Truc's Journal, Entry 1

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All characters and events in this story are entirely fictional, and should not be enacted. This story contains adult material and fetishes. Do not read this if you are younger than 18. This story is written as though the main character is posting to an online journal. The journal head/foot are NOT the author, they are the main character in-character. Again, all events in this are entirely fictional.

So, this is a bit odd to start. This is gonna be my journal from now on. Most of you don't really know who I am; I only had two friends add this... But yeah. Watch it if you want! I'll go with "Tales of a pervy kitten." See? I must be cool. I'm not such a loser I'd use ‘tails'.

So... to the next part... Kitten, right? Twelve specifically. Name's Truc. Tr-uh-c. Not truck. Yeah, my parents are weird. Brother's name is Trata. Bonus if you get what it's from! Anyway. We're twins, mostly. Fraternal, we're actually pretty much opposites. I'm black all over, except my feet and face. I have a big white splotch over my eyes, upper cheeks and muzzle. That's where I got Masked Kitten. Anyway, Trata's the opposite. He's white all over with a black mask. We both have socks with holes on our feet. I have white socks, his are black, and my big right toe's black, and his is white. The only parts that match are our eyes, bright, electric blue.

Okay, so yeah, totally weird and not natural, right? This is where I insert "mostly" kitten. So lets go all weird and spiritual, right? I'm a dragon. I did this really involved ritual toward the end of my life. After living eight hundred years, I decided I didn't really care to die. Of course, dying is just passing on for a little, coming back to a new life with a blank slate. I decided to get rid of the blank slate part. So I'm reincarnated every time with all my memories, which is probably why you all get to enjoy these pervy tales, and society's going to get some centuries of help if I can manage it.

So yeah, I'm a weird dragon, and when I was first incarnated to my current mother, I changed myself around a little. I like felines, sine they feel a lot more like home to me, though after thirteen generations, ‘home' is rather distant and faint. Anyway, I worked the body around a little, and made me look like this... then 'I' split into 'we.' Trata seems normal; I think he's just a plain old kitten, who ended up the opposite of my colors.

Anyway, I'll put more about the real me in later journals. You know all you need to, I guess. More will come out over time, just wait and see! And don't you pervs try to hunt this little kitten down ;3 For now... I'll start telling my stories of a bit of these kitten's adventures!


I was just finishing up my last class. 7th grade is okay, I suppose. I'm just barely in it, Trata and I made the cut off date just by a little. So Trata and I live close to the campus, about five blocks. He has an 8th period, he's a library aid. I walk home with my neighbor, Jason. He's a horse, a brown one with a black mane, tail, gloves and socks. He's about five six, and kind of towers over me, since I'm only four foot four.

We meet at the flag in the front of the school. Usually I'm waiting around for five or ten minutes, since he gets out of PE for seventh period. He's sort of a runner, he likes it a lot. He has the body of one too, he's got a gentle six pack and great legs. I'm built more like Trata, with a little bit of a tummy. Kitten chub, our mom calls it. She says it'll go away soon enough.

I was leaning back against the pole and then, the sun went out. In the middle of summer, I wasn't expecting a cloud or anything. Looking up, as expected, was a large body. Pale, worn blue jeans atop a set of boots (adding another inch to his towering height), and a white t-shirt, stood Jason before me. A large white smile split over his muzzle,

"Hey bud, ready to head home?"

I gave a small grin and nodded, pushing off the pole. We started heading down the block. "So, we still on for you staying this weekend?" I asked in my sweet voice. Puberty is kind of slow coming for this body, it had hit just about a year ago, and was going even slower. My last body, a rhino, was already pumping out cum at this age. Ah well.

"Of course... Just like every other weekend." Last year, Jason had his voice squeak a few times; now it was almost like listening to a saxophone. At least, I think it is, and I love it.

"Good... we can practice some Marvel vs. Capcom 2. One of us is gonna beat Trata... some day."

A deep chuckle resounded from my equine friend. He's a real good guy, always cheerful.

I let out a quiet squeak as I felt a tug at my shoulders. I slowed a little, but a pressure on my backpack kept me walking. I heard a quiet ‘zzzp' as it opened, something stuffed in, and then another zzp closed.

"Enjoy it later" His deep voice rumbled, and I nodded faintly. I had an idea, but I wasn't sure just yet. Lets say our relationship is a little different than most think.

We rounded the last corner to our houses, we discussed pranks we could possibly pull upon my brother. What can I say, we're kinda mean, and it's fun to strategize. Just in case you know. And that little bit of extra weight in my backpack kept me pacing quickly, which helped me keep up with Jason's long pace.

