The Rat's Dream

Story by Locklear on SoFurry

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#3 of The Barn

We're really down the rabbit hole now. Or pig hole, as the case may be.

The rat lay in an uneasy sleep on the damp and filthy floor of the drain. Coated in the pig's saliva, his furred body glistened in the low light. The only sound was a slow but heavy splatter of slop falling from the stall overhead.

The thick liquid was the same that had poured from the plugged pig's corked colon, the same sweet milk the rat had bathed in and glutted upon only to have it sucked back off and out of him by the pig's ravenous maw. Part bodily effluence, part food, the dirty-white potion still trickled from the rodent's abused anus and onto the floor to join the rest of it dripping from above. A channel in the concrete collected the fluid, letting it slowly flow away into the pitch blackness of a pipe.

Noxious gasses from the slop saturated the thick air of the small space. The terrific stink reached the exhausted rat in his dreams, spurring wildly lustful and gluttonous visions. The rat's unconscious body strove to respond, causing his nose to twitch, his mouth to salivate, his body to squirm, his penis to throb, and his gaping slophole to wink wetly.

All of the rat's senses were focused on his dream.

The rat lay relaxing on his back on the soft, sweaty flesh of the pig's balls, his slick penis poking slightly from its sheath, his nose pressed against the pig's taint. The pig's anus was open and pushed out slightly, emitting a quiet bubbling sound as the pig slowly let gas leak from his bowels. Letting his tongue loll out, the rat opened his mouth slightly to taste the fetid air wafting from the pig's hole. The rat's stomach gurgled eagerly as the scent soaked the inside of his mouth.

Delicious hard boiled eggs squeezed from a bull's bulging, scum-caked bunghole. A juicy bratwurst boiled in the pungent piss of a sweaty racehorse. A freshly-used dildo covered in sticky sweet molasses.

As these scents burned their way through the rat's dreaming mind, they left the knowledge that the filth now churning it's way through the pig's digestive tract was the same slop the swine had sucked from the rat. An endless cycle of glutting and purging played out in the rat's head, thick liquid gushing from the pig's sweaty rear end down the rat's throat, bloating him until he squeezed the fluid back out his gaping anus into the pig's suckling mouth. Each time the ass-cum got more and more delicious, more and more stimulating, and the creatures sought to continuously pump the fluid in a tighter circle of exchange until their bodies fused and their consciousnesses joined.

To put it simply, the rat was tripping balls.

His dream reverie was interrupted by a gentle vibration as the pig grunted, and the pillowy testicles shifted slightly underneath the rat as the pig grunted and strained to squeeze his sloppy asshole shut. The swine momentarily succeeded with a squelching sound, then had to relax and his giant hole made a soft pop as it reopened. A spurt of ass-juice escaped to trickle down toward the rat's waiting jaws. As the slop ran down the pig's taint to the rat's drooling lips, the aroma was stronger and stronger until at last it touched the rat's nose and flowed down into his gullet.

The rat's member surged in hardness, extending to full length as the fluid filled his mouth. His cheeks distended, the rat swallowed the load and a drop of precum emerged from the tip of his rat-cock. Pressing his head back against the pig's slippery skin, the rat licked off his nose and all the flesh close to him before relaxing again and gazing up at the pig's straining anus.

This cycle repeated as the pig again tried to close his stretched asshole (squelch), then let it open (pop), pouring more effluence out into the waiting rat. The intense effort made the pig's balls rise in temperature, and the soft skin got more slick as he sweated all over the glutting rat. Squelch... pop. As the rat swallowed load after load, his body grew rounder and more bloated until he sank deeply into the steamy swine-sack. The rat's stiff penis thwapped against his expanding belly's fur with the surge of sexual energy accompanying each swallow.

At last the pig succeeded in keeping his anus closed, letting out a long snort of relief and releasing the tension on his balls. The rat sank deeper into the sweaty flesh until he felt cradled by a soft, stinky hammock of pig-skin. Missing the rat's licking mouth, the last load of slop spread out to fill the indentation, covering the rat's fur and mixing with the pig's copious sweat to create a slippery coating on everything.

Squirming and twisting until he lay on his bulging belly, the rat's wet fur slid effortlessly and rendered him effectively immobile. The rat's cock rubbed deliciously on the pig's soft ball-flesh, and as the rat pressed his body against the slick skin and strained with his forelegs to climb out of the depression and toward the pig-hole above, his hypersensitive cock began leaking more precum until the rat's underbelly was covered in a churn of rat cum, pig sweat and ass-slop.

