From different worlds.

Story by DeathAvenged on SoFurry

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#1 of Opposites.

Last day off till tomorrow night -_- I got bored on this chilly morning. so here is part of the result.

The fox let out a small sigh as she finished pulling on her boots. The female let out a yawn before grabbing her hair brush and running it through her long, thick jet black hair a few times before pulling it back in a low pony tail. She had been getting dressed for class that morning even with it snowing outisde. Normally the fox would have dressed in a long black skirt with a thin sweater but with the snow she had pulled on some black pants with a old hoodie that belonged to her late father with a Pink Floyd logo on the front of it. She stood up from her bed and grabbed her back pack, pulling it on before grabbing her house keys and heading out. This fox was an odd ball compaired to a lot of the other students. Her fur was a silver grey in color with a star shaped black patch around her belly button. She usually kept herself covered with her clothing even in the summer time. She kept to herself, a habit she had gotten while being homeschooled when she was younger before losing her parents to a car crash when she was about ten years old. She ended up moving in with her grandparents who took great care of her until they passed from old age two or three years before. She had been alone ever since with the mind set if she got close to anyone she would end up losing them shortly after. Because of this she didn't bother making close friends or getting into relationships.

As she walked down the street listening to some music on her phone with her ear buds in her ears she didn't hear the one friend she had since starting her college courses. The bright yellow feline ran up to her and put her hand on the fox's shoulder making her jump and whirl around to look at her with wide eyes before taking a deep breathe and letting it go making the air between them white from it. She pulled one of her ear buds from her ears and sighed, looking at the feline who smiled sheepishly while running her fingers through her short brown hair. "Sorry Kora...I didn't mean to spook you. You never answered me when I called out for you." Kora flicked her tail around behind her before sighing softly and shaking her head a bit as she began walking again with the feline walking beside her. "It's ok know I listen to music while walking to class." Laney nodded a bit as she stuck her hands into her pants pockets while she sighed a bit. " I wanted to let you know we have some new kids joining the business classes we are in...the girls on campus are buzzing about it. The guys are supposed to be from the rich part of town." Kora rolled her eyes and shook her head some as she turned off the music and put away her ear buds while responding to her. "They are all hoping they can fuck with them and end up a rich mans bitch." The feline laughed and nodded as they walked down the street to the college a few blocks away.

As they walked onto the college campus other students that attended were all outside chatting while waiting to head to their classes. Laney looked to Kora and smiled. " I will see you in business class Kora then we can go get some hot chocolate on lunch break." Kora nodded and watched her friend run off across campus to her first class. The fox had one class that morning and it didn't start for another twenty minutes. She took her time walking along the campus with her hands stuffed into the pocket of her hoodie. Kora had learned years before to ignore the looks she got. A fox of her color wasn't that common in her area and she usually got stares from the other foxes and other females. As she walked into one of the buildings that houses some class rooms she lightly stompped her feet against the rug inside the door, getting the snow off of her boots before heading down the hall to her math class. She was still early and ended up taking a seat in a chair outside the class door, staring down at the ground in silence as she waited.

As she sat there waiting she heard the sound of boots hitting the floor. As they approached her class room Kora lifted her head to see if it was the professor arriving early like he sometimes did. Instead she saw a jet black hybrid male that looked to be part wolf and part fox. The male was dressed like a normal young adult. Baggy jeans with a hole on the right knee of them, heavy sweater due to the winter weather with heavy black boots. His hair was short and appeared to be black in color with blue streaks running through it at least what she could see from what was exposed from the Avenged Sevenfold beanie the male was wearing with his ears poking through the slits in the hat. The one thing she took instant notice of were his eyes. They were a ruby red color which was strange for a fox or hybrid. Kora watched him as he looked around for a moment before looking at a crumpled slip of paper after pulling it from the pocket of his jeans. Kora shifted and looked back down to the floor as she leaned back in her seat deciding to ignore the male much like she did the others around her.

After a minute or so the male sat down in the chair beside her as he put the paper back into his pants pocket. There was a minute or so of awkward silence before he spoke softly. "How long before the professor shows up to open the classroom?" The male turned his head to look at her then stopped, taking note of the silvery grey color of her fur. As Kora looked to him he stared at her, looking at the bright emerald green color of her eyes as she spoke softly. "A few more minutes...he shows up like ten minutes before class is supposed to start." The male nodded a bit as he watched her looking back down to the floor. The tense feeling he got from her was odd. Usually girls and men were open with him, being as friendly as could be trying to talk to him and such. This girl was being silent and not really watching him which was odd. He tilted his head to the side a bit with a small smile on his face. "Thanks...what is your name anyway? I didn't expect others to be waiting outside the room for the class when I came looking for the room." Kora flicked the tip of her tail as she looked at him again like she was debating on answering him before she finally took a deep breathe. "Kora...and I am always showing up early to my classes...I don't like being late." He nodded some as he put his hands into his sweater pockets, relaxing as he watched her still before he smiled again. " I'm Blade...nice to meet you Kora...and I can understand gives one a chance to get to the back of the room and relax." Kora nodded in silent agreement as she shifted some. Blade let the silence fall between the two of them for a few minutes before a large female tiger dressed in a pants suit walked up to the class room and unlocked it, stepping aside to let the two of them in as they stood up.

