Growing Up Greenfield (1)

Story by Lethys on SoFurry

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#1 of Growing Up Greenfield

--- -1- ---

Rezo walked slowly though the park, enjoying the cool summer evening and the feel of the soft breeze blowing across his fur. His first day of work at the Greenfield construction yard was behind him, leaving his body exhausted, and his mind free to wander. It was hard summer work, but to be honest, he was hoping the physical exertion would let him buff up a little before he headed back to college. Females tended to flock towards the buff guys ... and he wanted to make sure he got his pick of the litter. Hell, it wasn't like there was anything better to do until school rolled back around.

He sighed and stretched, setting down on a park bench to stare up at the night sky. Good old Greenfield. Not a damn thing ever happened in Greenfield ... well nothing a young male wolf could really get into. There'd been plenty to do when he was a pup - lots of open space and things to climb, but there was only so many times you could hide up in Mrs. Cannock's oak tree in ninteen years and still have it be an exciting experience.

Gazing up at the stars, he caught sight of a shooting star, and made a silent wish for some excitement. Something ... anything, to break the quiet country haze that was Greenfield.

As if it heard him, the shooting star seemed to curve in the night sky - slowly coming around to face him. Rezo cocked his head, watching the glowing trail of light as it shot over his head. He felt the wind off the thing as it shot past and flinched unconsciously, turning to watch the thing crash down with a bright flash of light not forty feet from him.

He got up slowly, walking over to where the thing had touched down. There was a small crater at the base of one of the small trees dotting the park, outlined in a dim green glow. Rezo walked up cautiously - as if expecting something to jump out and grab him. As he got closer, he shook his head and laughed to himself. Aliens ... he'd seen to many movies.

The crater was no larger than a baseball, filled partway with a peculiar clear liquid. The green glow he'd been so sure was there earlier had faded, or perhaps been a product completely of his imagination. He reached into the hole and tentatively tapped the surface of the liquid. It was thick, cold, and it stuck to his finger, taking a string of the goo with him - matting some of the fur on his hand.

Rezo made a disgusted face and wiped the offending sludge off on his jeans. So this is what shooting stars were made of, huh? Probably just some sort of rock that liquified in the atmosphere. He smiled to himself - well, it wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind when he'd wished for exitement, but it would hold him over, he supposed.

The adrenaline from the near miss faded, and the last of the his strength left with it. He sighed, stretched one last time, and headed for home. Perhaps he'd catch something to eat before bed ... being nearly hit by an asteroid left hunger pangs in his stomach.

Rezo came home, devouring an entire frozen pizza before collapsing on the couch, too tired to so much as take off his work clothes. He woke, an hour later, his hunger pangs renewed. Still locked in the haze of sleep, craving protein, he grabbed an assortment of deli meats from the fridge and returned to the couch before finishing those off, too. This time, he slept for less than half an hour before the hunger returned.

He sleep-walked to the fridge again, his eyes open, his brain on autopilot. He spotted the collection of eggs, and grabbed two dozen, determined to boil them quickly. However, after settin the pot on the stove, he lost patience and popped one into his mouth, crunching the shell and feeling the thick liquid slide down his throat. He swallowed the yolk whole, and eyed another egg. They really weren't all that bad, once you got past the texture.

He flicked the stove off and walked back to the couch, two cartons of eggs under his arm. When every last one was gone and his hunger abated, he settled back onto the couch and let sleep finally take him into its warm, welcoming arms.

His dreams were visceral. Women, a club full of them, dancing to some barely heard techno rhythm in the background. Twisting, gyrating, their lude forms naked under the flickering green glow of the club's lighting setup. Their bodies were slick with scented oil, emphasizing their intimate features in bright green highlights.

Rezo danced with them, naked himself and covered in the same oil. They pressed against him, grinding with him, and embracing him in a circle of bountiful feminine beauty. They were so close, he could smell them - smell their need for him, and as he looked into their eyes, he could see lust for him reflected back at him. As he looked out across the crowd, watching their hypnotic, writhing forms he felt a deep-rooted need to have them. To take them for his own.

As his arousal grew, the girls' attention shifted from his face and down below his waist. A force rose up from his groin. An unstoppable male potency unlike any ever seen before. His erection rose up - as big around as his arm, impossibly large. Precum leaked from its tip in a constant stream, flowing back along his length and covering the sexy young vixen who was now fondling his balls.

