Welcome to Snowdin

Story by Poisonlilly on SoFurry

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#1 of Undertale

A first time meeting with certain a bunny merchant.

-Welcome to Snowdin-

Slosh, slosh, slosh, slosh.........by this point it was the only noise my ears could register. It had been hours and hours of walking through the ankle-deep snow, which to a veteran living in colder climates may not be such a big deal, but it was certainly not something I was used too. I've had to deal with so many dogs and puzzles and a pair of rather......"interesting" characters so far, that it's a wonder I haven't just keeled over from all this absurdity, but here I am. I never thought that mountain behind me would end, but things were now finally looking up. A few more paces from my tired feet sloshing through the snow had finally rewarded me with a sight for very sore eyes: civilization! At least, that's what it seemed like from here. Ahead of me, across a rather large rope bridge (though the footing felt a lot harder than wood for some reason..) there lay what seemed to be a small mountain town, nestled in the snowy peaks. I gained a sudden surge of determination as I dashed across the bridge and found myself once again crossing over snowy ground, though this time it was at the very entrance of my first true glance at civilization ever since I (accidentally) started this journey. "Finally.." I said out loud to myself in a low whisper.

Right ahead of me to my left was a large billboard-like sign that read: "Welcome to Snowdin Town!" the sign was decorated with what I would feign ignorance to call Christmas lights, though I doubt the local residents of this place would know much about that, you know, them being monsters and all, but regardless the town that stretched out ahead of me had a rather "Christmas-y" feel to it. Lights sparkled and glimmered on in the immediate horizon, I could also make out a few residents walking in the distance. The homes that I could see ahead of me were rather modest in size, and the lack of any decorations or ornaments on their windows and doors confirmed that it was not, in fact, some special holiday tradition, but it was just the town's regular vibe and feel that gave off this warm,somber, and rather glowy look that I could feel from it. I stepped a few more paces forward as I was greeted by my first pair of buildings that lay in the outskirts of Snowdin; reading the signs atop each of these homes displayed two distinct names: "Shop" and "Inn".

The thought of crashing through the inn door and tossing myself on the nearest bed was very appealing right about then, but I shook such thoughts from my head thinking that I most likely had to pay for such a service first, and money was a bit thin right now. Thinking for a moment I looked over to the left most building, there was always that shop next door...after all, I did pick up a bunch of random stuff throughout my journey, maybe I can sell off some of it? that is what shops are for, right? right! With thoughts of hard earned money and fluffy beds spiralling in my head I bound right up to the front of the store entrance, took in the warm glow that the bright lights from inside were spilling out into the chilly night air (at least..it felt like it was night time...this was all underground, after all.) and pushed the door open with much determination. The warmth of the store's interior was a welcome contrast from the chilly air I had been forced to deal with for so many hours now. I most likely would have stood in place letting the extremely comfortable room setting wash over me some more, but my change of setting surprise was shortly broken after hearing a perky sounding noise come from a couple of feet ahead of me; "Hello, traveler. How can I help you?"

I tilted my head up to meet with, whom I could only assume, was the owner of the shop. I paced forward and drew closer to the figure of a relatively short rabbit lady. I suppose this would be a good time to mention that while I, myself, was rather "short" as well, I had an excuse. I was basically just a kid, though for some reason it only felt that way in size...the things I've had to deal with and the thoughts I have were anything but child-like, I'm not really sure why things are this way with me, I can't really remember much before I started this journey. All I knew for sure was that no ordinary "kid" could make it to where I have. As I moved up to the counter which stood right in front of the bunny lady I took in the entire atmosphere of the room that held us both within it; it seemed like there was no form of electrical lighting here, I could see two brightly lit....candles? (they were awfully bright for candles, maybe something else?) sitting behind the shop owner upon a shelf and a desk, and it seemed those two light sources were the only thing keeping the room from being pitch black. The light cast a heavy, but very warm, glow across the entire room, drenching the furry rabbit in front of me from the back, casting a shadow that almost appeared to tint her snowy white fur a sort of lilac color...it actually looked...kinda nice.

