Ruby's True Side

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#8 of Ruby

So this is the last part of Ruby. It took me a while to gather it. But yeah. I bet there grammar is horrible and nobody will like this end. No begging for another part, please. Instead, you could give me ideas for the next big thing, I'd like that a lot. Warning: This story contains death, rape and hurt feelings. Who can't stand this should scamper now. So, now try to enjoy it if you can. * * * Ruby put her paw on the doorknob. It was not locked. Her master was expecting her. She had taken a lot longer than she had told him, talking to Oriole's mother all morning and then going to the mall with the raccoon girl. Again. Oriole seemed to love the mall. So it was almost evening, the sun set on the horizon, as she was finally home. British public transport is probably a punishment for a collective sin Ruby could not specify. She went in, brushed her feet, took her clothes off, except for the panties, folded them and looked out for the master. She should have been home hours ago, to clean the kitchen and make a simple dinner. "You're late." The vixen almost gasped in shock but caught herself quick enough. "I know. I-I'm sorry, sir." "You better be. I'm starving." She peered into the living room. He sat on the couch, wearing only a dirty pair of pants. In one hand, he had a glass of a brown liquid. A half empty bottle of whiskey was next to him. "I'm right on it," the vixen said and went into the kitchen. She quickly fixed a sandwich from pineapple and cheese. He always loved those. Ruby went into the living room and served the simple dinner. "Was about time," the wolf grumbled and bit into the sandwich. "And what's with this panties, take them off." "Y-yes sir." He put the plate down while Ruby took off the panties. "You know, they fired me today. Yesterday they made me finish my project and then suddenly they're all: Oh, nice you're done. So we don't need you any more. Damn it." He refilled his glass. "Just like that. Oh, okay, they can't throw me out right away, but they told me they don't have anything to do for me for the next three months. So I might as well stay home." He took a sandwich, bit into it and spit it out. "This is cold!" the wolf yelled. "Why is this cold, bitch!" And then he threw the sandwich at the floor and slapped Ruby's face. The vixen tripped and fell over, on her knees. A tear dropped onto the carpet. "I... I-I'm v-very s-sorry, s-sir... i-it won't happen ag-again..." The wolf sighed. "I'm sorry, Ruby. It just works me up. Come here..." He tried to hug the vixen, but Ruby inched away in fright. She was actually shivering. Memory flashed in her head and she was closer to crying than ever before. "I-I just w-want to go to bed, sir. I-if I may..." He waved her away and poured another glass. "Yeah, tidy that up and go. Leave me alone." Ruby quickly used her panties to clean the carpet and went upstairs. She washed her face, several times. Her cheek hurt. And this day had started so nicely. It had started with make-out and buying new panties. Flashes of memory ran through her mind. She remembered one day when they had to work without any break for ten hours. She had not been able to hold her water and pissed right during work. A guard had come up, yelled at her and beat her muzzle with a truncheon. She'd been to continue working during punishment and afterwards they had made her to lick it off the ground. A tear streamed down her face as she washed her panties. She remembered how a man came into their room, picked her and made her suck his penis in front of the others. For no reason. Then he'd slapped her and had declared the semen to be her meal for that day. So many memories. So many days spent in a cage. So many days hungry. She clenched her eyes. It hurt. More than it had every physically hurt her. All the echoes of bruises and pain rushed throw her body. And always they used sex to oppress her. To show her she wasn't more than a thing to use. Work and take their penises. That had been her life. Ruby sat down on the toilet. That's now more than one year behind her. The wolf had been the very first male she ever met that would not try to stick his penis inside her. That was maybe because she had tried to have sex with him. Since she was a little girl they had taught her she'd had holes just for a cock to get inside her. She stared down her body. She ruffled some fur over her left breast and felt over the scar. Payback it had been. She had treated all those girls like she had been treated, and worse. What for? For the satisfying feeling there was someone more miserable than her? The vixen wiped the