This Valentine part 3 rewrite

Story by Dcatkuro on SoFurry

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#5 of This Valentine

THe 3rd part in the moment this story get interesting

THIS VALENTINE PART 3 rewrite: 3rd Valentine Truth love


Time have pass, the last year of high school is here. I and Dan is still in same class. I had forgoten that kissing thing. I and Dan is closer than before after that. 14th February again, our last valentine, the day I do thing that guess I would regret forever. Three days before that Valentine, like usual I go to the mountain near school and see him there.

_Hey, you come here early!-I smile and say to Dan.

_Just a fell minute before you!-He shrug and reply.

_So It's Valentine again you got any plan?-I look at him and ask.

_Like usual, ignored every one and let the time past.-He say like he don't care about this.

_Just curious, Are you like chocolate?-I look to the sky and ask him shily.

_W-what? Why you ask me that kind of question?-The charmleon shock and confuse ask me.

_I said just curious! Come on, just between you and me!-I convince him to tell me.

_Ok! I kinda love Black Chocolate, but I can't stand sweet one, I love bitter one more.-He look to the sky and tell me.

_'So that what he like'-I look at him and think.

_Now for serious, Why are you asking me this question?-He suddenly turn to me staring and ask.

_W-what!? What are you saying? I just...just...-So surprise and embarrass I stutter. My face blushed a little.

_Ok, let's me guess some girl in class ask you to do this, right?-Dan glance me and ask.

So confusing and don't know what to say I reply:

_Y-yes that right!

And then, he just smile and say nothing. I look at his skin, it just like the sunlight that day. In that moment, I wish I could touch him. Just one time, I could... Ahh, I don't what I thinking anymore. My heart beating so fast when I stay close to him. I don't know what this feeling is, but I know it weird, it not right for the boy have this kind of feel with the other boy. We stay there and look down to town till the end of day.

Finally the Valentine is come, every boys in whole school have been given one or two gift of chocolate. Like usual, I and Dan don't have any present. Those mocking word from other boys will be starting soon. I think I'll see Dan in old place. But when I planing to say to Dan, I meet Slick and his friends. Slick is the Servine, he rich and handsome in the girls eyes. In reality, Slick is just a jerk. He always bullying the one who weaker than him. He use money to get away from every trouble he make. He is the worst person I have ever meet.

_Hey, little Kulny don't get any gift again this year! Hehe.- Slick use his hand lift my chin and gibe me.

_Get off! I'm not a girl! Leave me alone!-I slap his hand off my face and get away.

_Wait just a moment, look what we have here!-He take away my school bag and say.

_What are you doing!?-I ask him with angry voice.

_Hoho, look a present in little Kulny school bag! Whose is this? Let's me see" For Dan my dear friend".-he take my present for Dan out of my school bag.

_HEY! GIVE THAT BACK!-I shout at Slick and try to take my gift back.

_How sweet! Little Kulny want to give his little lover Dan a present in Valentine's Day. What!? Are you and him is in love? Hehe- He scorn me with all those mean word.

_None of your business! Give that back!- I shout at Slick and try to get a gift back.

_None of my business! Hehe...hahaha...-he laughing at me. A gay like you dare to speak to me like that!-He gaze at me say.

Those words he said just like the knife stab to my heart. It hurt so much. All those voice from around, Slick, his friend, the other boys, all of them make me feel so painful. My tear is starting to drip out, I grab my school bag quickly and run out of the class. I hit someone but I don't care as fast as I can. I don't want to see or hear any of them. I run to the mountain and wait. I don't know who or what I waiting for I just wait and wait. My tear keep come out uncontrolable. Suddenly, I hear a footstep from behind, when I turn back I see him. His blue sapphia eyes look at me like it can see deep into my soul.

_Hey, so this where you come and cry too huh?-He ask me with a low voice. saying? I'm crying!-I Wipe my tear from my face and try to talk.

_Yeah! Like I don't see it.-He go near me clean my face and say.

_Huh?-I confuse ask.

