Furside - Chapter 14, Raptor

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#14 of Furside

"My name is James Turney." He paused for a second and sighed, shaking his head and turning off the tape recorder. "Audio diaries, I swear they're trying to kill me out here, if it's not the food it's the other miscellaneous crap I'm forced to put up with."

"Very true sir." A voice came from behind him suddenly. He knew it well because it was his only company out in the wastes.

Turning to look at the speaker he more glanced than let his eyes malinger. Morris was a R.O.R.E. class helper who served as his lab assistant and his only friend, if he could call the automaton that. Sure, the pile of metal and servos was friendly enough but it fell short of having more than a dry pre-programmed personality. They had started making the R.O.R.E. class androids vaguely humanoid but much to his relief his suggestion about not making them look too human had gone over quite well. They had settled on providing the most recent model with a durable titanium mesh underneath a coating of synthetic rubber designed for harsh environments.

James was actually quite grateful to have the bot around, though they all hated it when humans called them bots. Frequently he had to remind himself that Rore was a name given to him by way of his job. The term Rore stood for Robotic Ordinance and Reconnaissance Entity. He had chosen the name Morris for himself a few months back based on his own judgment though James couldn't get him to reveal what the source was. He could order the R.O.R.E. to tell him but it felt better just to let him have his secret for now. Though it was nice to have someone to talk to the drone's terse and usually emotionless responses left something to be desired.

With another sigh he switched on the recorder again and looked out the window. "James Turney, Research Lead for Mars experiment Raptor."

"The only researcher sir." Morris replied with his metallic twang.

"Thanks for the reminder." Sarcasm was lost on the robot of course. With a single digit he paused the tape he let his eyes drift across the red rocked landscape that had dominated his vision for the last few months. He'd been assigned to the Mars for several reasons, primarily because of his illegal research with cross-breeding species and human experimentation. The government had changed his cell from a prison on earth to a secluded research lab on Mars. They had told him he'd never see earth again and originally he had thought he wouldn't care but as time wore on he found himself growing bored with the same unchanging scenery. The only interaction he was allowed to have was greeting the supply delivery personnel when they arrived monthly. He couldn't complain, he was allowed to continue his experiments without question and all they wanted were his findings and any successful specimens. He had enjoyed quite a few successes in his work. With the focus of the current research feeding off of DNA millions of years old he had been excited to find out what the results would be.

He had reconstructed the genetic structure of velociraptors with the help of a supercomputer and much patience. The total time of construction had been two years from inception but it was worth the wait considering he had revived an extinct species. "Morris, primary subject information please."

"Again sir?" The drone asked before nodding his consent. "Velociraptor Mongolensis, Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordata, Class Reptilia, Superorder Dinosauria, Order Saurischia, Suborder Theropoda, Infraorder Deinonychorsauria, Family Dromaeosauridae, Genus Velociraptor."

"Last known existence 71 to 75 million years ago during the later Cretaceous Period." It began before being interrupted.

"Enough." He said with an outstretched hand. James sat back in his high-backed comfortable chair and looked around at the room.

"Impossible man, why do you ask for information and then cut me off mid sentence?" Morris asked in an uncharacteristic display of feigned emotion.

"You'll live." He replied as he took in the sights of the lab. It looked like something out of a mad scientist's dream. Blinking lights, computers, equipment, and everything else someone would need for genetic experimentation. He found himself becoming existential because of the alone time he had. More than anything he looked down at himself and chuckled sourly. His clothing was dirty and unkempt and his lab coat was stained with various substances most people would balk at. To top it off his normally toned physique was starting to slip. His tanned skin had become rather pale and he could see a beard hanging off of the chin that he had absolutely forgotten was there.

For some reason though he was isolated and the only life form around him was a cybernetic organism that did not have an olfactory system he decided that it would be a good idea to take a shower and shave. He looked a lot older than his nineteen years would suggest. Reflecting back on that he was consumed with himself for so long. He'd graduated college by the time he was fourteen years old with an advanced degree in genetic engineering. It had only taken him two years to get his masters. Later on he'd even gotten a degree in herpetology and taken a smattering of other courses that would later be a failed experiment at microbiology.

