Chapter 5: A Treat for Rose

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#5 of The Plight of Hunter

This chapter consists of pages 121-143 of the manuscript, which is irrelevant. However, I thought you may like to know how much you have read at this point.

Rose takes what she desires from Tyrell with a little help from Sylvy. Of course, Sylvy decides she wants to play a little after Rose has finished with him.

Chapter 5: A Treat for Rose

"Watch... watch... here it comes in slow motion," Tyrell exclaimed as he held his personal device for Rose and Sylvy to watch.

"What are you watching," Tyberius asked curiously.

"We are watching Hunter save you from an afternoon of being rolled around in your buggy," Sylvy teased with a grin.

"Really?" Tyberius questioned skeptically as he circled around the table to watch for himself. "Damn, that is pretty clear for a personal device video," he declared in his surprise.

"That is because it is the camera off his buggy," Sylvy corrected as she watched the video in slow motion.

"They don't have video," Tyberius argued with a frown. However, he recognized his son's wince easily. "Alright, out with it," he demanded with a glare.

"I may have fitted mine with it," Tyrell admitted reluctantly.

"Where... How...," Tyberius fumed in further frustration.

"I bought it with my own money. I picked it up on sale. It is high definition too. It doesn't have the refresh speed some of the new ones have, but it is fast enough to catch Hunter smacking the living shit out of that bull... literally. You can see it," Tyrell declared in his defense with a chuckle for the last part.

"I am starting to wonder if your allowance is too high," Tyberius complained as the video ended. "Replay that thing," he said after failing to replay it at his own touch of the screen.

"Dad, half of the stuff around here wouldn't work without me updating the software," Tyrell teased with a grin as he hit replay. He just hoped his father never realized half of those same things didn't work for him because he had programmed them to deny his father's touch. Of course, this was new technology, which he had developed at school. He had actually written three papers on his work so far. He had even applied for a patent for it. He wasn't very hopeful for the patent, though. He was sure his ideas were sound but he had too many glitches in his programs. His supposed uploads were usually repairs to glitches in software he was testing on his dad while he remained unaware. Nevertheless, if the patent were awarded he would never need to seek a real job with all the security and military applications available.

"That reminds me. I want you to look at Hunter and his interface again. I am tired of him misinterpreting me all the time," Tyberius complained with a wince as he saw Hunter drop to the ground as a boned fish in the video.

"Are you upset with him?" Rose questioned with genuine concern.

" Oh, hell, I don't know. He is amazing. Look at him. He did give that bull a thrashing. He is as wonderful as he is amazing. I can't stress how pleased I am to have purchased him. However, every time I try to talk to him I get a headache. He is so strange I can't understand him and he doesn't seem to understand me half of the time," Tyberius tried to explain his frustration.

"I will see what I can do after dinner," Tyrell promised as he pressed play once again. "This first hit is the best. The way he slung around and over that bull by the horns to plant that big fist of his is priceless," Tyrell boasted as a new idea began to develop.

"Rose... Rose?" Tyrell whispered to get her attention. He was as disappointed as he was excited as she rolled away from him and lifted that puff of a tail to reveal her tight tail hole. "Pl... please, don't tease me," he begged as he watched from his bed. However, his mind shattered as she reached behind her and spread her round cheeks of her buttocks and slid a finger into her tail hole. "If you don't stop that, I am going to shove my meat in there," he threatened with frustration as he began to stroke his throbbing member.

Nevertheless, his frustration grew as she propped up a leg so he could watch her other hand slide to her small slit, where she began to work her fingers in and out as well. He could hear her ragged breaths as she continued to work her fingers in and out of both her holes. "I can't take it," he declared with a whimper as he stood to go to her.

"I think he is ready," Rose whispered and watched as Tyrell froze in his tracks.

"Yes, he sure looks it," Sylvy observed with a grin as she opened his door.

"What are you up to?" Tyrell demanded suspiciously, but never stopped fondling his manhood.