_Just a moment ago, You ran out of the class and hit me. You weren't turn back but I see you tear from behind. When I went in class Slick stoped me and said some thing about gay and lover. I ignored all of those word, but when I heard Slick make fun of you, I use Headbutt to his face. His nose bleeding a little, but he scream like a girl. He gossip to the principal. Now, I have been suspension for a week.-Dan tell me what happen in class.

_Oh, I see.-I feel sad say. Wait, What!? You have been suspension for a week!-In shock and angry I shout at Dan.

_Ah! My ear! Why are you shouting like that? This is normal I had been suspension before one or two time it not a big deal.-He confuse and talk like it a normal thing happen everyday to him.

_I why...sob...sob...why your doing this. One again because of me, cry is stop me to continous.

_It's ok! It isn't your fault. It's my decision, the way I choose.-Dan hug and confort me to stop me cry.

After that, we sit down and looking the sun.

_Kul, Is this your?-Dan take a present out of his school bag.

_Huh? What? How can you get it?-I surprise ask him.

_From that Slick guy. Here catch!-He toss it to me.

_Wah...! Catch it!-I relief. Can you give me politely?!-I yell at him.

_No can do-Dan smile silly.

_Huh? It ruined?-I little disappoint say. Oh well! Here Dan it you! I should give you sooner.-I smile and give the present to Dan.

_Huh? What!? That for me?-Dan surprise ask.

_Y-yes!-I reply shyly.

_But why you doing this?-He look at me and ask.

_You know! I...I...-My heart it start beating so fast like it gonna explode.

_Hey, take it easy! You can tell me!-Dan pat and try to calm me.

_I think I in love with you!-I say the true.

In that moment, everything stay silent only hear the wind blowing through.

_W-what?! what are you say Kul? This joke isn't funny, you should try another one. Haha...-Dan fake laughing say.

_I serious!-I yell. This happening a while, before you kiss me I have this kind of feeling for you. When you kiss me, this feeling is much stronger than before...sob...sob...I can't hold it down any longer. I want to do something for you but...sob...but... I don't want to break our. I don't want you hate me. I don't want everyone around see you like a freak. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to...sob...I don't want to...-My tear it start to drip out, I try to hold it back, but I can't.

Once again, Dan drag and hug me. My tear just come out more and more can't hold it back, can't hold this feeling about him back anymore. I cry like haven't been cry before. Dan just stand there hug me and say nothing like his know how I feel right now. After few minute, I stop cry, Dan wipe my tear.

_You feel better.-Dan ask worriedly.

_Yeah! A little!-I try to smile and reply.

_It's bitter!-Dan say confusingly.

_Huh?-I confuse ask.

_Your chotolate! Just like our love! It's not normal and not end well!-Dan eat my chocolate and say. His eyes look sad and painful.

_What!? You love me?! When? Why?-I surprise ask.

_Like said before, The day that you come and talk to me, my heart it start beating strangely. The day I kissed you, it's the day I thought I almost lost you, I could't hold back and kiss you.-Dan express his feeling for me.

_Dan...!-I call him.

_Huh?-He turn back and surpise.

I run toward and give Dan a kiss to his lips. His tongue is wet and sweet, it taste different from before. It sweet and taste like chocolate, the sweetest chocolate I have ever eat, both of us falling down to the ground and keep kissing. I don't want it to end, I want it stay forever.

_Done of kissing?-Dan ask shyly

_Uhm...-I shyly nod my head.

_You are so cute Kul!-Dan lick my face say. Kul, I want to do more with you, do you want us to do this?-Dan look at my eyes I say.

_You mean we "making love".-I blush and embarrass say.

_Yeah! Do you want to?-Dan ask with his face blusing.

_Uhm...I you be gently.-I agree shyly.

