A Soldiers Story: Love On The Battlefield

Story by SamuelRonin on SoFurry

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#1 of A Soldiers Story

A Soldiers Story: Love On The Battlefield.

Stephen hunkered down in a hollow near the ambush point. His pack surrounded him. Status lights flickered in his helmet display, showing their current status. Those he could see were checking their weapons and ancillary systems. He sent a command to confirm readiness, the lights all blinked to confirm combat readiness.

A cam stalk extended out to give him a view of the valley below, it would soon be swarming with their targets and he plotted out the initial plan for his team. This was not their first operation but most plans only lasted as long as it took the enemy to retaliate. A well planned operation would see them incapacitate and eliminate the threat before that could happen. This was the tense and yet dull part, the wait, sitting on their haunches in the shadows, awaiting the arrival of the enemy.

A few grumbles began to fill the team com; Stephen silenced them with a tight growl. A slip like that would be all it took to give them away and turn an ambush into a fight for survival. A warning flashed up in the corner of his display, their targets had entered passive range and were not keeping their systems stealthed.

His fur bristled as the time approached to act. His pack would be itching to loose their weapons but the critical point was still to be reached. His cam revealed insectoid forms moving in file. Antennas twitching as they signalled each other, odd weapons grasped in their manipulator arms. They were almost in the killing ground designated. His breath held, Stephen called up the go signal and prepared to send his team in.

He flashed the command and then all was action. His sniper units fired on their lead targets, severing command to the other soldier forms. This was the packs intent. Chaos in the enemy that would give them a further edge. Assault wolves leapt from cover, their heavy weapons opening up on the milling insects. Stephen was up with the 3rd wave. His rifle levelling and sighting on the nearest standing enemy. Recoil was the only sign of it firing and then the figures carapace erupted from his lasers excision. Ichor flowed and the creature crumpled. All this was in his peripheral vision as he sighted on another target. Firing again, it fell as its head was severed from the body. The ambush lasted mere moments, between the waves of his pack the insects were decimated and soon the valley was filled with smoke and the stench of burnt bugs.

The pack began celebrating their win, adrenaline flooding their bodies as victory made them euphoric. They began to search through the bodies, seeking trophies and spoils of battle. A sharp hazard signal was all the warning they got before the pack started taking hits. Their ambush was being ambushed. Howls and whines filled the com. Status lights flaring red as wolves fell. Stephen called a retreat as previously unseen bugs loosed remote weapons that filled the valley with high pitched whines and booms of small Mag Rail weapons. Electromagnetic guns were the bane of any foot soldier. Munitions punched out with such kinetic energy that they passed through armour and body as if they didn't exist. Stephen let loose an SOS signal as his pack numbers dwindled and they scrambled to escape the death trap they found themselves in.

His once proud pack was down to a bare three wolves including him. A signal came in as he took cover, his armour shifted to its highest stealth factor. The signal was from a pride of cats lead by the Leopard Sam. They were a short jump away and making best speed to his aid. It ate at his pride to have to hide like this, but he was a good soldier and knew that he needed support to get out of this alive and save what he could of his pack. The cats were in a short range jumper, an armoured assault ship intended for troop insertion and planetary transport. It had the kind of armour needed when under fire from Mag Rails. A sonic boom announced their arrival, the cats deploying in slow fall armour suits. Training their weapons on bugs around the valley ridge. Their Intel fed through a data link to Stephen, showing him the situation and main pockets of enemies. Stephens honour now raged and his team emerged from cover to counter their ambushers.

The ship circled above, deploying its drones to tackle the bug remotes. Weapon AI's duelling like old world fighter pilots. Drones flew tight acrobatics to find openings in each others patterns and fire upon one another. The ships systems were more advanced and drones more numerous though so the fight soon turned their way. Small explosions and falling debris signalling the destruction of drones across the valley. This took the strain off the soldiers so they could focus on the bugs themselves. Even so they were outnumbered and the cats were taking casualties as they descended to the ground. Stephen saw a bug sniper with a pair of high power weapons pinpointing the descending reinforcements. He signalled his teammates onto the bug and searched out other threats as they engaged it.

