California Madness, Pt. 6 Surf Session 1

Story by Pan_Surfer Dude_Taron on SoFurry

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Note: All characters except Pan Taron and Ron are Copyright James M. Hardiman, including Desiree, Natasha, Lori, Onyx, Jim, and Valencia. Pan Taron is copyright Philip Bustamante. Ron is a character created by Philip but based on a real person who wishes to remain anonymous. Alex Skunk is copyright Author X and is used with permission.

Part VI: Surf Session 1

Dawn on the beach in California is really something spectacular to behold, especially around the Huntington Beach area. Large flocks of seabirds awake in the nearby Bolsa Chica wetlands and take flight at first light, crying out their calls of delight at the arrival of a new day. The sun rises over the distant mountains that ring Los Angeles and Orange County, peeking between the crags and valleys until it rises like a giant valencia orange in the distance. The water, which had appeared black and forbidding over the course of the previous night, gradually becomes infused with lighter colors, going from purple, to navy, to finally a lighter teal in the shallows as the sun gradually infuses the water with more light. The waves mix up these colors as they come closer and closer to the shore, blurring the lines and finally obliterating them as the waves crash in the shallows and turn the first 20 yards of water into a wash of roiling foam.

Few souls ever get to see these early-morning splendors. Few, that is, except the surfers!

In ones and twos they come from all over the beach communities, by cover of early-morning darkness, every one of them sleepy and groggy, but prepared nonetheless. Coffee shops and diners open early for these adventurers, who often stop in for a quick pick-me-up and move on, wanting to be the first on the beach. As the sun's first pallid glow shows in the eastern sky, the cars park along PCH, line up outside the parking lot for Bolsa Chica, and pull up to curbs in the residential neighborhoods bordering the beach in Huntington, vying for position and rank as they settle into their spots and immediately begin to unload. As the first rays of sunshine peep over the mountains, bodies rush into the water, and the surfing begins!

Natasha, who knew nothing of these treasures and traditions of the region, slumbered on in peace and quiet while the surfing world came to life. Exhausted from the night before, she had taken comfort in the fact that her newest friend, Pan, was sleeping right next to her, and had snuggled up against his warm, soft fur like a child with its favorite teddy bear. Pan, for his part, was more than willing to snuggle back, holding close to Natasha and wrapping his tail around the two of them as they drifted off to sleep, so that they wouldn't part during the night.

As she came-to in the pale moonlight, however, she was vaguely aware that something had changed over the course of the night. Before falling asleep, she had noted that Pan had short fur that smelled pleasantly of the sea, the soap they had showered with the night before, and coffee from his store. Without even opening her eyes, she could tell that the person she was now holding had longer fur that was coarser yet silky smooth and brushed to perfection. 'Well that's strange... Where did Pan go?', she thought to herself.

"Hey sis, I know I'm usually the one who wants it all the time, but 5:45 in the fuckin' morning while I'm still asleep isn't exactly a good time for yiffing, ya know?" Natasha's eyes finally opened as Lori shoved her in the torso, putting Natasha's hands back on her own person. "Maybe in another hour," Lori continued as she rolled back over on her side. "Hey Onyx, stop hogging the Pup, it's my turn to hold him!"

"Mmmph" Onyx replied into her pillow, then turned towards Lori. "I don't have him... You sure you didn't shove him up your bum in the middle of the night, thinking he was a toy or something?"

By this point the sisters were awake, and sitting up to look at the room, they were stunned to see that the room was empty; sometime in the night, their new friends had gotten up and left. Sniffing a little to hide the fact that she was disappointed, Lori crossed her arms and scowled. "Hmmph, they didn't even say goodbye! Not that I care, but..."

"Well, you DID face-fuck that poor guy last night," quipped Natasha, trying hard not to sound upset as she pouted. " You expected him to be able to sleep in the same bed as you, much less stick around much longer, after passing out inside your snatch?"

Just then, the phone on the desk rang, and Lori snatched it up, still scowling at her sister. "What?!"

"Hello, this is the front desk with a message for Natasha, Lori, and Onyx. It says ‘Come down stairs to the lobby and meet us here. The six of us are going out. We have breakfast."