At that moment I suppose I could have just brought up that I wanted to sell some things, or maybe ask about what she has to offer in her shop, but instead I offered a friendly hello as a greeting. From my current position I was basically at eye-level with the rabbit shopkeeper's stomach, or rather right about the top of it, so while I was certainly smaller than her, I wasn't exactly at waist height to her, either, so we only had to tilt our heads a bit to make proper eye contact. The bunny smiled at my greeting as she spoke in a very friendly voice, I wasn't sure if this was a merchant's technique or if she really just sounded this pretty...but I wasn't going to complain. "Hiya! Welcome to Snowdin! I can't remember the last time I saw a fresh face around here. You sure don't look like a tourist?" The bunny lady spoke out her thoughts to me, though as she spoke I was fixed upon her gaze with my own, I got a good luck at her fuzzy bunny face, her lips seemed rather thick and coated with a very light red (or perhaps pink) dash of lipstick, it certainly gave her a feminine appearance, not that it was the only thing that gave that appearance away. Her face was a little puffy, as not to say "fat" because it wasn't, but getting a closer look at ms.bunny I could see that she was certainly a little on the chubby side; her stomach bulged out a bit in front of her and to her side, though not enough to make her overly fat, if anything it made her appear rather healthy and thick.....I sure hope she doesn't notice the fact that I'm clearly checking out her figure as we speak, I doubt she's doing the same to me right now.

As we engaged in our chit chat I indeed confirmed that I wasn't a tourist and that I was just traveling through the area on an errand (for lack of saying "quest" or "mission"). She smiled with her plump and slightly colored lips and briefly flashed her cute buck tooth that would occasionally make it's appearance (she is a bunny, after all) as we continued to talk. She told me about what there was to do in Snowdin such as the local library, the local pub, the Inn (which was apparently owned by her sister), and other such things. We talked about the town's history and other random topics that would come to mind. As we conversed I would, against any innocent morality, trail my eyes here and there from time to time to scope out the curvy bunny ahead of me, atop her head were a pair painfully cute bunny ears poking through the small hat that she wore on her head, they seemed really fluffy and soft to the touch, though I assume just randomly asking "can I touch your ears?" would throw a bit of a wrench in what was otherwise a pleasant conversation. The counter that separated us cut off right below her pudgy belly, so I was unsure what she was wearing from her waist down...maybe nothing?.........just what am I thinking! though to be honest the thought that bunny merchant here was standing in front of me completely bottomless without my knowledge did send a bit of a jolt right through my body. Trailing north from there, however, she seemed to only be wearing a rather form-fitting sleeveless undershirt that clung to her body rather tightly, though not enough to seem uncomfortable, but definitely enough to show off the cute pudgy stomach and rather sizable breasts that this bunny was gifted with. I couldn't tell for sure the size, and I was certainly not about to ask in the middle of a conversation about how Snowdin came to be (nor did I plan to ask at all!), but I would judge them at a very healthy middle/upper of the D scale, if not just full on DD cups. Actually...that may not be accurate at all, since she's a bunny and all, but damn were they big..

I think the snowy weather must have gotten to me. My first actual conversation with one of the underground monsters that wasn't up to something totally whacky and here I was spending it glancing my eyes across this thick bunny's lovely body, just what kind of pervert was I? certainly one with good taste, that's for sure. We concluded our conversation with the topic of selling my items to her, which sadly I found out it didn't exactly work the same way it did above ground and the bunny lady would not be able to make a deal with me there. I told her it was fine, since I was new here and all and was unsure of how shops worked, but she quickly spoke back to me. "Oh, but now I feel bad, I know you could use some money especially if you plan to make it to the end of your errand. I wish there was something I could do for you!" The perky and sincere sound of her voice made my heart bounce, she was really friendly, wasn't she? though I had already learned that just from talking to her these past twenty or so minutes, she certainly gave off that friendly vibe. "Oh, wait! I know!" the bunny girl perked up and gave a little bounce from behind her counter, giving her abundantly sized titties quite a bounce as well...my eyes were nearly fixed, but I slapped myself internally out of my sudden interest in this girl's bosom. "How about you stay a while here? you know, why not at least rest up? I'm sure I can fix up one of my special cinnamon bunnies for you, it's my own recipe after all." I brought up one my arms and scratched the back of my head with a smile, I must seem a little hopeless to be given this kind of charity from a stranger, well, we did know each other now, so at least we were acquaintances? though the thought of spending more time with the bunny merchant was certainly not an unappealing thought. I gave her my deep thanks and agreed to her proposal, promising I won't stay too long. "Oh nonsense, come, come, here." The rabbit lady moved over a few paces and swung up the side of the counter that closed access to behind it where she stood. She gave me a warm smile as I walked over behind the counter and was shown the way to the backroom of the store.

