked at the snow leopard. "You're really not going to tell them?"

"I wont."

"Thanks." Josh smiled and walked out of the toilets with Greg.

[A crush huh?] Vlad walked out and headed for the car park. There was no sign of the younger feline or the dragon and Vlad only hoped the two took his advice of finding somewhere much more private.

Getting inside the car, Rick looked at him. "There you are."

"Sorry. Huge line for the toilets."

"A lot of people did buy large soda's."

Driving out of the car park, Rick took a few turns and Vlad looked at him. "Um, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Wow." It was all the feline could say.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. I didn't even know this city had a place like this." Vlad kept staring at the view in front of him. Rick had taken him up a series of dirt roads near the edge of the town and up towards a cliff edge that overlooked the entire area.

Rick was leaning against the car and watched the feline. He himself had visited this place several times with his uncle when he was a cub and sometimes he just came alone when he needed to think. Vlad was the first person he had ever brought up here with him. The canid noticed the smile on Vlad's face and decided to keep quiet for now. However, his radio was still on, playing quietly. He could hear the announcer saying what the next song would be and his ears perked up. Quickly getting into his car, he turned up the volume and smiled as the song started to play.

{Have you seen her? So fine and pretty}

Vlad turned and saw Rick walking towards him.

{Fooled me with her style and ease}

{And I feel her from across the room}

{Yes, it's love in the third degree}

{Ooh, baby baby}

Taking Vlad's paws into his own, Rick smiled. "Vlad?"

{Won't-cha turn your head my way?}

{Ooh, baby baby}


{Ah come on! Take a chance}

{You're old enough to}

{Dance (Dance) the night away}

"Would you like to dance?"

{Whoa-oh (Ah) Come on g-girl, dance the night away}

"Um. . ." Rick's smile made his heart melt. He nodded and let the wolf lead him.

{A live wire, barely a beginner}

{But just watch that lady go}

{She's on fire, 'cause dancin' gets her higher than-uh}

{Anything else she knows}

Vlad looked up at the sky and leaned into Rick. He like laughing at what was happening right now but he couldn't deny the fact that he was enjoying himself.

{Ooh, baby baby}

{Won't-cha turn your head my way?}

{Ooh, baby baby}

{Well don't skip romance 'cause}

{You're old enough to}

{Dance (Dance) the night away}

{Oh-oh-oh (Ah) Come on g-girl, dance the night away}

{Oh, oh-oh-oh oh yeah}

As the guitar solo came on, Rick spoke. "You having fun Vlad?"

"Yeah. . .I am."

"Hehehe, I never thought you'd dance with me."

"I cant dance anyway."

"I think you can. Really well."

"Rick." Vlad blushed and looked into the wolf's eyes. His heart filled with emotions and he wanted to just hold him then and there, but as the lyrics came back, he just smiled and continued dancing with the wolf.

{Dance (oh) the night away. Hey, hey, yeah!}

{Dance, dance, dance the night away}

{Ah come on baby (Dance the night away) Hey, hey yeah!}

{Dance, dance, dance the night away}

{Uh, come on baby, baby (Dance the night away) Ooh, ooh, yeah}

{Dance, dance, dance the night away. Ah, ha ow!}

When the song finished, the two stopped and smiled at one another. Vlad laughed and looked into Rick's eyes. "I'm sorry, I've just never done that before."

"You liked it didn't you?"

"Yeah. . .I did. . ."

"I'm glad." Vlad watched that warm smile appear again on Rick's face, he felt his body fill with warmth. He tightened his hold on Rick and felt his heart pounding against his chest and the wolf did the same. Rick started to pull him in closer and Vlad let his eyes close and lead him into darkness. Instantly, he felt the wolf's lips against his and he kissed back without a moments thought. The two stayed their for minutes before Rick broke it and dragged the feline back to the car.