"Uh, girls?" said Lori to her sisters. "Apparently the guys are waiting downstairs. Wait a sec... Hey operator, what do they mean by six of us? There should only be five!"

"Oh my, one of them wants to talk. Here you go, sir..." There was a pause on the line, during which Lori took the initiative to put the speakerphone on in the room. There was a crackle over the line as the phone changed paws, and then a very familiar voice came in over the speaker. "Hey girls. Come on down! We got you breakfast, and then your new friends are going to teach us how to surf!"

Onyx practically leapt out of bed at the sound of the voice on the bed. "Alex! My sugar skunk! He's here!" In seconds, she was into the closet, rummaging about for the swimsuit she had bought the day before. Lori and Natasha stayed on the line, but moved over to the closet too, holding the phone in between them. "Alright Alex, we're on our way down!" they chimed together before hanging up.


Five minutes later, the girls entered the lobby to see the three males sitting in the deserted lounge area, laughing at some private joke together. Pan and Ron were both dressed light, each only wearing a t-shirt and a pair of board shorts. Alex sat to the side, still wearing his blue flight suit and black shoes. His right paw supported a comically large ice pack against his temple, where they noticed a large bump was already beginning to minimize in size. Each had a smoothie in his hand, and at Pan's feet another tray of drinks and foil-wrapped burritos sat waiting for the girls.

Running to her lover, Onyx jumped into Alex's lap, shouting "Hey babe!", then kissed him deeply before he could reply. After a few seconds, she broke the kiss and, taking his head into both hands, inspected him closely. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Well, it's a funny story really... You see, I flew in early this morning from a training exercise in Arizona. I had called the office last night to find out where you were staying, and figured I'd surprise you, babe. However, when I got here I found out your mom hadn't left me a key to your room, so I figured I'd be extra sneaky and slip into your room Casanova style by picking the lock on the door."

"Only instead of getting in, he ended up waking me up," chimed Ron, smirking as he picked up the story. "I'm a light sleeper, so I woke when I heard the door being messed with. I woke up Pan, and we went over to the door and decided that Alex was an intruder." He took on an air of a jock as he continued, puffing out his chest and flexing slightly to try and look impressive. "We figured it was our duty as your new body-guards to get this guy out of here, so we jumped him! Man, you should have seen the look on this guy's face when the door yanked open on him and the two of us leapt out at him! He fell back and hit his head on the door across the way, so we never got a chance to do anything to the poor guy! Hahahah"

Alex scowled a little at being reminded of the injury. At Onyx's laughter, though, he softened a little. "Yeah, I didn't see *that one coming, haha."

"Anyway, we took him down to the lobby and made him explain himself," continued Pan. "He showed us proof that he works for your mom's company, and the rest is history!" The three males raised their smoothie glasses together then sipped, chuckling in their newfound friendship.

"Well I'm glad you three faggots have had a nice time circle-jerking it up this early in the morning," interrupted Lori as she sidled up to Ron, grabbing the front of his shirt and yanking up. His false show of being tough and macho wilted and shrank under her scowl, and Lori took great satisfaction in seeing his tail disappear between his legs as she continued. "My question is, why the hell did you get us out of bed this early?!"

"Oh right," chuckled Pan as he saw his friend wilt under the gaze of the dominant female. "Ron and I decided last night that if you're going to be posing as surfer-babes for that photo shoot, you might as well learn how to surf to make it official. So, we decided we'd take you out this morning and show you how to surf properly. It was only chance that Alex showed up and got us out of bed early, but since he showed up we had an easier time of getting all the equipment together and buying breakfast before the sun came up. So what do you say, girls? Wanna learn how to surf?"

"Yeah!" replied Lori and Onyx together, spraying bits of the burritos they had begun to munch on as they shouted out their response. Only Natasha remained reserved, sitting on the arm of Pan's seat and looking unsure. A very visible fear shone behind her azure eyes, and Pan knew in an instant what had to be done.