My house came before his, so we stopped in my drive way, chatting for a little. By this point, we were both a bit sweaty and uncomfortable. Living in a fur and human area, clothes were required outside. At times, I was jealous of those who lived in all fur communities and went about naked. More than anything, missed my scales. Downside of the magic, no more dragon lives. But as to overheating, I was lucky. I could fit in the shadow of our basketball hoop, while Jason was a little too large for it.

We talked a little bit more about the weekend's plans, what games we'd play, what movie's we'd see. I was pretty excited to go see the newest James Bond movie, but he wasn't too into the series. After a little, he decided to go. He was getting all sweaty and uncomfortable in his jeans. I'd worn shorts, luckily enough; the breeze up my legs felt rather good.

He headed over to his house, which had one giant, joined lawn with ours. Their house was the same shape as ours, kind of like a capital L on its side, but opposite, giving us a huge rectangle lawn joined at the middle. I walked into my own house, tugging the keys out of my backpack.

Unlocking the door, I headed inside, setting my backpack near the door. The cool, crisp air-conditioned air was rather refreshing. Quickly, I ran up to my room, and did the most refreshing part of my day. I pulled off my shirt, tossing it onto the floor, leaned over, fluffy tail rising into the air, and pulled off my tennis. Balancing from foot to foot- how I love feline grace- I peeled off each sock, and then quickly dropped my shorts, leaving me in a pair of bleached white undies. A happy, purring sigh escaped me, enjoying the cool feel of the air through my fur.

Leaving the clothes on the floor- sure to be yelled at by Trata later- I headed back downstairs, and toward the front room. Passing by the door, I picked up my backpack, feeling the weight sink down onto one shoulder. I headed all the way into the front room. Dad was on the couch.

A little after Trata and I were born, our father was diagnosed with cancer. He died when we were two or so. I still have memories of him. Though I don't develop true motor skills and speech- especially different languages- in a new body until it's more developed, like a true child- each brain is different, and I have to learn to use it- my memory is fine, even in the womb. Trata can't remember our father at all, he just has pictures, and I pretend I can't either. Being a teacher at the high school, mom had a lot of friends who kept her up, helped her. Dad here was one of those.

Laying back on the couch, nude, was my Dad, who'd raised me for the past nine years. I was honestly excited when Greg, our ‘new' dad, and Mom fell in love. He's a very sweet guy, takes great care of mom, and attractive as hell. Of course, that may be my bias, since a bronze-ish colored, eastern, anthropomorphic dragon was lying in front of me. Dad was about six foot two, and a little big bulky. He did have a little chub on his tummy, which was thick, deep blue, from under his chin, down between his thighs, but he had very strong arms and legs with strong muscles hidden in the thick limbs. He was pretty normal; thick, long tail with the dark blue on bottom and bronze atop, plantigrade feet with four thick toes, but having large yellowish claws he couldn't retract on the ends. I'd spent plenty of time down with those toes. Then again, I'd spent plenty of time with daddy's parts, from his tail, to toes, to belly, even the big silver mane around his head, which went down his back and the top of his tail, and had horns sticking out of it, four in total. He had really bright blue eyes, like Trata and me.

So, naughty kitten, yeah... after looking over my daddy, laying there snoozing quietly on the couch, my eyes wandered down to his groin. He was breathing slowly, probably asleep, possibly not. The thick, draconic musk of his loins teased at my nose. I often found him taking a rest after work. He was a PE and Spanish teacher at the same high school as mom, but only worked through fifth period, while mom worked eight period, math supplemental, four days a week.

Not the first time I'd gazed between my daddy's legs. I'd just became sexual with my body's readiness a year ago; I'd been holding his cock, resting my cheek against it and my head in his lap, and peeing with him for many more years though. Who could blame me? Daddy was so sexy.

His belly had the thick, ‘plate' scales like a lot of dragons, which continued on his shaft, the length having faint rings, though all of his scales were soft and pliable. They were squished up over his cock head, dark blue folds of foreskin over the head, a rather well endowed sack beneath. Daddy's nuts were each the size of a lime or so. His shaft's length wasn't super impressive. Soft as I stared at it, standing next to him, it hung a good five inches. But it didn't get much longer when it got hard, only seven. His real prize was his thickness; even soft, my little kitten paws didn't go all the way around it. Hard, it was thicker than a soda can, which told me why I'd hear mom at night when he first started living here.