The bedroom door slammed open and Rick pulled his lover in, keeping him locked in a kiss as they fumbled with each other's clothes. They only broke away when it came to removing each others shirts but they kept the kiss going. Rick felt his jeans and belt being undone and they quickly fell to the floor with his boxers allowing his wolf cock to be exposed. Finally managing to get Vlad's clothes off, the feline stepped out of them and pushed himself into Rick, his rock hard cock now poking the wolf in the chest. Using a foot, the wolf kicked the door shut and led the feline towards his bed. Once they fell onto the sheets, their kiss intensified and Rick moved further down the felines body but a pair of white spotty paws stopped him and rolled him onto his back. In less that a second, Vlad had taken the whole wolf cock into his mouth and Rick inhaled sharply. Grabbing the snow leopard's hips, he pulled them down and shoved the feline cock into his mouth.

In the dark room, the only thing that could be heard were the moans coming from the two as the sucked each other off. Vlad immediately took to the taste as pre landed on his tongue. Using his paw, he grabbed the swelling knot and gave a firm squeeze. Rick's whine's filled his ears and he kept it going. He felt the smooth canine tongue run over his cock again and again and it made him shiver, at this rate he wouldn't be far from cumming hard into the wolf's maw. Rick did like the feeling of Vlad's mouth but the feline was inexperienced and it may have taken a while to actually get the wolf off. But Rick didn't want to climax at all yet, he had plans about what he wanted to do with his cum. Sucking harder and harder, he pulled the feline cock into his throat and let it slip out. Rolling the feline onto his back, Rick kept sucking and started playing with the white furry sac, rolling them gently and trying to make them give up the sticky treat he was after. It was beginning to work, hot pre flowed onto his tongue and he swallowed it greedily. Vlad moaned under him and let the wolf cock out of his mouth as he gasped for breath. He could feel his first climax coming fast and he tried to suppress it but to no avail, he moaned loudly as his seed flooded the wolf's maw. He felt Rick gulp it down, mouthful after mouthful without spilling a drop. Looking up, he saw Rick over him and licking his lips.


Vlad would have spoken but he felt Rick pull him up the bed. When his head was on the pillow, he looked for an answer but the wolf only pulled out a bottle of lube from his drawer. It all became clear to the snow leopard and he just relaxed. Tonight was too great to let something spoil it and he wanted to enjoy every bit of it, no matter what happened. He could tell his feelings for Rick were becoming deeper and deeper with each passing moment. Holding the bottle of lube, Rick poured some onto his hot member and rubbed the rest onto Vlad's tail hole. The sudden coldness made Vlad gasp but he felt it warm up quickly. He knew what was going to happen, but he didn't make the slightest effort to do any resistance. Instead, he wrapped his legs around Rick and pulled him forward. The brown wolf leaned forward and cuddled the snow leopard, the tip of his cock now pressing against the feline's virgin hole.

Whispering into his ear, Rick closed his eyes. "I love you."

He pushed in and Vlad gripped his wolf tight. The lube helped a lot and allowed the wolf to slip further inside the snow leopard. Vlad felt himself being stretched wider and wider and gritted his teeth, trying not to cry out. Rick licked the side of his face and he relaxed a lot more and tried not to clamp down. When he felt the knot, he was sure it would be going in as well, but instead, Rick started pulling out and quickly pushed back in. Vlad started moaning uncontrollably and tried his best not to dig his claws into Rick as he held onto the wolf. The warm, swollen knot continued to slam against his tail hole, but it never entered him.

Rick managed to keep a rhythm with his thrusts and keep the speed down. Vlad was content at the rate of pleasure he was receiving right now, but he felt a desire to go even further into the feline and fuck him hard. He started speeding up a little and Vlad felt the difference. The snow leopard moaned loudly and started begging to be fucked. Rick smirked and started fucking the feline harder and faster, his knot was now beginning to push its way into the feline but the last thing Rick wanted to do was hurt him, he could keep himself under control anyway. Looking at his paw, he grabbed the lube and clumsily poured some into his paw, some of it pouring onto Vlad's chest. The sudden ice cold feeling made his eyes clench shut tighter but he was soon distracted when he felt a Rick's paw covered in lube grip his length and start pawing him. Leaning his head right back, the snow leopard moaned even louder and pulled the wolf in closer to him.

