The Second Day

Story by KachaKun on SoFurry

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Second story EVER!!!!! This is a sequel to A Clean Slate. I have been very busy with social life and relationships and I was attacked the other day because someone thought I looked like a queer (the guy was a huge tool) so I have had a lot on my mind... but I hope to be writing a whole bunch during summer break. ^..^

CAUTION: This material may contain content that some people may find disturbing, please leave if you do not like things that are on this site and stuff. Please, if you are under 18... don't get caught. Otherwise, enjoy the story. ^..^

I was in a dark cave surrounded by shadows. I was standing in the middle of a large circular area and the shadows were flickering on the walls around me. I was naked but I did not feel any chills of being fully exposed in such a vast area. There should've been some source of light but there wasn't; yet light seemed to be present for there were shadows on the walls. The shadows were just there, dancing on the rocky cave walls around me, chanting incomprehensible phrases at me. I saw a single shadow come out of the wall. It peeled off of it like a sticker or a bandage being ripped off of skin. The shadow traveled along the ground towards me. The shadow was taller than me by about 2 feet and it had developed two white blobs for eyes that were looking down upon me. A third white blob shape appeared on the shadow but this one was bigger and was below the two eyes. It was a mouth; it was trying to talk to me.

"J-j-j-jam," the shadow said my name.

"Beep beep, beep, beep." The sound of my alarm clock bounced off of the walls of the cave. I woke up.

I groaned as I hit the snooze button and turned off the alarm. Learning to wake up at an early time after not having to worry about it for three months was hard work. I groggily dribbled out of bed and stripped down to my boxers and walked over to the bathroom. I was so glad I had my own bathroom in my room, because it really shortened the total amount of time it took to shower and get ready for the day. I have no idea how I could stand having to walk down a hallway to get to a bathroom. I grabbed a clean towel from the cabinet and started the water for my shower. I was forced to wake up at six o'clock every weekday except Wednesday to go to school, which started at seven forty-two every day besides Wednesday. Because of the early start, I didn't have time to mess around like I did yesterday.

As I walked back into my room, clad in only a towel, I realized that I only had about twenty minutes to get ready if I wanted to get to school on time. Luckily, the shower lifted my spirits and pepped me up a little bit so I had some energy. I quickly threw an outfit together and fixed my hair. It took fifteen minutes to do this so I got my backpack and stuffed everything in it. I took a quick glance at myself in the mirror to check that everything looked good, I was wearing a pair of black Bullhead skinny jeans, a turquoise Vurt shirt from Pac Sun, my piano belt, my knit beanie, and purple aviators. I was ready to start the day. I went down to the kitchen to grab a cliff bar from the pantry. I didn't eat lunch at school but I ate in math so I wasn't hungry. It is nice being able to wake up every day with your parents gone. They go to work early before I wake up, but they get to come home early at like four o'clock so that's always good. I walked out the door to my Purple MINI Cooper, got in, and drove to school.

I parked in the student parking lot with many other people staring at my car and I as I got out of it. I liked it when people looked at me weird. I was completely obsessed with my image and I couldn't do anything that would make me look like an idiot, but for some reason, I could do the craziest, weirdest stuff with friends and not care what people think and try to get them to stare. I was a huge weirdo in a nutshell. I headed toward my locker at a slow walk, soaking in the second day of school. I felt that the second day of school was the worst day, because it was all of the horrors of the first day, like not having friends, getting to your classes, and stuff. But all the good stuff from the first day like not having homework, not doing much work because you need to get to know people, and stuff like that was gone out of the day. It was the bad side of the first day. I grabbed my accordion folder and headed off to homeroom. I used accordion folders this year because last year, I used three-ring binders and after the first month my arms and back hurt from carrying a binder for almost every subject to and from school most days. Accordion folders were more compact and I just had to carry a pencil pouch for all my other stuff around, it was so much nicer.

I wasn't late to homeroom this time. In fact, I was one of the first people there. It was me and then Ryann was sitting in a desk towards the back. I sat down in the desk on his left and he turned to me.

"So, you survived your first day, now comes the second day." He gave me a toothy grin and I smiled back.

"Yeah, totes." I laughed and he looked puzzled.

"Totes?" He tilted his head to one side.

"Oh, it means totally." I said and nodded my head.

"Got it," Ryann nodded his head too and gave me a thumbs up. "So, how was yesterday, everything go alright?"

"I'd say so."