tears off her face. She remembered Lisa, a vixen, a bit younger than her. They'd hardly known each other, just sleeping in the same bed for two or three weeks. They'd had about one bed for three girls at the factory. But Oriole's mother had told her she'd been lucky with that. Sometimes all they gave the slaves was a shed without any furniture and a bit of straw on the ground. Lisa had killed herself. Ruby couldn't right remember how that had happened. Just one morning she woke up and the body next to her had been all cold and the mattress stained with blood. They had accused her of knowing or being involved, but had let her go unpunished. They never had replaced the mattress, though. She got up and looked at the black panties in her paw. They were dripping wet and still dirty. So much for that. They had been a gift from Oriole. However, maybe they were not fully ruined. But she couldn't focus her mind right now. Ruby went into her room and closed the door. The boy was looking at her. She forced a smiled. "Hey," she said. "I'm sorry I left you alone for a night." Ruby went to the wardrobe to get another pair of knickers to wear. "I slept with a girl. We kissed. It's... I don't know, it's different to what I do with you." She got the key for the cuffs out of a drawer and unlocked. He rubbed his wrist and smiled back. She had never seen him smile before, not even after she had allowed him to be on top once. Maybe, she thought, maybe even boys were driven by more than just sexual intercourse. "Don't tell anyone," she whispered. "But I think I'll be leaving." Ruby got into bed and cuddled up to the boy. "Don't worry. I'll take you with me."

Ruby sat up in her bed. She did not scream after nightmares. At first she had done that, but in a room full of young girls trying to get at least some sleep you quickly learn to be quiet and not to wake up anyone. After all, it'd been the only time they ever had gotten any rest, so any interruption was a reason to be quite irate at the interrupter. And then, she'd learned not to dream. When every dream becomes a nightmare sooner or later, the brain tries to just leave it. But now the nightmares were back. They all ended with blood. Her blood. In different ways, but the end was always the same. The boy was sleeping soundly. No sound stirred in the house. The wolf probably was asleep. She slid out of the bed. She took some clothes out of the wardrobe and opened the door carefully. The hallway lay dark in the night. She tiptoed past it. There was actually no need to tiptoe as the wolf was always a deep sleeper, but she felt kind of sneaky with what she had in mind. Also she never had seen him drunk. He'd had a beer or two, like any guy would have, but never an entire bottle of whiskey in one evening. There still was some of it left in the bottle. Ruby sniffed it and pulled a face. Then she went to the basement door and found it locked. Usually there was the key right next to it, but not this time. Ruby checked the potted plant in case the drunk wolf had put it there, but the key failed to be found. She raided the entire living room. The key did not turn up. She wondered if the key might have been inside the basement, but then realised the lock was not lockable without the key. So where would it be? Ruby sneaked up the stairs and slowly, very slowly, opened the door to the wolf's room. She tried to look around without getting her nose inside the room, but it was too dark. So she switched light in the hallway on and saw the key lying on the floor next to the wolf's pants. She crouched inside and grabbed then as quickly as she could. The wolf snored loudly and turned in his sleep. The vixen closed the door and thought her heart was trying to break through her chest. It did, however, and so she opened the basement door. She switched the light on and went straight to the cage. "Hey," she said to the cat girl lying on the floor. "Hey, wake up." The cat opened one eye and looked up. "What is it, Miss?" "Here, put this on," Ruby said and threw the clothes at the girl. "Why?" She stared at the clothes as if they were a death trap. "I'll set you free, but you gotta be quick," Ruby said impatiently. The cat glared at the vixen. "That's a trick, isn't it? I'll run and one of you stabs me or something." "No. I swear, I want to get you out of here." The cat nodded at a corner. "What about her?" Ruby turned and looked at the cat's twin sister. The cat was not so much asleep as unconscious. Her cream-coloured fur was red with blood. Her legs were put next to her, and she stank of sex and urine. No way that girl would survive a run. Not even if carried. Ruby shook her head. "I... don't