huaminty is one. Poem

Story by cainfoxy on SoFurry

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I see their faces in my head, Can you see what I have. Can you feel there pain can you hear there screams?

I feel it coming the storm, that will rip apart this society. The pain as the ideals are torn apart, written back together. The changes that will kill the old.

Can you see, If wish to stay blind get away from me. You're not even worst my spit. The broken are the strong, the insane are the kings, the ignorant are the law, the solder is the puppet.

Nothing right, It all broken down. Hear my voice to see the world through your eyes Society kills are Humanity.

Don't kill yourself by killing others. Learn to see us all as the same. Don't put yourself with the rest, not against us all. We are kin to the end.

Can't you see me? Are you lost, why you look in my eyes? It is all the insanity of life. I can't stand this. Bring the pain, My love for you all will burn me to the ash. Kill me if you think that it will justifies your means.

Come at me society dogs. You filth of sin and divine hate. Come at me my tears shed no shame. Attack and shoot me down. I will just keep rising. I'm the matter of what happen when perfectionality doesn't work I'm that demon of your mind. Bring me down kill me now, Can you bear the hand of the god you puppet.

Kill me now Bring the pain, I can take these hits with the strength of passion hotter than the sun, to show the world your fail experiment of sanity. Beat me, Hit me, And Insult Me. Tell me I'm broken, I'm wrong. That your god hates me.

People are seeing the insane that sit in there thrones. They see through the illusion of hate, Of perfection. Their faces are stained in my head, The ones shunned by society. The ones beaten down to tears and agony.

I hope it not too late, I must save the rest. This is not a broken fate. So I will not die today. Try and kill me make me a martyr of your ways. Turn me into a symbol of passion. We will become equally someday even if it at the grave.

I will no longer abide by the laws that restrain humanity. I will no longer give into society for safety. The time has come and we are rising to stand arm to arm so try and kill us all. Turn the media into a frenzy we not be faze.

Humans stand interlocked because we are all of one kind, don't give in, don't sacrifice your self be with us the one that will never fade the ones that stand true and will only be known by the philosophy that will fix the foundation of this twisted hate.

Poem, The filth

I can no longer believe, in what I cannot believe. I cannot continue with these lies. I cannot see in what I was told, for I was blind, without ears to hear. Push me to the edge. Leave me dissent without hope. Lost in time it not to bright and lost is...

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looky, look. poem

Looky, looky over there do you see me. Wait no that can't be. Then around you go with no sight of me. A rub of the head and a wallet less. They scream at me for the things I do. But hey it just me, it the nature of things. It is wrong it's bad it a...

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Not sure what to say. Poem

What can I say. What do I say. I see her soft sweet face. What do I do Lost inside her eyes. Why can I not speak. The warmth overcomes me. Joy inside are eyes. As if we have joined into one. Love just like the sun. An inferno of ever...

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