"Listen Natasha, I know you're scared of drowning after what happened yesterday. That's why we're going to start off in a place where you don't have to worry about waves. I'll teach you how to swim, and you and I will share a board just in case." He took her head into his hands and brought his head in close. "You'll be perfectly safe, I promise. Will you trust me?"

Blinking back a tear, Natasha nodded softly, then was drawn into a hug that she returned fiercely before jumping up. In her eyes shone a look of determination and excitement as she jumped up off of the chair. "What are we waiting for, girls? Last one to the car smells like cat fish and jizzum!" The three belted off out the door, leaving the men still seated in the lounge.

"Are they always this rambunctious when they're excited?" asked Ron, picking up the tray of food that was left in the girl's wake.

"Trust me, bro. You have NO idea..." sighed Alex, picking up his small duffel bag and walking out with the other two males into the early morning light.


After loading up the surfboards on top of Pan's car, Panama, they left the lot and wound their way up Pacific Coast Highway, through Huntington Beach, Past Sunset Beach, and finally past Seal Beach, advancing closer and closer to the invisible line that separates Los Angeles and Orange County along the San Gabriel River. It was just after this invisible line that the car turned to follow the curve of the coast as it bent to the west. At the apex of this curve they turned into the beautiful residential shore community of Naples.

As with the real Naples in Europe, the main feature of this little town is a network of canals and channels that run in-between the rows of houses, giving everyone a garage to park their car AND a space to dock their boat. The canals are big and deep enough allow large sailboats to pass each other and still leave room for a kayak or two on their way out. The channels all lead to a big, long breakwater that shelters the canals from the currents and waves of the ocean, leaving the water inside the canal as smooth as glass. While the water isn't exactly crystal blue or pretty looking, it is relatively fresh and free of debris.

While Pan pulled Panama into a metered parking spot and put a couple of quarters into the meter, Ron and Alex started taking the surfboards off of the top of the car. The girls filed out onto the beach and watched the men as they laid the three boards out on the sand.

"Hmm... I like this red and black striped one here. My kind of color scheme," remarked Lori with a grin.

"Ooh, look at that one! It's got a little samurai mouse in the middle of the emblem with a sword pointed at the sea. Hey, wait. This one says ‘Wayne Miata' on it... Pan, did you steal this one from a guy named Wayne?" asked Onyx, toying with the ankle leash as Alex laid the board in the sand.

"No, Onyx. Bruce is the name of the guy who shaped and designed the board. I bought it from him. My wetsuit, on the other hand...."

"Then I'm sure he won't mind me doing THIS!" she exclaimed, taking the 9 foot long ankle leash and strapping it to Alex's wrist, then yanking hard and wrapping him around the torso a few times and drawing him close in a matter of seconds. "Remember this from a couple weeks ago?" she whispered, licking his ear playfully.

"Break it up you two," exclaimed Natasha as she eyed the final board that came down. Where the other two boards were nice and decorated tastefully, this board was simply beautiful in her eyes. It was a shiny, bleached-bone white, free of imperfections, blemishes or dings. The board featured two, inch-wide green pinstripes on either side of the board on the top half, and the stringer (a piece of wood that runs down the middle of the board under the epoxy coating, separating the two halves of the foam core of the board) had been dyed a vibrant green color as well, making it look like a third pinstripe on the board. The emblem on the top was simply an otter paw print surrounded by a black ‘tribal' design in the shape of a fishhook. She had already seen this much of the board before, since she had ridden it the day before when Pan rescued her. As the board was laid fin-side up on the sand, she saw that the other side sported the same pinstripes, but instead of the otter paw print, the design on the back was simply 3 concentric triangles of Red, Black, and Gold, each laid within the other. The simple yet elegant design seemed to signify something, but she couldn't quite figure it out...

"... ‘Tasha? Come in, ‘Tasha!" Natasha glanced up, startled out of her moment of spacing out by Pan tapping her on the back. "Did you hear me? I asked if you were ready to do this."

"Oh, yeah, of course. I was just admiring the artwork on the board. You had this one custom made, I take it?"