We start removed all of our clothes. When Dan remove his underwear, my nose start to bleed a little. His penis is about 7 inches, it already hard on, the pre-cum is drip out, it smell so good, I want to give him something to return all thing he had done for me. Dan start to sit down and expand his groin, the thing between his leg is beating like it calling me. I slowly put my mouth in and give it a tease. I sweet and salty, the pre-cum is gooey. I put my mouth as wide as I can but it still half way of his penis. My throat is sticky with his pre-cum, I keep suck and suck and suck Dan's cock faster and faster.

_Kul, you mouth is so warm and wet, You tongue is so good. If you keep this up I'll...ah...I'll...CUMMING.-Dan moan before he cum out.

That is the big load. Dan hold my head and thrust his cock deep into my throat.

_Cough...cough...Dan you are so sweet! That a lot!.-I blush and shyly say to him.

_Kul, I want to give you a same pleasure I have.-Dan smile and say to me.

I spread my groin and give Dan a good view to see it. Dan stop and stare at my cock.

_No! D-Don't stare my like that!-I embarrassing say.

_Kul you are so cute don't worry I will make you feel happy.-Dan smile and start to come close to my penis.

Dan start slow with his tongue. He licking the tip of my cock, a tingling feeling run all over my body. Then he go farther, he take half and full of my cock. His mouth it so warm like his aura, he slowly sucking my cock and then my balls. His tongue is so wet, it make me feel so good, I'll cum soon if he keep up like this. Suddenly, Dan stop licking.

_Dan why are you stop I almost there.-I confuse ask.

_It is enough for me, you tease very good, but I want something else.-He lift up my legs, make it a good side to view my tail hole.

_Dan, What are you...? Ah, No...N-Not there...-I surprise ask and feel his tongue on the mouth of my tail hole.

Dan tongue play with my hole, it get around and sudden get into my butt, it go deep and make my hole wider.

_D-Dan...Ah...-I call his name in pleasure.

_Ahh...Your butt so sweet Kul! Ready for next part.-He caring ask me. shyly don't know what to do.

_It ok if you don't want to we could stop here.-Dan worry say.

_No, I am for you Dan, just this time I want to be your.-I willing want Dan to have me.

_ Ok we will start slow. If it hurt you have to tell me.-Dan caring say.

I claim on Dan body my butt it on his cock, I slowly low my body down. His cock is start to get in. moan a little when he just half way in.

_Kul, are you ok? Am I hurt you?-Dan worry ask.

_No, it ok can take it! Um...-I don't want Dan to worry I say.

Dan cock is go deeper until it fully inside me. I can feel it throbbing inside me. Dan slowly put it out. My butt feel loss a little when Dan cock out. Sudden, Dan thrust hard in again, it hurt but I keep my voice down not to make him worry. Dan push out and in faster and faster, my butt is starting to feel hotter and hotter it spread all over my body. My tear it drip out so as my saliva.

_Ah...Um...ah...Dan...It feel so good faster Dan.-I want Dan give all what his got.

_Kul, you butt so tight, it so good! I think I will cum soon.-Dan lustful say.

_Me too, Dan!-I say.

_Uhh...AAAhhhh...-We both cum together.

It a big shot his cum keep come out and fill up, same as me my cum keep come out for him. After a while it have stop. It so full and so good when he in me. I give Dan and long kiss, both of us lie in the sunset light and kissing.

It is a week since that day. That Valentine's day is so wonderful, I still have this tingling feeling from all my body. I and Dan have done thing that not normal, but it so wonderful, I can't forget it. I get up and get ready to go to school. When I go out I see Dan, he is waiting for me.

_Hey, What took you so long?-Dan look at me, smile and say.

_It...It not you bussiness!-I blush a little when I see him.

_It not huh?-He smile and rub my head.

_Hey!-I embarrass say. By the way, Why are you here?-I ask confusionly.

_What?! You forgot today is the day I go back to school.-Dan little disappoint say.

_Sorry I forgot.-I jitter say.

_Here!-Dan give me his hand.

_Huh? Is this ok?-I confuse and shyly ask.

_Hey, until we reach the main road is ok.-Dan smile and say.

I shyly holding his hand and walking on the street. TO BE CONTINUE