Chapter 7: First Time

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#8 of The Student

Chris and Marcus attend the club. Chris has his name drawn for ring one.

Chapter 7: First Time

The club was only held on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, which made the wait through the next few days worth of classes was almost agonizing. Chris couldn't keep his mind off what he had seen that night, or off thoughts of participating the coming night. He had trouble focusing in class as he daydreamed about who or what he might be paired with on his first day of putting his name in the bucket. Some possibilities were underwhelming. What if he was paired with a mouse boy, or a horse girl? For the former, he wasn't sure he'd even feel the tiny prick poking at his back door. However, he'd never had anal sex before and had no idea what it might feel like. For the latter, he was sure he'd be embarrassed trying to please a girl who was designed to take a two or three foot long arm thick rod. He was only pushing seven to eight inches himself. At least, his own cock was thick enough that his hand was just able to grip all the way around it. However, that still paled to what he witnessed Blake sporting while he plowed Leah.

Nevertheless, some pairings were beyond frightening. What if he were put with a male equine? That massive rod could be too big for him. Would it be large enough to cause internal damage? Felines had those spined cocks he had witnessed during his first visit. Those looked like they would hurt, but he had seen no blood or damage to Andy when Zack had ravaged him. He couldn't forget about the canine pricks either. Canines possessed the massive knot, which was designed to swell and lock inside of a partner for up to half an hour or better. He knew the pressure the knot would push against his prostate, which would probably send him into an amazing orgasm. However, would it hurt as it expanded in him or tear him?

All these thoughts and more raced through his head throughout the day. It distracted him from class and caused him to stare at some of his classmates as he imagined what they might be like under their clothing.

"Did I see the dean of students check on you again today?" Marcus teased as they walked back to their dorm room after the class was finally released.

"Yeah, I think he hasn't missed a day yet. I think he is worried I will get my head bitten off," Chris answered with a slight chuckle. "What do you make of that announcement about the special quest," he asked in a futile attempt to change the subject. He didn't feel comfortable about how the dean seemed to be singling him out from the other students.

"Who knows what that is about? At first, I thought it was one of the company investors, or a university supporter. They do come through occasionally. They seem to look at us like some sort of freak show. No one likes it, when they do their tours of the city. However, I almost had the impression they were talking about another student. I clearly heard this special guest intends to attend some of the classes," Markus replied with a frown for his distaste of being put on display, for these special guests like some sort of dog and pony show.

"Maybe, but they didn't make the same announcements before I came did they? I mean everyone seems to think having another human student is a miracle or something. What kind of student could cause such a fuss," Chris replied before he noticed Markus' deep frown for his choice of topic. "Well, if he is an ass we can feed him to a reptilian, so my head doesn't get bitten off," he joked to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, it would really suck for you to have your head bitten off now that we are starting to get use to you. Especially if it was bitten off before you get to participate tonight. I assume you are excited," Marcus returned to teasing as his toothy grin returned at the change of subject.

"Can't wait, but I'm so nervous I could puke," Chris replied as his entire body seemed to vibrate with a nervous energy. "I wonder who I'll get paired with," he added as his imagination began to run wild once again.

"There's no way to know. You may not even be picked at all. Not all the names are drawn during one night. If you are drawn, your name is removed from the bucket for future drawings the same night. It lets everyone else get a chance and gives the chosen a chance to recuperate after their matching," Marcus explained carefully. He wasn't being quite honest, but it was for the best. Nevertheless, he tried to understand why he found Chris' pending participation so exciting. It was nearly as intense as he recalled his own first time at the club.


After the sun retreated beyond the horizon, they once again snuck into the University gym and down into the boiler room. This time, they showed up earlier than they had last time. The two buckets full of scraps of paper were located outside the boiler room door. As they approached, Leah handed both of them a scrap of paper and a pen to write their names. They deposited both names into the bucket labeled for males.

As they entered the room, Chris noticed it was less full than it had been last time. He figured that either fewer furs were showing up this round or it was early and not everyone had shown up yet. The rings were empty at the moment, and most of the furs present were clothed. However, many were dressed very provocatively. He spotted Andy, the mouse boy, on the opposite side of the room wearing the same getup he had the last time. He had on the same fishnet stockings, sleeves, and tank top.

After a short wait, albeit one that seemed longer than it was, Blake and Leah entered the room. Leah taking the buckets to the table past the fourth ring, while Blake locked the door behind him, which trapped everyone who was present in the room until the night was over. Leah wasted no time pulling names from the bucket and began calling them out, while Chris watched with an intense sense of anticipation and anxiety. However, he was somewhat saddened when his name was not among the first round as furs walked out into the rings.

Furs he hadn't seen before were in the first and third rings. However, Andy was called into the second ring, along with an even shorter mouse girl that had the same fur coloring as Andy did.

"That's Terra. She's Andy's sister," Marcus whispered into Chris' ear as he leaned over.

"I thought there were no brothers or sisters amongst furs?" Chris questioned with a quizzical look.

"Despite what the professor said, many furs do consider one another siblings. Andy and Terra were both created from the same mouse DNA. Both were birthed at the same time from the same woman, which makes them twins in a way," Markus replied with a shake of his head for the way scientist and professors still misunderstood the furs.

Chris watched with interest in the forbidden pairing as brother and sister closed on one another in the ring. Terra was the shortest fur he'd seen yet. She stood no more than three and a half feet tall, which was a head shorter than Andy or Maya. She had large round ears, a cute little nose, and a thin tail that flicked from side to side behind her. She was wearing tight shorts and a t-shirt, which she quickly shed onto the concrete floor, revealing a tiny but curvaceous figure.

