Growing Up Greenfield (2)

Story by Lethys on SoFurry

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#2 of Growing Up Greenfield

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Rezo leaned forward, holding Sola close to him with a muscled arm. He gently ran his tongue across one of the leopardess' nipples, causing her to shiver with pleasure. Sensitive, are we? He did it again, exaggerating the motion with a quick little flick of his mouth, this time rewarded with a little of the thick, clear liquid.

It was about the consistency of honey, but sweeter - with a little tang of something he couldn't identify. It felt cool in his mouth, sliding down his throat and leaving a light, tingling sensation as it went. As soon as it was gone, he felt a strong need to have more, and he slid his mouth smoothly over the extended teat sucking in a great gout of the stuff. His mind sent back little bubbles of pleasure as he indulged himself in the sweet, syrupy flow, and his idle hand wandered slowly up his lover's inner thigh, around her waist, and up to her unnoccupied breast - giving it a loving tweak.

Sola reeled with the sensation, grinding agains his groin, furthuring the pleasure of Rezo's own experience. He was sensitive all over, as if his skin were drawing tighter across his body, pressing his nerves against his muscles. He felt every little move he made, every little move Sola made, and if she kept grinding against him like that -

Sola, not one to be left out of the fun, reached down between their legs and took a hold on Rezo's maleness. He exhaled sharply, losing his grip on her nipple. Pleasure rocked his body, and his erection quickly returned, snaking it's way up in between the pair - pulsing heavily up against the lingere thong Sola still had on. The feel of the material against his manhood sent lightning running through his veins. Rezo felt his pulse race and his need intensify as his breaths came in rough, quick bursts. This stuff was one hell of an aphrodisiac!

Realizing their dilemma, and sharing in his need, Sola leaned back for a moment slipping off the last of the lingere. She returned, slowly and carefully coming down on top of Rezo's pulsing member, and sliding it into her warm, wet, sex.

It was a tight fit, and every inch forward sent Rezo into sensory overload, pure pleasure washing over his body. He felt every twitch, every slight motion as the walls of muscle around his shaft worked him forwad until finally - with less than two inches of manhood left to go - he felt the head of his shaft press tight against her cervix. She had bottomed out.

She grined at him from his embrace, shoving him back down onto the bed and slowly beginning to rise up and down on his shaft. Rezo's body tried to help, pressing his arms against her firm, feline ass, and sending automatic messages to move his hips - accelerating the rise and fall of her minstrations. In turn, she doubled her own efforts, and the two settled into a fluid rhythm, becoming one smooth, pleasure-generating being.

Sola came twice during their lovemaking, sending pleasure waves twitching down Rezo's mahood and hurling him closer to orgasm. Both times, Sola kept up their rhythm, barely missing a beat and before long, Rezo felt the pressure building at the base of his member.

Rezo let out a short whimper, too rapt to give a proper warning. Sola either recognized the signal or felt his body tighten because she slid off his member, leaving it free to send a final wash of pre-cum sliding down his shaft. She bent over again, working quickly to lap up as much as she could, runnning her rough feline tongue all over Rezo's shaft and head, sending him over the brink.

Rezo came, with even more force than the last time, spraying absurd amounts of seed over his lover in long, ropey bursts. She lapped up as much of it as she could - as Rezo languished in a tide of pleasure, his arms sprawling out to his sides.

Sola grinned at him over his slackening erection, "Now that was more like it, big boy."

Rezo lay back on the bed, basking in the afterglow of the single most powerful orgasm he'd ever even dreamed of having. Sola, in the meantime had slipped into the bathroom to 'tidy up'. He smiled at the thought - that languid feline body all slick and wet, covered in soap and the last remnants of sex ...

Rezo sat up, deciding that it was about time he went in and got a little 'tidied up' himself. If Sola was still in there, then it was just a bonus. He stood, feeling a strange weight in his groin. Glancing down, he saw that his balls had grown again, now pushing up against being classified as oranges. His sheath drew up his abdomen, stopping just under his navel, thick with the canine member - not even erect.

Damn ... No wonder Sola bottomed out. This is getting a little absurd. His testicles pressed against his inner thighs, bouncing and swaying as he made his way to the bathroom. Being this big was going to take a little getting used to.

The door to the bathroom slid open, and Sola stepped out - completely uncovered - giving Rezo his first unobscured view of her new body. Calling her topheavy would have been unfair, because her hips swung out almost as wide as her enormous breasts - forming a pefect hourglass of extreme feminine fertility. Still, on her small, five and a half foot frame, her massive mammaries looked even more impressive.

Her fur had a slight green tint to it, leaving only small patches and streaks her natural fur color visible. As she shot a smile his way - lingering just below his waist - he wondered just how much of his own fur had become permanently dyed that strange green,

Sola, however, had more practical concerns. "You're a mess, hon."