Pan nodded as he admired it himself. "Shaped by my own paws, glassed by the famed Bruce Jones in Sunset Beach, and I had the designs drawn by a good friend. All so I could get the long-board I wanted, not some pre-fabricated piece of crap that they made in China. She's 10 ft long and another inch thicker than most boards, so she floats nicely, like a long-board should." He glanced at the rest of the group as he bent down to untie the ankle leash from the base of the board. "Alright everyone, the name of the game today is tandem surfing. Each of you girls will be paired up with one of the guys, and we'll be getting on the surfboards together. The idea is for both partners by the end of the morning to be able to stand up together. Now, here's what you do..."

Pan spent the next 30 minutes instructing them on how to stay balanced, paddle effectively, and do a pop-up, which is basically a pushup that you arch your back into and bring your feet under you so that you can stand. When he finally thought they were ready, he surveyed the group one more time.

"Alright, split off into your pairs and paddle around the bay here a few times. You should be able to get enough speed to pop up for a few seconds without any waves at all. Go to it!"


As Ron, Lori, Pan, and Natashsa strode off to the water, Onyx and Alex stayed behind, trying to work on their technique a little more. Lying on the board on the sand, they worked out their own strategy for standing up together. As it turned out, Onyx was able to ride goofy-footed, while Alex preferred to ride regular, so with a bit of practice they were working on standing up at the same time, using each other to balance the board as they stood.

"Paddle... paddle... 3... 2... 1!" They said simultaneously, popping up on 1 and standing quickly. As Onyx spread her arms to give her balance, she rocked back on her heels and started to fall back. Thinking quickly, Alex grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. Bringing her back up, he subconsciously folded her into his arms, and without a second thought he brought her into a deep kiss. Surfing ended up being the last thing on either of their minds as they locked lips and intertwined their bodies, breaking their fast of physical contact since the last time Alex had been around. Smiling through their kiss, Onyx brought her tail around behind Alex, making him jump as she used it to lift his tail to the side, then started to snake it up one leg of his board shorts.

"C'mon, babe. Let's get wet!" she exclaimed, spanking his ass cheek once before pushing him off the board and picking it up off of the sand. "We'll continue this out there!" Alex didn't exactly have a choice, since his left ankle was wearing the leash that tethered him to the board, but he went willingly anyway, blushing only slightly as he trotted after her with his tail held high.

As they got in the water and set the board down, Onyx took it upon herself to lie flat on her stomach towards the front of the board, arms outstretched and ready to paddle, knees bent and straddling the edges of the board to leave enough room for Alex to jump on behind her. Alex couldn't help but notice how much this resembled another, more intimate time they had shared together, and shuddered a little bit. 'Where has THIS experience been my entire life?! This is so freakin' hot,' he thought to himself.

As if she had read his mind, Onyx looked over her shoulder as the board bobbed under their combined weight, a little mischievous grin on her face. She raised her tail in front of his face, revealing just how skimpy her bathing suit was. "Come on, sugar skunk. Let's go find a little private cove of our own!" They paddled out into the bay with vigor, driven by a deeper desire than the one that had brought them to the water in the first place.

As they paddled past the other two groups at great speed, they popped up once, just to see if their practice had paid off. They stood perfectly, balancing on the board for a few seconds before their momentum brought them both back down into the water. As they came back up from the depths, they embraced again, kicking their feet to stay afloat while sharing another intimate kiss. Finally, they settled back onto the board and paddled even faster, heading for a gap between two large boats. This time, as he climbed back into a prone position on the board, Alex brought himself a lot closer to Onyx's posterior, playfully nudging her tail aside with his muzzle and nuzzling he rear as they paddled.

Once they reached a little secluded space between two yachts, they back paddled to slow themselves to a stop. Then, without warning, Alex went straight to work, moving Onyx's tail to the side and burying his face in her crotch with a desire borne from weeks upon weeks of being around nothing but men. Onyx let out a loud squeal and dug her nails into the fiberglass of the board as Alex attacked with ferocity, first nuzzling and then licking at the outside of her bikini bottom from the front waistband all the way to the base of her tail. Little pearls of moisture began to seep through the thin fabric covering her crotch as she panted, and Alex went to work at lapping them up, flicking his tongue this way and that as her juices flooded his brain and drove him wild with passion.

