Another Dream Wasted

Story by BlackBolt on SoFurry

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The teenage lioness crept down the alley, as if she was stalking her prey. The wind blew through her fur, ruffling it like feathers in the moonlight. What was she doing out at this time? It was half three in the morning. She had had another dream, not being able to deny what her unconsciousness was telling her. The bodies clashing together, the sweat, the tears...she had done it many times in her dreams, but would she be able to reconstruct her dreams in reality? It scared her; she did not want to think about it. The only thing that scared her to death was the thing that she longed for the most. The truth about whom and what she longed for had been hidden since she was a cub, and the truth didn't want to creep out now. The things that had happened that day made the dreams worse, it had hurt her so much to see them in the corridor...the betrayal stung like lemon juice to the eyes. She needed to talk to somebody about this, needed his help. Produced a slim silver mobile phone, her thumb across the keypad. After it sent, she replaced the phone in her shorts pocket and felt slightly nauseous and her head was spinning. There was no reply, but she knew that he would be here. Walking over to a nearby bus shelter, she checked that the bench inside was not damp and sat down. She heard the soft padding of leather paws along on the roof, and saw the muscle bound anthromorphic panther drop down beside her.

‘You do what time of the morning it is, right?' Black, fluffy fur, with red hair drawn across his face in a heavy fringe. Dark blue eyes, twinkling from the light from the stars. She loved him, he may have not known it, but she did.

She looked at him soulfully, and whispered ‘I had a dream about you tonight' Nebi's eyes widened, startled, as if he was uncomfortable with the whole idea, like she repulsed him.

‘Wha-what are you talking about?' She bowed her head and tried to hide the diamond-like tears running down her fur. He slipped next to her and put one arm around her waist, bringing the other one round to the front and adjusting her head so it was buried in his shoulder. Her tears were soaking his glossy fur underneath the crumpled shirt, hastily thrown on in his rush to meet her. He would do anything for her, whether she wanted him to or not. He loved her; he had for most his life. She was the most beautiful fur he had ever seen and worth more than all the diamonds and gold in the world. He lightly kissed the top of her head, so lightly that she would not feel it and suspect anything. Her sobs escaped from his shoulder, and racked her body. She stopped sobbing and looked up at him, tears still running from the corners of her jewel green eyes. It was that moment in time that he threw everything away and didn't care how she felt about him. Their muzzles touching lightly, she pushed them into a deeper, more passionate kiss. Both their eyes closed, questions lingered between them about the past, the future, their future. Her tongue slipped between his lips, so he returned the gesture. Lips now clashing together in a passionate kiss, they knew that they needed to get to somewhere more sheltered where they could talk fully about this. Slowing the kiss to a stop, he took her lightly by the elbow and guided her back to his house. Gladly obliging, she realised she must look a mess. Checking her pockets for a mirror, she found one and saw her ruffled up hair. After fixing it, she carefully replaced it in the pocket in her shorts.

After silently stepping on the dewy flagstones, winding down the dark alleyways, they arrived at his back gate. He opened the gate, grimacing at every slight creak the door made.

‘Shhh' they whispered to each other, creeping through the grass. She looked at the drainpipe, confused at how they were going to get in. His eyes lit up, and he grabbed his keys, jangling them as loudly as he could.

‘My parents are away for five days!' he exclaimed. They both sighed, relieved that they didn't have to attempt to climb up a drainpipe. Unlocking the patio door, they entered into the sparse white kitchen, trying not to make a mess as they scrambled upstairs, kissing as much as they could on the way up there. At his bedroom door, she winked at him, stuck her tongue out and suggestively pulled him inside. Standing in the middle of the room, kissing, they fell onto his bed in a heap of clothes. As they lay there, she rubbed his crotch, eyes glinting at the sight of the growth there. She slid off the bed, making him sit up. Pushing him down, she teased him by slowly unbuttoning his jeans and unzipping them. Tugging them off gently, she teased his member that was making his boxers tented and tight. Kissing it through the material, she experienced a wave of want for his cock in her mouth. Trying to keep calm and not ripping them off, she tugged on them with her teeth, letting his member slide out from them. She looked at his sheath and saw the vivid red member poking out the top. She kissed the tip and helped the rest of it slide out with her tongue, looking at the fully unsheathed 10 inches that he had to offer. Sucking gently on it, making moans of pleasure escape from his mouth.