We only had to walk a few paces as the entire house itself was really not that big, the backroom was just a closed door away from behind the counter where she worked, so it took us little time to get here. The backroom was not unlike the front one, it was equally lit in that warm bath of orange, almost appearing as if a permanent sunset had been cast in here, though much warmer and easier on the eyes than staring right at a real one. As I turned around I had failed to remember that this would be my first time actually seeing my bunny friend in her entirety...I was not exactly ready for what awaited me just then and there. My eyes fixed right ahead at what I was seeing; the pretty bunny girl had been standing with her back turned to me, she seemed to be reaching up at a shelf to grab something, as I looked down at her waist I noticed that she was...well...she was certainly wearing clothes, but a pathetic attempt at doing so! She was sporting an extremely small (or just short? maybe?) pair of shorts, similarly to her shirt they clung rather tightly to her perfectly plump bunny ass, a very generous portion of which, by the way, was now sticking out in plain view as a good fifty percent or so of her fur covered ass cheeks could not be contained by such a sorry excuse for legwear. The small shorts resembled jeans in design, blue and with a patch on the back to hold things in like a pocket, the curve of her butt was clearly outlined, white tufts of fur stuck out near the top right where her slightly exposed waist meets the underside of her white shirt and also near the bottom where her fat butt cheeks were very much mostly in plain view. I nearly let my jaw hit the floor, it all happened really quickly but that view and that sudden burst of eye-candy that I was suddenly being treated to seemed to go on forever, I couldn't pry my eyes away from just how much of her butt was exposed to thin air, I mean, half of it was still covered, the entirety of her crack was certainly hidden, and the only exposed section around the middle was a hole cut out near the top that allowed her fluffy white cotton tail to poke out, as one would expect from rabbit-minded clothing, but whoever designed this either had no issues with their ass being half exposed at all times, or...maybe....this particular pair of shorts was not made with someone of ms merchant's....."figure" in mind? maybe someone with such a spankable and eye-catchingly fat pair of ass cheeks was never meant to wear something intended for a more modest sized bum? I wasn't going to crunch the solution in my mind, especially since in the end I could honestly care less how she came to be wearing it, I only wished this sight would have gone on forever.

The moment ended as quickly as it started, however, as she leaned back down with a small sign in her hand, I caught a glimpse of it as she opened the door leading back to the front of the shop and hung it there; "Be back in 30 minutes! please feel free to browse!" it said. "There we go, now you just have a seat there and I'll.." the bunny lady stopped near the end of her sentence and looked at me....uh oh. "Dear, is everything okay?" No doubt she was referring to the fact my face was probably a tad flushed right now, not to mention I was standing at half mast beneath my shorts, though they did a good job of concealing that, so I'm sure she didn't notice that at least. I nodded and affirmed that everything was indeed okay, though I had to come up with some kind of excuse, and for some reason the first thing I thought about was her fur (I wonder why.)As I sat down on the small stool behind me I told her I was just thinking about how warm and fluffy it must be to have fur, it must be nice. She stared at me for a moment and regained her thoughts with a smile "Oh, of course! you told me all about humans, I almost forget that none of your kind are ever born with fur, I guess someone like me must look very different, right? but hey, someone like you is pretty different to me, too." I mentally shook off the images from earlier and nodded politely, letting her know I was in agreement with what she said. "The cold doesn't bother me too much, though I prefer being inside. I can imagine it must be a lot more bothersome for you." I agreed with that and discussed with her a bit about winter clothing, which sadly I had none of at the time. I went back and saved myself a little more by bringing up how her fur must be really helpful. "I guess you're right, I never think about it much but I really am grateful to be covered in fur in this kind of place!" She smiled at me as she stood right across from me. She probably would have started working on that cinnamon treat of hers if I hadn't interrupted her with my heated face, though it wasn't exactly something I could help at the time.