It wasn't long before more girls joined in, massaging the base of his manhood, playing with the tip with their tounges as pre contined to flow over them - covering them with even more slick, sticky oil, glowing unearthly green under the pulsing rhytmic lights of the club.

As the girls worked his shaft, he felt himself building to orgasm ... their teasing tounges exciting him in ways he'd never thought possible. They stroked, licked, and rode him until finally, with earth-shattering force, he came.

The force of orgasm was enough to wake Rezo from his dreams. His body tingled, the memory of the sights he'd seen burned fresh in his mind. He shook his head, trying to shake the sleep from his mind. What was that? It had been years since he'd had a wet dream, and they'd never been anywhere near that forceful.

He sat up, the fur on his stomach, chest and groin a slick sticky mess of his own fluids. A thick, musky smell hung in the air, burning Rezo's sensitve canine nose. He groaned and got up, heading for the bathroom. He'd ruined his t-shirt and his favorite pair of jeans ... it would take him weeks to clean this out of his clothes. What the hell? He never came like that ... even with the most enthusiastic of girls.

He stripped his shirt off as he walked, unzipping his pants and struggling for a moment with the button on his pants. Damn things were still a bit tight. Probably hadn't gotten rid of all of that tension just yet - though he didn't see how he had anything left in him.

He stepped into the bathroom, pitching his soiled shirt into a corner and sitting down to take care of his pants. This gave him a real good view of his bare stomach ... and the six pack standing out against his white under-fur. He did a double take. He didn't have a six-pack! Hell, he didn't have a flat stomach. That's why he was working with the construction company this summer.

He stood up, taking a look at his exposed torso in the mirror, and getting his first good look at himself since his protien binge last night. By all means he should have been a bloated freaking beach ball. Instead, toned muscle stood out all over his body, emphasizing a tall, athletic build that Rezo always wished he'd had.

Not believing what the mirror was telling him, he turned his eyes to his arm, flexing as he did so. He felt his skin slide over the muscle as it bulged out from his arm. He touched it, just to be sure, but it seemed just as real here as it appeared in the mirror.

He felt himself getting aroused just thinking about his newfound build, and felt an unfamiliar tightness in his pants. He looked down, seeing the bulge standing out against the now rather tight denim. He quickly dropped his pants, stripped his boxers off and gazed at his reflection in the mirror. His erection stood out proud, not nearly as big as it had been in his dream, but it still crept up above his navel. A quick estimate put it right around twelve inches - a big leap from his previous seven. His testicles, swolen with arousal, hung below his shaft - aproaching the size of the average kiwi fruit.

A stream of precum pulsed from the tip, sliding down the head of his massive member before sliding slowly to the floor, leaving a sticky trail clinging to his shaft. Rezo's mind reeled. Well, that explained the dreams ... but what could have caused this kind of growth overnight? Certainly not his construction work. He'd expected some muscle by the end of the summer, but cock growth? Swelling testicles?

His memory settled on the shooting star that had crashed down in the park ... to the sticky goo he'd stuck his hand in. He shot a glance at his hand, and saw a strange green tinge in the fur where it had been matted by the clear stuff. He drew conclusions ... what if the meteorite had made him grow? What if it wasn't through?

The thought was too much. His erection was pulsing, begging to be stroked, and driving him crazy. He was going to have to relieve that before he could think any more. He tossed his jeans on top of his shirt and stepped into the shower, the water sending prickles of erotic sensation across his engorged member. He thought back to the dream, to the pusling green lights and swaying female forms, and he set to work. Well ... he'd wanted excitement ...

Work flew by in a haze of physical activity. Tasks that had pushed him to his limit yesterday, were hardly a challenge today. He lifted and moved with a strange grace, having to actually slow down to keep pace with the other workers. The last thing he wanted to do was draw attention to his changes. Thankfully, the day passed with little more than the supervisor's compliments to everyone on a productive day. He doubted the cranky old weasel had even known who he was.