He was still dwelling on his failures and his excessive curiosity when he stepped out of the bathroom a new man. Though he wasn't an overly attractive man he wasn't ugly, throughout his so far short life he'd experienced marginal success at dating. In the end he was married to his work more than anything and bringing another person into that sort of scenario never worked. As he walked through the hallway stark naked and still dripping partially he let his mind wander. After turning a corner the spied Morris working in the sampling room and opened the door. "Is the next test subject ready?"

"Yes." Morris replied. As he turned around he arched one metallic eyebrow in a distinctly human manner and shook his head. "Must you walk around with your genetalia hanging out? I find it disturbing how you primates create new humans."

"I love you too." James said with a laugh as he left the room and continued to his quarters. He selected a simple set of clothing and a new lab coat so he could continue where he had left off. The walk to the incubation room was short because it was not far from his chambers. "Computer, please give me the status on Subject 201."

"Current status: Subject 201 is fifteen days late in hatching, previous full blood subject required precisely two months, five days, three hours, fourty one minutes, and ten seconds to hatch. Average estimate of two months has been extended to two months and ten days." A distinctly androgynous voice replied to his command. "Subject 201 has been moving recently, probability of hatching is high."

"Fertilization comparison?" He inquired while looking down at the sophisticated incubator curiously.

"Subject 201 has grown by three inches in the last week, unlikely to have expired." The computer answered again. "Would you like to initiate the illumination test?"

"Please." He said with a wave of his hand as he knelt down so the egg was at eye level with him. James watched the LED pass across the artificial egg with interest. Inside was an experiment of his own, one he kept away from the main computer on a secondary grid. As far as anyone observing his notes knew he was just working on hatching another raptor for processing, which was true he thought to himself as he looked over at the other eggs briefly. "Survival percentage?"

"28.9% chance of survival." The computer replied almost coldly.

"Simple Status for Subjects 189 to 200 please."

"Nominal for all subjects but two, Subject 190 and 191 are in a mild state of distress. Chance of living reduced from 89% to 56% due to stress levels." The lifeless voice replied to him.

"Closely monitor Subject 201 and notify me of any changes immediately. If hatching begins I want to be here, understood?" He said while looking around at no one in particular. He'd never really gotten used to not having research assistants.

"Command received, you will be notified immediately doctor. Will there be anything else?" It asked suddenly, drawing his attention.

"Yes, have Morris run a diagnostic on chamber 4 to find out if the stress levels are due to equipment failure. Standing orders on Subject 201 still apply." He added at the end, fearing Morris would discover the fact that Subject 201 was not on the chart. Indeed, he had not even assigned the number in the database, no one would know.

"Yes doctor, shall I wake you when the diagnostics are done?"

"No, only if there's a change in Subject 201." He replied as he exited the room leaving the computer to monitoring his test subjects. His mind wandered again as he thought of his own personal experiment. Technically he didn't have any personal time but during the times that his other experiments were lax he had taken to research not on the agenda. At least not yet, he planned on introducing his current running experiment to the committee if one of them would survive the process. The entire problem with cloning the raptors and other reptiles he was experimenting on was that most of them didn't have a living relation that he could synthesize a zygote from. He'd been improvising with a cross between a crocodile and several distantly related species; thankfully his early experiments hadn't gotten past the fertilization. Though he did play with life like some twisted god he hated to see an innocent life suffer. He'd specifically installed what he called a ‘suicide' protocol in the incubation chambers just in case something went wrong. So far he had successfully cloned several species of small and large extinct reptiles and even mammals, fifty two subjects in all.

That made him think, he was on Subject 201 and barely a quarter of his experiments had met with success. Shaking his head he turned the corner to his quarters. Inside it was your typical man's room. His agreement with the government provided him with all of the entertainment and other things he would need save the company of another living breathing life form. From his huge state-of-the art television down to the movies he had shipped in from earth he had every digital gadget known to man. It wasn't enough though so most nights when he actually found sleep he never touched the stuff.

For a long time he lay there drifting in and out of sleep, thinking of the things he had done in his life and the things he would be missing out on because of them. Everything he'd done previously had been intellectual curiosity. His first experiment had been crossing two species of reptile that normally would not produce offspring and from there he started dabbling in cloning and genetic restoration until his first series of failed experiments at recreating Velociraptors. The turkey-sized feathered reptiles were agile hunters and the subject of many stories and much speculation and from the time he was a child they had been his favorite. Though he didn't have a clue why the government was funding his research he had never complained. He'd actually brought roughly twelve Velociraptors into this world.