The friendly bunny lady had begun to work her magic in the kitchen (which was really just a small section in the corner of the backroom, which seemed to double as her own bedroom as well) I sat on the cushioned stool that was right around the middle of the room and looked around the small bedroom, it was very comfortable looking and had all sorts of little jars and pots here and there for decoration. Of course my gaze would occasionally glance over to the thick booty'd rabbit that was tending to a few spices and bottles right across the room, but I tried not to stare too intently, as to avoid a repeat of earlier. About ten minutes later of idle across the room chit chat and me glancing around the sunset kissed room (as well as certain other eye-catching things jiggling with each step around the corner of the room..) the bunny merchant had returned to my side with a plate, a top it stood a sizable lump of tasty bread and sugar baked to perfection, in the shape of a rabbit, of course. I reached out as I spoke my thanks, the plate being handed over to me from a smiling bunny, however just as I grabbed the plate my hands had met from below with the bunny's, laying my own ontop of hers as the plate was exchanged. Naturally this let me feel that warm fluffiness that I had speculated for myself earlier in all it's glory, I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "W..what? what's so funny?" the bunny girl said to me in her usual perky and friendly manner. "Oh...it's nothing. Your're just as fluffy as I imagined, you know?" I smiled as I cupped the hot plate in my hands, not hot enough to burn or cause discomfort, but enough to provide a tasty sugar treat. I heard the bunny give a giggle at my statement. "Really? am I?" I had picked up the fork and began to dig at the hot treat that was steaming before me, my rabbit pal had sat on her bed which was just a few feet away from where I was sitting. I told her that she was, her fur looks really soft and fluffy, and I got to prove that firsthand just now. She was all smiles as usual, it seems like she would be a hard girl to upset, not that I'd ever want that, but she was determined to make a good life down here and make do with what could be done until things could improve for the monsters, certainly the kind of girl that has learned to smile and live life positively. I really liked that about her, I have to say, by now I had completely forgotten my longr long treck through mountains and snow and all I had on my mind was conversing with the curvy bunny sitting on top of her bed. With her sitting there it was the first time I got a good look at anything below her sizable butt, now that I was actually this close to see as she was sitting a few feet above ground due to the bed's height. The bunny girl's legs were as fluffy and dripped in snowy white as much as the rest of her. They were rather long and curved down to meet at an equally fluffy pair of feet, each with four cute toes ending with a black tipped claw. She seemed to not wear any form of foot-wear, though I suppose for a bunny that may be perfectly natural? the point at which her leg ended and her foot began was divided by a hunched arch, I believe that's what they call digitigrade, right? at least even down here some similarities exist with the animals back up from above where I'm from.

We spoke some more as I ate, making sure to give her more thanks and compliments in regards to the delicious cinnamon treat, though she shrugged these off saying it was the least she could do, she was just so friendly. Eventually the food had been thoroughly enjoyed and the plate was taken aside into her small washer, that's when I noticed that all I could really do now was continue on my journey and give my thanks once more, or.... Though it was selfish, inside of me I knew I didn't want to leave yet...though I dared not question exactly why my mind was telling me this, though I suppose it may have been a bit obvious. The pretty lady walked over from the washer and sat on her bed once more, looking over to me with a smile as we chat a bit about tasty bunny-shaped sugar treats. Eventually though she had changed the topic to a question I wasn't really ready for. "So..did you really think it was fluffy?" though it caught me off guard as I had not expected something like that to be asked, I knew exactly what she was talking about and responded in turn. "Yeah, like, really fluffy. It feels nice, especially in a place like this!" I somewhat joked in regards to the topic we discussed earlier about fur making great insulation in the Snowdin temperatures, and she replied right after. "Mostly everyone here has fur or some other way to keep warm, I guess I don't hear that too often is all!" she smiled at me, though it makes sense that no one else would really be surprised at their first contact with such a floof covered bunny hand, since it's just the norm around here, but to me it was rather delightful, or maybe it was just delightful because it was *her* fluffy hand I got to touch with..

