Ira & Felix Adventures: Chapter 1: Cuffed

Story by DolledWolves on SoFurry

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#1 of Ira & Felix Adventures

Out on a job for a client, two wolves, Ira and Felix, ventures inside of a cave to retrieve a item for a client of their witch handler. As they moved into what seems to be a tomb, Felix spotted something that quickly catches his eye. Ira tries to stop him, but she quickly gets ensnared in the mystical powers of the item.

Story & Characters © DolledWolves

Cover Art © FeralMoonlight

"This should be the place," Ira pointed out as she lowered herself from a ledge that dropped her out of a thicket she had been trudging through. The area the blue and black wolf anthromorph now found herself in was slightly free from the dense bushes she had waded through to get there, but it was still surrounded by a thick layer of trees, and there was also a massive rock wall in front of her that rose skyward which disappeared above the forest's canopy.

"Let's hope Annabelle was right about this place," Felix said, a black and green wolf anthromorph with gold tips on his ears and tail who wasn't too far behind her.

"It's not like she's been wrong before. Just keep an eye out when we're in there. I don't know what to expect..." Ira replied. She walked towards what seemed to be an opening in the rock wall that stood before her. She inspected it only to find a barrier of vines blocking further progression.

"So, do you want to do the honors big guy?" Ira said, gesturing towards the vines that blocked their path. "They're your speciality after all."

"Fine..." Felix deadpanned, his eyes started to glow with a green hue that also enveloped the vines, and with a quick wave of his hand the vines were pushed aside, opening the entrance leading into the rock wall.

"Good boy," Ira said jokingly as she entered the newly opened path in the wall. She grinned inwardly, she knew it would get on Felix's nerves, only Annabelle had ever called him that.

Felix growled at Ira's remark. "Let's just get this sword and get out of here."

"Want the extra treat if we do this in record time, I see? You never change, It's probably why you're so fat!" Ira chuckled as the two wolves continued down the narrow tunnel of the cave.

"I'm not FAT, I'm muscular! You've seen me working out." Felix flexed his biceps to prove his point.

"You could've fooled me, fatty," Ira retorted, looking over her shoulder at Felix, whose eyes were returning her gaze with a hint of gleaming embarrassment at her scathing comment. "Oh Felix, you're too easy..."

Felix chuckled, "At least I'm not a easy lay."

Ira looked ahead of herself to hide her light blush from Felix. "Ha ha, very funny...I say you enjoyed it more than I did, screwing my brains out when I was in such a vulnerable position."

Felix's cheek turned a bright red as he stuttered to reply to Ira, "Hey...y-you tricked me into having sex with you."

The thought of Felix having his way with her made Ira's cheeks go scarlet. "H-how was I supposed to know my hormones were so powerful? I bet if I had my pants off right now you'd so be looking at my ass."

Felix went slightly redder at the thought of Ira's firm backside, thinking out loud, "Well, you do have a nice ass though..."

"Oh Gods, Felix! It was one night, we don't have a thing going on...we're just friends," she exclaimed.

"I know, but you know..." Felix reminisced about the night Ira seduced him. The way she came onto him while she wore the white corset, stockings and suspenders made him quiver with excitement. "With benefits?"

"I hate you," Ira grumbled, lowering her ears. A part of her didn't truly mean it and it wondered if she would let Felix do those things that left nothing to the imagination.

The further Ira and Felix travelled down into the depths of the earth the darker it got. Soon, Ira had to provide light in the form of a small ball of bright azure color electricity that was channelled through her hand, it provided just enough light for the two wolves to see their footing. Their shadows flickered on the walls as they travelled down the steep path of the tight stone corridor.

It wasn't long before the path they were travelling down ended, which opened into a larger room, and was only partially illuminated from Ira's magical ball of light. Ira looked around the room as she channelled more brightness into the ball to fully light the surroundings.

The room was adorned with several banners with a strange insignia. Unlit torches lined the walls along with a dozen carved stone pedestals, each one had priceless object of silver and gold that hadn't been moved in centuries. The item they were looking for didn't seem to be among the many pieces of priceless artefacts, there wasn't a sword among the many silver urns, gold armour and one very peculiar gold wrist band with a chain attached that Felix had his eyes set on.

"I don't see any swords here, it must be deeper inside..." Ira observed.