"How was P.E? I heard that you got partnered with Sawada."

"P.E." the thought of P.E made me think of the showers and when Sawada kissed me, I couldn't ignore that. "It went fine, why, is there something wrong with Sawada?"

"Nah, he's a good guy, he is just a little...weird, I guess."

"I don't really think that you know him do you?" I was snapping at Ryann, I immediately felt bad about it.

"Yikes, someone is a little defensive today." Ryann put his hands up and scooted away like he was being held at gunpoint.

"Sorry...I just...didn't get much sleep last night."

"Why, what happened, anything bad?" Ryann was curious but I sort of wanted to leave the subject alone. Also I remembered that Sawada told me not to tell anyone and I kept secrets when they were important.

"No, nothing really happened, I just couldn't sleep, anxiety I guess." I remembered that strange dream that I had last night. I shook the feeling off as more people entered the room.

"Okay class, I'm going to take roll because I got in trouble yesterday for forgetting and I need to take it every day so just hold off on what you are doing for just a second and then you can go back to it." Mr. Seitz was droning on and I didn't catch most of what he said but I think I knew when he called out names and the students responded with "here" or the occasional "present".

"Ryann O'Connor!" Mr. Seitz called Ryann's name.


I heard my name, I answered with a simple here.

More names were called and I slowly started to drift but then something popped my bubble of sleepiness.

"Jurou Sawada!"

No one answered; Mr. Seitz looked up from the list of students and looked around the room obviously expecting an answer from Sawada, but not hearing one.

"Jurou Sawada?"

"He's not here Mr. Seitz, he has appointments in the morning until Monday." A brown furred, blonde haired otter told Mr. Seitz then went back to talking with the black badger he was talking to before, twirling his blonde goatee as he talked.

I was stunned; Sawada was in this class, how had I not been told about this. Well, actually, no one really asked me what homeroom I was in. But still I was stunned. Did he know? Did he know that I was in this class with him? I was going to have to face him every day now. Ever since that kiss...

"You okay?"

My thinking was interrupted by Ryann's voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." There was a pause, "Why, did I look sick or something?"

"No, you look fine, great in fact, but after Sawada got called your eyes got huge and you started to shiver and stare at the front of the room."

" just sort of...spaced for a second that's all."

"Hmm...okay then." Ryann looked back toward Mr. Seitz as he started talking again.

"Okay, class, lets head on down to the locker room."

"C'mon, walk with me." Ryann picked up his stuff and walked toward the door.

"Hold on...I'm coming." I answered politely.

Ryan snickered, "What are you doing?"

"I'm com-oh, har har, that's hilarious."

"C'mon hurry up everyone else left." Ryann was becoming impatient. "I have to clean up, hold on."

Ryann snickered again. I ignored it.

We started walking toward the locker room; Ryann was playing around the entire walk.

"Have you ever played nervous?" Ryann asked me as we passed my locker.

"Nervous? Is that a game?"

"Yeah, its fun, the point is to make the situation as uncomfortable as possible and you ask, are you nervous yet?"

"Give me an example."

"Okay, pretend we are playing it, I would do something like put my hand on your chest and say, ‘are you nervous yet'. Then if you say no, then I amp it up a little bit, like I would squeeze your pecks or I'd rub your nipple. Then, again, I'd ask if you were nervous, then you would say no or yes. The object of the game is to make the other person say that they are nervous. It is really fun once you get into it."

"Yeah, it sounds fun." I wasn't lying when I said this, because I wanted to play nervous with Ryann, I was sort of attracted to him, and the thought of rubbing is nipples or squeezing his well toned pecks made me harder in the pants a little. I would be a pro at not being nervous; I think that the game was meant for straight guys.

"Well, we need to hurry if we want to get to class on time."

"Okay, lets run." I took off toward the locker room door, which was about 300 feet away from us. I was about 10 feet ahead when Ryann realized that it was a race. I was over 30 feet away when he started running. I had this race won. I was a pretty fast guy. I kept running down the hall and I looked behind me to see how far back Ryann was from me, my head turned and Ryann wasn't there.

"What?" Why wasn't Ryann behind me? Had he gotten ahead of me somehow? I was still running and I was thinking at the same time how Ryann got ahead of me. I wasn't paying attention. I suddenly felt something push me from the side. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground, the wind knocked out of me. My eyes closed.

"Pant, pant," there was heavy breathing above me.