I wasn't sure what prompted me to do it, but it almost seemed like the timing was perfect for it, or at least, it "felt" appropriate if nothing else. "Do you think I could.... touch your fluffy hand again?" I spoke confidently, but in a very lighthearted manner, it certainly seemed like a silly request, but given the situation between our species...not so much. I looked over to see the bunny merchant girl giggle cutely at my comment, as expected she's not the kind to think of anything negatively or with fiendish ulterior motives, she nodded at me and spoke "Hehe, sure, I wanted to touch yours, too." With that said, she stretched out her arm and I moved the stool below me forward just a bit, the distance between us now even less than before. I reached out with my own hand and this time we mutually touched against one another's hand. "Feeling" someone's hand isn't exactly something I do very often, if ever, simply because what would be the point? but in this case it's very different than just another human's hand, this particular situation causes me to softly rub my hand across the top of her's, my fingers digging softly through the layers and layers of fluffy bunny fur that made up her cute hand. I hadn't noticed this since it would've been hard too otherwise, but now that we were rubbing and touching each other's hands I could feel small little claws at the tip of each of her fingers, not overly sharp, but very much present, though they didn't bother me in the slightest. We soon moved our hands in a way where each of our fingers slid and locked between one another's, clasping onto each other as we held our hands together, honestly, I was starting to feel my face get red, like, a lot. "It's..so smooth, it really is different, huh?" She spoke out loud to me as I turned up for the first time from gazing over her pretty fluffiness to look at her face, she was pretty blushed as well, it seems. "Yeah, yours is so soft and fluffy, it feels nice." She smiled at my comment as we continued to touch against one another's hands, such an innocent exploration yet completely new to both of us due to the strange meeting of human and monster which wasn't exactly commonplace. From far away or even at a normal distance she doesn't exactly appear to have this much fur on her, and despite the generous amount of fluff I could dig my fingers thorough, she wasn't extremely fluffy as perhaps some other monsters out there, but enough to dig my fingers into was more than enough for me to consider her quite a fluffy bun. Eventually my exploration of her hand took a turn northward as I began to rub the fur against her arm, essentially caressing the side of her arm at this point as she mimicked my motion to do the same to my more smooth and fur-less skin.

By now we had both grown considerably red in the face, though in this situation it was sort of expected, we were basically just feeling each other up at this point as we continued to caress and touch each other's arms. It was an innocent and cute situation, nothing bad about it, but my mind was a mess by this point...I wanted more, I wanted to see and feel more of this curvy bunny merchant. Taking some initiative, I stood myself up, still holding hands with her and brought over my other free hand forward. She picked up on my intention as she moved her equally free hand over from it's resting spot at her side. We held each other hand in hand as our fingertips rubbed and brushed one another's. The fluffy fur that I've been growing accustomed to feeling was causing me to become considerably warm by this point, though I was starting to feel a little silly just standing there, now. It seems she thought the same thing because after a few moments of holding both hands together the bunny girl let go of one of my hands and pat the bed next to her softly, giving me a very obvious suggestion. I took her invitation without question and moved over right next to her, jumping up slightly just to get myself sitting on the comfy bed with her. The bed wasn't very high off the ground, but it was still elevated when compared to the stool I was sitting in (though the view of her legs and cute bunny toes was not something I'd complain about) The bed was, however, very comfy, it was actually a stacked mass of sheets and pillows, all of them giving it a very inviting look, though by now sleeping had long left my list of current intentions. I looked over at the bunny sitting next to me, trailing my eyes upward to meet with her gaze and smile. Her shoulder was now at eye level with me and I could see the cute tufts of fur that stuck out from her at random spots. Despite being a very random chance meeting and only having little more than half an hour to get to know each other, we both seemed to have hit things off rather mutually, this was more than confirmed the moment the two of us just began to lean our faces toward one anothers.

It probably lasted much less than I thought, but next thing I knew I had found my lips pressing against a rather plump pair of bunny lips, a distinct flavor of lipstick strawberry had overtaken my taste buds at the same time. That moment seemed to just drag on and on, not that I wanted it to end. I kissed the pudgy rabbit girl again and again, each time one of our little kisses ending with an audible pop, upon closer view it seemed that her bottom lip, for whatever reason, was just plain...big, it was nice and fat and just perfectly built for kissing. Not letting such a perfectly kissable specimen get away, I continued to slowly inch back in after each loving peck for another, and another, and another, though she seemed to equally be leaning back for more. After a dozen or so kisses, each one seemingly being held longer than the last, I could no longer hold back my intent with those luscious lips of hers and I opened my mouth just a bit to hold her fat and strawberry flavored bottom lip in my mouth, just for a few seconds as we pulled back and her lip very slowly escaped it's containment from within my own. "You taste nice.." It was all I could think of at that moment, and my mouth blurted it out before I even thought of anything. "So do you.."The bunny replied promptly, though I wasn't the one gifted with the tasty, strawberry flavored, swollen, and suckable lip.