Before he could drift into full slumber an alarm went off above his head, startling him up to his feet. "Doctor, Subject 201 is stirring."

"I'll be right in." He launched himself from the bed and nearly jumped out of the door, running right into Morris in a rather painful bump. Excusing himself he rushed passed the stunned cyborg and into the incubation room, kneeling down next to the egg that held his most precious experiment. "Come on, you can do it!"

In tense silence he watched as the egg rocked and moved a little while the life form inside attempted to free herself from her bonds. This was a critical stage for it, if there wasn't enough strength in its body to get free it wouldn't survive, most of his subjects had died at this stage. It was several moments before he sighed and hung his head down, leaning his shoulder against the glass. Another failure, another life snuffed out before it could even begin to live. "Initiate disposal protocol on Subject..."

Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked over to find a small snout peering out of a crack in the egg. "Cancel that! Come on baby you can do it, you can make it out! Open the incubator."

"Procedure denotes that the subject must free itself, once that stage is complete a blood sample must be taken to ensure that the subject's immune system can handle conditions outside of the incubation chamber." The expected and somewhat terse reply came.

"Damn the protocols and procedures open the incubation chamber. Override authorization password ‘God Complex'." He said, revealing his administrator password for the system itself. When the computer paused he looked up at the receptors built into the ceiling and wall and squinted as if it could see his anger. Finally the chamber opened and he leaned forward, his eyes locked on the little snout poking out at him. A high-pitched sound somewhere between a chirp and a cry confirmed for him that his experiment seemed to be a success. Putting a pair of sterile latex gloves on his hands he helped to clear some of the egg from around the small reptile's body. Inside the large egg was just what he was hoping for. He had achieved his goal at crossing human and raptor DNA. The small hatchling was roughly the size of a human child with perfectly formed arms and legs and a head that wasn't overly large as the last one had been. His thoughts were of the congratulations and awards he would receive for creating an entirely new species.

All of that washed away as the child opened its beautiful blue eyes and regarded him with an intelligence he'd never even hoped for. The few soft feathers decorating her head and neck were complimented by a series of gray pebble-like scales that covered her body save for the area from her chest down to her lower body which was covered in a soft white almost hide-like series of leather ‘plates'. Even so young the child looked up at him and chirped happily, looking around the room with curiosity. "Computer, what is the gender?"

"Subject 201 is a Female. Congratulations doctor, your experiment was a success." It replied to him almost instantly. "Shall I prepare a report for the council on earth?"

"No, download all files related to her onto my external drive and purge any remaining records from my mainfame." He said quietly as he regarded her. "And her name is Kara, not Subject 201."

"As you wish doctor." The computer countered, remaining quiet while it carried out his orders.

"Kara, that's your name." He said in a surprisingly loving tone as he tickled her chin with his finger, getting a snap in return. "Hungry already? My, my. Have Morris prepare the synthetic formula I created for the sub... I mean for Kara."

"Right away doctor."

As he stood there holding the hybrid child in his arms he wondered what had possessed him to play with the building blocks of life like this. If anyone were to get a hold of his lovely little creation she would be dissected and cloned to no end, all in the name of science. His face screwed up into a frown of confusion and conflict.

"What have I done little one?" The child cooed and chirped at him excitedly as she lay there in his arms oblivious to the peril she would be in if anyone were to discover that his experiment had been a success. He felt tears welling up in his eyes as he watched her observe everything around her. "I'm so sorry, by everything that I hold dear I'm so sorry."


Six long months had passed since the night Kara had been born. In that time she had grown at a phenomenal rate, her progression was right in line for his original plans for her. He'd never told her that he had intended her to be a weapon for the government, a fast-growing, quick learning soldier. In comparison to a human child she was a teenager, an adolescent. He attributed that to her reptilian genetics. Even now as he sat back in his chair watching her work on the lessons he had taught her he wondered if he had been wise in letting her live. She was effectively in isolation with him; neither of them was allowed to leave. Even though Mars had a budding atmosphere and two colonies they were too far out of the way to make it on their own even if they wanted to. With no transportation and only enough rations for a week at a time he was convinced that the government had thought of everything when putting him out this far. Plus the fact that he wasn't able to leave because of an outer security door that only the delivery personnel had access to opening.