Unable to take it any longer, Onyx brought her hands down to her waistband, undid one of the knots on the side of her bikini bottom, and folded the rear half out of the way, exposing her nether regions and giving him full access to the treasure that it covered. As he dove back in for another round, Onyx brought her legs together around his head, using her feet and foot-claws to massage and scratch at his back. As Alex's attentions grew more and more frantic, Onyx squeezed his head between her thighs. "Oh, baby... I-I'm gonna- AAAh!" She didn't get to finish her sentence as Alex wrapped his lips around her clitoris and sucked down hard, driving her over the edge as she came. Large amounts of female juices flowed from her vagina as her inner walls began to spasm and shake. Alex started to lap up his reward, but was interrupted by her furry paw reaching down to his neck, grabbing him by his dog tags, and yanking him up on top of her.

Surprised by her ferocity, Alex had little time to react as she pulled him all the way up on top of her and brought his face close to hers. Turning her head sideways as she yanked him around, she kissed him fully, exploring his mouth with her own tongue to taste her own juices. As she did so, Alex brought his hands up to the knot that secured her bikini top in place, undid the tie, and let the strings drop into the water before he reached under her to fondle her breasts. His own arousal was causing his board shorts to stretch and strain as he ground it into her backside, his need now unstoppable. Onyx kept one hand on his dog tags and kissed deeper as she brought her other hand down to his waist, undoing the strings that held his board shorts on and then pulling them down past his raging erection. "Take me here, baby. Ohhh!"

Alex needed no second bidding, and dove right in, all the while fondling Onyx's breasts and nibbling on her shoulders and back. It was all Onyx could do to hold onto the board as it rocked back and forth in the shallows, water splashing over the nose and sides of the boards as she rocked her hips back into his.

'All that's missing,' she thought with a grin, 'are some chains and that leather whip back in the room.' She didn't miss her items for long, though, as Alex began to buck harder and faster than before. Knowing full well that her partner was close to the edge of his ecstasy, she helped herself to her own fantasy and brought her arms together below her breasts, keeping her wrists together as if they were handcuffed. As she reached back she brought her paws along her belly to her slit, she reached up to where her lover was pounding away at her treasure and gripped his furry sack with both paws.

Alex barked in ecstasy as his lover's stimulation brought him over the edge, and he thrust deep into her with all his might, filling her up with his seed. Onyx panted and groaned, feeling every twitch and pulse of his member as it emptied inside of her. As his ecstasy began to subside, Alex sank back down on top of her, brining his arms under and around in an embrace that they hadn't shared in a long time. He nuzzled her ear lightly, enjoying the sound of her panting as it mixed with the sound of the water lapping against the bottom of the board and the side of the yacht they were next to.

"We should get back to the group," Alex whispered in her ear after a time. "They'll wonder where we've been."

Onyx nodded her assent and allowed Alex to re-tie her swimsuit back together, relishing in how delicate and caring his hands were as they tied the knots on her bikini bottoms. 'If there was ever a man I could love, Alex would have to be the one,' she thought to herself. 'Maybe someday...'

Both furs were startled out of their post-love reverie as a dark shape popped out of the water, grabbed his ankle, and yanked hard. Alex yelped as he slipped off of the board, falling in the water with a splash as he was dragged under. He could feel several sharp points gripping his ankle and tugging, and the first thought that came to his mind was 'Oh shit, I must be in the middle of a shark attack!' In his panic, he kicked out frantically and felt the sharp points around his ankle leave deep scratches as they slid off. Not wanting to look at what had had a hold of him, Alex instead focused his eyes on the shimmering surface of the water above him, and swam with all his might for the surface.

As he burst the water, he spotted the board a few feet away, with Onyx still on it. She shrieked as he burst the surface, pointing behind him. "Look out! Behind you!" Alex turned in time to see a dark shape swimming towards him, its form just breaking the surface as it sped towards him. Too late Alex turned and tried to swim away, but before he could get more than a few feet, he felt a pair of arms grab him about the waist, and as he looked back in terror, a dark mass of fur broke the surface and brought its muzzle right next to his ear, uttering one word.