Already slippery with pre-come, his cock slipped between her lips easily. Surprised at the amount that she could fit in there, she started to flick her tongue along the shaft, teasing the slit as she did so. Soft moans echoed round the room, giving her the incentive to start slowly bobbing her head up and down on it, making him naturally buck against her, forcing himself into her maw. Instead of force fucking her muzzle, which he did with most female furs, he enjoyed her tongue, which was tickling the underneath of his shaft, and making his knees go weak with pleasure. He felt her sucking gently on it, concentrating on the most sensitive parts of his cock. Without warning, he felt his seed burst into her mouth with explosive force, hitting the back of her throat and trickling down. Sucking the last of it out, she didn't want to let any of the sweet come go to waste. The afterglow of his climax still racking his body, he looked down at her and lifted her up on to his lap. ‘Now, what are we gonna do with these clothes?' He said teasingly.

Flicking his finger, he trailed his claw up her belly, ripping into her top and making her shiver with anticipation and pleasure. She stood up and slid out of her shorts, and he unhooked her bra within seconds. This immediately got him hard again, and as she smiled when she was his member raise in appreciation and felt his face burning red. He immediately knew what it was she wanted by the look of hunger that danced on her face so he adjusted him self so he lay in a slither of moonlight that came through the open window. She looked on appreciatively and walked over to him, now naked. Blood pulsed through his body, making his face flush and his cock quiver in excitement. Straddling him, she pushed her pure white, softly furred breasts into his chest first, kissing him deeply, and then lowering herself his member. They gasped in unison when he first entered her, him in pleasure, as this was much better than pleasuring himself and her in pain and pleasure mixed, as he was her first. Awkwardly, she began to lift her hips up and down, but instead he took control and span them around, so he was on top to give her maximum pleasure. Going slowly at first, but increasing the speed slowly when she grabbed his hips and tried to make him go faster. When she half gasped ‘Harder' out her mouth, he went slowly but pushed the full length of his penis into her. They started to move together, her bucking against his pelvis, him pushing into her with speed and force. They both felt warmth in their bodies, and then sweat glistened on their bodies. As he pumped inside her, he could feel himself not being to hold on any longer. As they both reached climax, they both growled quietly so they didn't wake the neighbours. Pushing their heads into each other's shoulders, she started to giggle, having to hide so people didn't hear her. After exerting themselves, they wrapped their arms around each other and promptly fell asleep. Waking a few hours after their lovemaking, Sahorie carefully detached herself from his body.

Looking at her torn clothes on the floor, she decided against wearing them. Making as little noise as possible, she walked over to Nebi‘s chest of drawers and drew out a pair of his boxers and an oversized t-shirt. Putting them on, she quietly padded out of the room and opened his door with a slight creak. Careful not to wake him, she looked back just in time to hear him snore and roll over, cuddling into the blankets on the other side of him as he did so. Just looking at him doing that made her want to cuddle him, to be held in his arms and warmed. However, her throat was dry, so she slipped out of the room with a stealth that any cat, tame or wild, would be proud of. Creeping down the stairs she quickly located the kitchen again and fetched a glass from the cupboard. Looking at the flashing display on the oven, she groaned with displeasure, as she knew that she could have stayed asleep for another 5 hours until she had to be up. Turning the tap on and filling the cup, she drank the cool water down, her fur standing on end as it trickled nicely down her throat. With her eyelids drooping, she wanted to go back to bed and snuggle up in Nebi's arms, but her bladder had other ideas. Throbbing near her genitals, the new sensation felt exciting, and it was exciting her. After finding the bathroom, bathed in the light from the full moon, she pulled Nebi's boxers off her and peed, rejoicing in the odd pleasure it gave her.

