Scar's old pack.

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#1 of Scar

Random story of scar's life before he left to live on his own and before he can talk so it well all be translated deathclaw talk. Sorry if it seems short but i hope you all like what i made.

It was a long time ago in a mountain range north of an old enclave lab were some F.E.V. (Forced Evolutionary Virus) vats were stored. As the day starts the alpha female Scar's mother was going into heat with her mate dead she needed to find a new one so she had an idea why not breed with her sons then have them breed there sisters. She nods to her self as Scar with out his name sake on his face was out hunting mole rats to bring back, to the den wean he heared his mother's roar to come home he picks up the meat and carrying it home. He enters the den smelling an odd scent and he loved it it made him and his older brother harden slowly as they follow the scent to there mother witch greats them by saying, "Hello my sons, I have need of your help." The two boys nod as there mother smiles a bit she nuzzles and licks both there hardding cocks making the boys moan as the three younger sisters watch as well as one younger brother too young to breed.

The den mother looks at her older boy's cocks woundering witch to take in first scar was slightly smaller then his brother so she picked the bigger cock first and says, "you first son you well breed me then your brother, we need to add more to the pack so we well breed with each other." The older brother smiles and growls a bit gloating a bit as the den mother sucks on his cock more scar smells on of his sisters is in heat and wanting to obey his mother gos to his sisters witch freezes in place from fear. Scar soon finds the in heat sister and pens her to the ground with his strong hand, as the other two sisters and the brother go and hide by the mole rat meat and watches as scar rams into the struggling sister making her roar in pain as scare thrust his large cock into her virgin pussy moaning as he thrust in her. As the older brother soon cums in the den mother's mouth but stays hard do to her strong heat scent she pulls back and swallows the green gooy cum then lays hi on his back, and slides him into her pussy and rides him softly smiling seeing that scar is working on breeding one of the girls she had. Enjoying the moans from her strong sons scar thrusting hard and fast into his sister little care he is hurting her only wanting to breed the moans get louder as the den mother rides her older son harder and scar thrust faster both heading to an orgasm scar cums first spilling his green cum into his crying little sister his seed races in finding at lest four of her six eggs he asked, his mother as she cums with her older son "what about the little brother?" He asked slowly pulling out of his sister's pussy some of his seed ozzes out from her. The den mother thinks as her older son knots her to lock them together then says,"use him as well he well be your little fuck thing wean me and your sisters are all pregnant."

Scar heads off to the others slowly as his den mother rest on the older son's knotted cock as scar rams into his little brother as the sister run to the hatchery hopeing they be safe there, the other sister gos and rest in the sleeping part of there cave as Scar rapes his little brother as time passes the den mother pulls off the older brother and gos and rest by the first of the little sisters the older brother gos and starts raping the little sister as the mom holds her for him smilleing at the fact her family is so welling to obey her lead with out her mate to help raise them. Scar moans soon cumming in his little brother panting softly he gos and starts eating some mole rat meat something about this not feeling right to him but he can't question his mother could he...?

(to be continued...)

The comander (short story like thing.)

The 'Captain-Commander'-An Enigmatic being, who is half-dragon, and half-Shinigami Spirit. He is the one and only Prince of the Dragons, also the third most powerful being in existence, and lives up to his reputation as deadly. He was created through a...

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