Kara's coloring had shifted from a light gray to a series of black and gray scales with the white gray protective covering on her chest. From the ridges on her head down to the tail stretching from the base of her back she was beautiful to him. Her hands were delicate and human-like with long nails when she let them grow but her feet were decidedly raptor-like even having a separate claw very much like her reptilian parents. He had personally fashioned several outfits for her by way of ordering replacement clothing for himself. At first he had taken to half rationing but with her appetite he had just increased the amount of supplies delivered. Everything else had just fallen into place as he went. So far Morris and the sentient ai of the computer were satisfied that she was just a research experiment he was conducting, neither of them were equipped to handle a secondary individual in the facility.

Though he wasn't a good teacher he had taken to teaching her everything he knew and everything he could research on their network connection. She had mastered three languages and had shown talent in all subjects, especially mathematics. Throughout their time together she had taken to him as her father, and though it wasn't true he found that he enjoyed the mantle.

As he sat there looking at her she looked up at him and smiled, chirping just a bit and tilting her head to the side. "What is it daddy?"

"Nothing honey, just me being melancholy again." He smiled for her and shrugged a little. "Keep going, don't let me distract you."

"You've been so tense lately, is something wrong?" She asked curiously, never taking her eyes off of him. "You've been working so hard why don't you take a rest?"

"No rest for the weary nor the wicked." As James sat and watched her he couldn't help but marvel at how beautiful his creation, his daughter was. Her blue reptilian eyes could make him melt just like a human child's eyes could. She had a way about her that bespoke charisma and an intellect way beyond the norm.

"Wicked? Come on dad, you're joking right?" She giggled at him and shook her head, smiling her special smile that was only his.

He wondered how her upbringing would have been if she had been introduced into a society with people or even others like herself. Since the experiment he hadn't tried to create another like her though he was sure that he could succeed with her DNA and working reproductive system. Every time he thought of her like that he scowled at himself and sighed and it always caught her attention so he made a conscious effort not to do it this time. Once she was satisfied with his look she bent her head down to her studies again.

"Daddy can I ask you a question?" She said suddenly, looking up at him again.

"Sure, anything."

She paused for a moment, having been holding this question back for a long time, along with others she had in the back of her mind. "Why do you look different from me?"

"I was wondering when this day would come." He replied to her with a sigh and a dejected look on his face. "It's hard to explain."

"Try." She said simply, leaning her head on her hands she regarded him curiously.

"You're unique my dear, there is no one else like you in this world." He said in a very calm and even manner as he attempted to keep his composure. He didn't know if he wanted to tell her the truth and hope she comprehended him or just tell her a half truth. In the end he figured that the truth would be better than a lie. "I am indeed wicked. The truth pains me though I think you need to hear it from me rather than discover it yourself."

"Alright." She said simply, not moving her eyes from his face.

"I created you. Plain and simple, you are a product of my experiments." He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked down at the floor. "My original intent was sinister but something in your eyes when I first held you in my arms stayed my hand."

As he looked up at her unreadable gaze he felt ashamed of himself and his actions. More than anything else he found himself a despicable creature for bringing her into this world of his own selfish reasons. "I was going to sell you to the government with all of my research and notes in exchange for my freedom. I can never leave this place my dear and unfortunately neither can you. I know you'll never be able to forgive me for bringing you into this world without regard to your safety or health."

"What made you change your mind?" Her voice was the same, nothing cold nor cruel in it just simple inquisitiveness.

"I found my heart the day you were born." He said simply.

"I forgive you father." She replied before he could continue, standing up to her full height which was a head shorter than him she walked over and wrapped her arms around him, embracing him in a tight hug and kissing his cheek. "Whatever your original intent you didn't follow through."

"Thank you." He said through a slightly tear-stained smile. "You have no idea how much it means for me to hear that."

"Your heart hit the right place; honestly I'm glad you decided to keep me regardless of our current isolation." She said with a shrug. "I prefer the solitude."

"That's good, because no one can ever know you exist. Humans wouldn't understand unfortunately." Knowing his own kind he knew that to be true. Humans always hated and feared what they didn't understand. "We're a very strange race honestly; we alienate anything that we don't understand. If we don't kill it outright we dissect it to understand how it works."

"I am partially human right?" She asked off-handedly, as if they were having a normal conversation.

