A Hero's Tail

Story by Moregan on SoFurry

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As per usual you all know copyright by me blah blah so i won't bore you with that and as always. This story (atleast future chapters) will not be for the kiddys so parents watch where your young ones are surfin :) To all who liked the first chapter sorry for the long wait for the second life like it usually does got in the way. I hope to have these out closer together.

As Moregan sat reviewing his newly modified body he began to feel slightly dazed as the changes that took place in his body finalized and he wavered slightly waiting for the feeling to pass. As he sat and pondered all that had happened and trying to clear his head there was a sudden and load cracking sound as one of the beams holding the room up cracked and fell where he and Sora sat. Unable to move quick enough being completely unused to how this body moved the beam crashed to the ground where they sat pinning them both to the ground in a hail of plaster and sections of ceiling. In pain and feeling confused he began to slowly come back to himself he began to notice the weight pinning him to the ground and the searing pain in his thigh and ribs. With blood from a deep gash on his forehead dripping into his eyes he began to call out for Sora hearing no answer but the echo of his own deep feline voice. Laying he realized he must get free no matter what and closed his eyes summoning up all the strength that he had left to him he began to slowly lift the section of ceiling and the edge of the beam pinning him to the ground.

Standing shakily he began to look over the rubble covering the floor of the once clean office looking for any sign of Sora. With his current injured state he did not have the strength to spend the time needed to search the office for her. He was pondering what to do when he heard the faint sound or sirens coming toward the building which had now made his choice for him. He would have to leave her for now and come back when it was safe for him to look further. He was not quite ready to meet the rest of the world though not knowing the rest of the population's fate on this day he decided to play it safe for now a make a run for it. Taking one last look around his once office he turned and ran for the door as fast as his injured body would allow. Once reaching the back lot of the building he began to think over the area trying to locate a good place to hide for the time being and check over his pain inducing wounds. "God how did I get myself into this crap and what the hell happened to me" still having a hard time grasping all that had happened and what appeared to be just another day dealing with retarded clients. "I've got to find somewhere to hide and think all this over. I have no idea what to do" As he is looking for a hiding spot a distant view of treetops reminds him of a wooded park located about 30 minutes from his off. Smiling slightly he begins to slip out of the back lot toward the park and its dense cover.

Laying sideways on the ground of the heavily wooded park a form covered in dark blonde fur is slowly coming back to consciousness and awareness. Slowly picking up her head she shakes her head lightly to clear the last of the cobwebs and suddenly looks wide eyed at her body. "I...I o god what's happening "looking terrified and running her paws down her unfamiliar furred body. She began to slowly move her paws down her chest running them lightly over her fur covered breasts and thinking to herself amusingly "good lord they were never this big" shivering slightly at her own touch "woo...and never....this sensitive". As she moved further down she ran her paws over her furred and slightly muscular tummy and over her toned thighs. The sensual look of the fur covering her fit and well endowed body made her smirk a little while reviewing her findings one more time. While completely consumed with observing the new form she had taken there came a sudden quite snap of twigs and the rustle of foliage breaking the otherwise silent early evening. The sounds combined with the new scent of animal moving toward her made her instantly jump out of pure animal reflex and start looking wildly around for a place to hide. Moving slowly due to his injuries and the exertion of running dulled his senses as he made his way through the dense park wood he did not notice the soft sent of lioness on the air as he stumbled forward into the clearing where she now stood franticly looking for a place to hide from the unknown form of the winged panther coming through the trees. "Who a..are you...What do you want go away." she shuddered out in fear as Morgan slowly stumbled into the clearing not knowing if this creature before her had anything to do with the changes to her world.

Moregan seeing another in the clearing reached out for her trying to ask for help as he felt himself slowly begin to fall toward the floor of the clearing. Attempting to stop his fall by grabbing a nearby tree at the edge of the clearing was unable to hold his weight and stumbled forward landing hard on the ground with a thud slipping slowly into unconsciousness. Hildalea slowly stood shocked at the collapse of the nameless winged animal before her and began to creep toward the sound of labored breathing coming from the beat form of Moregan. As she'd seen in so many movies once within range of the form she extended one clawed foot to poke at the unmoving form. As she'd seen in so many movies once within range of the form she extended one clawed foot to poke at the unmoving form. There was a slight flap of the wings but no further movement came from Moregan. She stood over him for a long time looking down trying to decide weather to kill it or help him. She finally came to the conclusion that we could not survive this new and strange world without help and would attempt to heal and befriend the panther laying before her.

A Hero's Tail

So Here's my first ever story and my first series all in one. I hope everyone likes it :) Feel free to drop me a line i'd love to hear feed back on what i can do to improve or if ya just want to say hi :) As per usual you all know copyright by me blah...

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