Felix moved toward the pedestal with the wristband on without much of a second thought/ "You're right, but look at all this." Felix then picked up a golden wristband with three loops of chain attached to it.

"Felix, put it down! We came here for the sword and nothing else. Besides, we don't know what any of this stuff even does," Ira said, turning towards her friend with some genuine concern for his safety.

Felix looked towards Ira, chuckling. "Okay Mom," he said without much of a care.

Without warning the wristband Felix had picked up latched on to his own wrist with loud click as it locked. Felix looked at his wrist with a worried expression on his face. "Ira?" Felix called in a worried tone.

Ira hurried over to Felix as she saw the wristband clamp onto him. "What did I just say?!" she scolded as she looked for a way to remove the band from Felix's wrist.

Felix tried to push the wristband off with each word as he grew more panicked. "Sorry, sorry. JUST. GET. IT. OFF. ME!"

"Just calm down and let me help yo-" Ira was cut off suddenly by the wrist band glowing with a magical aura. The three chain rings extended, coiling around her wrist tightly like a snake who had just caught its prey.

"That was weird right, Ira?" Felix said as he turn to look at Ira. "Ira?"

Ira stood there vacantly, overcome by some unknown force. The only thing she did was to stare longingly into Felix's eyes.

"Um....Ira?" Felix asked in a worried tone.

Ira suddenly placed her hands on Felix's shoulders and pushed him back against the pedestal that was next to them. She puckered her lips as she moved closer to Felix's face and kissed him deeply, their bodies pressed together as Ira savored her kiss with Felix. A blush appeared on her cheeks soon after she broke the kiss with him. There was the glint of love in Ira's blue eyes as she stared into Felix' cyan ones.

"Ira loves you, Felix. Ira has since the first moment she saw you. So let Ira make you feel good, okay? Ira promises she'll be gentle when we make pups together," she said seductively, rubbing her chest against him.

Felix was in shock at what just transpired, he pushed Ira off of himself and moved back a couple feet. The chain jingled, he looked on in horror at the wrist band to see that the chain had extended further than before and the other end was still attached to Ira's wrist.

"W-Why did you push Ira away, Felix?" Ira whimpered with a hint of sadness in her voice as she started walking towards Felix, the chain retracted back into the band the closer she came to him. "D-Don't you love me? H-How can Ira make it up you, Felix? Ira wants to be with you..."

"I-I do, well, I think I do. This is just a bit sudden," Felix stammered, "But that doesn't matter right now. Don't you remember saying it was a one-time thing, and you can make it up to me by helping to look for the sword." Felix backed away a few more steps.

Ira stopped walking towards Felix, tears started appearing in the corner of her eyes. "T-Then if you love Ira show her how much you do, r-ravage her like first time we were together. I-I was lying when I said I didn't enjoy it, you made me feel alive for the first time I can remember. I want to be your mate, Felix, forever and always. Ira wants to have your pups Felix, that dusty old sword can wait, I just want you...Felix, please?"

Felix weighed his options, he could run and try to get away from Ira, but then he would still be attached to her so that wouldn't work, or he could give her what she wanted. However, he would wind up a father of pups he had no idea he even wanted yet.

Ira began crying as she fell to her knees, believing Felix wasn't interested in her. "Felix, please? I can't live without you..."

Felix signed, walking over to Ira before bending down to hug her. "Ira please stop crying?" he pleaded as he looked into her tear filled eyes. Felix never liked seeing her in such a state of sadness, it upset him in such a way that he'd move mountains for her if he could. "I'll do it okay? Just please stop crying for me, can you do that?"

Ira gradually stopped crying and reluctantly hugged Felix. "B-but you don't love never have..." As Ira said those words the chain holding onto her wrist unwrapped and fell to the floor with a rattle before it retreated back to its original size.

Felix sighed again. "I do love you Ira and I'll give you what you desire if it'll make you happy?" Felix leaned in and kissed Ira lightly on the lips before resting his forehead on hers.

"I-Its too late for that now, Felix..." Ira said coldly as she shivered, almost being physically sick. "T-That band you're wearing made me say every word I meant and you ignored me..." Ira slowly got up from the floor hiding her face from Felix's view, almost as if facing him would tear her heart out after having it broken. "L-Let's just get that sword and go home, Annabelle is waiting..."