think we can do much for her. Other than putting her asleep forever." The cat girl in the cage sighed. Then she slowly put on her clothes while Ruby unlocked the cage. "This is not a trick?" "I swear by the fluffiness of my tail," Rudy said and tried to smile assuringly. The cat went out of the cage and looked at Ruby. "Well.. thanks... er... will you do it now?" "Do what?" "Put he to sleep. I don't want that guy do anything to her again. She's endured enough." Ruby nodded quickly and rummaged through the medicine cabinet. She found a strong sedative and a syringe. She filled it up with the entire bottle and applied it to the unconscious cat's arm. "That should do it." Her ears perked. "Oh shit. Run!" Both girls got up the stairs. The light in the hallway was on. Ruby wondered if she had forgotten it or... "Go. Go over the street and to the barn. Knock and say Ruby sent you. Tell them to give you the emergency number, they'll know that means." "And what about you?" "I need to get something first, now run!" The cat scampered through the house door, on the street. Ruby looked past her and then quickly climbed up the stairs where she bumped into the wolf. "What 've you done, bitch!" he yelled. His breath smelled of alcohol. "What've you done there?" She tried to wriggle past, but he grabbed her arm and held it firmly. "You hurt me, sir." "Yes, that's what I want to do, bitch!" he shouted. Ruby tried to get out of his grip, but he suddenly grabbed her head and banged it against the wall, twice. Ruby's vision went black and she fell over.

As the vixen woke up, she had some problems to recollect herself. Her head was aching like never before. She had to work out where she was and tried to open her eyes. But it didn't work. She opened them again. Still black. Very slowly she figured out she must be wearing a blindfold over her eyes. That was one indication what happened. Her last memory was bumping into the wolf. After freeing one of his slaves! He surely knew that. About one year ago, as she hat gotten here, he had sad he'd be nice to her as long as she wasn't trying anything stupid. So freeing his toys and trying to run away for good did count as stupid. She could have guessed that. If her brain had stopped buzzing and actually thought that through, it would have encountered that notch. Ruby learned her feet were tied. Tied tightly, actually. Next were her arms which were tied behind her back. Her tail was free, but that was of no use, actually. And it seemed to be not just a blindfold around her eyes but an entire sack, leaving just her muzzle free. It suppressed her hearing. And there was something in her muzzle. She flicked her tongue around it. It was phallic, of course. And duct tape around the snout to keep her mouth shut. So that concluded it then. She was bound on the floor, couldn't see or hear a thing, couldn't move an inch and all she was sensing was the ever present smell of urine. The basement. And she tried not to think what will happen with her. Afterwards, she never knew how long she'd been lying there. Minutes, hours... maybe even half a day. At first she had tried to get into a comfortable position, but there simply was none. Then she tried to close her eyes, but her hurting shoulder and the full bladder mader her nervous and unrestful. She heard muffled noises from time to time. And once again she did what she actually hated most: Pissed herself. Every single time she vixen did that, she was just ashamed. But this time, it actually happened all by itself. She tried not to think of it. The noises grew louder. Ruby tried to make out anything of them, but her ear were folded under the sack and she could not get anything clearly. Some rattling, maybe. Nothing else. And then suddenly, something grabbed her at the feet and dragged her across the room. She was given a swift kick into the stomach and then pulled up to sit, leaning against a wall. The wolf pulled the sack off her head. "Good morning, bitch," he growled. Ruby tried to politely return the greeting, but a phallic object in her mouth kept her from speaking. So she nodded a greet. "I'm not happy," he said. "Really not. So long I've been convinced you're a sensible, trustworthy little girl." He undid the ties around her wrists and lifted them up. Then he cuffed her paws and put them on a high hook on the wall. Ruby tried to struggle against it. Her toes hardly touched the ground. "Well, no one can say I'm unfair. I let you into my house, gave you so many things you wished for, but I respect that you are still wanting more. That's natural for a girl your age, Ruby." Ruby felt her shoulders hurt even more. All her weight, which was