"Thanks," He rolled his eyes and stepped past her into the bathroom, not bothering to shut the door behind him. "That's not all my fault."

"And I'm letting you use my bathroom." Sola laughed and walked out of the room, her exaggerated assets swaying and bouncing with her stride, "Consider it an apology for helping get you so sticky."

Rezo smiled and shook his head, wiping of the mirror and giving himself a quick once-over. He didn't seem any bigger - with the one obvious exception - but he was green. Except for one sporadic diagonal stripe of white running down his chest, he was absolutely covered from head to toe in green fur. He still hadn't figured out the significance of that detail, but that was hardly his most pressing concern. If this happened every time he slept with a woman, he was going to start having some trouble walking.

He flicked on the warm watter and stepped into the shower, drawing a sharp breath as the water belted against his some of his more sensitive areas. As he let the water wash over him, drawing away the last of the sticky film left on his fur, his stomach growled with early pangs of hunger.

When Rezo emmergered from the bedroom after trying - and failing - to slip his old pants back on, he found Sola in the living room, already on the phone with a pizza delivery service. Apparently, he wasn't the only one with a little case of the munchies. She raised an eyebrow as he entered the room, gesturing to the phone and mouthing 'pizza?'

He gave a thumbs up and wandered into the kitchen. If his experience with this stuff had taught him anything, it was that no delivery service could get food out fast enough to keep the hunger at bay. He opened the fridge, peering around at the empty white walls with some disdain. He'd hoped to at least find a couple eggs to snack on. There was beer, but his stomach rejected the idea. It was hardly what he needed.

"I ordered three," Sola walked into the room, giving him a quizzical look, "Hope you're alright with meat lover's. I was just craving it for some reason."

"Yeah," Rezo nodded. Protien craze? Check. "Only three?"

"Only?" Sola's quizzical look remained, "How hungry are you?"

"Starving." he admitted, "I could probably eat a whole pizza in one sitting. It's just the two or three after that I'm worried about."

"This has happened to you before, has it?" Sola strode over to him as he gave up on the fridge and dug into the pantry, "The whole growing thing?" She looked at him for a moment before laughing, "Of course it has. You were scrawny as hell in high school."

"Just found out for sure today." Rezo briefly considered eating a whole potato, but his cravings turned that down, too. "Sure as hell didn't know you'd grow like that ... or that we'd turn green."

"What -"

"Made a wish on a shooting star," Rezo clicked his tongue in triumph. Peanutbutter! He unscrewed the top and dug a finger into the jar, swallowing almost an entire handful in one go, "Star landed in the park, and liquified. I touched it - some thick sticky clear stuff - started craving protein, and all the sudden I looked like I'd spent months in the gym."

"And gained a racehorse ancestry," Sola came up behind him and grabbed him again, this time, her hand barely fit all the way around one of the fuzzy orbs dangling between his legs. Rezo jumped at the sensation, popping his head against a shelf in the pantry. "Oh, sorry. I bet that's sensitive, isn't it?" Rezo turned to glare at the grinning feline as she continued, eyeing his peanutbutter find, "You going to share some of that?"

He sighed and handed over the jar. He should have known she couldn't wait for the pizza, either.

"So ... that stuff you touched ... are we making more of it?" she hefted her breasts for a moment before letting them bounce back to rest, sendng a small trail of sticky, clear liquid flowing down her abdomen. "'Cause this sure as hell ain't milk I'm sporting, and I've never been with a guy who ... tasted so sweet."

"I think so." Rezo shrugged. Honestly, he had no idea. What he did know was that there was some crazy kind sex-drug being produced by their bodies, and the protien cravings meant that they probably weren't done growing, "Let's just hope we don't get too big. I do not want to spend the rest of my days in a carnival."

Sola sucked peanutbutter off her finger in quiet contemplation.

The doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of the much-anticipated pizzas. Rezo glanced through the apartment's peephole, the distorted form of a young red fox wearing a 'Pizza Place' logo hat stood outside, staring at a small slip of paper. Right! The fact that they'd have to pay for pizza had slipped his mind entirely.

"Sola, how much was the pizza?" Rezo would be damned if he was going to make his date pay for pizza after giving him a night like that.

"I got this one," She slunk up behind him and patted him on the back. He reluctantly got out of the way as she stepped up and flicked the deadbolt open.

"Um, Sola?" it slowly dawned on him that Sola was about to answer the door completely in the nude, "Don't you want to put on some clothes first?"

"Nope," She gave him a sly feline smile, "I don't have the money on me, silly. How else do you expect me to pay the sixty dollars for the pizza?"

"Uh ... " Sixty dollars ... being noble was a fine notion, but he didn't have that kind of money on him, either.

