
Story by doomsinger on SoFurry

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This is a story i have been working on in my head for a while now it is NOWHERE near finished but i wanted to see what others tought about it before contenuing on.... the last peragraph was sapose to be the first one in the origanal copy and if it had stayed that way then i would be done but please remember the chars. in this story are copyrighted by me and if you steal them..... well you will see hope you enjoy


By: Keegan McAuley

Chapter one

Shuko T'inani

Bright sunlight flooded the room slowly waking the young pup. His mother walked in and opened the curtains wide saying "Wake up Shuko and go see your father before he has to leave to see the king. Be sure to stay out of trouble to that is if you want to go to the festival tomorrow." At those words Shuko got up and got dressed running outside to see his father. The tall wolf looked down at his son, "you are in charge till I get back son. Remember the training I gave you." Shuko looks up at him saying "Yes sir enjoy your trip!" The large wolf looks down at him "That a boy now go on and help you mother prepare for the festival. I should be back tomorrow night." Shuko looks up at him and happily smiles to him "Yes sir." He said as he ran off. "That son of mine will be the death of me." He said getting on his horse riding off to the king's castle. Shuko ran after his father till he reached the valley's entrance wave good bye to his father. As his father rode off into the wood following the wood he saw some smoke but dismissed it as nothing. Shuko slowly walked back to the village running into Lisa Tigerclaw. "Hello Shuko how are you doing today?" She said with a soft smile on her face. Shuko looked at the lupine with a slight grin on his face. "dad says I was in charge till he got back Lisa. He also said to help out with the festival." Lisa looked at him "How many times have I told you that is not my real name?" She said smacking him over the head lightly. Shuko rubbed his head gently "Fine then Elisabeth, but i thought you hated to be called that." she smiles at him and opens her mouth to say something to him but hears her mother calling her name. "Sorry Shuko i need to go help mom I'll see you at the same spot as always ok?" she asks. he smiles back at her and starts to walk away watching people going by saying "Ok the Lisa see you then."

Out in the distance hidden behind the tree line. There was a band of marauders lazing around in there camp waiting for nightfall. The leader looking around at the few that he trusted talking in a low tone to them "These fools are going to have a festival tonight. There will be drinking, dancing, music." He is interrupted by one of the stupider people around him "Uh... Alex you think they's going ta invite us?" He ask the leader looks at him then grins at the fellows around him saying to him "Sure they are James. While we are there they just might give ya some cake and some grog ta drink as well." Alex said in a sarcastic manner. James just smiles and says "Boss I would like that... I would like that alot." Alex walked around to the back of James and kicked him hard into the fire " Idiot there ain't going to be no party when we get there." James tries to get out of the fire quickly, but still catches on fire running to the small lake that was there putting out the fire. As he comes back his once reddish orange fur now singed to a mostly smoky black. You could hardly tell that he was a fox any more. He looks to Alex and said "Boss... why ya gone and did that ta me?" Alex just smiled and said "For acting stupid is why." He would sit there chuckling for a bit longer before looking over at the festival that was going on saying "Now we wait a bit longer for them to get full and tired then we attack understand you lot? I want use to take as maky as ya can alive kill the males in the village but leave the male children understand?" Alex would say looking at them then goes back to watch the festival for the best time to attack.

Shuko grew tired of the festival and at all the adults in the village. The noice of them cheering and of there marrymaking was a bit to loud for his ears to take. So he went off insearch of a quiter spot, where he could enjoy some peace and quite. soone though lisa would slowly walk toards him and smiles down at him asking "Why did you leave shuko? Were you not enjoying the festival?" she would say with the same smile on her face "we used to enjoy it so much dont you remember those times?" Shuko looked up at her and smiles sighing softly "Yes I do. The roaring fire. The music playing and my perents danceing with each other before he became a knight" He would say with a smile on his face. Lisa smiled down at him saying "I remembered the time they had the gressed pole out and a small purse of coins where placed at the top. Do you remember that day Shuko?" He would chuckle and nod softly saying "Oh yes I do. all the children in the vilage tried to get to it as i recalled. I even tried to get it by runing and jumping onto and off of anouthers shoulders." He said as he remembered him almost reaching the top of the pole and grabed the purse on the way down. She chuckled softly saying "That was recless what you did. If your father dident catch you on the way down you would have broken something you do know that right?" He would smile at her and says "yes you are right. Go onto the festival I will be there shotly but i would like to relax here for a bit longer" lisa would nod before moving off to the festival. Looking back at him before running off to enjoy the fun that was to be had.

As time went by slowly Shuko was laying agaist the tree his eyes slowly closing and he soon fell asleep, not knowing that in the moonless night that the muraders were no mare than ten feet from where he was. As the slowly crept past him and to the village the villagers were eather asleep or heading to bed when the first of the muraders would come out of the night and slowly walks up to them his cutlass was hidden from sight as a small dagger was in his hand. Smiling to them he walked closer and says loudly for all to hear "Why hello you kind and gentle people might i come and sit by ya and partake apon your hospitality?" he would say as he moved over to sit with them and prosedaed to eat without being told it was ok. A large male otter came over and looked down at him though was drunk at the time saying "no ya can not. now shift yourself and be away with ya afore i make ya." Thes murader would just sit there and contenue eating before looking up at him saying with a mouth full of food "I'd watch who ya was talking to if I was ya." He would say waiting for the otter to make a move before starting the attack.

It was going to be one of those days he thought. Village burned down, bandits everywhere. Why must the innocent suffer so? His childhood friend killed where she stood. Never again will he let that happen. .Fought and killed five of them before they took me down. Reaching a hand behind him and feeling the scar that the blow left. Branded and forced into slavery and made to fight for my life in there games. The thoughts just continued to pour back flooding his senses till he didn't know what was going on around him anymore sipping on his drink slowly. The cruel mistress that beated me if I didn't kill the other slave in those fights. Rena Dyne was her name, I think it was so long ago. Takes a long gulp from his tankard "Its been four years already. Time flies when your not under the whip." He says absentmindedly, Then looking around to make sure no one heard him. What was my name again? Shuko T'inani I think. It doesn't matter anymore if I go by it they will find me again. Pulling out the only item that he could save from his village was a small locket with a picture of him and his friend in it. I should have saved you Lisa, I should have fought the bandits off of you first then maybe you would be here today. You would have been a beautiful young lady by now. Pulls out a pouch and places five silver coin on the bar. When the tender came over he pulled out a warrant. "have you seen this furr, sir?" The bartender turned to him and said "She came through here not three days ago. Heading west I think, why do you want her?" Doom looked at him dangerously "There is no reason for you to know other than she killed a man." Doom placed three gold coins on the bar and the wolf got up to leave. He stops at the doorway "Thanks for the information sir." He said before turning and walking out the door after his prey.

please make a comment i need to know if i should keep it this way or go with what i was planing