"Correct, I created you with human and raptor DNA." He replied matter-of-factly. "The combination makes for quite a beautiful mix."

She looked away from him for a moment in a shy manner, he didn't compliment her often so when he did it made the moment feel all the more special. Giggling like the girl she was she shook her head and looked out of the window. "I wouldn't know what beauty is, I've only ever seen myself and you."

"Oh thanks." He replied through a wry grin.

"You're welcome." She'd gotten her sense of humor from him in her opinion. He had the same wicked streak that she did and irony was never lost on her. Sarcasm was her greatest weapon of choice. "The whole time I've been here learning you've never told me anything about yourself."

"Well if that's a question then I must answer." He said with a nod. "Well honestly there's not much to tell. I've been a lab rat most of my live dear, you know that. I've surrounded myself with the tools of my trade."

"Why are you stuck here though?" She decided to just get the complicated stuff out of the way first.

"That is where the sinister side of my experiments come into play." He replied to her simple question with a cryptic answer. "I'll have to show you, though I warn you it's not a pretty sight."

"Life isn't all cinnamon buns and rainbows dad." Kara shrugged at his answer and stood to follow him as he exited the room. They walked down the long hallways past the incubation chamber and their room and beyond to the sample room. She'd never been allowed in there and he'd always told her that it was because there were sensitive materials inside. As he opened the door and ushered her inside she marveled at the instruments and chemicals all contained on their various shelves, but nothing struck her as overtly sensitive or evil. "I don't understand."

"Go through the door in the back. I'll wait here; just promise me you'll keep to what you said earlier. I honestly never intended to show this to you." He was staring down at the floor again and she found herself wondering what could be so bad about what was behind the unmarked door in the back.

When Kara opened the door and stepped inside the lights instantly turned on giving her a view of the ghastly sight within. The walls of the room were lined with shelves and refrigeration units that were mostly full of jars and containers. Every single one of them contained some sort of preserving liquid and within were what she could only brand as his failed experiments. The sheer amount of them was staggering to her but the most disturbing were the ones in the unit closest to the wall, they all had a look slightly similar to her, vaguely humanoid limbs or at least attempts at them and other human-like features that the other failures failed to show. She wondered now how many times he had failed before she was born. Stepping out of the room she closed it behind her and tried to hide the tears that were even now rolling between her dainty scales. Her voice was a whisper. "How many?"

"Too many." He replied quickly, never taking his eyes off the metal plating on the floor. He couldn't bear to meet her gaze because he knew the hurt that was in her eyes would shatter him. Closing his own eyes he leaned against the wall. "The weight on my shoulders has been heavy these long years, if only I had known earlier what it would do to me in the end I wouldn't have done the things I've done. Or would I? If I hadn't I wouldn't have you."

"That's a selfish reason to toy with the building blocks of life." It had been said a little more harshly than she had intended but it was too late to take the statement back. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I deserved that." James replied quickly to her, looking up to see the tears on her cheeks. The sight did indeed break his heart as he had feared. "The day you were born I stopped experimenting with it. I can't stop doing my work though, if I do I go right back to jail."

"Jail?" She echoed incredulously, looking at him with a mix of curiosity and possibly disgust.

"It's a long story so let's go get some lunch while we talk." He knew the last thing on her mind would be food but he was hungry and he didn't think well on an empty stomach. With his surrogate daughter in tow he left the room and continued on to their kitchen. His mood wasn't the best so he settled on a simple sandwich as he rummaged through his broken memories.

"I don't remember a whole lot about what happened. When I graduated I was given a grant for experimentation on species revival. We worked through several problems but there were some hurdles that we couldn't breech. Here's where the details are fuzzy, I had three lab assistants. Their names were Tom, Jones, and Karen. My notes state that Karen volunteered to be a surrogate mother for one of our subjects, she had volunteered to carry the fertilized egg up until the time of hatching. A month later she was found on her apartment floor with a hole in her belly, the creature I had cultivated had eaten its way out of her in the night." James paused and looked up at her as he took another bite of his sandwich. "My grant was taken away and I was sentenced to life in prison for that and other illegal research I had been doing on crossing humans with other species."

"Why didn't you stop then?" Kara knew the answer more than he did, he had always been engrossed with his work, luckily for her she was his work so he had nurtured her well but she understood him a lot more than even he understood himself.

