Heartless Dragon 1 (re-edited)

Story by Heartless Dragon on SoFurry

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#5 of Heartless Dragon saga

I am currently on hold on my "Lycans and Dragon wars" Stories. i am totally blank on ideas and i have nothing to write for it. Any one that loves my stories of both can give ideas. It would be nice and i may have something in the future.

This story was actually inspired me for the first time. It wasn't copied or anything but i did have a general idea on where this might go. So please leave any kind of comment and help me on anything else. :)

(All characters Alivia White Aurora, Derek SkyShadow or Heartless Dragon are my own. No copyright allowed because these were created by my mate and I. If you like to use them, send me mail. Thank you)

Heartless Dragon Saga 1

The sun came over the horizon and it shown through the window and landed on the face of a single dragon. He woke up and groaned in annoyance. He covered his face with his pillow, wishing that the sun would wait.

A little past five minutes the dragon removed the pillow that had covered his face and took in the light of the sun again. He sighed and removed his covers showing his pitch black scales with only a pair of boxers on. His black scales ran up and down his body all around and up to his face. His abs would make any female run after him but it never happened. His arms carried strong muscles but nothing too fancy, just strong enough for him to carry his weight and more. His wings were attached to his back. His wings were almost demon like, making him a feared dragon. His horns were dark silver and his eyes and red eye color. At last his tail was spiked with sharp horns. Being at his age of nineteen, it made him look much older.

He got up and sleepily walked to his bathroom. He washed his face, brushed his dagger like teeth and finally got dressed. He had only a single job today and that was make weapons. His only purpose in life was to do that and nothing more. Well also to be the most hated creature on earth. For that reason is was he was a shadeian or a dark dragon. Him being the worst because his whole race was a disgrace to the world. Them being killers since the beginning of the races of the world had made them the most fearful and hated creatures. All of his race went into hiding, not all of them but little stayed only to try to make a decent life.

He was the only one to be out of hiding along with his family but they went into hiding when he reached aged. He knew where they would hide but only made few visit's a year. He only stayed because he wanted to prove that not all shadeians where cold blooded killers. This also got his name Heartless Dragon. He was known that because his family was part of a system where they kill any one they want and then hide away. Him being the only family member not to do that, got him public and now, after a few years on his own, he made process.

His talent for creating anything got him a job as a inventor then into a weapon designer. He was surprised when the creatures at work actually accepted his applications.

He got ready in his black suit that made his suit blend in with his body which was hard to see. He put on his work shoes and headed out of his room. He walked down the hall and down the stairs, entering his living room. His giant plasma screen T.V. was hung against his wall. Underneath that were several dvd players, game systems and other electronic devices.

Along the living room was several of his creations. He created some military planes, weapons and other inventions. His greatest ones where creating the three greatest planes in the world and some of the greatests weapons of the world. It took him nearly two years to create these wonderful planes. The F-22 Raptor, his first plane. Then came his second, the F-23 Black Widow. And finally the F-35 Lightning 2. However, he had to keep secret when designing weapons for many of his fellow friends would ask how he would build it or where had he gotten the idea. All was silenced.

These planes had made him a millionaire by some but he preferred to keep himself a simple dragon by just having a two story house and some extra features. Many like a basement where he had a underground spa. A pool in the back yard, three spare bedrooms, three bathrooms and a lot of entertainment.

He headed into his kitchen and turned on his kitchen counter television. A small ten inch t.v popped out and the news came on, showing a female tiger taking.

In this world there were limited number of intelligent creatures here, Three of mostly specific type of creatures. But all these creatures could have been Anthro or non-Anthro. All was being the key to evolution.

Reptiles, only dragons, raptors and snake. There were various kinds of dragons, raptors and snakes. Dragons were only diffrent in element so it helped identify who or what kind they are. Raptors only had four diffrent kinds on each anthro and non-anthors. There were anthros that are extreamly intelligent and are hired mostly by all beings. Then there were athletic anthros which were more for sports and other uses. Then the last two where either hybrids or they where of in a stage of being stuck between anthro and non-anthro. Snakes only carried four which only worked for two on each type. Nagas which where a bit less snake more intimate with everyone around them. Then the non-anthro, snakes where more involved in the wild then in cities and all but some did live in them due to helpful jobs.

