Sudden Dunce....

Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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A poem for when I ran into someone I hadn't seen in quite a while

Her eyes were still as beautiful, a deep emerald green matching an angels smile

Sudden Dunce....

I recall a fall I felt too much

One with an easy whoopsy daisy, but painful with any touch

I walked by a heart I knew long ago, & for the life of me, I slipped

Nothing in my path but old memories, I went on a mental slide & physically tripped

A look back never took so much time to make

Relief was given when I saw only a heartfelt smile, & it didn't just seem for my sake =]

It's time or timing that makes a fool of us all

But never the mentioning of what kind, if you one day find your own stumble on memories you didn't expect to recall =P

A simple dusting off, & a nod was enough to continue as we were before

Surprised at the meeting & funny greeting, it was a happy time for sure, our lives intertwining once more

Silence speaks volumes when you whisper with joy

Times a funny mistress, & I'm far from that cheeky boy

Yet, even now, I feel every moment with such a new hapiness

My present, while in the past, leave my future a content mess ^-^

An I don't mind =]

If I could, I'd gladly relive it all & still smile at what I knew I'd find

---Thanks for reading---


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