"R-Rick. . .Rick. . ." The wolf growled a response and kept his rhythm. Vlad on the other hand felt his cock grow hotter and hotter and the lube just made it even better along with Rick thrusting in and out of him. Pre flowed like a river from his cock and onto the wolf's paw and his crotch. His breathing grew sharper and he felt his climax coming. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't make any words come out. He just moaned and cried out as his climax hit hard. Cum shot out and hit the wolf on the chest as well as his own. The smell of Vlad's seed immediately filled his nostrils and it was all the motivation he needed. In one hard thrust, Rick pushed his large knot inside Vlad and heard him scream a little, but it was soon gone as he comforted the feline with a kiss. Vlad mewled softly during the kiss but he felt Rick slow down.

Barely audible, the snow leopard managed to speak. "It hurts."

"I know, it'll pass. Trust me." Vlad nodded and felt a paw rub against his cheek. He nuzzled into the wolf and told him to continue. Rick listened to the one he loved even if he was hesitant at first. His thrusts were a lot more restricted due to the knot but it didn't make it any less pleasurable. In fact, Rick was beginning to speed up. Vlad was keeping his eyes shut, keeping all his moans inside him as warm wolf pre filled his insides.

Rick was starting to tremble and he knew why. Vlad opened his eyes and saw what was going on and he smirked. It was going to happen soon and he wanted it badly. It happened sooner than he thought, in just a few more hard thrusts, Rick threw his head back and howled loudly as cum shot out from his cock and hit the snow leopard deep inside him.

Vlad kept his teeth gritted as the searing hot liquid filled him. It came one after the other, more and more cum filling him and even running out of his ass and onto the sheets. When he felt Rick lean into him, Vlad cuddled him tight and kissed him softly on the cheek. He knew that they were both exhausted and that they were tied together, but what struck him was that he had just given his virginity to someone. He looked at the wolf and saw that he was nearly asleep.

"I love you Vlad."

Just before the wolf fell asleep, Vlad moved his head close to Rick's. "I love you too Rick."

With a smile on his face, Rick spoke softly. "I'm. . .glad. . ." With that, the wolf fell asleep. Smirking himself, Vlad managed to pull the covers over himself and Rick and held onto the wolf tightly. Feeling the warmth that Rick was giving him, Vlad smiled and fell into a comfortable sleep.

May, Saturday 21st

A lot of things have happened in the past six months, I'm still in love with Rick and now I couldn't trade him away for anything and I cant imagine my life without him now. I remember that night with him and the many other nights that happened after that. Christmas with him was. . .well. . .he was the best gift I could have asked for. Okay, maybe that was just a little too much there. But not everything has been a bed of roses. That night I was found out still remains fresh in my mind and it was Reci's fault. It may be cruel to say this, but I honestly don't care anymore. I hope Jenna leaves him and he gets hurt. I'm sure Josh and Greg will wish that too, as far as I know, Josh has stopped hanging out with Reci and Dash when they were found out, too many jokes I'm sure, but at least he's actually standing up for himself now.

Yesterday though, mom saw me and didn't make much of an effort to even notice my existence, but. . .ah, I don't know, she probably doesn't want a gay son so she can get lost along with my dad.

I'm still living with Rick and the wolf's busy washing up. Right now, I'm just waiting for him to get in this bed for a few obvious reasons ^-^. But in all-

"Hey baby." Rick came walking into the room and tossed the boxers he was wearing to the side. Closing the door, the brown wolf walked up to the bed and climbed in watching Vlad place the notepad and the pen to the side. Embracing Vlad, Rick moved his paws lower and started rubbing the feline's ass.

Purring, Vlad cuddled back and relaxed. "I was waiting for you, ya know."

"Oh, did I keep you waiting?"

"You did."

"I have to make that up to you."

Pulling the snow leopard into the kiss, the two tightened the embrace. On the desk though, the notepad was still open and the pen lay next to the last few words Vlad had written in it.

[But in all, I just want things to continue as they are and hope they get better. I love you Rick, my precious wolf. You really are, the light in my darkness.]

There we are everyone, this was a story request made by darkangel27 and I hope he enjoys what I've written as well as you. Remember, the characters belong to him and he came up with the idea, I just wrote it.

Also, the song "Dance The Night Away" is by Van Halen and belongs to him, not me. I do not intend to claim it in any way.

Thanks for reading everyone.

Story by darkangel27

Written by XtigerX