All he could do is shrug. "A drive, a desire to create something unique everything I can think of all sounds so supremely egocentric."

"I need some time to think."

Her voice was decidedly more restrained than usual; he had regrets as he watched her leave the room. As if right on queue Morris walked into the room and looked from the diminishing form of Kara to him and then back. Before the walking computer could say anything he walked out of the room leaving a confused cyborg behind him. Kara had taken up residence in their room so he continued on to the incubation chamber. His current batch varied from basic reptiles to odd crossbreeds he had been tinkering with at the behest of his supervisors. Surveying his work around him he questioned his life and the direction it was going, retrospect wasn't something he was prone to but so many things had changed. He'd only lived nineteen years of his life but he had done so much more than so many other people, he'd even succeeded at creating a life from nothing. Kara had been the turning point, the one thing in his life that hadn't been spoiled by his own mind but the ironic part was that his soiled brain was the thing that had created her in the first place. It was strange to view a scenario where you couldn't have one without the other.

Time slipped by quickly as he watched his newest clutch in their chambers. He didn't know how long he had been sitting there watching the eggs but movement to his side caught his attention. It was Kara; she was looking directly into his eyes even as he turned his head to regard her. Unspoken emotions were passed over an invisible channel then; he could see the forgiveness and acceptance in her eyes even without her speaking and saying it outright. When she walked over to him and sat down he put an arm around her shoulders, feeling the soft, cold little scales attached to her skin. He placed a kiss on the tip of her snout as he had done so many times since the days when she had been but a little hatchling in his care.


With the problems between them aired out the atmosphere was less tense for him, several weeks had passed for them since she had inquired about herself and her past. Her lessons had been going well but she had been acting strangely ever since that day, he couldn't put his finger on it but something about her had changed recently and despite his inquiries about her current condition she always blew him off and smiled trying to deflect the question. Even now he watched her sleep from his bunk. She preferred to sleep on the floor, ever since she had been a little squirt she had crawled into bed with him only to end up on the floor in the morning wrapped in blankets. She was covered up now with her favorite blankets, her chest rising and falling underneath in a semi rhythmic manner. When she stirred and moved her head to look over at him he closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, letting his breathing slip into a pattern similar to hers.

Curiosity overcame him as he peered out from cracked eyelids, watching her wiggle around underneath those covers. She peered over at him cautiously several times until he finally realized what she was doing. His embarrassment could probably be read on his face and from the flushed color of her scales he could tell that she was masturbating. Knowing what he knew she was most likely ready to breed and in heat. As she lay there huffing and trying to remain quiet he found himself not repulsed by the sight as he would have thought but intrigued. More than intrigued he felt himself growing excited by the sight. Having been without the touch of a woman for several years the sudden realization that she was one hit him like a ton of bricks. He continued to watch her for a long time, the blanket rose and fell and at one point one of her soft scaled breasts was uncovered, revealing a series of small scales and her hard nipple. It was all he could do to hide the boner poking through the sheets.

Lying on his side he continued to watch until she shuddered once and let out a long sigh that had a slight hiss of pleasure mingled in. Once she was done she rolled over onto her side and let out a growl that definitely had a hint of frustration. After a few moments of sexual bliss she sniffed the air and looked over directly at him. He made sure to let go of the breath he had been holding unconsciously as she stood up and walked over to the bed. Gingerly she grabbed the sheet from him and pulled it downward and for a long time she stood and gawked at the hard on that had slipped through the opening in his boxers. His surprise was genuine as she sat down on the bed next to him and curled her body against his, making sure to move her tail aside so she could press his member against her nether regions. Feigning waking up he opened his eyes and smiled at her, laying a kiss between her neck and her cheek as the feathers decorating her head tickled his skin. "Oh hey, you alright?"

"Yeah I just needed some company tonight." She said lightly, trying to seem as if she was half asleep herself.