The gate had been flung open at this point, I had no real reason to hesitate, though I wasn't one hundred percent sure just how heated up this bunny was, I was fairly sure at this point it may be anything goes. I leaned myself forward, this time not just with my face, but with my entire body. A pair of noises came from the floor as the sound of both my shoes being dropped on the ground resonated in the glowy cabin backroom. The bunny lady had no hesitation as she turned completely to face me, propping her feet up on the bed as she sit with one crossed underneath her, the other spread out as I felt the fur graze against my own leg. I placed a hand on her shoulder as I leaned in forward, our lips meeting once again as we both slowly dropped backwards and I was laying my weight against this lovely bunny. I'd say I was trying not to cause her discomfort with my weight, but really, there was no way around it, I was obviously much more lithe and smaller than her in height and weight, so I wasn't exactly causing her much issue by having myself pressed on top. I quickly picked up right where I had left off last time. I hungrily closed my lips around her adorably plump bottom lip, taking it in my mouth once again as I proceeded to playfully lick that engorged lip of hers. I felt a pair of hands grab against my back as ms bunny seemed to be rather enjoying the attention I was giving her, she obviously knew she had a rather healthy pair of lips and was fully enjoying me sucking on them by this point. My greedy licking and sucking of her strawberry lip would soon be broken by a new sensation, a slimy and wet little appendage was now touching against my tongue, sticking out cutely from in front of her cute little buck tooth. I paused my attention lavishing on her bottom lip and proceeded to rub my tongue against hers, just as she wanted. Soon enough we had once again locked our lips together, but this time it was less a cute kiss bathed in the shadows and glow of the sunset room, but rather a lust driven make out session, fueled by the desire for each other. We both took little liberties in the way of modesty at this point as we lustfully sucked and played with each other's tongues, wrestling within one another's mouths as the taste and flavor of her saliva and mouth began to overtake my senses, I wanted more of it, more and more. We hungrily continued this for a few more minutes, just sucking and licking against each other's faces, it had degraded (or rather, upgraded) from any form of cute romantic kissing to full on lust driven mutual tongue bathing, our spit would slightly drip from each other's mouths at times, causing a little bit to mat against the side of her fluffy face.

Eventually we both had pulled back from our heated kiss, each of our faces flushed hotly with desire. If it wasn't for the fact I was wearing very constricting shorts, no doubt she would be feeling the full erection that had been painfully straining in them. As I looked down at the curvy lady that I was laying upon, I was met with a pair of delicious sights. All this time I had been resting myself atop her massive tits, the pair of them safely kept beneath her shirt, but that was about to change. With no reason to doubt the situation at this point I bluntly asked; "Mind if I take your shirt off? you must be getting kinda hot by now, what with all that fluffy fur and all." The more straight and to the point version would have just been to ask "Mind if I see your fat rabbit tits?" but I decided against such a direct approach, though that may have worked too by this point. The bunny gave me a toothy grin, showing off that buck tooth of hers as she spoke "Mmm..go right ahead." With that she moved her arms upwards, giving me full access to completely lift her shirt off. Wasting no time I moved both my arms down, cupping the bottom of the undershirt with each as I began to run my hands upwards with it. More and more of her large belly began to expose itself before me, furry tufts matted and ruffled here and there from all the rubbing we had been doing against each other, her bellybutton cute and centered and her sides shaped like one would expect from such a curvaceous chubby bun. In no time at all I had lifted the shirt up and over her head, her hat (not surprisingly) tumbling off in the process as well. I looked down at the sight before me to see a near topless lewd bunny before me, just one thing stood in my way. I hadn't been able to see it up until now, but below her shirt she was also wearing a rather small and frilly black camisole. The small article of clothing did little to hide her pudgy belly, but rather it was more in place to keep her large breasts neatly covered, though one exchanged look between us told me everything I had to know. I once more brought my arms down and softly grabbed each side of the silky camisole, slowly pulling that up as well as it passed over the bunny's head once more, her arms still held upwards allowing me to easily tug it off from her curvy body. Once more I glanced down to find a now half naked bunny merchant laying before me. There was nothing in the way now, her huge bunny tits were there in plain sight; gorgeously fat perfectly shaped and curvy lumps of fur with a cute pink colored nipple sticking rather stiffly near the end of each with just the right amount of areolae around them, there was little that could contain my thoughts from going crazy right now. I didn't bother to ask or gauge any kind of reaction, I looked up at the bunny's face, looking at me with a lust filled expression as I reached down with both my hands and began to massage her massive tits. It was certainly unlike anything I've had the pleasure of groping ever before, they were huge and felt extremely weighty yet fluffy as expected. I could hear a few stifled moans from my lagomorph partner as I began to grope and squeeze at the ample sized breasts. My exploration of her rather large bosom eventually brought each of my hands near the center and end of them where I ran both my fingers across her stiff nipples. Holy shit...they were hard, like, really hard...