"Just getting you worked up for a little ride," Sylvy teased as she pushed his hands away from his already leaking flesh, before she seized it with her hands.

"I don't..." Tyrell began to protest until his mental capacity failed him as Sylvy swallowed the entire length of his manhood. His legs nearly buckled as she wrapped her tongue around his glands and squeezed him tight. Within an instant, he was bucking and thrusting into her mouth as he sought his climax. However, to his disappointment she withdrew her heavenly mouth. "Don't stop," he begged as he continued to thrust into the air at her face. However, she was already moving away from him.

"This is not about you... Not tonight it isn't," Sylvy, chastised with a giggle at the sight of his thrusting where her mouth had once been.

"What are you talking about?" Tyrell begged as he resumed stroking himself. However, a sharp slap to his wrist from Sylvy's tail nearly caused his heart to stop. "Be careful, you could have hit me. You have no idea how sensitive it is like this," he scolded.

"Then do as you are told for once," Sylvy scolded with a snarl.

"What do you want," Tyrell begged as he fought the urge to continue his masturbation.

"I have had a talk with Rose and we have come to an agreement," Sylvy announced with a smile without explaining further. "Rose," she said as she offered her hand to help her from the floor to Tyrell's bed where she lay back on the covers before she spread her legs.

"Oh gods yes," Tyrell declared as he grabbed his pole and moved between her legs. However, a rather painful swat across his rump by Sylvy's tail made him yelp. "What the hell was that for?" he cursed as he grew tired of this game.

"This isn't about you," Sylvy scolded once again. "Now get on your knees," she instructed and was relieved when actually complied. However, she was disappointed when he failed to recognize what he was supposed to do. She reached out and pushed his head between Rose's legs.

Tyrell was as confused as he was erect. The strange scent of Rose's sex didn't make things any better. He had seen porn but he had never actually thought about what a female's sex would taste like. He didn't know how long he knelt there in indecision, before his tongue flicked out to her small slit. He was still hesitant as it flicked out again, but this time it went to the small nub at the end of her slit. He was surprised as her hips bucked towards his mouth; she arched her back, and let out a groan of pleasure. He wasn't sure what he was doing or if it was right as his tongue began to flick out at her repeatedly. He still wasn't sure what he was doing, but the more his tongue flicked and teased her the more he wanted it. He never even realized he moved his face closer until his lips nearly touched the lips of her slit. He could smell her sex easily and it made his head flush and his manhood throb. Then without ever making the coconscious decision to do so, his arms wrapped around her hips and he buried his tongue as deep as he could. He pressed his muzzle into her soft flesh as hard as he could as his tongue snaked into her depths. He failed to recognize her squeals as he continued to work his tongue in and out of her in a fury. He didn't think about it. It just happened. He could not get his tongue deep enough. He couldn't taste enough. Time ceased to exist. All that mattered was that taste. He barely noticed his tongue became entrapped as her muscles clenched down on him. However, he continued to nibble and nuzzle her tight opening as it sprayed heavenly juices on his nose and tongue. Once his tongue began to become free, he resumed as he tried to drive his tongue deeper. It took him a moment to realize he was fighting a strange force that seemed intent on pulling him from what he desired.

"That is enough of that," Sylvy scolded as she forcefully pulled her obsessed brother from Rose's slit. She realized she enjoyed the taste of their pet as well, but her brother had lost his mind. "Are you sure about this Rose?" she questioned as she studied both her brother and Rose who were both panting heavily at this point.

"Yes, but he will have to be gentle. He is very big for me," Rose pouted as she eyed the dripping prize between Tyrell's legs. It was big but she could work it inside of her given enough time.