not really much but still enough, was hanging from her wrists. The cuffs cut into her skin. "So, simple as that, I'll give you a choice." He stepped aside. In the dim light, Ruby saw her boy. He was having a sack over his head and stood on a stool. Ruby could see his wrists were also tied, and a rope was around his neck. The wolf boy did not move nor struggle, just like Ruby he had learned it was better to just wait for the things to come. Of course it could get worse, but there was no reason to rush into that. "So, and I've got this," the wolf said and held up a piece of paper. Ruby recognised it immediately. It was the bit of paper that told anyone she was free. It was her freedom. She wanted to groan but had a phallic object in her mouth. "So well," the wolf began. "See, I could either burn this, you see, and let the boy down. You can stay here and keep him. Of course, I must say, I'd have to make sure you're not trying to do anything stupid again. So it's back to locking your door, no clothes and of course no more network. I guess that's where you got those ideas from." He shrugged. "Or, well, you can keep the paper. But you see, the wolf boy will have to die. And I don't think I'd want to see you again." Ruby shook her head and tried to struggle the cuff off the hook, in vain. The wolf stepped closer and suddenly touched her belly. He stroked her fur and licked her cheek. "But don't rush," he whispered into her ear. "I'll watch some TV while you think it through." He switched the light off and went upstairs. Ruby was left in the darkness. Who did he think he was? He had given her her freedom, rightfully and legally. And now he just thought that burning the paper would change that. Well... she was free? Oriole's mother had said that. But without the paper, how would anyone else know? Actually... free or not, she had that number on her back. What was it worth without a proof? She thought of Oriole. Of the freedom she had tasted last night. Of the long talk to Oriole's mothers. Of how much they had talked about freedom. And the dream they had talked about. And in the end she kept thinking of the nice raccoon girl she had kissed. A kiss. It was that moment she realised something. Her life was worthless without another kiss. What would happen, the wolf would keep her for two, three years? Until she was too old for her. He'd sell he to the next beating monster or just get rid of her. The wolf came back down. "No films on tonight," he shrugged. "Might as well get on with it." He went close to the vixen and ripped the duct tape from her muzzle. It took a lot of fur with it and made Ruby wince. She opened her mouth and the rubber penis fell to the ground. "So?" "Kill me," she whispered. Her voice was faint and full of pain. "Kill me and let him go." The wolf blinked. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." He held up a finger. "That's not on the list." "My life's not worth a damn without freedom," she whispered, more to herself. "So kill me!" "Not worth... you'd rather die than live with me?" "Kill me and let him go!" The wolf nodded. "So you made your decision. It's a pity about you two. I really liked, you Ruby." He turned and rummaged through a box. Ruby clenched her eyes and waited for it. But there was nothing. She waited a bit longer, but there was no stab or cut. So she opened one eye. "See, just hang him is not enough for me," the wolf said and stepped behind he boy. "What are you doing? I said let him go!" "Don't you yell at me!" the wolf said. He cupped the boy's balls with one hand and fondled them. The boy moaned quietly. "I hate when people yell at me." As the boy's member was all grown and erect, he grabbed it, held it and lifted the other paw. Ruby twitched as the knife cut right through the young male's penis. The boy screamed in pain, struggled and suddenly slipped off the stool, kicking it over. Ruby looked away while the boy was fighting with death. She heard him choking and kicking into thin air, for at least a minute that stretched out like an eternity. As there were no more sounds, she dared to look again. The body hung there, swinging back and forth, not moving a bit. Blood and urine dripped on the floor. Tommy was dead. Ruby wanted to cry, but she had no tears left. "You sadist monster!" she yelled. "I wanted him to look at you," the wolf said calmly. "But too late." "Why did you do that? He had done nothing wrong, he never deserved that!" The wolf sighed. "I hate screamy girls," he said. Then he forced the boy's penis into her mouth, held her muzzle shut and wrapped duct tape around it. "Ah, better now." So what? Ruby thought. This is how I'll die. Was it better