In a single moment, Alex was flooded by three emotions in rapid succession: relief that he wasn't being attacked by a shark after all, fear at the thought that Valencia had actually seen him messing with her daughter after all the warnings she had given him, and terror at the thought that he was extremely vulnerable to whatever Valencia wanted to do to Alex if she HAD seen him fooling around. As a result, his body shut down, and he blacked out in Valencia's arms with a shuddering gasp. After seeing her prey pass out, Valencia threw her head back and laughed, her eyes streaming tears of joy that mixed with the salt water as it dripped off her face.

"MOM!!" Onyx yelled as Valencia swam the limp form of Alex over to the board and pushed him up on top of it. "Was that REALLY necessary?"

"Oh come off it. I just wanted to have some fun with the guy. I don't REALLY care what you two do together," Val said, tilting her head around to make sure nobody was looking, "but HE doesn't know that!" Her smile broadened as she contemplated her daughter's face. "I do know that he really likes you, and that you like him. I just want to have some fun with him while I can."

Onyx smiled back as she reached down and hugged her mom around the neck. "Thanks mom. I guess it's time to go back, right?"

"Yes, we have the photo shoot ready about a mile down the beach. Everyone's waiting on you girls. Come on, let's get this guy back to the car so we can go."

Onyx slipped into the water, grabbed a hold of one side of the board, and with her mom gripping the other side, the two skunks kicked out with their hind legs and propelled the board back across the cove towards the other side.

"You know, he's kinda cute when he's all unconscious and limp like this," remarked Val as she looked over the board at her daughter. "Makes me wonder what his ‘O' face looks like..."

Onyx rolled her eyes as they paddled back, making quick progress towards the far shore.


The last thing that Alex remembered as he woke up was that there was a terrible beast in the water coming after him, and consequentially he awoke with a gasp and a flinch. This caused him to bang his head against the window of the car he had been propped up in, and he winced as he rubbed his head along his temple.


Immediately he became stiff and rigid, his hands shooting down to his side and his eyes forward. "I didn't touch anything! I swear!" It was then that he realized that he was in the back seat of a car, and that the car's only other occupant was Valencia, who seemed to be driving.

"I know you didn't. At least, not in the last few minutes. But I imagine that they were quite busy earlier, am I right?"

Alex's heart sank. So she DID see us earlier. Well, I might as well come out with it, then. "Um... Yes, Val, they were. I'm sorry I broke your rules. I just really have a lot of feelings for your daughter, and I got carried away, and..."

"Save it, buster. I've known about you and my daughter for a while now." She turned and looked at the skunk through a stylish pair of Aviator sunglasses. To the male skunk's surprise, however, she was smiling. "I know you love my daughter, and I know that she has feelings for you too. I just couldn't resist making you squirm a bit so I could be sure that you weren't some creep like her previous boyfriends. Onyx has had a little bit of a... troubled past. But I know now that you're the perfect match for her, and if the two of you want to show your love for each other, I won't get in your way any more."

Alex sighed in relief and sat up. "Thanks, Val. I'll do my best to be a good guy for her."

"Oh, I know you will," Val said as she turned back. "Just know one thing, lover-boy. If you get my daughter pregnant outside of marriage or break her heart, I will personally hunt you down and break your penis off with my bare hands. Am I clear?" she said, ending with a backward glance at him that would have wilted a potted flower.

"Crystal, m'am" squeaked Alex, cringing slightly as he did so.

"That's a good boy. Now get out and help Bradley with the camera equipment. We need to have this shoot up and running within the next half hour."

Alex practically stumbled out of the car, but as he started walking away, she noticed that he had a slight spring in his step, and smiled to herself as she stepped out of the car and followed him down the beach.


*Whew! Well skunk fans, it's been almost 3 months since I put the last part of this series up, and I have to say that I missed it A LOT. A lot has changed in my life over those three months, and up until recently I just couldn't find the inspiration to keep this going. I'm on a bit of a roll now, and hopefully will have the next one out in no-time.

Comment and criticize as much as you like. I need the practice, people, so let me know what's good or bad.