"Okay but we will have to change our plans slightly," Sylvy agreed reluctantly. "Tyrell lay back on the bed," she instructed as she glared at him to keep him from arguing. However, she had to restrain her laughter as he scrambled to take his place lying on the bed. "Now give me your hands," she instructed as she nearly straddled his head. "It isn't my turn," she snapped as his tongue flickered out in the direction of her dripping slit. She hadn't even noticed how wet she had become until now. However, she did decide to shift forward until she straddled his face. She watched as a drop of her nectar dripped down to his lips where he licked it up obediently. "Go ahead Rose. Take what you want," she instructed as she nodded to their gorgeous pet who scrambled excitedly to straddle Tyrell's leaking member. She watched with anticipation as Rose took it in her hand and lined it up with her slit. Sylvy returned Rose's beaming smile before she watched Rose impale herself with Tyrell's meat. Her breathe caught in her throat as Rose's expression of delight changed to near panic as his meat filled and stretched her. She thought Rose was going to cry by the time she began to raise herself from him. "Are you okay?" Sylvy asked nervously.

"It is much bigger than a tongue evidently," Rose admitted with a giggle as she prepared herself for another attempt.

"Damn straight it is," Tyrell declared proudly.

With a frown for his boastful pride, Sylvy lowered herself on her brother's mouth. "Put that tongue to good use since you don't have the sense to know when to use it," she scolded and shuddered as her brother's tongue stabbed deep inside of her. Her body began to respond immediately as Tyrell drove his tongue in and out of her hungrily. However, she was even more excited as she watched Rose working herself up and down his shaft. She could see Rose's belly distend slightly as Tyrell filled her with his meat. She could not ignore Rose's moans and groans of ecstasy as she continued to work more of him inside of her. "Be careful," she warned once she noticed Rose had worked her way down to his glands. However, she was surprised when she noticed Rose began to buck her hips as she continued to grind into him. She licked her lips as she watched his bulge slowly begin to enter her. Then with one last thrust and squeal from Rose, it slipped past her tight entrance. Sylvy wanted to continue watching but the sounds of Tyrell's grunts as he filled Rose matched Rose's pants and whines, which caused her own body to begin its convulsions as she began to spray her brother's tongue and face with her own nectar. She couldn't stop her hips from naturally bucking and grinding her throbbing slit and tail hole across his muzzle. She didn't know how long her climax lasted, but she was disappointed when she realized Rose and Tyrell were still in the thralls of their own pleasure when she finally managed to open her eyes. She was frustrated to find Tyrell and his tongue had abandoned her as he bucked his hips into Rose who seemed impaled to his meat. She could swear she could see her entrance strain as his hips pulled away from her. She realized his glands were trapped in Rose's tight opening. By now Rose seemed to be dazed as she moaned as squealed in pleasure and pain. She was mesmerized as she watched Rose's belly distend slightly with every thrust or throb of his entrapped meat. She noticed his seed finally began to escape her tight entrance with a spray as it splattered on his belly. She couldn't resist leaning over to lick up his tasty seed. The mix of Tyrell and Rose's flavors began to have its affect on her once again. She barely noticed both Rose and Tyrell had all but gone limp as they panted heavily. She could detect their slight shudders as the two moaned in unison, but she wanted more of that wonderful taste on her tongue. She seized Rose with her arms and began to rock her back and forth on that wonderful shaft. She was rewarded with renewed flows of their essence as it sprayed free from the tight prison. She licked hungrily and their union until Tyrell's glands had shrunk and his meat slid free of Rose with a gush of his thick seed, which she lapped up quickly. She hesitantly rolled off Tyrell's face once Rose slumped to lie beside him while his fluid flowed from her sore slit. "Clean up your mess," she ordered with a nasty grin while she licked their essence from her lips.