Suddenly pain erupted from his thigh; he glanced down to see a hole punched through his side. A snarl leaving his muzzle as emergency medication flooded his system. The suit sealing the holes front and back and working to stop bleeding from the injury. Stephen staggered and half fell, artificial stimulants effused his body, countering shock and returning alertness to him. He spun and a drone was highlighted by his software, his rifle bucked and the drone exploded. Another red flash on his display drew his attention. John his Beta had taken severe damage, his chest ripped open by a heavy bug weapon. Stephen spun quickly enough to see the spray of blood dissipating from the hit, John toppled, his injury too severe for the armour to help. Stephen howled as his rifle aligned on the killers head, which became a cloud of bug juice as his weapon discharged into it. The cats were taking heavy losses as well. Of an original 15 deployed a mere 5 remained. Threat analysis showed at least 10 bugs still active. This wasn't going well. The ship had also lost most of its drones clearing the sky. The few remaining slew around to engage bugs as the remaining soldiers concentrated on the last bug groups.

Another red flash sent agony through Stephen, his last pack mate falling, his armour punctured by a group of 4 bugs he had charged. Cats saw him fall and trained rifles on the group, cutting it to ribbons. 2 more cats were cut down before they hit the ground. The remaining 3 including Sam grouped with Stephen. A tight nod all the welcome needed between the 2 leaders as they focussed on exterminating the last of the bugs.

The final skirmish ended as the final bug's carapace shattered under a sustained assault from the mixed cats and wolf. The troop ship descended into the valley clearing ready to extract the survivors. Scorching and patches of smoking armour showing where it had taken hits during the rescue. The cats had taken injuries as well. Punctured and sealed armour showing where bug weapons had sliced through armour, fur and flesh alike. They collected their dead teammates and finally helped each other aboard and were soon on their way back to the nearest base.


Back at base Stephen found himself in the medical ward, his body treated for the injury. He was lucky, no damage to internal organs, mainly flesh and muscle. This could be regrown and restored, but it would take time and leave him off active duty.

As he was feeling the gloom settle over him he saw Sam enter the ward, checking on the survivors of his pride. A dressing around his leg showing that no-one had left the field entirely intact, but they had been lucky. The bug ambush had been well planned and previously unseen in the current conflict. Sacrificing their own troops to draw out his pack and assault them just as their guard dropped. He would not soon forget that experience as the loss of his entire pack ate away at him. Stephen found himself at the precipice of depression. How could he go on from here? Who would want to serve under an Alpha who had lost his entire pack in 1 fight? Dark thoughts began to surface, as he dwelled on his sidearm resting on the cabinet nearby. As he thought more and more of taking that way out he was shaken from that track by a voice near him.

"Hey there, that was quite the fight we got into back there?"

Stephen turned to see Sam by his bed.

"What a fucking mess. I wish I was back there with the rest of my pack."

"You're not the first to find himself like that."

"Don't try to comfort me!" Stephen snarled, baring his fangs.

"To hell with comfort, just get yourself out of that bed, once your fit we're getting out there and teach those fucking bugs a lesson for today."

"And how do you expect to do that? With your decimated pride?"

"We aren't the only troops cut down like this. There are many soldiers out there looking for pay back. They just need a way."

"Like fuck. How long do you think it would take to form a full squad from stragglers, never mind training to make them into a cohesive unit."

"Any chance is better then just sitting in a bed looking at your gun with such envy."

"Who are you to tell me what I can and can't do? What have you lost to think you understand me?"

"Get yourself out of that bed and fit to fight and maybe I'll tell you."

With that Sam moved on. Greeting and commiserating with his injured pride mates.

Stephen watched for a while. Feeling the loss renew as he looked to the other beds and the lack of any remaining pack.

Time passed slowly as his injury healed, once up and moving he found his mobility heavily strained by the new flesh and muscle, the bald spot also annoyed him beyond reason. His loss was still strong, but anger gave him strength. He wanted revenge no matter what. So he set out to train and rebuild his strength.

Sam had been a constant presence, almost more of an annoyance then the support he sought to be. Soon they began sparring. Their matches helping them bond, even as they attempted to find dominance over each other.


The pair stretched and loosened muscles as they took opposite corners of the sparring room. Each looking the other over, tension had been mounting as they had faced off several times previously; their score was even up to this point. Stretching over they moved into starting positions. Looking into each others eyes, the normal anticipation and competitiveness was there but something more seemed to be flowing between them. They began.