Then came the felines. Tigers, cats and lions. Just like that reptiles, there were various kinds but little of them. Tigers, both non-anthro and anthro only carried four skin colors. Orange with black stipes. White with black stripes. Silver and Light yellow. Cats had to many to name so little is said about them. Lions are only located on the other side of the world, little in this side both anthro and non.

Then came the dogs. The wolves, the foxes, and dogs. Wolves had the ability to be in both socities for both anthro and not which made them very common. Foxes as well only for vixens were anthros then males and males were just as common in the wild or little in population in other cities. Then the dogs which just like the cats had to many to count.

Then came the sea animals. The sharks, the dolphins and the whales. The sharks stayed close to ocean views along with dolphins and whales that were only anthros. Sharks however were paid highly to create underwater buildings and are mostly kept to themselves. Dolphins where loveable but they are still very picky on where they lived in the coasts for many building where taken and little places to live so many of them helped the sharks build these buildings to live on top of under water. Whales only stayed underwater, even the anthro ones. Reason being was that they are big and not many of them liked to be in crowded so they lived underwater.

Everything else was prey, food or just mindless creatures.

He listened to the news. The female tiger, spoke. "Good morning my fellow furs. It is going to be a wonderful morning here in the valley coast of Van Angeles. Morning weather will be low eighties all day. As for our top news this morning. Local weapon designer Derek SkyShadow has build a weapon that can counter ac all missiles that come within a hundred mile radius."

He listened in carefully as he heard his news. He smiled warmly as they mentioned him The tiger continued on. "His newly developed weapon which is large laser cannon that fires a large laser, burning up to have of the sun's temperature. The laser's sophisticated power is drawn upon a power cell that generates that lasers power. This weapon will be put on every major city to ensure no enemy missiles or planes can attack." She stopped and then it went back to another news reporter. Derek turned off his t.v. and prepared to go. He made himself a quick morning steak sandwich before leaving.

He exited his home and walked up to his car, a Audi R 8. He unlocked his car before he heard his name called.

He turned around to see his neighbor, a male naga. He smiled and waved. "Hey Vince."

The naga slither up to the fence and smiled to him. "Hey, great job on your new weapon."

"Thanks, I thought they would never put it up because of its power supply and energy use."

Vince chuckled, putting his arms on top of the fence. "I am pretty sure they would have put it any way since of the attack two years ago." His subject related to the attack of Van Angels. The U.S had entered a World War between the two sides of the world. Though the world was at war, it hadn't fully effected the U.S. Because of the constant attack, they made Derek work to make a anti-missile weapon since the counter side always made long-ranged missiles. His weapon had immediately put up on every city in the U.S and now, it was helping. Now all that he needed was to make a decent weapon for the military.

Derek nodded. "Yeah that was hard on all but now that we are protected, we have little to fear."

Vince nodded. "Well hope that you can make something that can stop this war. I would hate to raise my hatchlings during the war."

Derek nodded with a sigh. "Don't worry my friend. You will live to see your great grand hatchlings." he chuckled and Vince chuckled as well.

After that, Derek left and exit out of his neighborhood. He passed by other nagas and snakes. He loved living here because the snakes and nagas were the only ones who actually didn't treat Derek with fear or hate. They all understood what he is going through with the whole "Heartless Dragon" thing. He loved this neighborhood and his neighborhood. This made him care for them and made it his mission to be the neighborhood protector and watcher.

He drove out of his small land piece which was a small neighborhood of twenty houses in the mountain. He drove out and headed to the highway where he would head north to his work. He turned on his radio and listen in. A male began speaking. "Your listening to Van Angeles news. I am Horde fox here with my partner here, Samuel Wolf. Today's topic is our local Shadeian and weapon designer, Derek SkyShadow."

"That's right, Horde. Today's topic is about how this dragon. This dark, heartless dragon has managed to become one of the military's top weapon designers and how he is no longer a hated dragon."

Derek sighed as he drove. "Always with the Heartless Dragon shit." He sighed as he listened more and entered the freeway.

"Well to tell you the truth, Samuel, I think any one would ever forget the events that happened with Derek's family. Yes that day when his family massacred a group of Light Dragons and ran into hiding."

Derek growled to himself. "They didn't do shit, you fucking asshole!" He shut off the radio before they continued. He was so enraged with everyone saying that is family massacred those light dragons. It was there fault for messing with my family and they deserved nothing but death! He saw himself when he was a couple years old. They made his family embarrassed and made them look like animals with no mind. His family killed that group of light dragons and they ran because they feared that they would get killed for their crime. He knew what they had done and knew that he had to find a way to keep his family and make a better future for the name of SkyShadow, which is why he stayed in this where he was.