Tyrell reluctantly complied with his sister's instructions. However, he became more eager as he realized what Rose intended to do. His heart raced as he watched her position herself above his throbbing and leaking member. He could feel her heat as she slipped his tip into her entrance. He watched in disbelief and ecstasy as she impaled herself on his meat. A whine escaped him as her tight passage threatened to squeeze the life from his throbbing rod. However, her compliment at the size of his manhood made him smile away his pain. Nevertheless, he would have cursed his sister for denying his view of his gorgeous pet impaled on his manhood as she rudely thrust her sex onto his muzzle. It was her sent that forced his tongue from his mouth. He had no desire to give her the satisfaction. However, her smell was irresistible. His tongue seemed to plunge into her depths of its own accord. He was working his tongue in and out of her madly, while Rose thrust her burning hot slit down his engorged member. He couldn't believe how much the burning hot tight passage seemed to hurt his sensitive flesh as she continued to grind herself onto him. He never even noticed when he wrapped his arms around his sister's hips to hold her slit tight against his lips as she ground her essence across his nose and chin. However, he was very aware when her juices began to flow from her in such a volume he was sure to drown him. He swallowed and swallowed as her fluids covered his face. The smell and taste was maddening. However, he could feel Rose as she began her attempt to bury his glands into her hole. He was sure he could not fit. It hurt so good as her heat continued to envelope him. He couldn't take it any longer. His hips met her thrust as he plunged into her. He nearly cried as Rose's tight passage clamped down on him with enough force to threaten his sanity. He struggled to breathe as she continued to grind on his glands. He was sure it was an eternity before his meat throbbed and spewed forth an impossible stream of his seed into her depths. He forgot about his sister as his hands sought Rose's hips. He held onto her desperately as his hips began to buck and thrust as if he could actually plant his seed any deeper. His mental capacities abandon him as he pumped and thrust madly. His member throbbed and burned as wave after wave of his essence filled her. He gasped for air as his frantic thrust drained his strength. It was an eternity before his senses began to return to him. He could feel a new sensation. However, it took him a moment to realize it was his sister's tongue licking at his lodged meat in Rose. His member still throbbed occasionally into Rose, which would cause a spray of his seed to land on his belly. The realization, that he had completely filled her as he had, caused him to smile with satisfaction. However, the way his sister would lick up his seed just encouraged him to fill her further. He would thrust into her slightly with every wave of pleasure until his manhood began to burn with too much pain. He felt his meat begin its retreat as it shrank. Once his glands had deflated enough to slide from Rose's stretched slit he felt a gush of his seed spread over him and run to his sheets. He found the sensation as well as the thought of his sister's tongue seeking every drop of him as stimulating as he had found her smell earlier. Nevertheless, he was nearly heartbroken as Rose slid from atop him to lie beside him. He had never imagined anything could be as exciting, painful, and heavenly as what he had just experience. He couldn't wait to do it again. Just the thoughts of a repeat experience caused his sore member to twitch inside of him. He could swear he felt himself begin to grow once again despite the discomfort. Could he even do it...? His thoughts shattered as he heard his sister's instructions. "What? You want me to do what?" he questioned in disbelief. He was not about to eat...

"You heard me. It is your mess. You must clean it up," Sylvy repeated with a snarl as she stood. She pulled her brother around and forced his head between Rose's spread legs. She wasn't surprised at his hesitation, but she was sure this would get the response she sought. With a push, she shoved his head to her slit from which a steady flow of fluids continued to flow.


Rose knew this had been her idea. She had nearly begged for Sylvy's assistance. She had actually wanted him inside her the previous night. However, he was so much bigger than she had expected. He had stretched her throat until it was left a little sore and tender. Nevertheless, she wanted to feel him as he bred her. She wanted to be filled with his seed and she was sure she would receive her reward if Sylvy were willing to help her.