It made me even more horny (if such a thing was possible) than I already was as I felt her extremely stiff nips against my fingers, each one stuck out about half an inch or so as the cute little nubs prodded and moved against my finger's needy exploration. "Mmmfs" and "Oohs.." were small little noises I could hear coming from my lusty bunny with each tug or press of her hot little stiffies. Eventually it became too tempting to only just touch and prod at them, I wanted more. I leaned my head down and temporarily ignored any teasing in sucking or licking across her deliciously shaped tits, instead I went right for the prize and locked my lip right onto one of her hard nipples. The bunny began to fidget and squirm under me as I began to suck and bite on her stiff little tit nub, flicking it with my tongue between nibbles as I would sometimes suck on it and pull back, letting it pop out with a wet splotch, suprisingly it seemed to have engorged itself a little more in size! she was clearly a pretty mature bunny if she was this well developed, though the question of her age was never really brought into question, it had always been more than a little obvious that she was definitely well into her years, though nowhere near enough to be considered "old" either, just mature.

I worked myself back over and over on her fat tits and stiff nipples, using my hands to lift the heavy globes as best I could, if I squeezed enough at the center I could even cause them to push forward, giving a brief "torpedo" shape to them before letting them go and watching them bounce and sag back deliciously to their regular perfectly fat shape, they were just simply amazing to touch, grope, and even just gaze at. Eventually though my heavy groping and nipple kissing was brought to a halt as the bunny merchant moved herself up a little, slowly pushing me back with one of her hands. I followed her lead and soon found myself sitting on my butt, looking forward at the topless bunny slut with the huge tits. "My turn..." she said with a lustful tone as she looked at me, I was more than eager to see where this was going. It didn't take a genius to guess, however, exactly what was about to happen. The chubby rabbit crawled a few steps forward, her huge sagging boobs swaying ever so perfectly as she did so and soon the fluffy pair of rabbit hands that I had been so "lewdly" holding earlier were now busy unbuttoning the front of my shorts. With a few tugs and me lifting myself for her, she tugged down both my underwear and my shorts in one swoop, letting them fall aside in the small pile of discarded clothes that we had been making right on the side of the bed. "Oh...you're so hard.." She spoke in that same lustful voice as before, though in truth I had been stiff as a rock ever since we had began to suck each other's tongues. A few seconds after her comment I was met with a most intensely pleasurable feeling as I felt a warm sensation on my stiff prick. I looked down to see the bunny wrapping one of her fluffy and delicate hands around my shaft. In no time she had begun to softly jerk my skin up and down, the pace nice and slow at first, though it picked up in speed just a little bit a few moments after. The sight itself was part of what waas driving me nuts, here I was getting a handjob from this gorgeous bunny MILF (well...she wasn't even a mother, but the age was surely around there!) with fat tits and a massive ass. Speaking of which, I could get brief glimpses of the side of her ass from her current position, since she was bent over with one hand working itself on my dick. The other half, and obviously the main reason why I was scrunching my toes in pleasure was the fact that this hottie was now working my cock up and down like a jackhammer. She had picked up the pace to a steady rhythm and was wanking me off up and down with no delays, leaving me no room to settle down or gain control. If she continued this nonstop for another minute I would probably end up making her snowy white face even whiter, but I sure as fuck wasn't going to stop her.