Blade watched as Kora made her way to the back of the class room, sitting in a corner seat as she put her back pack on the table. He shifted and sat down on the other side of the class room, keeping her in sight for now. A few minutes passed as other students began filling the room and soon after the class began. As normal for a math class it was dull and boring. A few of the students fell asleep while others were playing on their phone. Kora was the only one taking notes in a notebook while listening to the teacher explaining problems and such while she moved around the room pinching the ears of those that had fallen asleep while she was talking. As the class droned on Blade watched Kora every so often. She was intriging to him and he wasn't sure why. When class ended the students got their stuff packed up and hauled ass out of the room. Kora and Blade took their time. Kora got her books packed away and headed to the door with the tigeress telling her to be safe on her way to the next class. Blade followed Kora out of the class but kept his distance as he headed towards his next class.

As they leeft the building kora saw the snow beginning to fall again. She took a deep breathe and pulled the hood of her hoodie up over her head before heading off across the campus to the business building that held the classes for business majors and such. Blade grinned some as he watched her for a moment before heading to the same building with the thought of her being in his next class. When he got into the building he saw her disappear into the class room and take a seat. As he was walking into the class a large grey wolf jogged up to him and clapped him on the back of the shoulder with a grin. "Blade! Dude I was wondering if you showed up. I figured your mom would have tried to lock you up in the house after finding out you were going to be taking some classes here." Blade jumped some and looked at the wolf. The sound of the wolfs voice made Kora look up from her phone and glance over at them for a second before she looked back down to the screen. Blade smiled faintly and rolled his eyes. "Jake you know she can't stop me...even she knows it. As long as I am not off in the ghetto of the city she will let me be." Jake laughed and sat with Blade who sat at the same table where Kora was sitting. The fox shifted some in her seat, feeling a bit uncomfortable now as she glanced to Blade from the corner of her eyes, looking by him to look at Jake before it hit her. They were some of the guys Laney had mentioned on the way to class that morning.

Kora sighed softly to herself and shook her head some as the other students filed into this class. The females instantly flocked around Blade and Jake which annoyed Kora to the point she grabbed her back pack and stood up with a growl coming from her. Blade took notice while the others ignored her, trying to flirt with him and Jake. Kora moved to a different seat and huffed a bit, clearly annoyed. Blade watched her in silence until Jake nudged him a bit to get his attention. When the professor for the class came in and settled everyone down before getting the class started. Once more Blade glanced to Kora, watching as she took her notes and listened intently to the old hyena that was teaching the class. When he let the class go Kora got her back pack after putting her books away and headed out of the class room as Blade stood up and followed her knowing Jake was to focused on the girls that flocked to him once more. Once outside Blade moved up beside of Kora and looked at her. "Are you alright Kora?" The fox stood her ears up and stopped in her tracks, turning her head to look at Blade in silence for a moment before she frowned some. " I am fine...annoyed but fine...why would you bother asking me that?" Blade raised a brow as he stared at her before tilting his head to the side a bit. "Because you moved seats with a huff before class started and when it ended you almost ran out of don't strike me as the kind of person to haul ass like that." Kora flicked her tail as she felt a bit more annoyed. She pulled her ear buds out of her pants pocket to get them untangled while she answered him. " I was annoyed...normally I am in that seat each class with no other females or students for that matter being near and your buddy sat down and became the school whore magnets...that is why I moved. I left like I did because I have to get ready for work."

Blade folded his ears back and was about to respond to her but she turned and walked off towards the exit gate to the campus. The male stood there looking a bit stunned before finally shaking his head some and growling a bit. "Cold little bitch..." He turned to see Jake coming outside and heading to him with a smile. As Blade headed off with Jake Kora stopped half way down the street with a deep breathe coming from her. She shook her head some and looked back to the college before heading down the street once more making her way to a large cafe she worked at. The owner of the cafe had known Kora's grandparents and when they passed the old stallion gave her a job to help her out. Kora loved the cafe and felt safe there so she never complained about having to work there.

It was after lunch when Blade walked into the cafe with Jake, both shaking their heads some since it was snowing harder. The other classes had been canceled due to the snow getting thicker and more then likely the rest of the week would be class free. Jake headed to the bathroom while Blade found a small table by the window for them. It took a few minutes for him to notice Kora behind the counter counting out the mornings cash for the owner who was going to head down the road to the bank. Blade watched her in silence, noting she looked more relaxed now and even saw her smile to the stallion as she handed the money bag to him before listening to the stallion speaking to her. " Keep an eye on the cafe Kora...I will be back in a bit. You can relax while I am gone. I doubt we will have a lunch rush today." Kora nodded and watched the stallion leave before she noticed Blade. She folded her ears back and turned away from him, heading into the kitchen as Jake came back and sat down across from him. A small mouse girl walked up to get their order before leaving them be as Jake leaned back in his seat, playing with his phone. A few minutes went by before Kora came to the table with the food they had ordered. As she set the food down in front of them Jake only nodded a small thanks to her while Blade watched her intently, their eyes locking for a few seconds before she headed back behind the counter.