Rose thought her heart might explode with excitement as she straddled him and lined up his meat with her dripping hot slit. She hesitantly lowered herself until his tip barely entered her tight passage. Then with a reassuring grin from Sylvy, she forced herself onto him with all of her weight. However, she nearly panicked once she realized she came to a stop only half way down his huge shaft. She didn't think she could stretch much further and she had already figured out she would need to be able to take his bulge at the base of his meat before she could retrieve her prize. It was a very long way to go, but she was determined and it felt so good to be filled by him, especially since it was Tyrell. She was sure she could detect concern on Sylvy's face as well. "It is much bigger than a tongue evidently," she offered to ease Sylvy's worries, after she raised herself for another attempt to take his engorged member into her tight passage and she was saddened by how empty she felt without him inside of her. She barely paused long enough for a deep breath, before she plunged back down on his throbbing meat. She wasn't even sure if she was successful in taking any more of him, but she wasn't going to give Sylvy any indication that she could not do this. She began to work herself up and down his long shaft. The feel of his throbbing meat as if it coated her passage with its slick thin fluids was intoxicating. She was sure she was finally getting more and more of him into her as she continued to force herself down his pole. She knew their combined fluids were making it easier with every thrust. However, she nearly panicked, as he seemed to bottom out deep inside her belly. It was as deep as he could go. She didn't know what was stopping him, but it hurt enough to make her whimper every time she forced herself down on him. Nevertheless, she continued with desperation as she fought the tears forming in her eyes. She wanted her prize. Then to her delight, she felt his bulging glands at her tight entrance. She found renewed hope at being so close. It would only take a little more to collect his seed. She found it less painful if she kept constant pressure on him and ground her hips against him. However, those glands seemed to threaten to tear her tight opening as she ground away to work them inside of her. She found herself raising herself off him before a painful thrust down with a moment of grinding. The pain was as wonderful as it was awful as she struggled to take him. Then with a cry of pain and pleasure, he met her thrust. She could not breathe as her body cramped around his throbbing meat and it wasn't the same throbbing as it was previously. She felt lightheaded and dizzy as wave after wave flowed into her. She didn't know how long her cramping onto him lasted, before she could take her breath, but she felt limp as his hips bucked and thrust at her. It was everything she could do to remain upright as her tight slit remained clamped around him. She nearly panicked as he continued to buck and thrust at her while she was stuck on his throbbing flesh. She could feel his spray deep inside her. It was deeper than she imagined possible and for the first time realized that his meat had entered the even tighter entrance of her womb. She could feel his meat pulsing with every gush of his seed and she was as happy as she had ever been as she collected his essence deep in her womb. It made her wish she could conceive for him, but she knew this was not possible. Therefore, she would collect all he had to give. She concentrated to put more effort into her squeezes as he continued to spray her insides with his seed. However, it wasn't long until she felt as if she could burst. She was so full. She was sure she could see her belly distend slightly with every gush of his semen. It was then she felt the first spray escape that tight seal of her sex as the pressure of his essence trapped within her became too great for her to contain. She didn't want any of him to escape her. She wanted his seed in her. She tried to clamp tighter but her muscles failed to comply. She was so tired. It was as if she was going limp herself. Even the muscles in her arms and legs seemed to have turned to jelly. She just sat there upon his member while it continued to gush inside of her. She barely recognized the new sensation as Sylvy began to lick up his escaped nectar. For reasons, she could not comprehend; she found a little renewed strength to squeeze more of his essence from him. She couldn't believe how much had escaped her as Sylvy continued to steal his precious juice from her. However, her revival was weak and did not last. The last of her strength left her as Sylvy seized her by the hips and began to work her against his meat. She couldn't believe how good she felt, as he seemed to slosh deep inside of her. However, she could do no more than whimper when she realized he was shrinking. She would not be able to hold him for much longer. Then with a gush of his seed spreading over his tight muscular belly, he slid from her numb passage. She was exhausted as well as satisfied as she slid from him to lay motionless as a boned fish beside of him. She hadn't realized how exhausted she had been or how ragged her breaths were. However, her heart pounded in her chest even harder after hearing Sylvy's instructions to Tyrell. She didn't want to lose any more of his essence. She nearly closed her legs before Sylvy thrust his head between them. However, any resistance left her as his tongue gently caressed her gaping, sore, and oozing slit. She wanted to keep his seed inside her forever, but his intement kiss of her abused sex gave her warmth, which seemed to flow from her soul. She couldn't deny his touch. She never even realized she had began to run her hands gently over his handsome head as he moved his tongue over her and across her throbbing sore nub at her slit. She was sure it was only moments before her hips began to buck as she reached another climax.

