Medieval Fun #3 (Defibrillator Version)

Story by Philisophical_noone on SoFurry

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#3 of Medieval Fun (In Series Form)

Note: This was written by me, the original way. Read the bottom for more info.

Roy was led into a rather plain looking room. It looked more like an interrogation room at the police station. Stone walls and an uncomfortable wooden chair in the middle. The mink told him to sit down. "First question: Do you find me attractive?" Roy nodded his head yes, because, well, she was hot. "Good answer." she said as she shut the doors. "Next question: Are you actually a man?" This was an odd question, but Roy said yes anyway. Avermia started to untie something behind her back. When she was finished, her gown hung loosely at her shoulders. (Are these the questions I was supposed to answer?) he wondered.

She walked over to the chair and pushed back on Roy's chest. To his surprise, it folded back to about a 45 degree angle. Just enough so he could see what she was doing while also being relaxed. "Next: Would you like to see me stripped bare of this worldly clothing?" Roy didn't notice it, but he was drooling a bit when he shook his head. Avermia kicked the part of the chair between Roy's legs and a pillow burst out along the edge. "Next: How badly do you want my body?" she sounded more seductive than strict this time.

"A lot..." Roy was able to mumble.

The mink slowly removed the top of her gown, one shoulder at a time. Her breasts were perfectly rounded, and large like the others. A smile formed on her face as an eyebrow went up. She chanted something, then a pillow appeared on the floor. She kneeled down on it so her breasts were directly over his dick. She carefully untied his belt and dragged his pants down to his ankles. "Next question: Would you like to feel my breasts on your penis?" Roy couldn't even answer this time, he was to lost in the moment. "Very good answer." she said.

Avermia put her hands on her breasts and gently wrapped them around Roy's dick. As she started to move up and down, Roy felt an odd sensation. The fur on her breasts was warm, soft, and tickled him some. However, it was also silky and made Roy feel joy beyond what he thought was possible. She started to move faster, and Roy couldn't help but lean back in the chair and watch. The entire time, she was smiling.

After a few minutes, she alternated, moving one up and the other down. Since Roy hadn't ever felt anything like this, he was in ecstasy. Colors started to appear in the room as she sped up. His muscles tightened, and he thought that he was about to blow. In a brief moment of clarity, he wondered why he didn't. He certainly wanted to, but couldn't. Instead, the pleasure increased beyond his comprehension. Avermia took notice, and started to lick the tip of his dick.

She was now rubbing and licking him at a high pace, his pleasure was almost too intense for him, and he still couldn't cum. (Is there something wrong with me? Did something curse me or... ugh... something?) Roy lost the ability to think rationally. The sexy mink was sucking his dick while rubbing it, making Roy feel as though he was about to pass out. The mink chanted something else almost inaudibly.

In an instant, Roy thought his dick exploded. The mink had to struggle against his cum, as it had almost knocked her over. After about a minute, he was done. He pulled himself up to see the mink, whose face was drenched in his cum. She started to speak, "last question: Did you enjoy my techniques?"

Roy didn't need his brain to think of an answer, "Yeah..." he fell backwards with a smile on his face, then darkness took over.

He woke up a few hours later on a soft bed. Five of the petite mice girls were surrounding him, pointing at him with awe and glee. Roy's head was still a little fuzzy, but he was still able to look around. It was a plain room with a dresser and the bed he was lying on. His head fell back on the pillow and a squeaky voice piped up, "Mister? You haven't had any food in a long time. Princess Clarissa is worried about you, so we brought you some bread and wine. Do you like it?" Roy ate some and drank the wine. For bread, it was very tasty. He thanked the mice, but they didn't leave. Instead, their eyes turned mischievous. "Eat the whole thing, Sir Roy, we'll take care of things down here." (What?)

He looked down to see his pants around his knees (They must've done this, because before my pants were around the ankles.) The mice were all over his cock. He wasn't sure how, but at any given time, all five were doing something. Mostly, one licked the head, two worked on the shaft, and the others sucked his balls. Roy was thrilled, but his head wasn't as pleased (Too... much... sex.)

The mice girls were smiling and gladly pleasured him while he ate. Unfortunately, Roy had trouble eating when he was horny, so he knew that this would last for a while. Every once in a while, he would hear a squeaky giggle, this usually signified a change in position. Sure, they were cute, and Roy would've loved this a few days ago. Who are we kidding, he still loved it. He was constantly being pleasured in a castle full of all female furries, all of which were very horny. He couldn't think of a place he'd rather be.

After a few minutes, he felt he couldn't hold it any more, which relieved him. The mice girls dropped to their knees on the ground and opened their mouths. Roy thought it was cute how they lined up perfectly. He came all over their faces, making a few sweeps just to make sure that they were even. They stood up, and before even wiping their faces off, thanked Roy and ran out of the room.

Roy was sitting on his bed, trying to make sense of what had happened over the past few days. Suddenly, the door burst open and Clarissa dashed into the room, making a flying leap and tackling Roy. Alice was holding on to her tail and was flung into the air. Roy focused on what had happened, and realized that the cute catgirl was on his right while the mouse with an attitude was on his left. "Uh, may I help you?" Roy asked.

Clarissa had a weak smile on her face, one of relief, "Oh, no..." she was clearly out of breath, "I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I hadn't heard from you in so long." Alice tried to speak, but Clarissa covered her mouth with a hand, "Are you okay? I heard you ran into Lucille and were attacked. Please... don't let me worry like that... please..." She was sincere, and Roy had a strange thought (Is she in love with me?!)

Here he was, lying on a soft bed with two attractive furries on each side, completely out of breath. He was too, which made him laugh a little (Imagine what someone would think if they saw us lying next to each other struggling to breathe.) Clarissa rolled on top of him and stared in his eyes for what felt like forever. Roy was sure of it now, she was in love with him. She closed her eyes and leaned in for a kiss. Alice's face blushed bright red, but she couldn't turn her head away. Roy shut his eyes too because it felt right to him.

Roy was happy emotionally, because he had found someone that had actually cared about him. Clarissa pulled away slowly, a smile on her face, "Thank you, Roy. For now on, try to stay safe, for me."

"If it's for you, then I will."


Alright, here it is. No one wanted to take it over, so I banged my head on a wall for about an hour (literally, there's a dent) and I remembered how I originally wanted to write it, then added some more. It's not as long as the others, but it's quality over quantity, right? Oh, never mind. I forgot what I was going to say. If I get a good enough rating, the next one could be out as soon as next Friday, so yeah. Defibrillator version, get it?