Chastity Story: Bound by the Prince

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: HandofBlades , and written in a rather different style to my typical piece of work. Please, enjoy some old harem style fun.

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Bound by the Prince for HandofBlades by Draconicon

"But master, I haven't -"

The snake prince hissed, and the otter immediately fell silent. Ket knew better than to tempt his master to anger. The fangs of the merchant prince were far from pulled, and with the money he had, even the lack of 'true' royalty wouldn't be enough to put him in trouble for punishing his slaves the way that he wanted.

Instead, the otter laid back, his face burning as the prince's guards wrapped his crotch in leather and metal. His cock was pulled down between his legs, the head pinned somewhere between his taint and his hole, and tied there to a leather harness that snaked back between his rump cheeks. Every time that he felt his cock begin to twitch, the tight strands of leather kept him from getting hard, and even tugged back on his cock head, like a tight restraint squeezing tighter, and making him too uncomfortable to be able to get hard.

The guards, soon finished with restraining his cock, moved to restraining him. Ket was helpless as they laid him down on the prince's bed, tying his arms together at the wrists, and then binding them to the head of the bed. His legs were pulled far apart, almost to the point of pain in his thighs from the stretching, and they were tied by the ankles to parts of the underside of the bed. His shame of being bound was visible to all, no matter how he tried to squirm and hide it.

Even his proud rudder of a tail was tugged down, pointed towards the foot of the bed before being tied up and kept pinned. Even that would no longer serve as a means of covering his shame, not before the prince, and not before any visitors that he had.

The snake prince nodded, and his camel guards passed through the wavy smoke of the incense braziers on their way out. For a moment or two, there was utter silence, and Ket held some hope that his master would take pity on him, that he would be released.

Then his master smirked, and at the showing of the fangs, the otter knew that things were about to get far worse.

Soft fabric rubbed against itself as the snake crossed the room, and through the smoky mist that had descended upon it, bearing with it scents of musk and scented wood, Ket watched as his master approached the harem door. The otter cringed as his master opened it, and a brown-furred hand reached through to stroke the master through his baggy, silken pants.


"Hush, slave. You must pay the price for your transgressions."

The otter wanted nothing more than to pay for it, so that he might not go through this any further, but nothing could be done. He knew that to speak further would be to invite the wrath of the prince upon him, and his tongue could be torn out of his head. Even the idea of being gagged by the prince, of having his voice stifled for the entire night, was more than the otter could bear.

So he bit his tongue, and watched in helpless fascination as the snake prince drew forth his companion of the night, Ket's replacement.

He was almost shocked to see that it was another otter. Almost, but not quite; the master's tastes were well known, and otters fit many of them. This one, however, was an otter of the sea coast, while he had been brought from the inland rivers. Ket barely knew him - Xan, he'd heard was the name - but he knew that the coastal one brought new customs, and new pleasures. He dreaded the pleasure he would bring their master, and feared that he may never match it. The terror of being replaced became startlingly real.

The otter could do naught but watch as the pair of them advanced through the incense smoke, their bodies leaving a trail behind, their silhouettes like ghosts. He heard them before he could see them clearly, the soft moans of his master and the eager giggles of the other otter leaving him in a humiliated rage.

How can the prince do this? I did my best to serve him; was it my fault that he was so wonderful?

Ket bit his tongue, knowing the danger of such thoughts. To be angry with the prince was to plot against him, and he would not turn against his master.

But it was so hard to be pure when the master he had devoted his life to was teasing another man. As they stepped to the foot of the bed, Ket could not help but see the bulge in the snake's pants, the throbbing of life brought to his shaft. He bit his lip as Xan teased their master, bringing more life to the monster that resided there.

"On the bed."

Like lightning, the other otter leaped from the floor to the bed, and the prince followed like the inevitable thunder after it. His fellow slave knelt on all fours near the pillows, his hips pushed back like a beast begging to be taken, a whore needing to be bred. The mere sight sent such a tremble down his spine, and Ket groaned as his shaft tried to rise. The tightness of the leather and the squeezing of metal stopped it, but he knew it would be far from the last time he would feel such things.

The prince chuckled, and his laughter sent a different sort of tremble through the river otter. He blushed, knowing that he was a display for the prince and his replacement, and he shuddered as the snake's tail rolled up his thigh.

