Commission for Shadow

Story by MrWoofles on SoFurry

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#1 of Commission

Thanks to The Bloody Seje For Proofreading

Commissioned by L'Shadow Drako got show him some love at

Art is done by Commission them for their work.

Shadow sat at the entrance to his lair with a large grin on his face, his familiars were coiled around his waist like twin belts. The moon blue anthropomorphic dragon watched with a slight bit of amusement as his servant entered the mouth of his cave like entrance. "Follow me." Shadow said with authority in his voice as he stood up before turning around and walking further into his lair through large and ornate double doors that radiated enough light to be seen from the base of the mountain where they made their home in the land of Xath. Shadow spread his wings widely as the twin serpent familiars uncoil to better glare at the wingless dragon behind him, they flicked their tongue curiously at the smaller dragon.

Brax grunted but followed his master wordlessly, it was always the same every since he pledged his life to Shadow. The slow walk back to the throne room, the various servants that made up most of the staff and concubines of the imposing dragon before him. He wasn't feeling up to his reporting statement but it was better to do his job than to risk the ire of the master.

The throne room was quiet as they entered together, many of Shadow's favorite concubines buzzed around the area sweeping floors, wiping down armor sets as they passed. Brax looked over them with disdain in his eyes; while he struggled to over his master in combat most of the other servants just offered themselves on a platter. He looked at each of them with growing disgust in his eyes before a loud hiss brought him out of his own thoughts.

Shadow sat down on his throne while grinning ear to ear, he thoroughly enjoyed when Brax came to report the dealing down into the village. He gazed over the male to fully drink in the submissive dragon's form, the bright red of his scales contrasted with the ebony bone horns that curved downward along his horns. The male was lithe for a dragon with his arms being thin and ending in two inch long black tipped claws. What drew Shadow's attention the most was the bright pink eyes that gazed around with contempt at the others.

"Well... Report, Brax." He said with a large grin on his face, he made the reporting process specifically with Brax in mind.

"Yes... Sir." Brax said not looking forward to the main humiliation he suffered at his Master's hand. He slowly removed his loincloth revealing his modest length to the other servant as he stepped closer to the other male. The other females and males started to gather in a small circle around the pair, reports were always something of big deal with those that rarely left the safety of the lair.

The smaller male approached his sitting master before dropping down to his knee to place his head between his Master's legs as his muzzle hover over his master's sheath before pressing his muzzle against the slit and sliding his tongue inside of the long slit. He was used to this procedure and tasted the familiar musky taste of his Master's loins. Brax would never admit it but Shadow's scent always reminded him of his home which made this part of the task slightly enjoyable.

Shadow's slit started to expand as twin cock tips started to peek out from the slit, Shadow grinned before gripping Brax's horns like reins and pulling him closer. "Report doesn't mean being slow, little Brax. Get me ready quicker!" Shadow barked out at the smaller dragon while some of the on-lookers chuckled and whispered among themselves.

Brax's head was suddenly pulled close enough that both of the semi-flaccid tips were against his muzzle. He sighed and opened his mouth to take in the left cock tip and swirled his tongue around it, the salty taste was familiar enough that Brax could tell which female his master was playing with before he arrived, the light smell of perfume near his master ample testicles revealed that his master had partaken in the affection of the kobold girl in the kitchens.

Brax opened his muzzle and let his mind wander as he felt the cock growing in his muzzle, the sudden surge of length in his mouth made him silently grateful for his ability to unhinge his jaw as he continued to suck his master to full length. He grunted around the dick that pushed deeper and deeper into his mouth and pass his throat, over four feet of cock pushed into his body.

Shadow smiled down as he continued to hold on the male's horns as one of his twin dicks towered over the males while the other was already deep inside of the other males gullet. Shadow snapped his finger and pointed to a human girl. "You, grab on to his horns and keep rocking him back and forth." He grinned as the human bowed to him and moved closer to the pair.

Brax was livid; not only would this take longer but now a human would touch on his horns, his pride was on the line and he would not allow someone to guide him as if he was just learning to walk. As the female approached Brax simply whipped his tail around and swept her legs under her causing the girl to stumble and fall to the ground. Satisfied that the maid wasn't going to get any closer he began to rock his head in his master grip while slurping louder, even in such an embarrassing position he was still the highest ranked servant and he would show them why.

The slurp and suckling sound echoed in the chamber while the rest of the servants looking on in both jealousy and awe. They could see the bulging of Brax's throat and even count the individual spikes for their Master's cock before Shadow pulled his cock out of the smaller dragon's mouth with a wet pop.

"Now since you wasted my time not being prompt with your report, little Brax... You can have both of them inside of you." Shadow said while the other male growled at him.

"Is that dissent, I hear little Braxy?" Shadow taunted just daring the weaker male to attempt to fight him.

"No, Sir. Just clearing my throat." He said softly with a straight face lie. "Shall I begin?" He said reaching and holding both of the pointed tips together, not looking forward to taking both of them inside of him.