Their bodies collided, paws seeking the best positions to grasp or turn the other. Stephen shifted to a Judo stance and went for Sam's body seeking to drive him down to the matt. But Sam countered, getting his arms inside the wolf, shifting and turning him aside. They separated and circled slowly. Growls rumbling from their throats. Neither had hit the floor yet. They were well matched and the aroma of sweat and exertion soon filled the air. Sam dived in but misjudged, finding himself caught and tripped by Stephen, who promptly pinned and growled close to his ear. Heat flowed between their bodies as they struggled on the matt. Sam seeking escape while Stephen countered and tried to find a submission move to win the round. Stephen felt something new; heat was flowing to his groin, the beginnings of arousal!

Sam got free as Stephen was distracted, pondering this new development. As they spread apart Sam saw the bulge forming in Stephen's shorts and cocked an eye at him. Stephen misreading the look let loose a howl and flung himself at Sam, claws seeking purchase as he attacked properly, seeking to hurt him. Sam realising the shift jumped back but in doing so his legs came within reach of the wolf claws. The sound of material tearing was followed by Sam's torn shorts falling to the matt. Stephen charged again but Sam was quicker, dodging to the side and tripped him, sending him down hard on the matt face first. Sam was on him in a moment, pinning from behind. Growling in Stephen's ear.

"Calm down. We're just sparring."

"I saw your look. How dare you judge me?"

"No-one is judging you."

Stephen then started as he felt the leopard shifting against his back and a swollen member brushing his own shorts.

"Do you think you're the only 1 to enjoy another males company?" Sam purred as his claws extended and sliced through his pinned opponents shorts. Leaving them both nude.

Then Sam got up, offering his paw to his opponent.

"Mmmm, now this is more like it, traditional sparring. Naked" Sam purred as he saw Stephen's arousal swelling further.

"Winner ends up on top" Sam teased and dived for Stephen's waist. Getting a good purchase Sam got him down to the matt. Stephen's member brushing his fur as Sam moved up his body. Their bodies brushing as anger turned to hunger, but they still struggled to beat the other. Now with a more erotic edge as paws stroked and pinned, they began licking each other when their mouths were close enough to reach.

Sam's tongue darted over a nipple and Stephen shivered in response, giving Sam the opening to shift to a submission lock and win the round.

They pulled apart, but reluctantly, Sam looked to Stephen with hunger and lust as he moved towards his nearby pack. A quick rummage produced some lubricating jelly, brandishing it he smiled at Stephen.

"You lost, so assume the position." He purred as he approached the defeated wolf.

Stephen got on all fours and looked back as his tail raised and waved enticingly.

Sam growled approvingly and moved up behind. His paw rubbing jelly over his throbbing member and then teasing Stephen's tail hole. Readying him for the mating to come.

Sam mounted him slowly, rubbing his member over the throbbing entrance and easing slowly into the now murring wolf. Stephen whined as his tunnel was stretched by the swollen leopard member sinking into him. Once in to the hilt Sam held Stephens hips, massaging as they adjusted to each other. Then he started thrusting deep and slow. Enjoying the feeling of fullness and how the tight tunnel milked his cock. Stephen was in bliss as he was filled, squeezing and driving back, meeting the thrusts of his new lover. Growls filling the air as their mating intensified. Faster and harder they thrust until Sam could hold back no longer, with a cry his seed erupted into the tight confines of his wolf.

The feeling of the cream filling him was intense but Stephen still wanted his release as well. With a cry Sam pulled out, the barbs of his cock sending a pulse of pleasure and pain through Stephen who rolled to his back, feeling cum run out from his hole. He held Sam's head and drew it down to his own member. Sam seeing the wolfs need opened his mouth, running his tongue up and down the shaft. Feeling it throb and pulse at his caress. Leaking pre cum which the leopard eagerly lapped from the tip, the feline hooks on his tongue making the wolf shiver at the new sensation. His paw cupped and massaged the growing knot as he took the member into his mouth. Sucking it deep down his throat. Between the motion of his throat and his paw on the knot Stephen let loose a passionate howl and his cum pumped down Sam's throat, sucking every last drop from him. Then they lay together, stroking and exploring each other.

"Is this your plan for every new soldier for our team?" Stephen asked with a contented smile.

"Oh I doubt that. Just for someone special, like you." Sam stroked the wolfs member as it returned to its sheath.

"So does this mean you want to join me?" Sam asked, the hidden meaning of his question becoming clear to Stephen.