It didn't seem to matter how quickly the rat scrambled, he didn't move, working up more of the mixture until he was coated in off-white foamy scum. The dream's grounding in reality began to break down and, stretching his forelegs in front of him like he was swimming, the rat slithered up the bulge of the pig's taint toward the dirty hole, dragging his slimy belly and runny cock along under him. The doughnut of the pig's anus grew closer until the rat was able to put his paws into it to climb up. The wet hole accepted his carefully probing forelimbs easily with a prolonged squick.

The rat pulled himself up until his head was at the pig's pink opening. Here the scent was almost overwhelming. Hovering his flaring nostrils just off the surface, the rat took a small lick at a fold of anal skin. The waves of flavor that greeted him caused the trickle of precum from his rat-cock to become a flood, and the rat's dick pulsed as it ejaculated against the firm ring of the pig's anus.

The rat shivered in mid-orgasm as he pressed his tongue deeper into the pig's filthy hole. The scummy flesh had been unwashed for what tasted like months of anal slop leakage, and the slime had dried in layers and mixed with other fluids the rat's sensitive olfactory nerves struggled to identify. Semen, saliva and urine from a great many animals, filled with a cocktail of rutting hormones that pushed the rat's shooting cock to strain and push out more rat-cum.

Now mindlessly following the trail of tastes and scents, the rat pushed the tip of his nose into the wet pucker of the pig's anus. His wedge-shaped head slipped easily into the loose opening, and the rat squirmed in until his nose broke through to the other side. The foul gasses within made the rat lightheaded and his now half-erect rat-cock's leakage renewed as he took deep whiffs of the heavenly interior. Pushing further inside, it was completely dark but the rat had the dreamy intuition of a fairly large open space.

The rat continued to weasel his way in until his head and forelegs were entirely within the pig's colon. Pushing against the yielding inside of the pig's anal ring, the rat struggled to pull his distended belly through the opening. The pig's anus parted gradually as the rat's bloated but thoroughly lubricated lower body squeezed against it and began slipping inside.

The pig, sensing his hole opening again, squeezed hard and the rat felt his belly come under enormous pressure before popping back out of the pig's hole, leaving just his head and forelegs inside once again. The squeeze caused the pig's bowels to move and the rat felt the air pressure around him increase with a gurgling sound from deeper within the colon.

Desperate to reach the delicious sex-food, the rat struggled again to pull himself fully into the pig's colon, and again the pig resisted by squeezing his anus and compressing the rat's swollen belly until it popped out like a cork. The rat felt the slop within him massaged down his guts until it accumulated down towards his own hole. Oddly, the slop didn't feel like liquid inside him anymore - it had gelled until it formed a giant round ball of filth, as large as his own body was when empty.

Again the rat attempted to squirm his way in, a stretching sensation in his bowels increasing as the ball was squeezed down his body. The pig's clenching helped propel the mass until the rat felt it press against his anus and push it open slightly. The ball was far too large, however, and the rat strained impotently in combination with the pig's squeezing as the giant mass pressed harder against his too-small opening.

The pig relaxed his anus and the rat gasped from the effort, his body almost wholly within the pig but his back haunches, tail and insanely bloated end of his bowels still on the outside. Gravity too pulled at the hardened mass of slop and the rat felt his anus slowly stretching. The intense pressure of the mass against his prostate was still causing his soft but still visible cock to drip fluid steadily, and the rat's bulging tailhole secreted copious ass-slime of its own to ease the passage of the giant load.

Through repeated squeezing and relaxing, the rat and the pig together formed the mass into an oblong shape and the tip emerged from the rat's anus, allowing it to stretch gradually. As the rat pushed himself inside, he felt his anus widen and widen until his soft cock started ejaculating again, a slow dribble of cum that seemed to go on forever as his anus expelled a thicker and thicker section of the giant egg-shaped nugget.

Humping involuntarily against the taut ring of pig's anus and struggling to pull himself in, the rat felt his anal ring expanding around one end of the ass-egg as the pig's own hole squeezed tightly on the other. As they grew closer together his own fur and skin were just a thin layer between the now rock-hard mass and the pig's powerful anal muscles. Just as his slowly building anal orgasm reached its peak, the midpoint of the nugget passed through his anus and the rat felt the slimy mass slide out quickly as his body tumbled deep into the pig's bowels.

The rat spasmed and woke in a fresh puddle of his own jizz.


The rat woke to a gradually strengthening snuffling sound and a warm puff of air that tickled his whiskers. He lay on his belly in the soggy muck of the stall floor, his bloated body half-submerged, fur still soaked in the delicious...

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Rats follow scents. One day a male rat followed a very strange yet alluring scent coming from a barn. The smell was coming from a particular stall, and the rat found a hole in the stall wall and looked inside. There in the stall was the largest pig...

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