I opened my eyes to find Ryann on top of me. He was really close. If his head was just inches closer to me, we would be kissing. His pelvis was resting against mine. I could feel his sheathed manhood under his blue Abercrombie jeans. It made me quiver a little, so...close.

"Are you nervous yet?" Ryann was deeply staring into my eyes and I could see a glint of something in his. It was passion that I saw, but it quickly disappeared when someone walked across the hallway and saw us. Ryann reacted first and quickly broke gaze and jumped up off of me. I looked to see who had startled Ryann so much. It was Mr. Garruda, the school principal. He was looking down at me, for I was still on the ground looking up.

"Heh heh, hello Mr. Garruda." I immediately got up and straightened my shirt, which was riding up over my boxers.

"What is going on here?" Mr. Garruda was questioning in a playful, not serious way.

"We were racing to gym cause we were late, and we...err...tripped over each other, umm...sir." Ryann was trying to come up with a story to fit the situation.

"There is no need to call me sir, Mr. Garruda is fine Ryann." Mr. Garruda was much nicer that my old principal.

"Sorry...sir-I mean...Mr. Garruda." Ryann was stuttering a lot, the principal must make him uneasy.

"Well make sure you two get to class then, okay?"

"Okay," Ryann and me answered in unison and we started slowly to the locker room.

"You sure seemed nervous over there, what was wrong with you?" Ryann looked at me after I asked and there was a pause.

"Teachers, principals, parents, I just get nervous and stuff when I don't know them too well."

"But, Mr. Garruda has been working here for years, you don't know him by now?"

"I've never been sent to his office before, and he doesn't come out of it often. Besides, he found me panting on top of you, I thought I was gonna get in trouble because this town is so...just...I don't know, they...they hate that sort of thing."

"I guess I see what you mean."

By now we were at the locker room and we headed inside.

"See ya," Ryann headed to his locker on the other side of the locker room.

I quickly got dressed and I headed out to the gym to start stretching. I expected to see Sawada stretching out in our spot, but he wasn't.

"Huh?" I wondered to myself, "Where is he, I thought he would just miss homeroom. Well, maybe he is just late or something." I really wanted to see him and maybe we could follow up on that kiss. I may have been surprised when he kissed me, but that doesn't mean that I didn't love every second of it. I couldn't wait to see Sawada again. It was just that I had no idea how he would react to me and I had no idea what to do or say if certain...err... situations arise.

I sat down in my spot and asked the guy next to me, it was the otter from homeroom that knew where Sawada was, if he knew what happened to him.

"I don't know...Jam right?" He asked my name.

"Yeah, I don't think I know your name though."

"Oh, my name is Jaxon."

"Oh okay, nice to meet you Jackson."

"Actually it's pronounced Jax-on not Jack-son."

"Is it spelled differently?" I was confused.

"Yeah, it's spelled J-a-x-o-n.

"An ‘x'?"

"Yeah, I know right, I don't know why my parents decided to be unique and use ‘x'."

We both laughed and then Mr. Seitz called Jaxon over and I went back to my spot after a "See ya" to Jaxon.

I was meeting new people, and I avoided the Sawada situation.

I went through P.E. by myself that day and I walked to my next class. I didn't really remember any of my classes because I had only had them once so far and Sawada preoccupied my mind during them all. A.P. language arts was the next class. I walked inside and was earlier than many people who were talking out in the hallways. There were many seats open but I wasn't sure if there were assigned seats or not.

The teacher was sitting at her desk, she was younger, in her early twenties maybe, she was a lioness and had a long flowing blonde mane. She was wearing white boots that went up to her knees and a yellow miniskirt and a black short-sleeved top that clung to her cleavage, which was one of the most noticeable features of this teacher. I couldn't believe that she was allowed to wear that to school, she was a teacher for Christ's sake. You could clearly see her nipples through the thin black shirt. She was also wearing jewelry that didn't look right for a teacher because they were expensive jewelry with brand names all over them. Every inch of her body said ‘Prada' or ‘Chanel'. She looked like a huge consumer whore. It almost annoyed me. I wasn't attracted to her, so I thought she was a skank.

"Is there anything I can help you with Jamison?" She talked in a high-pitched, smooth voice. I couldn't tell if it was real or if she was trying to sound that way to seem more attractive. After she talked she batted her eyelashes and flipped her hair back.

"...", I didn't say anything because I was amazed at how slutty she was.