"Hey there, sexy." Before Rezo could object any further, Sola had opened the door, her voice a low, sexy purr. "I believe you have something for me?"

The fox's eyes looked like they were about to jump out of his head. He dropped the receipt and pen he was holding, his gaze fixed firmly on Sola's bust. She shifted her weight, sending a ripple of motion through through her ample titflesh. The fox recovered enough to speak, in a distant, distracted voice. "Three meat lover's pizzas ... "

"Aww ... " Sola looked mock dissapointed, her tail twitching back and forth in idle amusment "And here I left my wallet in my pants ..."

"Um ... well ... "

"I know!" Sola brightened up, grabbing the fox by the collar of his shirt and leading him inside. He was starting tot get the hang of where this was going, and wasn't about to turn down the oppourtunity. He dropped the pizzas in hallway and followed her inside, "Let me pay you back ... propperly."

The fox stopped when he caught a glimpse of Rezo, standing next to the door. He backed up, as if he was going to run, but curiosity had already gotten the better of Rezo. He wanted to see where this was going. He shrugged and smiled at the young fox, "I'd do what she says. Wouldn't want to keep her waiting."

Rezo stepped into the hallway and grabbed the pizzas off the floor. By the time he got inside, Sola already had the poor fox pinned in a recliner, his shirt and hat unceremoniously thrown aside. Rezo set down on the couch nearby and opened the first pizza, settling in for the show.

The fox might as well have completely forgotten Rezo existed. His gaze was fixed on Sola's bouncing bosom as if nothing else in the world existed, "You like them?" She growled sensually, pressing her chest against his.

He nodded shyly, frozen in the chair, his eyes focusing on her cat's smile.

"Well then, why don't you give them a little test drive?" She pressed her arms together, thrusting her cleavage out in front of them. The fox, getting the idea, reached out with a hand and lay it down softly. Sola shivered with the feel of the touch, purring again, "That's my boy. Go ahead and play with them a little. They're all yours."

The fox grew more bold, bringing both hands to bear on the project, massaging, groping, and eventually working his way down to her erect nipples, eliciting a small drop of the clear liquid from one as he tweaked it.

The young fox's nostrils flared, Sola cooed, and Rezo had to restrain himself from leaping across the room to take the sweet, sticky bounty for himself. The fox eyed the liquid - now dripping from both engorged teats - and without prompting, lowered his tongue to give it a taste.

He leaned back, smacking his lips for a second, and then clamped his mouth down, sucking audibly as his balls finally won the war over sanity and decency. After some time, and at least one switch between teats, the fox stopped his determined drinking, thick juices dripping off his chin as he manuvered for leverage to get at his pants. Things were becoming tighter it seemed.

Sola stepped back, flicking his zipper open with deft fingers as he practically tore the button off. Together, the slid his pants and boxers off, letting his massive erection free from its confines.

The kid had drank deeply - nearly four times as much as Rezo himself had dared take in - and with his small frame, he was showing the effects rather impressively. At least as big around as the fox's forearm, the poor young thing's shaft stood out proud, brushing the bottom of his ribcage. Now that Sola had stepped aside, Rezo could see the fox's maleness, visibly forcing his legs apart. The whole thing was so absurdly out of proportion to the young fox's scrawny build that Rezo couldn't help but chuckle.

Sola stepped back in, sliding her breasts around his massive member, and gently licking the tip. She was rewarded with a massive shot of pre-cum, straight into her muzzle. She licked it up greedily and set to work, pressing her cleavage up and down his shaft, working her tongue around his the swolen head, driving the poor kid to orgasm in a matter of seconds. Cum flew into the air with impressive force, sticking to the celing, and dripping down in slow, white ribbons.

The kid twitched a couple times, before passing out from sheer pleasure. Streaks of green ran down his chin, crossing his stomach and ending at that absurd package of his. Boy was he going to have a surprise when he woke up.

Sola stood, her new - even more massive - bosom swaying with the motion. She leaned backward a little, catching her balance before walking over to the couch and sitting down next to Rezo. He gave her a quick look, staring for a moment at her breasts. They were almost in her lap as she sat, but at the same time, stayed firm, in that a perfect teardrop shape. He handed her a pizza and smiled, "I'd trade you sixty bucks for that."

"You don't need to." She shot back, taking a slice of pizza and devouring it in less than a minute, "Though I think I'm done for the moment." She gestured at her cleavage, "If I get any bigger, I don't think I'll be able to move."

"I've had similar thoughts myself." Rezo sighed, "But I doubt we're done growing."

"Hmm ..."

The two finished the last of the pizzas - satisfying their hunger pangs. Sola snuggled in next to Rezo, and the two settled down to sleep on the couch as the first rays of the sun peaked over the horiozon, the young fox already snoring loudly on the recliner.