Sombra's Pies

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The following contains extreme cub snuff. You have been warned.

King Sombra drooled over the three giggling morsels laid out before him. The smiling baby colts had been fattened up just how he had ordered them to be and now the delectable naked little fucksticks were climbing over each with smiles on their faces. Licking his lips Sombra turned to the stallion next to him.

"You have brought me a fine selection my disciple, and one from each of the pony races. Where did you get them?"

The yellow stallion smiled and slowly turned his eyes to meet Sombra's before answering.

"Never mind where I got them. Only know that nopony will be looking for them." The orange maned stallion said with a small chuckle as he turned his eyes to regard the light tan brown maned baby Pegasus colt. The yellow stallion reached over and began to sensually rub his hoof along the baby pegasus's rump. The stallion began to lick his lips as he turned the baby colt over onto its back and began to inspect the infants semi hard colthood. Sombra smiled. "Did you bring the supplies?"

"Of course." Replied the stallion as he dragged over a brown bag.

"Good, then you may begin."

With that the yellow stallion pulled a syringe out of the bag and quickly stuck each of the baby colts on their bottoms. The colts began to cry but then quickly fell silent.

"A muscle relaxant." The yellow stallion replied simply. "It should let you have you have your fun in peace while I prepare everything else my lord." With that the orange maned stallion took the bag and walked over to a nearby table.

Sombra turned his attention back to the colts who just laid there with their eyes half closed. The dark pony smiled and pulled the baby unicorn towards him with his magic. Sombra positioned the colt over his stallionhood and took a moment to admire the colt before the final plunge. The colt's mane was a bright red while its coat was a pale blue. The colt admired Sombra's erect stallionhood with sleepy green eyes.

With a smirk King Sombra laid on his back, began to lower the colt and let gravity do its work. The King closed his eyes and concentrated on the feelings around his cock. The baby unicorns sphincter gave way easily enough and the delicate walls of its anus were simply divine. After a few thrusts Sombra emptied his load into the tiny colt before pulling out.

Sombra tossed the used colt aside where it was dragged off by the yellow stallion to the table where it disappeared from view. The King sighed in disappointment, for he had blown his load way too soon for his liking. The dark pony then took the earth pony colt and dragged it towards him. The baby colt had a red coat and a yellow mane but it was not those the evil stallion was interested in. Rather it was it's mouth that kept saying "eyup, eyup, eyup" that interested the king.

Sombra flipped the colt unto its back and lined his penis up with the mouth.

"Eyup, eyup, eyup, eyu-*GLUCK*! " Sombra smiled with satisfaction as he watched the little colts throat bulge out around his length sliding down its throat. The King shivered in lust as he felt his balls press up against the colts nostrils and laughed out loud when he saw the infants penis swell up to full attention in a matter of seconds. "I don't know who your daddy was, but judging by your prick he must have been thee BIGGEST coltcuddler around!" Sombra began to laugh but then gasped as the colt began to suck and use his tongue. The evil pony looked down at the suffocating colt and was surprised to see the little thing smiling around Sombra's penis. Sombra wore a stunned look on his face for a moment before smiling gleefully and going to town.

Soon the yellow stallion dragged that colt over to the table as well and the king turned his attention to the little tan and brown Pegasus colt. Sombra slowly dragged his penis across the doomed infants face and down its body to its tiny hardened prick. It was then that the yellow stallion walked back over.

"You know my Lord, I think this one deserves a special honor." The yellow stallion said as he regarded the baby Pegasus.

"I suppose your right." Sombra said. And with that the dark stallion spread the little colts legs apart and inserted his tongue into its virgin anus. The little Pegasus gasped and its penis stood at attention. Sombra reached up with one of his hooves to stroke the little colts erection while he continued to press his tongue against the infants prostate. Within moments the baby Pegasus shuddered in the ecstasy of the first and last orgasm of its life.

With that out of the way Sombra followed the yellow stallion as he brought the last colt over to the table. On the table lay three pie pans. Two of which were already filled and ready for the oven. While the last one only had a pie crust with fruit in it but no pie topping.

In the other two pies the silhouetted forms of the other colts could clearly be seen pressing from underneath the pie topping. While the form in one of the pies was still and unmoving the other form on the other hand was wiggling about slowly and a quiet muffled "eyup, eyup, eyup, eyup" could be heard coming from underneath the thick dough. Sombra noted with some amusement that the colts were lying on their backs and their erections could be seen pressed against their stomach through the pie toppings.

The yellow stallion placed the Pegasus colt on its back in the third pie pan, and to make sure it was laying like the others he gave the infants penis a kiss and a few suckles to bring it to erection. With that done the yellow stallion placed the pie topping over the pan, making sure that the topping molded around the colts body so that it was silhouetted and sealed the edges of the topping around the pan.

"Suffocation should set in soon, and then in the oven they go ." The yellow stallion said.

Sombra watched with a smile as the movements and sounds from the little Pegasus grew softer and quitter before ceasing all together. While he watched with an amused smirk as the pie containing the red earth pony colt moved about ten minutes longer then the Pegasus. All the while the little red colt thrust its hips against the pie topping and an excited "eyup, eyup, eyup" could be heard coming from the pie before that died down as well.

"Wow, that earth ponies father definitely was a coltcuddler huh?" The King said in amusement.

"The biggest there ever is." The yellow stallion said with a smirk as he put on a cooking apron and loaded the pies into the oven.

A few hours later all the pies were done and laid out upon the table. Each of the baked pies smelled delicious and held a silhouetted colt within them. Each of the dead colts penises were erect and pressed against their stomachs. Except for the red earth ponies which had during the baking process poked through the pie topping and stood proudly at full attention with steam wafting from it and juices dripping from it as well.

"That foal was definitely a coltcuddler." Sombra remarked as he admired the dead colts erect penis.

"No kidding." The yellow stallion responded. "Ugh, he ejaculated all over the top of the oven! How did he even do that?! First of all he should not be old enough to produce sperm second of all how did he survive long enough to make it into the over? The suffocation from the pie topping should have done the trick."

"Like you said, that colts father was the biggest coltcuddler there ever was. Now are you going to help me eat these pies?" Sombra said with a smile.

With that both stallions devoured the pies quickly except for the pie with the earth pony colt. Which they took their sweet time with as they took turns sucking on the rigid penis before eating every last bite.

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