"Well, it's been a long time, but I can't think of anyone better. For now."

With that they helped each other up and heading into the adjoining showers, washing each other and sharing more tender moments. They left paw in paw much to the surprise of other soldiers they passed. A request for a shared cabin was soon approved and they soon formed a firm bond both in the cabin and on training exercises, becoming extensions of each other. Their sparring was always naked after that and always ended the same way, winner starting on top. The score was still even between them.

It was soon time to build a new unit. The other cats from Sam's pride were the first. Although unsure about Stephen's abilities they were loyal to Sam and soon came around to Stephen as well, after a good few wind ups and pranks.

The team consisted of Richard, a well built Tiger with a penchant for heavy duty weapons. Simon was the team's main sharpshooter. A lithe Puma who with a good vantage point could identify and take out squad leaders with ease. Sam was an all rounder but was most accurate with a rifle. This gave a good broad basis, but the numbers were nowhere near enough for any major operations.

The first mission they took on as a 4 member team was a basic escort. A light Hopper was in their charge as they escorted a medical transport to a large base near the planetary Capital. They most likely would not even leave the ship but they were equipped in preparation for anything. The bugs had no notion of care or protection for their injured. More often then not injured bugs would be cannibalised for fit bugs sustenance. The bugs therefore took a very dim view of their mammalian enemies need to protect injured fighters, although not a priority, medical vessels were high on the list of secondary targets of opportunity when time allowed. The mission was past the halfway mark when the attack came. The bugs fired from within a heavy tree canopy, making ship based targeting too difficult without razing the whole forest. So setting the autopilot, the team deployed, hot dropping through the canopy and to the ground below. Darkness swamping them, light amplification came online, shading the forest a ghostly green. IR was pointless as the bug carapaces shielded heat far too well. Targeting software threw potential target outlines around shapes that fit in with known bug species. The team spread out, using cover to work towards the source of the initial attack. Sporadic fire erupted as they cut loose on any targets thrown up by the software. Trees splintered and fell, the bugs were firing back, shredding trunks and foliage as the team dodged and weaved. The cats speed and agility were awe inspiring. Stephen was not far off their level though, clouds of dirt and wood chips showing that for now he was 1 step ahead of the enemy. The Hopper was keeping pace above them. Soon the attacks ceased, the team calling an all clear, echoed from the air above. They continued on cautiously, wary of further bugs that might be present, until they came upon a clearing large enough for the Hopper to come down and board. The rest of the mission passed peacefully.

They reached Camp Foothold and were soon debriefed. Congratulations were given based on the lack of damage or injury. The team were soon in the main Mess relaxing. After a good meal they separated for their bunks. Thankfully a cabin was available for Sam and Stephen and they were able to retire to a comfortable bed, where they were soon naked and building up arousal.

Sam was on his back, legs raised. Stephen kneeled further down the bed. Lubricating his throbbing member, taking up position he teased Sam's entrance and drove into him. Growls filled the air as he plunged in and out of the feline's tail hole, holding Sam's legs for leverage they mated hard and passionately. Sam looked into Stephens eyes, both males filled with lust and a deepening love.

"Are you going to tie with me this time?"

"Do you think you can take it?"

"I'm desperate to try; I hear it can be the most intense feeling."

Stephen thrust with increased vigour as Sam spread himself further, wanting him as deep as possible.

The wolf's swollen knot bumped against the tight hole with each thrust. Pushing a bit harder each time, feeling the tight ring stretch slowly and finally with a last thrust his knot popped into the wanton Leopard, making him cry out with the near tearing of his entrance. Stephen couldn't hold back and his seed flooded forcefully into the tight passage. He grasped Sam's pulsing member, pawing him quickly to a powerful climax that covered both of their chests with feline cream. They collapsed together, tied by Stephen's knot. Sleep soon overcoming them.

The next day in the mess as a team once more they got talking to the other troops on the base. Finding many more which had lost all or many of their squad mates, they soon began filling their ranks, drilling and practising to find those that best fit the team and complimented their preferred tactics. With a squad forming they would soon be ready to take on bigger missions, but it was still early days and much more training would be needed to form a strong team from disparate survivors. They all had their reasons and motivations, joint leadership was unusual, but Sam and Stephen complimented each other so well it was more like one leader in two bodies. Training soon proved this to the more sceptical recruits.

Soon they would be ready to take the fight back to the bugs.