Tyrell was disgusted by the thought of licking up his own spunk. However, as she thrust his nose down between Rose's legs he could see just how swollen and sore her slit appeared. He wasn't even sure how he had fit in that small opening now that he really looked at it, and he felt a stab of guilt. He could only hope he hadn't hurt her. He gave her small nub a genital kiss with his tongue despite the disgusting filth of his spunk still flowing from her in a stream. He hadn't decided to do it, nor did he want to do it, but he owed her for her what she had done for him. He owed her anything he could do for her, in return for her sacrifice to give him what he had only dreamt about while he had looked up porn in the past. Yes, he would clean up his mess and take care of her because she had taken care of him. However, as he gently licked his seed from her leaking opening something began to stir deep within him. He was beginning to become aroused despite his disgust and the soreness of his manhood. He could feel his member thickening and growing once again. He could feel the cool night air as it his flesh slid from him. However, he continued to lick at Rose gently and began to lap deeper into her depths to remove his seed from her as his body began to betray him. He felt her hand caress his head as he continued to work his tongue gently and lovingly into her abused hole while her hips began to buck and thrust into his muzzle. He was startled as she began to moan and huge amounts of his filthy spunk began to gush from her passage. He was forced to lap at her franticly as he tried to swallow all of his seed. He nearly choked as his spunk filled his mouth and slid down his throat. Nevertheless, he continued as she fell limp. "Rose, I think I love you," he declared as he continued gently kissing swollen her sex.

"This isn't about you," Sylvy corrected as she watched the scene before her. She barely noticed her fingers working in and out of her franticly as she stared at his now thick meat hanging between his legs. "I think she is done and it is now my turn," she demanded as she bent over the side of the bed and lifted her tail.

"I can't..." Tyrell began to protest as he looked at his sister bent over his bed with her tail lifted high and to the side. "I need to rest," he added weekly as he stood and stepped away from her. However, he could feel his member begin to throb almost instantly as he began to leak once again at the sight of her glistening slit and her cute round puckered tail hole.

"It looks as if you have had all the rest you need," Sylvy corrected as she looked at his swollen and leaking member.

Tyrell needed no more encouragement as she looked over her shoulder at him. He nearly dove for her as he knelt down and buried his tongue into the glistening opening. She tasted even better than he remembered as his tongue worked in and out of her hungrily. He was sure he would be happy to relish her taste until morning.

"I have had your tongue. I want what you gave Rose. It is my turn. You must give it to me," Sylvy demanded as she bucked her hips away from him.

Tyrell was disappointed to have his treat taken away from him, but his manhood was now throbbing with uncontrollable desire. He didn't hesitate as he stepped behind her and thrust his length into her slick passage. He couldn't believe she swallowed his entire length with ease. He withdrew and plunged in until his belly slapped against her tail. He was shocked as his glands entered her on his second thrust and began to swell a little more. He withdrew and slammed into her as hard as he could and was disappointed she did not squeal or whimper. He was surprised as her hips began to grind her tail hole against his muscular belly. He began to increase his pace as he slammed his entire length into her. He could see his glands slightly tug at her entrance every time as he withdrew, but he was able to pull out every time. She wasn't nearly as tight as Rose had been but it still felt wonderful.

"Give it to me hard," Sylvy demanded as her brother continued to thrust into her frantically. However, she was no closer to her reward. It was as if they had both used up all they had. She grew frustrated at the notion Rose had taken all he had to offer, before an idea began to form in her head. "You better breed me good or I will motivate you," she threatened with a snarl. However, now that she had thought of it, she was going to do it no matter how hard he tried or how good she felt.

Tyrell was plunging and thrusting as hard as he could. Her instructions to give it to her hard gave him encouragement as he seized her by the hips and pulled her back into his thrusts. He could actually hear their bodies as they slapped together. Nevertheless, her demands were pointless. He could not and he would not be able to finish again so soon.

Sylvy brought the tip of her tail to her mouth where she could lick it. Her heart raced as she began to work it into her mouth and down her throat. She didn't know if she had enough spittle on it to slide it into him and didn't care. She moved it around behind him as she sought his virgin tail hole.