The thick musk of Daddy took hold of me, and I couldn't help it. It wasn't the first time, mind you. I wasn't sure Daddy didn't know about me... He called Trata his little tiger, but he called me his ‘little dragon', and always had a glint in his eyes like he knew. Being a dragon, it wouldn't be hard for him to see, I'd think. I'm pretty sure he did, smelling or knowing I was a dragon too, in some way. He let me do this a lot, I think. I set my backpack down and slipped onto the couch between his spread legs, one over the back of the couch, the other hanging off the cushions, I gently took his shaft in my paws, lifting it.

It felt nice and heavy, the dark blue meat bending as I raised it, his balls coming up with it. I moved my left paw beneath the shaft, gently peeling the moist skin of his scrotum off, the sensation bringing a quiet moan from the dragon, and the satisfying sound of moist flesh. Brining my mouth down, I pressed my nose up against his dark blue foreskin, smearing it about, sniffing deeply. My developing 4 inches of kitten meat throbbed, straining against my undies.

My newest body's age was a huge benefit to me; not only was hormones taking it, making it ready for sex- after living so many years, over a thousand since the ritual, I'd learned that a love of sex never wears off. Of course, I'd wait until the body was ready. I should probably explain that I have very strict rules... I won't play with someone younger than me, until both they and I are adults, whatever that may be. And if someone near my age approaches me, I may go with it. But sometimes, I just can't help myself with adults, especially when they're innocent in the action, like Daddy... I know he'd never, ever touch another cub. My mouth wrapped around the end of his shaft, tasting his foreskin. Mouthful is a perfect word for it.

It was always a tangy taste, especially since the summer had come. Salty sweat on the outside, mixed with the faint taste of piss that accompanied many shafts. My tongue toyed at the foreskin, then pushed in a little, feeling the shaft heat at my lips. Inside the foreskin was the real prize. Daddy was a real leaky dragon, usually dribbling drops of pre throughout the day, and inside had a powerful mix of musk and sweaty tastes, the sweet bite of draconic pre toying at my tongue as it rubbed up against the paler blue head within.

I was sampling the taste, daddy's shaft a little thicker as he stirred, turning a little. He gave a quiet mumble and moan, always a sure sign he was ‘waking up'. He tended to do so in warning when we wouldn't have time to play, but there were plenty of times I'd enjoyed his shaft until I got a very large load of creamy dragon milk, or enjoyed grinding it against my little bum.

Quickly, I hopped up, sitting on daddy's belly like I had jumped from next to him, grinning up at him. His eyes opened with a grunt, and he smiled down at me, grinning.

"Hey there, my little dragon... how was school?"

I sat there on his tummy, my tidy whities stretched out and tented, then laid atop him and hugged him tightly, gently nuzzling at the joint of his armpit and chest, sniffing him lovingly. My erection pressed against his belly, but he acted as though it wasn't even there.

"Great Daddy! I got an A on my math test!"

His strong arms wrapped around me, oh so gentle and loving, a few kisses deposited atop my head, upon my ears.

"That's great son! You know what that means, right?"

I leaned back for a moment, tapping my chin, as though I had to think of it. He sat up proper, shifting me into his lap. Against my thigh, I could feel his meat excited, a little thicker, longer, harder than his usual soft state.

"I know! I know! I get my own room now, right?"

The dragon rolled his eyes, then stuck out his tongue. It was a lighter blue that matched his cock head. It was thick and flat, and forked at the end.

"No, son..."

I pretended to think again, my fluffy tail swaying about.

"I dunno daddy... I think I remember something about... Ice cream trip?!" I practically shouted, throwing my arms into the air. Living a child is the best part of life, I promise.

The large scaley chuckled, nodding his head. "Yup! After dinner we can all go get some ice cream. I bet your mom will be really excited."

I giggled, sticking my tongue out. Mom always talked about health and eating well, but all three of us men were quite well into the healthy range, I'm sure. Dad here was already old, near ninety, though he says he'd live to be about two hundred and fifty, making him about mom's age.

Dad sat up more, stood, easily holding me to his chest like I weighed nothing. My erection was down to quarter stiffness or so. I leaned in, giving him a little kiss on the lips, grinning playfully. He chuckled, licking my nose and set me down.

"Speaking of dinner, I should get started... I'm surprising mom with my home made lasagna, and you know how long that takes."

I gave a pouty face; really, it only took a few hours. Starting now, he'd have dinner done around six, a healthy dinner time for a little kitten.

"But... but that takes foreeeeeeeeeever dad! I'll starve to death." And I let him have it. Big, pouty eyes with the cutest ‘kitten needs food' face I could muster.

He sighed, rolling his eyes, chuckling. "Okay, okay... One snack."