Her body was warm but between her legs the temperature was higher, he could feel the heat almost pouring out of her cloaca. She had placed herself so his dick was just outside of her vent, with it being so close and so hot he was having reservations about his ability to be so near to her when they both were experiencing mutual sexual frustration. She sighed softly and nuzzled herself down on him though he knew it was a ruse when she wiggled her ass against him and brushed the hot opening against his solid member. The debate was over; he reached his left arm around her body and grabbed one of her soft breasts, kneading it under his palm. She was startled at first but she succumbed to her basic instincts quickly, purring and chirping her pleasure from his touch. This was new territory for them both but he reached his hand down between her powerful legs and put his fingers against the scales that ended just near the lips of her vent. Pushing down on the outer walls he moved them slowly back and forth, massaging the outside to provide her with a little pleasure before he attempted to put himself inside of her.

Though he had inspected her when she was young he hadn't done it since. He knew she only had one opening for all functions so once she was sufficiently slippery on the outside and in he pushed one finger inside and ran it around the outer edge. She shrieked softly at the sudden intrusion and began breathing heavily, the heat coming from inside her almost doubled in that moment so he pushed that single digit forward and ran his finger along the outside of her vaginal opening and found a thick knot at the tip that he knew to be her clitoris. As he touched it she gripped down on the sheets and growled low, turning her head so she could fix her eyes upon his face.

She didn't say anything, how could she in the face of her instincts and hormones raging. She was of the breeding age now and her body was telling her what she needed. He knew this and he was using it to his advantage. His fingers rolled her quivering clitoris until she finally grabbed his hand and pulled it away, thrusting her ass against him with her tail draped around his waist. She wanted it bad so he gave it to her, the head of his cock pushed between the soft skin and scales of her vent and into her vagina slowly. She didn't have a hymen like a human female would but she was tight inside because this was her first time. With more sliding inside of her she gripped his ass with her hands and called out in an almost coughing shriek as if she was crying for more. Obligingly he put his hands on her hips and slid the entire length of his cock as deep into her oviduct as he could fit it. When he finally had his hips pressed against her ass and tail she moaned like a human female would and tried to keep her breathing rhythmic.

It was so hot inside of her, more so than a human woman could be and he found that he liked it. When he looked up and found tears on her cheeks he paused his hips and wiped them from her face. "Did I hurt you?"

"That's not why I'm crying." She whispered to him, taking his hand in hers. "I'm glad I could share this with you, I love you."

"I love you too baby, more than you could ever know." As he started kissing her neck and thrusting his hips he listened to her chirp and hiss in excitement and pleasure, she knew what she wanted and she was thrusting herself against him to get more. He couldn't deny her anything ever in her life especially when she was in so much need. She was slippery wet inside and her natural lubrication was pouring out of her from around him, causing his skin to make noise as he touched her small, soft little scales with a slurping and slapping sound. He watched her tail working back and forth a little and her legs kicking out a bit as she experienced her first time. His balls were slapping against her vent right near her clit and he could tell that she was enjoying it because every time it happened she would trill a little and suck in a breath.

Almost as suddenly as they had started he felt her insides tighten in an intense orgasm. She closed her eyes and shrieked loudly, he was glad that there was no one else but them in the research station. She was begging him for more while her beautifully proportioned body undulated and writhed beside him. She was so sexy, so wonderfully perfect and it was all he could do to hold on to himself.

"Please finish inside of me." She said softly, opening her deep blue eyes so she could look at him directly. "I want to feel it."

He wasn't sure if he could fertilize her or not but at that moment with her looking at him so lovingly he had no choice but to comply. Wrapping his arm around her waist he came deep inside of her, pushing himself against him hard as he twitched and grunted with each spurt. He watched her smile and lay her head down next to him.

"God you have no clue how horny I was. I couldn't take it anymore." She said softly as her scales lightened in what he knew was her version of a blush. "I didn't understand what was happening at first but I knew my fingers weren't satisfying me."

"You're in heat, your body's telling you what it needs." He said in as gentle a manner as he could manage, trying not to sound scientific and ruin the moment. "God I love you."

"Are we compatible?" She questioned suddenly, her eyes looking out into the empty middle of the room.

"I don't know honey." He replied honestly, kissing her neck gently with his lips. "We'll find out."

"Not here, I don't want to raise my children here." Her voice was soft again and she turned to look at him for a moment, allowing him to slide out of her with a slurp and a wet rush of fluid. "We can't let them grow up here."

"Alright love." He said in reply, putting his arms around her body he pondered how they could possibly get out of the remote location and away from the long arms of the government. They controlled most of the on and off world travel on mars in all of the colonies save one but he knew he couldn't trust any of the scumbags that lived there.