"Begin before I waste another year just waiting for you to get on with it." Shadow chuckled while both of his massive rods throbbed with each baritone laugh.

Brax turned around and leaned over a bit, allowing his master a full view of his plump, lightly muscled rear. Brax closed his eyes as he awaited the next part, he could feel each of the master twin tips being rubbed against his cheeks. Brax's own saliva was rubbed against his asshole as he heard his master giving a pleased grunt.

Shadow smiled and pressed the tip of his spiked cock against Brax's hole before pushing in roughly. Brax gave a pained squeal which only spurred Shadow on before he pressed his other cock against the males hole, he roughly wedged the pointed tip against the other cock till he felt himself stretched the sphincter muscles with the addition tip. "So since all the servants are waiting on your report just as eagerly as I am... I guess we could do with a little countdown." Shadow grinned winked at the grinning servants.

"Ten!" A Minotaur female said as Shadow suddenly pulled Brax by the hips causing him to cry out softly.

"Nine!" A human male chuckled out as Brax was pulled over the first set of penis spikes with a whimper.

"Eight!" A feral fox mumbled around a feather duster in her mouth while Brax was dragged deeper along the cock, rapidly feeling the second row of spines opening him up wider and wider.

"Seven!" A male demon bellowed out with a gout of flames from his mouth. Brax squealed as he was half way on the the engorged cocks, his ass burned like no tomorrow as he was nearly virgin tight before he walked in to the throne room.

"Six! Woof!" A gold-white husky female in bright gold armor cheered loudly with her shield raised in the air. Shadow dug his fingers into Brax's smooth scales and pulled him in harder than before he could feel the three feet of cock throbbing inside of the other male.

"Five!" A feral unicorn giggles with long glittering earrings hanging from her equine ears. Brax whimpered loudly as he felt the third row of flat spines stretching his hole unevenly as he started to grunt and his claws dragged against the stone floor of the throne room.

"Four." A muscular canine humanoid with runes inscribed on his chest, "Give em hell, boss." The canine grunted out loudly while giving the male a thumbs up. Brax's could feel pressure against his stomach as the twin cocks prodded deep inside of him, he felt beyond full but rather connected to his master.

"Three." A female capybara wearing a top hat with a gold tooth shining in the brightly lit throne room called out with a grin. Brax's collar started to glow with arcane energy, he felt better connected to his master as soft waves of pleasure started to flow through him making the process just a little less painful.

"Two... haah... haaaaa..." Brax himself called out as the magic started to make the experience more pleasure for him. He could feel himself getting closer to the knotted base of Shadow's twin cocks, he moaned lewdly no longer paying attention to the gallery of creatures circled about him.

"One." Shadow himself finished before digging his claws deep, turning off the magics of the collar and slamming Brax down on his cocks with enough force that a little pre-cum escaped the smaller male's hole as he was knotted.

"Master... I-oooh.." Brax grunted feeling full and uncomfortably sore from the cocks inside of him. "I was out with the humans, doing the training from the local militia as per your contract to make better-AH!" Brax grunted as Shadow teasing pulled on the knots inside of him.

"You are being slow, Little Brax, do you need motivation?" Shadow asked before pulling the knot back out swiftly before slamming them back in. Shadow rapidly began to use his knot to stretch out the other male, he grinned watching Brax's concentration break with the rapid fucking.

"Sorry, Master. I-It's just been a while since I've had t-to-ah... Report." Brax whimpered feel the emptiness of the knots leaving him and the loud squish of them slamming back inside of him as pre-cum slid down his legs and on the to the throne room floor. The balance between pain and pleasure kept Brax off balance as he clenched and unclenched his hole against the massive intruders.

Shadow grinned as he lifted the male like he weighed nothing at all before he placed the male in his lap. "I'm still waiting..." Shadow uttered in a tone that promised bad things in the future for Brax, inwardly Shadow was just happy to have his favorite submissive back in his home.

"The mayor of the-Oh god!" Brax exclaimed feeling the size for his master knots pulling at his asshole as Shadow because rhythmically bucking inside of him, each spike felt like it was both teasing and bruising his body. "...T-Town wanted you to know if you would be willing to give them a surplus of minotaur milk."

Shadow nodded as the town's worries were of minor concern he could easily quadruple their supply with the amount of minotaur that served under him. His focus was the squealing and growling male beneath him as he started to pump harder, it was no longer about the reporting the male gave him but more about letting the male know he always had a place on Shadow's dick.

Brax whimpered as he readied himself for the next phase of reporting, he felt his master lift him up and started fuck him viciously as he walked closer to the edge of the crowd toward the minotaur female. Every step was a few more pumps into the other male's body as pre-cum dripped between their joined bodies leaving a long trail to the minotaur female.

