Bruce and Jacki

Story by FacelessBuster on SoFurry

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Just a little story I wrote up. Hope all who read it enjoy it.

"Crap I'm late!" Said Bruce as he jumped out of his bed and rushed into the shower. His partner on the upper bunk bed rolled over on her stomach and buried her face into her pillow.

"Yes you are," she said groggily. She heard the shower turn on and pulled the covers over her head,Trying desperately to block out the noise and go back to sleep. Minutes later Bruce ran out of the shower wearing a white shirt and boxers frantically brushing his teeth while looking for his pants. He looked up at his bunk mate and frowned.

"Jacki out of bed now!" He said with a mouth full of toothpaste before going back to the bathroom to spit it all out. When he returned,Jacki hadn't moved and inch. He climbed up the little ladder that led to Jacki's bed and pulled her grey Wolfs tail. She instantly got up and barked at him then looked at Bruce with eyes that felt like they could burn holes right through him. He stared back at her with the same ferocity,Both staring at each other without blinking even once. Jacki let out a Wolfs growl as her tail whacked Bruce on the nose. In return he let out a mighty Lions roar and almost bit Jacki's tail. Luckily he missed but whether it was on purpose was up for debate. Jacki gave up and removed her covers,Revealing herself to be wearing an all black shirt and black pants with puppy paw prints on them. Her hair was a mess though no more so than usual. It was long going halfway down her back and it was grey much like her fur color. While her eyes were red due to just waking up,The irises themselves were different colors with her right eye being ocean blue and her left eye being tree green. She had a raccoon mask like ring around her eyes which was do to the fact that she was the child of a Male Raccoon and Female Wolf. She had a small bullet sized hole on the tip of her right ear,A result of a "Heist gone bad" as she explained it.

"Come on sleepyhead. Class has started already. Get dressed! Let's go!" He said as he climbed back down the ladder and put on his pants. Jacki watched him,Eyes half closed and groaned slightly.

"Can't we just sleep in a little longer? Like... Maybe a hour? I was having a really nice dream before you rudely interrupted me," she said as she nodded off to sleep again. Bruce walked up and flicked the sleeping wolf on the nose hard.

"Ow! Bruce!" She said holding her nose and whining slightly.

"We don't have time to sleep Jacki. Now get out of bed before I drag you to class in your pajamas," said Bruce as he put his belt on and grabbed his backpack.

"The class is heading on that history field trip today,Remember? Mr. Attica said be there early or else they'll leave without us.

"I know. That's why I turned off your alarm clock," she said rolling onto her back.

"You what?!" He asked furiously.

"Keep your voice down. The people on the third floor can hear you." Bruce growled before gathering his notebook and pencils.

"I'll deal with you later," he said as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

"If you make it in time bring me back a souvenir!" Said Jacki as she went back to sleep.


Bruce was running as fast as his feet could carry him across the college canvas. He wasn't going to miss this trip. He had planned to go to the museum all year and his class was finally allowed to. He saw a bus in front of the building that housed his class and sighed in relief at the sight of it. But that quickly turned into fear as The bus had started to leave without him. Seeing it leave made Bruce run faster than he ever thought he could. He wasn't missing this field trip. One:Because he loved history and Two:Because it all cost a big grade. Bruce was a straight A student and he wasn't missing this assignment cause of Jacki. The bus was about to pull out onto the street and leave and he wasn't fast enough to catch it.

"Hey! Stop the bus! Wait for me!" He shouted at the top of his lungs but it seems no one heard him. The bus was leaving him...

He watched as the bus left the campus and turned down the street to leave the college. Breathing heavily at how hard he pushed himself onto to come up short he sighed and steadied his breathing.

"Fine. Plan B." He said to himself as he looked around to see if anyone was around. Luckily no one was on campus to see the act the very late Lion was about to perform. Looking at the building he exited he saw how relatively small it was in height,Only three stories tall. He breathed in deeply then exhaled and with that he ran full speed at the building he left and launched several yards above it,Landing hard on the other side,Cracking the pavement and waited as the bus turned down that very street and was about to drive off before he waved for its attention and the driver stopped. When the doors opened he saw his teacher Mr. Attica waiting for him,His arms crossed and glaring at Bruce.

"Can you explain your tardiness Mr. Pryde?" He said in his unforgiving tone. Bruce was incredibly out of breathe but managed to explain how his bunk mate turned off his alarm clock and if it wasn't for "him" then Bruce would have been on time. Mr. Attica removed his glasses and cleaned them and told Bruce to head to the back of the bus with the other tardy students,Saying how disappointed he was in him. Bruce reluctantly walked to the back of the bus and saw a friend of his.