"Is there anything I can help you with Jamison?" This time he leaned in closer trying to place her enormous breasts in my eye line.

"Ummm..." I looked around the room behind my shoulder. The few people (mostly guys) in the room were staring at the teacher in front of me with wide eyes and gaping mouths. "Yeah, it's Jam by the way, not Jamison, and are there assigned seats, I forgot."

"Oh yes, the seats are assigned." She pointed a finger towards an empty desk near a window on the right side of the room. "I believe your seat is over there, next to the window."

"Okay, thanks." I quickly turned and walked to my desk.

"I don't want to see you gazing out of that window now okay Jam?"

"Okay." I answered back, "Probably because you want my eyes on you the entire class." I muttered under my breath, "God forbid I look out the window at real beauty." Was I being a little too harsh?

I thought about it for a minute. No I wasn't because I hated people like her all self absorbed and trying to get everyone to notice them and how great they were.

I sat in my seat and people started to come inside as the passing period ran down. Jaxon was in this class as well as Ryann. Jaxon came in and waved to me but then sat down next to a blue skinned dragon with bright green, spiky hair. Ryann ran in about two seconds before the bell rang.

"Whew, close one."

Ryann walked over to the empty desk next to me. This made me quite happy because I could gripe to Ryann about the teacher and I didn't have to get acquainted with anyone I might not want to. I noticed that the Davis guy was also in the class, he sat right in the front, next to the teacher's desk.

"I guess the teacher likes naughty boys." I mumbled to myself as she got up to the front of the room.

"Hello class," she talked in a louder version of the voice she talked to me with.

"Hello Ms. Avalon." The boys in the class answered eagerly, perhaps hoping she would take her top off if they were excited enough. The girls all just answered as listlessly as always.

"Oh god," I had realized who the teacher was. She was the wife of one of he richest men in the state. Richard Avalon was the president of a large chain of car dealerships and his brother was the vice president. They had a new car almost every two weeks because they could borrow the cars whenever they wanted to as long as they returned the car when someone wanted to buy it and it was in good condition. Everyone in town knew where they lived they had one of the largest houses and they were know to be a little full of themselves. When I say this I mean that they were strongly disliked by many residents.

"Today, we are going start on a new year long assignment called the Writers Journal. The supply list said to bring a college ruled composition notebook. If you forgot one then you are going to miss out on what is coming up next."

"Ughh!" I cried out in disgust as she turned around and crouched down in slow motion to get something out of a box on the ground, causing her shirt to rise up above her waits, and revealing a tight, bright pink g-string. I could smell the musk of the numerous guys around the room as they became hard and hot at the sight of the teacher.

Ryan looked over at me.

"Ughh!" I cried out again as she stood up with nothing in her clutches, making me realize she was just teasing the other men in the classroom when she crouched.

This time the entire class looked over at me this time, including Ms. Avalon. "Is something wrong Jamison?" Ryan raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah...ummmm...I totally just touched some gross gum under my chair."

"Do you need to wash your hands?" She was drinking in the lie.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I stumbled out of my chair and started toward the door.

"There is a sink in the classroom." Ms. Avalon stopped me from leaving.

"I gotta use the restroom also so I'll just..." I trailed off and walked out the door.

I took quick strides down the long bland hallway. I passed lockers as I walked. They were a brown color and were tall and thin, barely wide enough to fit a backpack into. I wanted to paint them a different color. I wanted to splatter paint all over the lockers, creating a large work of art that would replace the boring high school that once stood. I would splat an array of different colors like blue, red, green, and white.

"Herm!" I held back a yelp as I felt a surge of pain radiating from my back. I turned to find Davis standing behind me with twelve pencils wrapped in a rubber band. He must've stabbed me with them. A smirk was plastered across his muzzle.

"What's wrong queer, teacher making you gag." He pushed me onto the ground and knelt over me. "I'm gonna fuck you up the ass."

He immediately picked me up off the ground and threw me into a custodian closet.

"Ouch, dammit, what are you doing?" I was on the verge of tears as he slammed the door shut. I looked around the closet. It was a large closet that held all the equipment the night janitors needed to clean like floor buffers, mops, and cleaning chemicals. It was a little bigger that the handicap stalls in public restrooms.

"I told you, I'm gonna fuck you up the ass, you faggot."

"You're going to have sex with me?" I was scared, but a little hopeful given the situation. Just because Davis was the hugest ass ever, didn't mean that I didn't want him with his built muscular body and sweet sandy fur inside me.