"Look upon this poor whore, my otter. Look at your predecessor, and what he has earned for himself."

"He is so silly, master. Is he tied up?"

"Yes. He must learn control."

"Then, may I be your example to teach him?"

"Yes, you may."

The snake took the otter then, and Ket was forced to watch as his master's shaft disappeared again and again in the other otter's welcoming hole. He was aroused to the point of insanity at the display before him, and the belt beneath him taunted him again and again with what he could not have. The leather tightened unbearably along his shaft, holding it back between his legs, and the only 'relief' he felt was the slow dripping of his juices towards his hole.

The display got more and more vulgar as the prince's lust grew. Ket watched as the pair of them shifted positions again and again, like lustful demons tempting another. He watched as the otter lay on his back, like a woman, and was taken until his toes curled. He stared as they positioned themselves above him, with Xan's shaft bobbing in his face as their master took him from behind.

The worst, however, was yet to come.

As the prince pushed the sea otter away from him - ending the show of Xan riding their master at Ket's side - Ket shared a look with the prince. Such lust, such eagerness was in those eyes, and he knew that he was about to receive the worst of his punishment. His shaft strained harder and harder inside of the leather pouch, and he bit his lip to try and stop his arousal. It was too strong, however, and only the metal chains and the leather straps kept it from leaping free.


"Yes, oh great master?"

"Lay yourself a pillow behind your predecessor's head. I will have you, with him watching as close as he may."

"Thank you, oh prince of princes. I am delighted beyond measure to serve as a tool you may use to teach a lesson."

Ket barely restrained a whimper as Xan's stretched hole was suspended above his head, only a pillow keeping it from sliding down over his muzzle. His shaft strained hard, desperate to rise and to fill it - for one of the few things he knew was that Xan resided firmly at the bottom of the harem's order - but it remained restrained. Nothing could free it from its prison, not even the sight of the prince's shaft as it came into view.

Prince Zavis' shaft was something he had long worshiped, and tonight was no exception. The otter licked his lips at the sight of the thick member, his entire body shaking at the spectacular shaft as it 'kissed' the other otter's hole. It nudged it, teased it, before sliding in. The slow grace of the prince's penetration was matchless, and Ket shuddered as his cock tried once more to harden as Xan's hole was stretched around the snake's member. The slow widening of the rim, the soft squelching sounds of the disappearing cock, left him sweating from his own arousal.

He laid there, helpless, as the prince took the other otter once more. It was rough, and hard, and it was deep and obviously satisfying for the other harem member. He could hear the eager moans, the soft whimpers, and every now and then, a little droplet of juices fell upon his chest. It humiliated him further, yet his shaft had never been more needy. It leaked through its cage, and he felt every drop as it slipped down over his hole.

His master was a rough and firm lover, and it showed in the franticness of the sex above him. He did not know how Xan took it, nor how he was able to withstand the frenzy of the snake's lust. Yet, he stood there, taking it, and unlike with Ket, the sea otter never showed a sign of losing control. His shaft dripped aplenty, but there was never a rise, a twitch, or a throb that showed that he was nearing his climax.

Soon, the prince reached his own climax, and Ket watched with rapt attention as the prince's shaft twitched and throbbed. It bloated along the underside, and the snake's scaly sac drew up as his seed was delivered to the eager harem otter. Xan moaned, but once more, never came. He merely moaned.

Ket winced as his cock twitched within its bindings as the prince withdrew. Slick seed clung to his member, and the other otter's hole was spread wide after the hard and rough session. Xan smiled, and pantingly bowed to the prince.

"May I...I serve you in any other way?"

"No. You may withdraw."

"Of course, your highness."

As Xan departed, the prince laid down at Ket's side. The otter turned his head to face his master, and immediately groaned as the prince reached down, rubbing at his restraints.

"It seems that my little slave enjoyed the show that he received. Perhaps, my little otter, the next time you will give a lesson to another."


"You may speak."

"I...I will not make that mistake again, master. I will not...not fail you."

"I know you will not. At least, not for some time. Until you learn to restrain yourself, you will not be freed from this. I imagine you will take several months."

Ket whimpered, but didn't argue. He knew that it was luck and his previous favor with the prince that kept it from being a year. He would not lose that. He dared not.

The End