After wiping herself, she absentmindedly trailed a finger on her labia, marvelling at the pleasure that she could cause herself. Shaking her head and coming back into the real world, she remembered that she could still stay with Nebi all morning, and maybe for the rest of the day, she would have to check with her mother at home. Not bothering to go quietly, she found her way back to his room and settled down beside him, purring gently as sleep washed over her. She woke up to a paw being trailed along the side of her face and hearing a gentle, whispered ‘ your so beautiful' Opening her already fluttering eyelids, she was looking directly into those gorgeous, dark blue sparkling orbs that she had fallen in love with, and the playful panther behind them. Kissing him lovingly on the nose, he grinned cheekily and his tongue slipped out the side of his mouth, giving him a goofy look. This look had made her want to throw her arms around him and hold him, so now she took the chance. The hug surprising him, but he liked it and started purring with love. Sahorie looked at him with love and caring, and it struck her that her parents may be looking for her, so she quickly jumped out of bed and tried to find her shorts. Successful, she couldn't wear her torn top; people would wonder what had happened. Keeping his baggy t-shirt and his boxers on, she located her belongings, explaining to him quickly that she had to run home, and that he should come and get her in about half an hour. Confused at how quickly they had gone from a loving embrace to Sahorie running out the door, Nebi bit his lip and got out of the bed.

Sahorie was running home on all fours, letting her primal instincts take over, and her leather pads slap against the ground. Panting hard, her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth, she skidded to a halt in front of her gate.

‘Shit!' she thought. Her mother was glaring at her, yellow eyes shining with anger. Without saying anything, she watched Sahorie walk up the path with her head hung low in shame. Grabbing Sahorie's shoulders, Minet steered her daughter towards her room, elegantly polished nails digging into her shoulders. A growl slipping from her lips, she ordered her to sit down and tell her where she was last night, what she was thinking and why was she there. As Sahorie opened her muzzle to explain, her mother stopped her.

‘Let me guess. You got a text from that dumbass friend of yours, Ivarna or Irna or whatever. Big party on tonight, you can sleep at mine then sneak back in the morning. But you overslept and proceeded to get your tail round here as fast as you can scamper.'

Changing her voice to a soothing, motherly tone, she continued with her lecture. ‘Your only a cub, 15 isn't the proper age to go out drinking with your friends. Anything could have happened to you...You know I read the papers and see the pictures of drunk furs lying in alleyways, so drunk they can't see or walk. Most rapes happen when young girls get too drunk to say no.' Sahorie zoned out and was daydreaming about last night with Nebi.

‘Hmmm...if only he was here now...he could make this a lot more interesting...' Sahorie shook her head to get rid of the thoughts that were starting to become naughtier by the second. Flicking her tail and sighing, this extracted a sigh from her mother, who was still going on about young furs in alleyways, and the fights and the illnesses that can happen because of drinking too much. Sahorie whispered ‘I was with Nebi.' Shocked, Minet started to stutter.

‘P-Pardon?' I thought that Xeb and Rosaline were away for a few days skiing?'

‘They are...but we met up and he invited me round to watch a couple of movies with him.' Sahorie's voice trailed off as she though of the one night of her life where she had lost an average friend and gained a lover, and a best friend. She was closer to him than she had to any boy she had ever dated or liked before. She realized that this is it; she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the gorgeous panther. She thought that he wasn't thinking the same, that he only wanted them to spend a year or so together. But, unknown to her, he was thinking the exact same thing.