Tyrell was thrusting as hard as he could while he gasped for breath. However, the sensation of Sylvy's tail as it brushed across his tail hole caused him to falter as he hesitated. He continued to thrust as she began to rub his tail hole with the tip of her tail. He was surprised by how much it excited him. Then with a squeal, he felt the burn from his tail hole as she buried her tail deep inside his bowels. He began to thrust erratically and desperately as she worked her tail in and out of his sore hole. He felt tears forming in his eyes as she continued to assault his hole. "Get it out," he begged, as she seemed to tear him apart. However, the sound of his pleas made him angry. He pushed back impaling himself on her tail to withdrawal from her completely. He took advantage of her confusion as he thrust his meat into her tight tail hole. He couldn't suppress his glee or smile as she tried to scramble away from him. However, he seized her by her hips and thrust as hard as he had before. He could hear her whimpers as he plowed her hole mercilessly. The feeling of that tight ring of muscles as it slid up and down his throbbing meat was indescribable as he pounded in and out of her.

Sylvy had been as angry with her brother for his withdraw from her wanting slit, as she had been confused. However, she had never imagined nor was she prepared for him as he brutally thrust his meat into her tight tail hole. She couldn't believe how badly it burned as he continued to thrust into her. She was sure he was tearing her apart as the pain shot up her spine. She tried to scramble away from him but he held on tight as he continued to plow into her. "Get it out... not in that hole... it is too big," she begged as he continued to abuse her tail hole. However, she felt as if her words only served to encourage him. She felt helpless as her arms buckled and her face fell between Rose's legs, which were still spread wide. She didn't care as her brother continued to plow her sore hole. She didn't care that her face was being driven into Rose's sloppy slit, which still seemed to be leaking his seed. However, something began to change. His intruding flesh began to slide in and out of her easier. It still hurt a little but it no longer felt as if her poor hole was on fire. It even began to feel good as he plunged into her depths stretching her to her limits. It was then that she realized she had abandoned her own assault on his tail hole. She was determined to get even as she found his bruised hole with her first grope of her tail. She worked her tail franticly as he continued to pound her. She would make sure he was as sore as she was. Then with one more strong thrust, she failed to retain her squeal as his glands entered her already stretched tail hole. She felt her body betray her as she clamped down on his glands. She felt him attempt to pull out a few times as her hole felt as if it would tear, before his engorged member began to throb deep in her bowels. She could feel him as his meat swelled and throbbed with ever spray of his seed. She never even realized she had begun to lick at Rose's leaking slit as she whimpered to every clench of her own muscles.

Tyrell's muscles turned to water as he pumped his seed deep into the bowels of his sister and they all seemed to collapse into a panting, gasping, and moaning pile on his wet sheets.


Tyberius couldn't understand what was wrong with him. Hunter had helped him seek his release of his sexual tensions by drinking all the semen he had to offer. Yet, he was as randy as he had ever been. He lay in his bed as he thought of Rose and that round rump and ample breasts of hers. He resorted to remove his small clothes so his manhood could escape its prison. However, he felt no better as it slid from its hiding place within him and into the cool night air. With a sigh, he stood and went to his window to look at the barn door below. He was disappointed to see Hunter was not there. No, he could not ask the poor man to service him twice, let alone twice-in one day. Hell, he shouldn't have accepted it in the first place. Besides the man deserved some rest after a full day's work. Maybe, he could sneak down to see if Rose was asleep. Yes, Rose could take care of his... His thoughts shattered at the creaking noises of his son's bed penetrated his room. "Damn it," he cursed to himself as he realized Rose was not asleep, but she was busy now. His member throbbed for release as he continued to listen to the activities below his room. It was impossible to ignore as he wrapped pillows over his head. However, the muffled words of complaints of the wrong hole was too much for him as he exploded all over himself and sheets without any touch as visions of her perfectly pink tail hole shattered his mind. "My god I am too old for this kind of behavior," he complained to the empty night air.