Jake had watched Blade while he was putting his attention on Kora. When she left Jake grinned faintly. "Vixen have your tongue?" Blade stood his ears up and looked to the wolf before shaking his head some with a soft huff coming from him. "No...just some girl from the school...she was in my math class and the business class today...she is a cold one." Jake laughed before taking a few bites of a fry as he looked to Blade. "Maybe she needs to get laid then?" Blade cracked a grin as he sipped on his drink, shrugging a bit. " Maybe...doesn't strike me as the type that gets fucked oft-" Blade didn't get a chance to finish his sentence when he was hit in the face with some ketchup. Kora stood there glaring at him, holding the bottle of ketchup in her hand before slamming it down on the table while she growled to him. "Do not sit here on your royal ass with your jerk of a buddy talking about someone who is less then three feet away from you and can hear every word coming from your big mouth. You little snobby rich boys are hopeless morons. Eat your food, pay and get out." Kora turned and left as she headed to the bathroom while Jake sat there in stunned silence with his ears standing while Blade looked like someone had punched him. It took a moment before Blade finally grabbed a napkin and cleaned off his shirt then muzzle with a growl coming from him. Jake looked to him and raised a brow. "Damn dude..." Blade just held his hand up to shut Jake up. When he was cleaned off the two ate in silence before leaving the money for their lunch on the table and left.

Blade waved good bye to Jake who headed off towards a waiting car. Blade moved across the street to a comic book store and waited for almost two or three hours before spotting Kora leaving the cafe for the day. She still looked pissed off as she headed down the street. Blade left the comic book store and followed her from a distance for a few minutes before stopping and watching her reach her home. He took note of the old looking house that was dwarfed by the bigger apartment buildings around it. The house looked like it was worn down and needed repair. Blade lowered his ears some and watched her disappear inside before he sighed and turned to head home himself.

The night Kora slept on the couch after laying down with some heavy blankets. The next morning she cursed as she woke up. Classes had been canceled and her boss left her a message that the cafe would be closed due to the snow. It angered her now since the heat in her home was boarder line ready to give out on her. "Great..." She got up and grabbed her phone then keys and wallet before heading out. She rarely spent time in her home these days and this was one of them. She headed down the street to the large shopping center in the town. As she was walking through the doors and heading to one of the small food booths to get some hot coffee she ran face first into Blade, grunting from the impact and stumbling backwards with the added bonus of him losing grip on the drink he hand and dropping it on her by accident. "What the?!" Blade stopped and looked down to see Kora on the floor, shaking her head as she sat up with a snarl coming from her. "Fucking seriously?!" She looked down at her pants that were now soaked through with his drink before looking up to him with her eyes narrowed. "You jerk!" Blade growled as she stood up, the fur on her tail standing on end while he crossed his arms. "Not my fault you were not watching where you were going!" Kora glared at him, wanting to slap him but she pushed past him with a snarl. "No but your the asshole that dropped your fucking drink on much for this damn paycheck thanks to you." Blade stood his ears up and whirled around, following her into a near by clothing store as she dug through some pants before grabbing a pair and heading into the changing rooms.

Blade followed her into the changing room and right into the booth she went into. He closed and locked the door behind him while she stared at him with her hands on the button to her pants. "What the hell are you doing?!" Blade crossed his arms and watched her intently with his eyes narrowed. " I am not leaving this booth until you apologize for yesterday at the cafe....your lucky to even have that job still. I could have called your boss and easily gotten you fired over that." Kora growled and shook her head some as she put her hands on her hips. "Oh sure...little rich boy can't handle the truth being told to him so he threats to run and cry like a baby to get a girl in trouble. I am not going to apologize to you or that jerk you were with. You two were the ones sitting on your asses talking about me like I was nothing! I got news for you jerk wad. Not everyone gets to have your kinda life. Some of us are lucky to even be able to have a few classes at the college let alone have a job. Now get out." Kora turned her back to him but didn't wait for him to respond or leave as she undone the button to her pants, pulling them down after kicking her boots off. Blade was stunned with his mouth hanging open as he watched her, looking at her blue lace panties she was wearing before noting the scars along the back of her legs she has had since the car crash that killed her parents. Blade folded his ears back and turned, leaving the booth and heading out of the dressing rooms. As he left he moved to the cashier, handing her his credit card and speaking gently. "There is a silver fox in your dressing rooms...any pants she picks out...will already be paid for..." The little rat behind the counter looked at him with her head tilted before taking his card and charging the pants to it before handing it back and watching him leave while Kora came back out to pay for the pants only to be stunned by the rat's explanation after being told they were already bought for her.