However stop she did, though not for long...what was about to happen next was almost certainly going to expedite me emptying my load on her face all the quicker. I looked up from my precum soaked dick to the bunny lady's face, she still had that cute blushed expression on her fat cheeks and blew me a kiss before she moved her face southward and stuck her tongue out to slide a lick across the top of my cock head. It was a miracle I didn't blow my load right there and then, but I knew there was plenty more to come so I maintained some small amount of control as my precum was being licked clean by the most delicate and soft bunny tongue I had ever felt (or rather, the ONLY bunny tongue I had ever felt) Soon enough the licking was no longer just on the tip of my dick, but rather I felt the warm and saliva/cum coated tongue sliding itself up and down my shaft, at times she would reach right to the very bottom and lay a few slobbery licks on my cum-filled balls, it was driving me crazy. Though if that wasn't enough, looking forward now granted me a gorgeous view of her massive ass, her little cotton tail wiggled side to side as she pleasured my dick with her licks. Due to her being bent over and her ass being hunched up, I could see the tufts of fur sticking out the side of her flimsy shorts in all it's vivid detail. I was dying to just move forward and rip those shorts off, leaving me with a butt ass naked bunny slut before me, but I maintained my relative cool and instead took in the gorgeous sight of her fat ass while she treated my cock to a fierce lickjob. Soon, however, the lickjob was just not enough. Sharing my drive for more and more, it seems this hungry chubby bunny wanted to progress things further. Shortly after the licking stopped I was met with a sensation that was beyond pleasurable, if anything it was the very definition of the word, at least. I felt those fat pair of lips that almost seemed to be made for sucking cock wrap themselves around the tip of my rod, squelching down tightly as I was soon met with the feeling of her warm mouth suckled on my dick. She seemed to be knowledgeable enough about this to know to watch her buck tooth while sliding a needy dick in and out of her mouth, and she did it expertly. I looked down to see the back of that bunny's head bobbing up and down on my cock, her cute fluffy ears bouncing slightly up and down in rhythm. Every few sucks she would slowly go back to the top and suck and lick at just my sensitive head, teasing the fuck out of me and forcing the precum out of my leaking dick, I was practically a faucet at this point from how much boy pre-milk I was feeding this slutty rabbit. A few more sucks and a couple of a minutes of her bobbing my dick up and down, at times jamming it as far down her throat as all logic would allow and I was just about ready to burst. "I...I'm gonna.." I meekly spoke out loud as I felt that sensation about to take it's course. I couldn't hold it anymore, this was just too much.

That cue was all she needed. The bunny merchant looked up at me for a moment, her lips and the side of her face smeared with my semen and her spit, she was a delicious mess of fluids before dipping back down and tilting her head expertly side to side with each drop, sucking and licking my dick up and down while one of her free hands groped and rubbed my aching balls, almost as if encouraging them to dump their excess fluids. She certainly would get what she was digging for, in just a few moments my stomach tensed up and my toes sprawled out in reaction as I began to pant desperately, my cum began to splatter out in wave after wave as it shot right into the back of this horny bunny's throat, coating the inside of her mouth in it's entirety like I was marking the entire area as my territory. Eventually when the onslaught of milk was just too much for her to take in her mouth, she let my cock out with a wet pop and began to jack me off with her mouth open, cum spilling out the side of her drenched mouth and dripping down her massive tits. My semen still continued to spill out, splattering her face and her cute nose, messying up her cum drenched face even further. Her cheeks were filled with splatters of cum and some of it had even hit right across her eyes, though she brushed it off and kept jacking me off with no hesitation, hungrily wanting more of my fluids all over her face. A few moments passed however and I was finally completely emptied. The intense and never-ending pleasure that was rocking my cock nonstop had finally settled down as she brought her messy hand away from my dick.

I was nearly seeing double at this point after such an intense orgasm, but my vision adjusted instantly and I was met with the flushed appearance of a cum-drenched bunny. She was the same bunny that welcomed me to her town, the same bunny that told me about Snowdin and shared with me the hopes of all monsters, the bunny that keeps her head up day after day as she works her little shop, and the bunny that I shared my first intimiate moment ever with. I leaned forward a little bit and she almost seemed to hesitate at what I was offering myself to do. Of course, I could understand why...she was an absolute mess right now, the insides of her mouth still a bathhouse of dick milk and spit, she was just being friendly and considerate, as expected from her, but I had no issues with this right no whatsoever, and I made it clear to her shortly after. I leaned in some more showing no hesitation on my part and so she leaned in herself, the both of us pressed our lips together as we each wrapped our arms around one another. The scent in the air was no longer just a small wood cabin drenched in the artifical sunset, but a mix of fluids and heat, it was the scent that screamed out depravity and lust. We kissed for what seemed like hours, though it was only a few minutes, I could care less that my own dick milk was being fed back to me as we swapped spit, it's all in good fun anyway, and besides, she has some *extremely* kissable lips.

We broke apart from our kiss a few moments later, a small string of cum and spit snapping off between our heated and messy faces. I took one look at the naked bunny and smiled at her. She looked at me and with a little self-amused giggle and with a smirk just repeated one line in that cute perky voice, causing me to give a laugh shortly after, myself. "Welcome to Snowdin, traveler."

...but it was time to return the favor, isn't it? (To be continued.......?)