"NO! EWWWWWWWWW!" He slammed me into a shelf and something hard hit me in the head. It hurt, badly. I felt a warm stream of blood start to trickle down over my ear, staining my white feathers red as it flowed down.

"What are you g-gonna do to m-me?" My head was throbbing and I was sitting on the ground, I tried to get up off of the stone cold floor, Davis quickly swiped his hand and knocked my hand away from the shelf I was trying to use for support and I fell down again. I was almost crying because of the fear and pain, but I wasn't going to let my tears flow and give Davis the satisfaction.

"I may not be doing the deed, but he is." He pointed to something on the shelf beside me. It was a caulk gun used to put adhesive to install sinks and other things like that. "Oh," a malicious grin spread across his sandy face. "This is gonna hurt so bad."

"Oh god," a look of horror spread across my face. "No...NO!"

Davis pried the caulk tube out of the gun and looked down toward me.

"Take off your pants faggot." He was almost rattling with anticipation.

"No, get away from me you dirty, little, crazy bastard." I was thrashing around madly and trying to scream or yell but nothing came out. My legs were kicking and a few yelps got out.

Davis put a stop to this quickly. He got a couple rags from the shelf behind him and stuffed one of them into my mouth.

"ARRG-mfffff..." The rag muffled my voice. He took the second rag and tied it around my neck so I couldn't spit the first rag out. The rags were used for I could taste the chemicals in the rag. It had a metallic taste and it was probably not good for me to have in my mouth. I realized I couldn't talk of yell my way out of this situation and I couldn't cry for help. He flipped me over and retrieved a zip tie from a plastic container to his left next to the door. He tied my hands together and I could feel the sharp tie cutting into my skin. I now couldn't use my hands or my voice to find help. I resorted to thrashing and kicking wildly around, hoping to hit Davis in the face of cause enough noise to get me noticed.

"Dammit, take off your fucking pants!" Davis let go of my arms and reached down to my skinny jeans. He tried to pull them off without unbuckling the belt or the pants themselves.

"Ow!" I cried out a muffled cry of pain as Davis tried to rip the tight pants from my waist. I felt like I was going to be ripped in half. I knew that the Davis wasn't smart enough to try and unbuckle anything; he just kept on pulling at the bottoms my pant legs. Which will give way first, the belt or the pants themselves?

"ARRRRRGGG!" Davis, with a surge of energy, successfully yanked off my pants, revealing my boxers and white feathery, avian legs. The pants gave way before the belt. The button snapped through the fabric and the zipper broke as the pants slid off.

"Finally!" Davis proceeded to slap my thighs with force that made the muscle jiggle and glow a deep shade of red. "Now all we need to take off now is that gay little thong of yours, hahahaha." He laughed a maniacal laugh and reached over to my waist.

"Mmmff!" I kicked him in the head and he fell over. Was he knocked out? I hoped he was as I tried to free my wrists from the horrible zip tie. Davis didn't do a very good job and my hands became free in a matter of minutes. I tried to stand up. I placed my hand on a shelf. I was shaking so much I could hardly concentrate on escaping. I seriously thought I was going to get raped or something. The thought of having the caulk tube being shoved up my ass made me cringe. It had a long tubular shape and a thinner tube with a pointed end at the top of it. A shiver ran up and down my spine. I successfully got to my knees. What would I do next? I would need to tell someone. I couldn't tell my parents, they would freak at the thought of me getting raped with an object by a bully at school. But if I told the principal that would most likely happen. If I told any adult that would most likely happen.

Also what would happen to Davis? I didn't really care but I didn't want him to come after me or anything. I looked over at Davis lying sprawled out across the closet floor. I wanted him to get expelled or something but I didn't want him to find out where I live and rape me at my house. Maybe I was over thinking everything. I'm just going to tell the principal and just see what happens. I looked at the sandy furred wolf again. He was out like a light. I wouldn't mind being raped by him. I would just want to be raped by him and not by a tube of caulk. I averted my eyes but paused and turned back to Davis once more. He didn't deserve my sympathy, he tried to rape me and hurt me god dammit. I was going to spice up the story and have him try to actually rape me and then have me punch him out. I would seem like the brave, hero, strong guy; and Davis would seem like the creepy, gay rapist. It was perfect. I realized that I still had the rag in my mouth. I quickly untied the second rag and spit out the first. It tasted horrible and I gagged.