He pulled up on the right ramp and exited off. He went east for a while and came across a three story building. It looked like a normal building but it was actually a secret building. On top where just the handlers. Underneath the building was a giant factory and lavatory, where all weapons and ideas where build.

He pulled up on a curve and drove upon a gate next to a security post. A wolf in guard suit pulled out of the office. He saw Derek pull out a I.D. He saw it and nodded before he opened the gate and entered the parking.

He exited out of his car and entered the building. He opened a glass door and entered where he saw upon a desk behind a counter, two female vixens. Both of them taking in calls.

He waved to them only to get a complete ignored response. He sighed and walked up to the elevators. He slide his I'D upon a scanner and the doors shut and the elevator dropped.

The doors opened a minute later and he had walked out to a stair case where he saw for nearly two miles, machines working and scientist sketching out plans. He walked down the stairs and turned left where he headed to the back. He walked up to a door and scanned his I'D again, the door opening and he entered a hallway with couple of doors. He walked all the way down to the end and turned left, where he got out his keys and opened the door to his large office.

He closed the door behind him and turned on the lights. The room was quite large for it had a giant desk, a large TV for interviews. His left wall held a restroom and his right wall held a machine box. The machine was his own personal lunch box. Food would be made from what ever he want. It was handy when it came to long meetings and he got hungry.

He walked over to his desk and sat back with a heavy sigh. He laid back a bit and closed his eyes. It wasn't long before a beeping sound came over the intercom. He groaned and answer it. "Yes?"

"Mister Lancer would like to see you." said a female voice.

He groaned again and answered. "Send him in." he clicked off the intercom. He waited and sat up as he waited for his boss to come. His boss was a light dragon who hated and loved Derek. He loved Derek for his brain but hated him for what he did to his race.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

The door opened to reveal a white scaled dragon, dressed in a blue suit. His exact features resembled Derek only his eyes where dark blue, his snout was curved, his wings were more agile and he had a humor which made everyone except Derek to laugh.

"Ah Derek." he said. "I am glad that you came earlier. I wanted to bring you a surprise."

"What is it?" asked Derek.

Lancer looked out of the door way before he looked back in and a single Light Dragon came into view. It was a female. A beautiful one thought Derek. Dragoness's were the most beautiful creatures the gods ever created. No matter what element they were, Derek saw them all beautiful. But she was stunning. She was like lancer only her horns were curved at the end showing that she was female. Her slick body and curved hips made her stand almost perfect. Her breasts were large but where kept within her white shirt. Her tail waved slightly with little spikes. Her legs were not thin but they weren't thin as well. At last was her face. She had gorgeous sky blue eyes. Her snout was less curved then Lancer but it made it all the better.

"This is your new partner, Alivia White Aurora. She will be helping you in creating new weapons."

Derek stood up and walked to them. He extended his hand. "Nice to meet you Miss Aurora."

She smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Derek.."

Lancer smiled and patted him in the back. "Well I will leave you to get acquainted then and let you work." He left without another word.

Derek smiled before Lancer came back. "Oh and by the way, you have a new assignment to do. Project W.A.D.A."

"What is that?"

"Miss Aurora would explain it to you." He left completely and never came back.

Derek looked at her. "What is project W.A.D.A?"

She smiled and brought out a folder. "W.A.D.A is a was a project designed for military warfare. W.A.D. stands for Weaponized Armored Dragon Assailent. This project took subjects, specifically for dragons, to become unstoppable machines. One dragon from every element. Fire, water, earth, wind, steel, lightning, and light. Dark was canceled out because of their... mistrust feelings. So they only wanted to work on the six elements instead of seven."

Derek grew a bit angered. "Well I find it hard to believe that they don't even try to talk to talk to a local Shadeian and ask them to join. I rather have at least one Shadeian in the group because it would show that not all of them are truly evil."

Alivia was a bit pleased by this. "Wow, sounds like you would be willingly to do this yourself."

He lowered his anger and grew a small smile. "Well... I would like to show the world that my kind can be like any other dragon here in this world. And if i were to do this i would probably build a btter suit then everyone else." He sighed and looked at the plans. "So should we get to work?"

Sorry i had to do a redo on everything and i had little complications so please jugde (kindly) and i will get back to you.