"Hey! Back here!" He whispered loudly and Bruce walked quickly over and sat down as the bus moved on.

"Jack mess up your schedule?" His friend asked. Bruce nodded.

"You don't know what it's like man. Sometimes he can be a real pain in my tail end," he said as his ears flattened atop his head in frustration.

"Well don't worry about him," said Bruce's friend as he put his arm around him.

"Your old pal Jarrod has got you covered. Besides you didn't miss much this morning. He just went over how everyone needs a partner once they get to the museum and some other boring stuff I don't think was really important. "Jarrod gave a toothy smile as he always did being the joking Hyena he was. Bruce chuckled slightly.

"So how did you catch up to the bus?" He asked quietly.

"I just... Ran really fast ya know? Nothing special," Said Bruce smiling nervously.

"Yeah. Dog scruff. You used your powers didn't you?" He said with a small chuckle before having his muzzle covered by Bruce who began shushing him.

"Keep your voice down. Not everyone needs to know." Bruce released his friends muzzle and Jarrod just smiled.

"A shame Jack didn't just..." Jarrod made a whooshing noise and pointed to the front of the bus. Bruce nodded and thought of what Jacki was doing an immediately imagined her snoring,Completely out cold in her bed. He laughed a little.

"I know he's the only other guy we know of that's like you but why don't you just ask for another roommate? Your a nice guy. I'm sure the college would allow such a change," said Jarrod nudging his friend. Bruce's tail landed in his lap and he gave a heavy sigh.

"Cause I know what you don't buddy," he said putting on smile. Jarrod stopped bugging his friend knowing full well that talking about Jack was a sensitive subject he just didn't know why. Bruce knew what no one else knew. That Jack was actually Jacki. When she came into the college,There was a mistake with the spelling of her name and it made everyone think she was a boy. When she showed up to class,She wore loose clothing,A hoody and her hair was hidden under her hood that day. Bruce found out of her true gender later during the day when she came out of the shower. She hadn't expected him to be there and since that day he promised to keep her secret. She had grown used to Bruce and liked bunking with him,Even if his goody two shoes attitude got annoying at times.

Now while Jarrod didn't know of Jacki's gender,He knew of her and Bruce's powers. Bruce's powers included superhuman strength,speed and durability but his speed was no where near that of Jacki's. In a race she beat him before he made it a fourth around the track. While Bruce often stemmed away from the spotlight,Trying to keep his powers hidden and only using them if he had to,Jacki was the opposite. She purposefully joined her school track team when she first discovered her powers and used it to smoke the competition and get all the attention. She quit shortly after so she could focus on her favorite thing:Stealing. Using her speed she often stole a lot of things from a lot of people and rarely returned them. She often showed back up to her room with a bag full of stolen goods which she always failed at hiding from Bruce. Being the goody goody he was he made her return the things she stole every time she got caught. It made for interesting conversations to say the least.

Thinking about this made Bruce smile with nostalgia before it was interrupted by Jerrod.

"Oh! I remember what Attica said! He said be sure to take pictures as he wants them in our presentation as part of the project,So I'm going to need to borrow your phone," He said holding his hand out for Bruce's phone.

"What? Why? What happened to your phone?"

"I forgot my phone at my room back at the college and I can't count on my roommate to bring it to me," he said waiting for the phone. "Anytime today would be awesome."

"Alright alright! Hang on a second. You really need to learn to keep your possessions on you Man. How many times have I told you that. You always leave your stuff around and when you loose it you expect someone else to find it for you. Just keep it in your pocket. Otherwise something could happen to... It..." he said as he searched his pockets for his phone... But it wasn't there.

"Ah man. I think..." He didn't finish his sentence. Jarrod gave his signature toothy grin.

"What's up pal? Forget something?" He said a small laugh occurring under his breath. Bruce checked all of his pockets for his phone but had no luck. He looked at his smiling friend and groaned.

"I... Don't have my Phone," he said looking down. Jarrod gasped dramatically.

"You? Not you! The one who is so perfect and remembers everything-Especially his phone! Not you Bruce." Bruce punched his cackling friends arm lightly so as not to hurt him too bad. Jarrod continued laughing drawing a little bit of attention to them buteventually calmed down enough to speak again.

"Don't worry. Maybe Jack'll bring it to ya... Jack'll... Get it? Jackal?" He began to laugh again hysterically and Bruce rolled his eyes. Jarrod always pulled jokes like this and laughed at every one he made no matter how unfunny others thought it was,He laughed up a storm.

"I hope Jackal does bring it," he said purposefully as his friend laughed harder...

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