than killing herself over night? Or being shot while trying to fight for her freedom? Being killed while hanging from a wall and having a dead boy's penis in her mouth. But then she felt lifted up, taken off the hook and pushed at the floor. The wolf kicked her back that hard she wanted to cough. He undid the ties around her ankles. "But since you're going anyway, my dear," the wolf growled. "I should give you something you once asked me for." He opened his pants and dropped them. Ruby began crawling, but his huge paws kept her close. A hand forced her head against the older male's crotch. A fully erect penis poke at her face and she shuddered with disgust. Then she was forced on her back. The wolf got over her. Ruby twitched as the big piece of male meat entered her vagina. She closed her eyes and tried not to thing of the big cock thrusting into her. It hurt so badly as he had entered her dry tunnel. She felt as if a roll of sandpaper moved in her insides. He groaned and thrust harder. Ruby just relaxed and let it happen. She gave up. He could do whatever he wanted with her, she did not care any longer. Rape her, beat her, kill her, she was just glad it was over. She felt a hot cream filling up her insides. The wolf grunted and released so much of his load it continued flowing as he pulled out and dripped on her stomach. White liquid streamed out of her crotch. "You know what? You're a loosy fuck anyway. This was the most boring sex I ever had. Good riddance, I say." Ruby clenched her eyes. But instead of cutting her throat, the wolf opened the cuffs. He grabbed her at one wrist and dragged her up the stairs, through the living room and out of the house. There he threw her at the lawn. "Here you got your precious freedom," he shouted and crammed the paper between her legs. "Have a lot of fun with that." He slammed the door shut. Ruby stared up the sky. Slowly she took the paper from her crotch, unfolded and looked at it. Now it hat some stains of blood and semen, but it still clearly said: Name: Ruby Species: Fox Sex: Female Full Number: 321461 #541 Owner: Ruby #541 Perfectly readable. It was a huge relief. She tore the tape from her muzzle, twitched and spit out Tommy's penis. It landed in the grass. She got up and stared down at it. Some semen dripped to the lawn. Blood was between it. She squatted down and took the penis. If it was all that would be left from him, she might as well keep it. This thing had spent a lot of time inside her, so maybe it was fair for her to have it. Slowly, without a sound, she crossed the street. She went over the field, jumped a fence, fell into a mud pit, wrestled herself out of it and finally reached the barn. It was probably either early morning or late evening, since the sun stood low and nobody worked on the farm. Ruby knocked and waited. A bobcat opened after a few minutes. "Er... hi, Ruby." "Evening," the vixen said. "You're naked." "I know. Can I borrow some clothes and five quid?" "What do you need them for?" "I'm leaving for good and I need it for the bus." Tiffany looked left and right. "Come on in," she said. The barn was like an ordinary barn. There were some chicken and pigs in first floor, and second floor was full of straw and some pillows. It was the sleeping place for the farm workers. Tiffany climbed up the ladder and threw her overalls at the vixen. "A Siamese cat was here last night. She wanted to make the emergency call. Has this something to do with her?" "Partly, yes." "Well, we made the call. She left two hours later," Tiffany said and climbed back down. "Will you visit us one day?" Ruby thought a moment. "I don't think so. Sorry." "It's okay. Do you also need the emergency call?" "No. I've got a place to stay." She put on the blue overalls. Her breasts were showing a bit and it was way too big around her waist, but it should do for now. "Well..." Tiffany said. "Good luck." The bobcat hugged the vixen tightly. "Maybe give me a call so I know you're all right." "Yes. Thank you," Ruby said and left right away.

It was three hours later as she finally made it to the house. Ruby took a deep breath and pushed the button for the door bell. She heard some small noises behind the door. The raccoon girl opened. Suddenly, it all overwhelmed the vixen. Her legs gave in and she slumped right into Oriole's arms. The raccoon squatted and hugged the vixen tightly. She held her and kissed her forehead, while Ruby cried and sobbed. "Sh," Oriole whispered. "It's all right. It's over now."

  • * * About nine months later, Ruby gave birth to a wolfox kit she named Tommy. She loved him with all her heart and took well care of him, even during the Revolution.