"Heh," I was chuckling a little at the thought of what I was going to do. "Davis is gonna suffer, stupid little-WHA!!!" A hand shot out of nowhere and grabbed my by the wrist right where the zip tie cut into my skin. It stung like a bitch. I turned around and found Davis gripping my wrist. An evil, twisted look in his eyes, they were almost glowing.

"Where do you think you're going, you dumb shit?" His voice was mean and I quickly tried to stand.

"Yelp!" I fell back down to the ground and Davis was on top of me.

"You really hurt me, and that makes me mad. Now I'm gonna really hurt you, and that will make me glad." He stuffed the rag back into my mouth. "Heh, that rhymes, what do you know." I twisted my head around and tied the second rag around my head so I couldn't spit the first one out. He flipped my over and tied a second zip tie around my wrists. This time he pulled until he couldn't pull anymore, not just until hit my wrists.

"Mmmff!" I tried to kick him again but he we more aware of his surroundings now. He flipped me back over hard and my head bounced off the floor. I felt Davis's hand slip down into my waistband.

"Oh no" I cried in a muffled voice. He was gonna do it. Oh shit!

"ARRG!" I screamed out in pain. He didn't just pull the boxers down and off my feet; he literally ripped them off my waist. I looked to see him throw my boxers, now a torn, mangled piece of fabric, on the ground. I was now fully exposed to Davis.

"Hmmm, I bet that little piece of equipment is gonna get bigger once I start doing my business on your ass. He pointed to my flaccid, sheathed cock. Your gonna enjoy it aren't you, you little retard."

My eyes were wide with shock and my knees were shaking and my teeth were chattering together in fear.

"Don't worry, ill go nice and slow." He grabbed my legs and spread them apart. My testicles slapped back down against my ass cheeks. My virgin hole was quivering and clenched shut. It knew what was coming. Davis grabbed the caulk from the ground.

"ARRRG!"I felt the point of the tube press against my hole as Davis tried to aim. Even the tiny little pressure amounted in a wave of pain that made me shake. Davis had the point of the tube ready to slip inside my hole.

"Here it comes!" Davis shoved the caulk up my ass until it hit the expansion of the smaller tube to the large tube. My ass exploded in pain as he shoved in and out of me. The tears burst from my eyes.

"YELPP!" I was crying out in pain, hoping that someone could hear me through the rag and the thick door. Was class over yet? I didn't know because I couldn't think with the pointy tube shooting up my ass hole.

"Well, now we have dominated the smaller part, lets try for the larger."

"Mmmff," the tears were flowing down my face as I looked at him through my stinging eyes.

"Awww..." He tilted his head to one side and looked at me with his lower lip stuck out. "Is the little faggot crying?" "Maybe he should SHUT THE FUCK UP!" He came up and slapped me across the cheek. He repeated the action over and over until my cheek stung and was cherry red and stained with tears and blood.

"Ow, OWW!" I was screaming through the rag but it probably wasn't audible through the thick closet door.

"Maybe you SHOULDN'T MESS WITH ME!" Davis was screaming at me and I knew that was definitely loud enough to be heard through the door, but why wasn't anyone coming? HELP! HELP!

"MMMM! MMMM!" that was all that came out as I screamed. Davis took out the caulk out of me and spoke.

"Here comes the main course!" He shoved the small pointed end up once more, sending fresh waves of pain through my body. He pushed harder trying to force the large end of the tube up. "Garr..." He moaned out as he pushed. My muscle gave way and the tube shot through my hole and sent pain shooting up my spine and through my entire body.

"GHHHHHAAAAAAA!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs and fresh tears shot out of my eyes. I could feel the tube rubbing against my prostate and I felt the point of the tube cut into my anal cavity, causing it to bleed. I also knew because Davis shouted.

"EWWWWW! GROSS!" He looked at me, his eyes were grossed out but he was grinning from ear to ear. "There's blood pouring out of the hole man!" His smile widened more. "GROSS!" He shoved the tube further up my hole until it was almost all the way up. He then pulled it out and shoved it back again and again. My hole was bright red and bleeding as the tube shot up and down the cavity. My cock was full out, even though I was crying in pain and suffering, I was still horny. "YOU ARE LIKEING THIS!" He looked up at my full on hard cock flopped out on my stomach. "I'M GONNA MAKE YOU LOVE IT!"