Nebi was on all fours, stretching every muscle simultaneously in the way that only cats knew how. Stripping out of his boxers, his reflection in the full-length mirror caught his eye. He looked...different. Older, more mature. Flexing his toned muscles, he admired the glossy black sheath between his legs. Long and plump, with grapefruit sized balls hanging underneath covered with soft, blood red pubic hair. Grinning to himself and remembering last night with Sahorie, he felt himself beginning to unsheathe itself and grow hard. Padding into the blue tiled bathroom, he reached a paw inside the shower cubicle and turned the dial to set the temperature of the water. He realized that last night was the first of many nights that he wanted to spend with the beautiful lioness wrapped up in his arms, her snow white fur and the black at the end of her looked like she had dipped it in black paint. And her eyes, oh those gorgeous eyes...her could stare at them for years and still be lost in them. Turning the water on and stepping into the water, he was hit by the first jet of water, always freezing cold. Feeling the water warm up and wash over his fur like a waterfall, he became overcome with the urge to touch himself. Reaching between him legs and surprising himself with the fully erect, 10-inch length that touch the muscle above his naval. Stroking himself with one paw and using the other to tickle his balls in all the right places. Slowly wrapping his paw around his length, he started purring quietly, getting louder with each tug on his cock. After about 5 minutes of this, he came with a howl of delight, his seed bursting from the tip of his member and covering the wall with sticky white come. Grabbing the shower, he quickly washed the mess he had made away, dreading that he would stink of male musk for the rest of that day. After finishing his playful shower, he heard the doorbell ring. Remembering Sahorie, he just grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around his waist, loose enough to show a few of his blood red pubes at the top. Running down the stairs and swinging the door open, he found himself nose to nose with his best friend Nevu. The scrawny fox was blushing heavily underneath his florescent orange fur, and his pants were obviously tented at the sight of a half-naked Nebi.

" there something your not telling me Nevu?" Scuffing his foot paw against the floor and looking down guiltily, Nevu finally stuttered his reply

"O-Only you, no other guy" Moving his eyes southwards, Nebi took his time caressing the erection in his friend pants with his eyes, and to his surprise, it was turning him on.

"Wanna come inside?" Nebi replied with a wink, and went back into his house, wiggling his butt and tail from side to side, as he beckoned his friend to follow him. Knowing that Nevu's eyes would be glued to his butt, he turned around with a flourish. Letting his lip's meet with Nevu's, he quickly softened the kiss and found Nevu's hips with his paws. Copying Nebi, Nevu slipped his paws around Nevi's hips and pulled them gently together. Deepening the kiss and allowing each other's tongue roam around their muzzles, the two teenage boys stood there like it was just them in the world and nobody else. Feeling Nevu's erection press up against his own throbbing cock, Nebi could already feel pre come sliding down his shaft, making a wet patch on the towel.

Breaking the kiss and grinning cheekily and Nebi, with one flick of his paw Nevu loosened the towel, letting it drop to the floor. Following suit, Nevu dropped to his knees in front of Nebi. Grinning at him with his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, he delicately licked the tip of the fully hard panther cock in front of him. Hearing a moan from Nebi, he cut to the chase and swallowed the entire 10 inches of Nebi's member, amazing both of the young males. Seeing that this dramatically increased Nebi's arousement, Nevu had to quickly swallow down what felt like bucketfuls of pre. Not wanting Nebi to finish too quickly, he released his cock from his maw and winked at him. Flipping himself over onto his paws and knees, Nevu lifted his tail and waited for Nebi to push into him. Instead, Nebi had positioned his muzzle behind the young vulpine and wrapped his rough tongue around the fluffy orbs the were hanging in his face. Feeling a shiver of pleasure go through Nevu, Nebi flicked his tongue around them until Nevu was shaking with anticipation. Moving his muzzle slightly up, Nebi stroked Nevu's tail hole with his cold wet nose, making him giggle as he tickled him. Raising one paw, Nebi pushed one clawed finger into Nevu, loosening him up for what was about to come. Pushing it in further so it was rubbing against the fox's prostrate, Nebi allowed his tongue entry into the hole, extracting more moans from Nevu. Thrusting his finger and his tongue in and out of his tail hole nearly pushed Nevu over the edge, but Nebi stopped just in time for Nevu to stop himself coming all over the tiled floor of the kitchen. Standing up and repositioning himself behind Nevu, Nebi pushed his pre-slicked cock into Nevu's tail hole, making both of them moan and grunt in pain and pleasure.