On his way home, he slipped back through the park, searching for the crater. He found the park bench easily enough, but when he went to look for the landing spot, it seemed to have dissapeared. He was fairly sure he'd found the right tree, but the twisted roots were free of anything that even looked remotely like a crater. There was however, there was a faded green spot on one of the roots matching the green color that now spread over the entirety of his palm.

He smiled to himself, examining the soft ground around the tree. The tree had experienced a little growth spurt itself, it seemed. It was subtle, but it was enough to cover the small crater entirely. He guessed it was probably for the best, anyway. He didn't need another growth spurt ... no matter how much he might have enjoyed it.

He trudged home, trying to talk himself out of being dissapointed. He was plenty strong enough as it was. Hell, he was having to hide his strength from his co-workers, and another growth spurt like that would make his maleness too large. There was something to be said for still being able to enjoy a night with a woman, no matter how good the dreams might be.

He arrived back at his small apartment, changing his clothes and giving himself a quick look in the mirror, still trying to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Glancing at his watch, he realized it wasn't even eight yet, and he wasn't nearly as exhausted from his work today as he had been yesterday. It might be nice to spend the friday night out on the town. Greenfield might not be a bustling city, but there was bound to be action somewhere on a friday night.

Rezo switched clothes again, trying to find something that might show off his new build a little more. After all, if things went well, he was planning on taking it all off anyway.

After less than an hour searching, Rezo found what he was looking for - a party at one of the local clubs, big enough to need a bouncer. An impressively large bear stood watch at the door, turning away kids trying to get in to buy a drink, and drunks trying to get back in after causing a bit too much of a ruckus.

Rezo approached the bouncer, holding himself tall and confident, smiling and waving at the grumpy looking bear. The bear groaned at his enthusiasm, but opened the door without so much as a glance at Rezo's ID. A small part of him was disappointed. He would have liked to see if he could take on the towering bouncer with his new strength. He made a mental note to keep that small part of himself in check, or he was going to get himself killed.

He walked into the club, quickly taking stock of his surroundings. Furs milled about, talking, laughing - a few even out on the dance floor. Rezo made his way towards the bar, fully intending to take advantage of the mistake, and get himself something stiff to drink, but he was caught halfway.

A stunning female snow leopard made her way around one of the tables, giving him a once over. Rezo recognized her - Sola DeLin - one of the girls from his old high school. He'd known her all his life, but he'd never noticed before just how hot she was. Her low cut blouse showing off a fine build, a sexy sway adding bounce to the way she walked. He smiled at her, and it was all the excuse she needed to approach him first. Sola! Approaching him!

As she neared, she purred softly, giving Rezo the slightest hint of alcohol on her breath. He saw the look in her eyes and braced himself for her to do something brash. He'd never once dreamed that Sola would be giving him that look, but he knew what it meant, and a not so little part of him suddenly had a very optimistic view of his near future.

She got close enough to touch, and touch she did. She slid up next to him, leaning in and grabbing his maleness with her paw. When she couldn't quite get her dainty fingers around the entirety of Rezo's package he saw her eyes go wide, and then she smiled back.

"Heya, stud." The purr in Sola's voice grew louder, more excited, "I haven't seen you around here before."

"Rezo." he held out a paw, and did a mock bow, "At your service."

"Rezo? That scrawny little wolf that used to hit on me in middle school?" she stepped back and gave him another, more in-depth examination before stepping back up and pressing into him again, "What happened to you?"

I wished for excitement on a fallen star, and got a growth spurt from some strange alien goo. Rezo laughed, well ... truth was out of the question. "I went to college."

"It did you well," she purred, grabbing him again for emphasis. If she didn't stop that, he was going to get all excited. "What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere a little more ... private?"

"Thought you'd never ask."

Sola! Sola DeLin drove him to her apartment! He'd pinch himself to make sure it wasn't real, but he could smell her excitement from here. He could reach out and touch her. It seemed absurd to validate that with something as stupid as pinching himself.

Sola led him to the bedroom, stopping and leaning on the doorframe. "You got protection, there big boy?"

He shrugged. Yeah, he had a condom in his wallet, but even if it wasn't past the expiration date, he highly doubted he'd be fitting his new girth into it any time soon.

She let go of the doorframe, laughing to herself and gesturing for him to follow, "Men. Well hon, I doubt I've got any that'll fit you, so we'll have to take things nice ... and ... slow ..."