Marcus grinned at him. "Cute, isn't she? I was paired with her once, tightest pussy I've ever been in. Couldn't even get my knot in her, but man she can grip when she cums. She's a sprayer too," he explained lustfully as his cock began to thicken at the memory.

Chris watched while felt his pants tent again as Terra straddled her brother to begin humping on top of him. The two came quickly. Andy's balls clenching up as he unloaded into her while Terra's pussy and anus were convulsing as little spurts of her own juice squirted out around her brother's rod. After he had witnessed Andy with Zack two days ago, Chris knew how much cum Andy could produce. Nevertheless, Terra didn't leak a drop. She held her brother's spunk inside her and made a point of letting everyone know it. Chris noticed some of the other male furs around the room casting lustful looks at Terra while they idly stroked themselves.

After the rings were cleared, Leah began calling more names. This time Chris heard his own called for ring one. He failed to catch the name of who he had been pared with do to his excitement. However, he did hear Marcus winced audibly beside him.

"Good luck, dont struggle too much," Marcus advised with what he hoped was a reassuring pat on the back.

Chris stepped into the first ring. He found himself staring at Felix, the powerful jaguar fur that had been paired with Maya during the last session. Felix stripped his pants to reveal his nine-inch prickly cock, which was covered from tip to base in erect spines. "This is gonna be fun. You a fighter, or you gonna let me fuck you willingly?" Felix asked as he stared at Chris with an excited toothy grin.

Chris took the initiative as he tossed his own clothes on the floor despite how incredibly exposed he felt before the crowd. Nevertheless, Chris gave no response as he walked forward to kneel in front of Felix, before he took the cat's cactus-like cock into his mouth. Felix looked surprised, but moaned at the stimulation.

"Well aren't you a little slut? I'll let you taste for a while, but I'm still going to mount you," Felix declared as he watched Chris suck his dick.

Chris had used the maneuver primarily to get a closer inspection of the spines on Felix's rod. He was curious how sharp or hard they were. He was surprised to find they were neither. The spines were tiny. They were almost like hairs at the very tip, but grew much longer near the base. Each one was fleshy and soft, stiff like a hardened penis but not bone or chitin-like in the least, as he had expected. He was quite sure that these spines would provide amazing stimulation, and cause little to no damage at all.

Once Chris was satisfied with his discovery, he took Felix's member out of his mouth, before he licked the sweet and salty precum flowing from the tip of Felix's rod off his lips. "Try to go easy on me. I've never done this before," he nearly begged as he looked up at Felix while a nervous shiver coursed through his body.

Felix laughed as he grabbed Chris by the shoulders to turn him around. He pushed Chris to his hands and knees before he squatted behind him to position the tip of his cone-shaped meat against Chris' ass. Felix leaned forward to put his muzzle next to Chris' ear while breathing hot and moist breath against it. "There's no going easy with me," he declared with a slight purring sound coming from his throat.

Before Chris could protest, Felix thrust forward to plunge several inches into him. Chris began to note that he could hardly feel those fleshy spines. However, he abandoned the thought as Felix pulled out to only leaving the very tip inside his ass. The spines seemed to grab Chris' insides as Felix withdrew his prickly flesh. They seemed to jam themselves into his anal walls in protest, which caused Chris to gasp in shock. Felix quickly thrust back in to almost bury himself to the hilt this time. Chris could feel the massive member inside him. It filled his depths as his eyes fluttered at the intense sensation. It felt almost like a massive bowel movement, which was going the wrong way. Once more, Felix pulled out to leave only a few inches inside him. The spines along his shaft felt like they were trying to tear his intestines out of his body, which caused his body to shudder.

Felix plunged in again to bury himself completely. Chris could feel the fuzzy sheath scrunched back behind Felix's erection as it mashed up against his hole. As Felix began to grunt, Chris could feel the feline cock expanding inside him. Each spine seemed to stick straight out to jam itself into his rectal walls. The largest spines near the base of Felix's cock pressed sharply against Chris' prostate, which caused him to groan like a whore as he was thrown into a powerful forced orgasm. Chris blasted thick spurts of cum onto the concrete floor. As Chris came, the muscles lining his anus squeezed and contracted around Felix's cock, which buried the spines deeper into the walls of his bowels to prolong his own orgasm past any he'd ever experienced previously. Chris felt Felix's cock begin to pulse almost instantly. He could feel its girth rapidly growing and shrinking, before he felt a sudden but distinct change in temperature deep inside his gut. He knew Felix was unloading his large fuzzy balls nine inches deep into him. He was being filled with hot thick spunk, which almost made him feel like his insides were on fire.

The sensation was mind shattering. Chris barely recognized he had begun grind his backside against his Feline lover in an effort to force him deeper. As Chris' orgasm subsided, he noticed Marcus in the next ring over while he pounded his dog meat into Maya at a furious pace despite not being able to force his knot inside her. Maya threw her head back in ecstasy while her ears swayed with each of his savage thrusts while she bucked her hips back against Marcus's shaft.

After a long minute, Felix withdrew from Chris while the spines of his softening cock raked against Chris' sore hole. Despite the bulk of Felix's burning cum remaining deep within his gut, Chris could feel some of the liquid dripping down the back of his scrotum and length of his shaft before it dripped on the concrete floor. He was shaking from the experience. He was too light headed to stand. He gathered his cloths as crawled to the side of the Boiler Room where he sat on the floor with his back propped against the chain link fence, which separated the center of the room from the water tanks. He watched Marcus and Maya finish their rutting while he attempted to gather his composure. He managed to smile weakly as Marcus left the ring and walked toward him.

"So, how was it?" Marcus grinned, showing off his sharp canine teeth with that now familiar grin.

"A... awesome," Chris stammered between his heavy breathing as he returned a huge grin of his own.