Like a bolt, I was gone down the hall and into the kitchen, backpack on my shoulder. I was a little peckish- you'd never believe how much food a kitten's metabolism can power through- and I found one of my favorites, pulling a chocolate chip granola bar out of the pantry. Passing the fridge, I opened the freezer and pulled out a mint leaf. It'd always been one of my tastes, for all fourteen of my lives, now. Mint leaves were just my favorite, and I'd found them to be even better frozen. I had four mint plants growing just inside the window of Trata's and my room. He didn't share my enthusiasm for them, though, but liked how they made the room smell.

Heading into my room, I set the unopened granola bar upon the desk, and then peered at my backpack. Peeking open a little, I remembered the largest pocket had been invaded earlier- not that it was too rare an occurrence, with Jason and myself.

Heading to the backpack, I bent over, grinning. Unzipping the bag, I pulled it open to find moist boxer-briefs sitting atop my few school needs- only two binders and a notebook. I pulled them out, Jason's robust scent hitting my muzzle, so different from daddy's, but equally as wonderful and addictive, though it didn't have the sharp, virile scent of pheromone of a male in his prime, like Daddy did.

I reached over with a foot, nudging the door closed. Given the time, I had about fifteen minutes until Trata got home.

I hopped onto my bed, laying back. My right hand clutched the moist boxers to my chest, my left pushed the fly of my undies open, pulling out my shaft. I was already rather stiff. The hormones that'd taken me and induced puberty had granted me four sensitive inches of shaft, just a little thick, a nice warm kitten paw full. Being slightly ambidextrous, and much preferring my left paw, it wrapped around my shaft, thumb on the bit of foreskin that hung over the head. Unlike daddy's thick loose foreskin, mine- and Trata's- were tight to the head, and a little thin, giving good definition of the head through the skin.

It was solid black, matching my fur well. Pressing the boxers to my face, I inhaled deeply, feeling warm equestrian musk fill my lungs. As I did, a shiver passed through me, doubled by the moist, sticky peeling of my foreskin back off the head, the mild stretching of my foreskin a real pleasant sensation.

I felt my eyelids open a little, my eyes rolling back as the warm, thick scent filled me deeply. A low groan escaped, my thumb and pointer finger rolling the foreskin up and down over my head, the quiet wet sounds distinctly exciting to my ears, melding into fantasies and memories of my experiences. In the very beginning, I'd increased my senses, hearing and especially scent, and the rich treat of equestrian pheromones and sweat made my body tingle.

I rolled the foreskin up again, twisting it back and forth over the head, making my hips jerk and thrust against my paw, my right paw laying the boxers over my face and moving down, toying with my tight sack. My feet clenched together, the toes interlacing, playing at each other as my small body squirmed in pleasure. I felt a tingle deep in my belly, making me curl up a little more and sniff hungrier at the boxers. I moved two fingers from my right paw down along the back of my balls and my taint as I toyed there and at my tight tail pucker.

I felt my fur going a little on end as my shaft tensed, the head thickening a little more, working stretching at the inner foreskin. I moved onto my side a little, whimpering and curling my body up a little more, watching as my stomach muscles convulsed over and over. My eyes turned back again, mental colors washing through my senses as an orgasm racked through me, my prostate twitching deep inside my body. I whimpered quietly, pressing my hips forward, thrusting into my paw, rolling my foreskin all the way off the head, gently pulling the frenulum. I squeaked out a touch loud, whimpering quietly at the pleasure, then let go of my shaft, panting heavily, faintly sweaty beneath my fur.

After a moment's calm, I looked down, my foreskin bunched up behind the head of my shaft,

the inner foreskin and head a more pale pink color. A small drop glistened at the tip, mostly clear, having a faint whitish tint. I dabbed my finger tip in it, pulling it off, exciting another shiver from me. Sniffing at the drop, a sweet scent played at my nostrils. I licked it off, the sweet taste of my own ejaculate teasing my taste buds. I licked faintly at my lips, hungry for more, but knowing I wouldn't get any soon. I slipped my half hard shaft into my undies again, rolling up the boxers that had slid off my face and tucking them deep into my backpack, the previously warm boxers now cool to the touch. Nabbing the granola bar, I opened it, tossed the wrapper and ate it in a few short bites.

I stretched my body a little, laying back on my bed, pulling my DS off of my desk with my foot,

bringing it up my torso between my toes and tail, popping it open. My mind played at thoughts of this weekend with Jason as I idly played through a game.


So, that happened a while ago, so I've a lot to catch up with my LJ posts! I'll probably go further back too, I bet some of you are wondering just what happened between me and Jason, right? Well... Too bad! Next post. I have other stuff to do, a kitten's got chores you know. See you guys later! ;3