"MMMMMMMMFFFFFF!" Davis rammed the entire tube up my hole until there was nothing left to hold. The whole tube was now inside me and it hurt like hell. Davis got up and kneeled next to me. He brought his hand up and slapped my stomach so hard that it brought my knees and my head up at the same time and they collided with each other. This hurt my head, my knees, and the rest mf the region below waist because there was a fourteen-inch tube up my ass.

"HA! THAT WAS HILARIOUS!" He was rolling on the ground in laughter at my pain. I was crying my eyes out at both the pain and the embarrassment. Davis stopped laughing and grabbed my erect cock in his furry paws.

I stopped crying immediately and looked up at what he was going to do. Was he going to slap it, was he going to cut it, was he going to chop it off? I was shaking in anxiety but my dick because harder in his grip. Davis smiled and started to stroke it. He was pleasuring me. He was pleasuring me? After he slapped my and humiliated me and shoved a tube up my ass, he was pleasuring me?

I looked at him with confused eyes and he started to go faster. My stomach started to spasm and my breathing was becoming faster. My prostate was stimulated so much that I was just prone to explode at any moment. My eyes closed in pleasure as he ever quickly jerked me off. I closed my eyes and my back arched as the wave of pleasure, not pain, washed over me. It happened quickly and was extremely messy. Thick streams of white cum shot up into the air. The first must've shot up 6 feet. I could feel my ass pulsating over the tube of caulk that was still inside me. I looked at him his hand was still on my cock as it because softer. My balls were dry and their contents were spilled all over the place. There was some on the floor around me, my chest, my legs, my face, and Davis's hand; there was even some on Davis's upper lip. Crap, he was surely going to hit me for getting my seed on him.

But no, instead of hitting me, Davis licked the cum off of his lip and swallowed it. What the fuck was going on? First he hates me, tortures me, now he jerks me off and eats it? He brought his cum soaked hand away from my cock and stood up. Without a word he pulled his pants and boxers down revealing a huge 11-inch cock waiting to explode. It was big and thick and veiny.

I was staring at it in awe. I wanted to suck on it, I wanted it inside me. Even though this same guy physically abused me, I wanted him. He took the hand that was drenched in my seed to his large wolf cock and started to stroke it off. I was watching him as he started slow, then became faster, and faster. His breathing became faster and deeper and he was grimacing in pleasure.

"Oh god...mmm." He was moaning out in pleasure he started to move faster and then he exploded all over me. "OH GAWD!" The cum sprayed all over my chest and face. My mouth and face got most of it and I laid my head back and tried to lick it off. Damn rag was in the way.

"Grrr..." I growled in disappointment.

Davis pulled his pants up over his glistening cock and stepped towards the door. "I still hate dumb little faggot." He jumped back to my exposed ass and grabbed the tube of caulk, which had protruded halfway out of my ass by now. He took the tube in both hands and squeezed it hard and pushed the bottom end of it up.

"Herm!" I felt the caulk squirt into my ass hole. It was thick and weird feeling inside of me. I didn't like it. Davis kept squeezing until half of the caulk inside the tube had burst into my ass. He then shoved the entire tube back into my ass

"Heh, serves you right!" Davis got up and walked out the door without another word. Leaving me in the darkness. I laid my head down on the cold floor and cried.

"Excuse me Ryann, could you go check on your friend Jamison and that wolf boy Davis? I believe Jam had to use the restroom and Davis was getting something from his locker and neither of them has come back yet. I didn't realize that they hadn't come back yet and now the period is over in about ten minutes." Ms. Avalon asked Ryann.

"Sure, okay. Yeah, I check around." Ryann got up out of his seat and walked out the door. "Hmmm..." Ryann walked down the hall humming to himself. "Ill be out of my mind, and you'll be out of ideas pretty soon. So let's spend the afternoon in a cold hot air...balloon...Davis is that you?"

Davis walked out through a door towards the other end of the hall.

"Davis! Hey Ms. Avalon sent me to look for you. Hey! Where are you going?"

Davis turned abruptly and ran the other direction around the corner and down the hall to the neighboring C-building.

"What was that about?" Ryan kept walking down the hall and came to the door Davis had walked out of. "Custodian closet? Why would Davis be in here?"

Ryan opened the door and peered inside. "Where's the damn light switch?" He felt along the walls and came upon a small switch.

"MMMMM!" A muffled yell rang through the room.

"What the fuck?" Ryann switched on the light.