The minotaur smiled sweetly at Brax who was her superior in rank but at the moment just another one of her Master's playthings. She smiled and stroked at his chin. "Don't bite." She admonished but knew what would happen as she lowered her blouse top to reveal her large brown slightly furred breasts.

"Let Mama Susan feed you." Susan said before placing a nipple to the tooth filled snout of the ruby red dragon. She gave a slight wince as the male bit down on her soft breast, "Brax, please... a little less teeth." Susan whined as the male just grunted while her master pounded on his sensitive hole.

Brax suckled on the large pink nipple in his maw while whimpering, he could feel his body being stretched to the limit, the knots rubbed inside of him but he knew that if he didn't finish his report soon things would get worse for him. He released his maw from her nipple as she squealed softly, Brax would return for her later as he enjoyed the attention of minotaur females.

"My... ahh... Master... The humans have reported that there is-Ooooh." Brax moaned as he could feel his stomach filling with his Master's pre-cum; unfortunately for him dragons were copious producers as the puddle drooling down his legs proved. He grit his teeth before he pressed on with his report, "A nest of harpies that have taken roost in the local cavern, they haven't made any aggressive action but their number is a cause for..."

Shadow began to slowly walk backward forcing the other male to walk backwards until they were both sitting on the throne. "Well... I've been doing all the heavy lifting, fuck yourself while I decide on what do with the villagers." Shadow grunted to the lesser male before adding. "Give them a show."

"Yes, Master." Brax whimpered before he felt the twin familiars of his master sliding over his hips, they hissed wickedly before the first snake slither down and placed its head over Brax's engorged reptilian phallus. The red gem-crested familiar began to gently suckle on Brax's cock while he started to quickly rock his hips against the large organs throbbing inside of him.

Brax moaned while gaining momentum, each buck of his hips caused a small gout of pre-cum to slid down his Master's large testicles. His own sack quietly slapped against his Master's, splashing the cum around and quickly coating both of their legs. Brax's vision was filled with the other creatures staring at him and grinning; he knew some were envious of his position while others wanted to see the proud dragon laid low by their mutual master.

"You are boring me, Brax. If you wanted to make love to me then you only just had to ask. You are a good little cock slut so I understand." Shadow teased Brax while the audience chuckled at the lead servant's fate.

"F-Fine." Brax squeaked out before placing his hand on his Master's legs and pulling himself up till he felt the tips of his master's cock spikes. Brax started to raise and lower his hips rapidly as the knot popped out of him with thin trails of pre-cum sticking to his rump while the wet smacks of their rutting echoed in the throne room. Brax glared at the crowd and could see the jealousy, desire, and covetous nature of his peers as he violently thrusted into the familiar encapsulating his smooth rod.

Shadow grunted loudly, his servant's asshole felt like a vice around his cock as Brax's started to pop in and out of his very sensitive knots, he was getting close to his climax. The moon blue dragon gripped Brax's horns tightly as his blue-crested familiar bit into the smaller male's thighs, he would not let the other male enjoy all of the attention.

Brax growled as his master held on tightly to his horns before rapidly pumping into him, he roared as the larger male mercilessly slammed into him at a vicious pace. He squealed loudly with each thrust, his body feeling like it was being pushed to the limit as the male's knot pop out of him wetly followed by row after row of spikes. He glared at the onlookers who were no longer chuckling at him but amazed by the sheer determination of the first servant and his ability to take their master even without the collar's power flowing through him.

Shadow tensed his body before leaning back to let out a savage roar that was punctuated with arc of purple fire just over Brax's head. Shadow's balls twitched before his climax arrived in a messy fashion, spurt after spurt of his ruby and emerald colors seed flooded the male's insides. Shadow abruptly slammed the other male down over his knots as he leaned over to bite into the male's shoulder, a common sign of dominance in his lair which held greater meaning between the two.

Brax sighed gratefully as he stomach felt full from his Master's continued flow of seed; his asshole burned from the vicious fucking but the seed felt comforting. His body was exhausted as he leaned back with a grunt, he felt his master's four arms starting to wrap around him in a comforting embrace.

"Are you satisfied, my master?" Brax asked with a smug grin as he felt the knots swelling up inside of him and firmly locking him into position.

"Passable but you were missed more than anything else." Shadow chuckled as his red-crested familiar stopped suckling on the member in its mouth. "But since you were so slow with the report, I guess I'll be the only one getting off tonight." He teased before teasingly biting on the male's shoulder again.

As the crowd started to go back to their duties, Shadow reached over one of his upper arms and scratched under the male's chin. "It's nice to have you back with your tight little ass. I bet you missed this dick so much." Shadow chuckled as he felt his seed pumping deeper into the other male with noticeable swelling of Brax's stomach.

Brax growled for a moment before letting out sigh. He was too tired to fight back, but he glanced around the room to make sure no one else was watching them before speaking. "I miss the smell of home..." He whispered before rubbing his snout against his Master's arms and enjoyed the comforting scent as they embraced.