She stepped back to the bed, popping open a button on the back of the v-neck and sliding the shirt over her head, revealing a pair of high, firm D-cups sheathed in sexy black lingere. She twirled the shirt once before flinging it off to the side.

Rezo felt his erection building, and quickly followed suit, barely bothering to unbutton his shirt. She smiled as she got a glimpse of his stomach, before her eyes drifted lower ... to the growing bulge in his pants. "Here, hon ... let me help you with that."

She stepped forward, swinging him around and tossing him onto the bed before leaning in and slowly ... ever so slowly ... undoing his zipper. He took the oppourtunity to undo the tight jean shorts she was wearing, sliding them down to reveal the matching black lingere thong.

Sola flicked her tail in feline exitement, a ferocious gleam in her eyes. "Now now," She popped his zipper all the way back up, increasing the strain on his pants to painful proportions. "I said we're taking this nice ... and ... slow ..."

She ran the zipper down a little each time she spoke, emphasizing the words. Rezo nodded his agreement, and let her work on her own. She finished with the zipper, slowly undoing his button and sliding both boxers and jeans down around his knees,

Freed from its confines, his semi-hardon slid out, quickly stretching up to his navel before becoming fully erect and standing out away from his stomach, leaking a gout of pre-cum out across the bed cover.

"Well." She smiled, staring hungrily at his maleness, while deftly undoing the clasp on her bra before flinging it aside, leaving her mighty breasts to fully succumb to the force of gravity, swaying with the soft movement of her body. "There go my hopes of keeping this clean." She purred, "Let's get you started, shall we?"

Sola leaned forward, licking the tip of his burning erection with a rough, feline tounge - gathering a glob of precum on her tongue as she went. The sensation drove him wild, illiciting another spurt of precum from his tip.

"Mmm ... that's strange," she smilled, the hunger burning in her eyes, running her tounge up the entire length of his shaft causing him- to growl in pleasure, "You taste so sweet."

Before he could respond, she clamped her mouth down on his member, licking and sucking him off like a straw, causing all sorts of pleasure and illiciting a new surge of precum.

She jumped onto the bed with him, spreading her legs wide around his body and leaning over so that his cock was pressed in between her cleavage, her tounge over the tip of his cock, lapping up pre as if it were the greatest thing the world. She was purring, the sound bulidng deep in the throat "More!"

"Hey ... " Rezo's hips bucked in rhythm with her minstrations, all out of his control, "What happened ... to taking it ... slow?"

"Changed my mind," She looked up at him, a need burning in her eyes , streaks of green staining her fur where the preprecum covered her muzzle. She dipped her head and went back to her work in a frenzied state. It sent renewed waves of pleasure coarsing through Rezo's body.

Wait ... his precum was ... he remembered the feel of the strange liquid. There was no way ... He did his best to concentrate on her body as she sucked him dry. He focused on the part he could see best. Her breasts looked bigger, felt bigger. She'd been a D-cup when she'd done her strip-tease for him, but now she looked like she could have grown ... maybe a half cup size. Her nipples stood out, ludely erect.

She was growing! His precum was the same stuff he'd touched! Which meant that Sola ...

As if on cue, she kicked things into high gear, and consciousness was stripped from him as orgasm aproached. He exploded, sending fountains of ropey cum spewing all over his lover's muzzle. She swallowed as much of it as she could, still caught in the need. When the storm of pleasure finally subsided, Rezo crashed backward onto the bed, basking in the afterglow.

She got on all fours and crawled over him, staring down at him with the same hungry look in her eyes, "Is that all you've got stud?"

Was that all!? That was the best orgasm I've ever had! Hell, you've grown a cup size, and you're asking is that all? Rezo lifted his head, staring past the valleys of clevage, and getting a solid view of a toned and even more voluptuous ass. She had grown everywhere, it seemed. Not just in her ...

He felt something drip onto his chest. He refocused his vision onto her high, firm, feminine assets. They were definitely larger, and if he looked close enough he could just make out spots of thick, clear liquid dripping out from the tips of her engorged nipples. If the strange slime had changed what his body was producing, maybe it had affected her too! An idea popped into his mind.

"Nah babe," he growled and sat up, causing her bountiful feminine form to sprawl against him, "We're just getting started."