A New Brother- Part 10.5

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#12 of A New Brother

A New Brother

IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you. . . .

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is just so no one will get confused. This side story was suggested by Dakaggo and this would have been a normal day for Jamie and Max at school. It happens BEFORE Troy's accident and the main purpose of this chapter is for the two cubs to get a bit more attention than what they've been getting recently. Anyway, enjoy.

Part 10.5: A Normal Day

Jamie and Max lay on the floor, gasping for breath. The fox was the first one to get up and he sat on the bench. Max moved up carefully and planted a kiss on his boyfriends lips before sitting next to him.

Facing his fox, Max thought of an idea. "You know. . .we could just skip class."

The fox looked up at him. "I know. But you know what the teachers are like. . .and mom and dad would kill us."

"Yeah, but do we have time to even wash?"

"Err. . ." Jamie checked Max's trousers and pulled out his mobile. "We got ten minutes." He looked at the spot where Max was sitting and saw cum on the bench and on the floor. "And you're kinda making a mess."

Max looked down and blushed. "But it was. .really fun."

"Hmm. . .ten minutes to wash you, dry off and get dressed, think we can do that?"

"Don't we have gym next anyway?" Max asked, smirking.

"Yeah, but we still have to clean up." Taking Max's paw into his own, he pulled the feline into the showers. Jamie rather liked the way that the day had turned out.

Jamie walked into his room and tried to dry himself off as best as he could. With the towel covering most of his face, he could only see with his left eye. It made him smile, Max was still half asleep and had wrapped the covers around himself. Dropping the towel to the floor, Jamie shut the door quietly and walked around the room. The fox had a case of morning wood and the plan that was forming in his head made his hard on throb.

Jamie carefully gripped the covers and pulled them off gently. Max wasn't far from waking up but it didn't seem like he'd wake up in a few minutes. The snow leopard looked so peaceful and as his eyes looked further down, Jamie found what he was looking for. He wasn't the only one with a case of morning wood. Smiling evilly, the still damp fox gingerly pushed the snow leopard onto his back making Max groan a little, but Jamie just smirked and kept his eyes on what he was after.

He quickly checked for signs that the feline would awaken. Seeing Max still asleep, Jamie gripped the six and half inch cock and opened his mouth, slowly taking it all in inch by inch. Max mumbled something in his sleep but Jamie took no notice of it. He was already bobbing his head but kept the pace at a slow speed. His canid tongue wrapped around the sensitive meat, trying to entice it.

The snow leopard's leg twitched slightly and his breathing grew heavier. His head rolled from side to side but he only let out soft mewls, still in his state of sleep. Jamie continued sucking and licking, taking as much as he could down his throat. Pre fell onto the bed sheets but the fox didn't take much notice. All he knew was that he was getting hornier by the second.

Max started to buck his hips, but the fox just kept up what he was doing, allowing his sleeping boyfriend to do what he wanted. The bucks were very weak, but nonetheless, it still pushed his cock further down Jamie's throat. Taking the feline's balls into his paw, Jamie carefully rolled them around in his paw. He gave a quick look at the clock and was glad he chose to wake up early. Jamie focused back on Max and continued.

The feline was getting closer and closer to his climax and Jamie wouldn't stop. The fox increased his speed and heard Max mewl even louder, but still he wouldn't wake. His whole body was trembling and his balls were moving closer to his body. A hot flow of pre flowed steadily down the fox's throat and into his stomach. For a few seconds, Jamie let the cock out of his mouth and looked at the saliva coated length. Pre continued to ooze from the tip of Max's cock and after inhaling the emitting scent, the fox dived back down and sucked furiously.

Max was starting to wake from his sleep. His eyes opened and he stared at the ceiling. However, his eyes started shutting and he could feel his climax. He looked down and saw his fox sucking on him hard. In just a few quick breaths, Max leaned back and moaned. Cum exploded from his cock and filled the fox's mouth. Jamie guzzled it down but as he let Max's length out, drops of cum landed over the feline's crotch.

Looking up, Jamie saw a pair of eyes staring back at him. "Good morning love."

"M-Morning. . .-pant-. . ." Moving up, Jamie wrapped his arms around Max and pressed his body into him.

"Sleep well?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. . .then a gorgeous foxy woke me up by giving me a blowjob."

Jamie licked his lips and kissed his boyfriend. "You like?"

"Mmmhmm" Max said holding back a yawn. "What time is it?"

"Its still early. You wanna go for a shower kitten?"

Max yawned again and smirked. Pulling the covers over his fox and himself, he smiled. "I wanna sleep for longer with my foxy."

Jamie smiled and kissed him, his own pulsing member pressing into Max's crotch. "You should shower you-oh!" Jamie closed his eyes, Max had moved his paw down and grabbed the fox's length as well as his own.

"We could. . .play more." Max said while blushing. Jamie kept his eyes shut as the snow leopard started rubbing their cocks together.

"But. . .time. . .Drake'll want to use. . .-gasp-. . .the shower. . ."

"Do you want pawed at least?"

The fox smiled but before he could answer, the door opened and Aaron walked in. "I thought I heard you two." Aaron said while raising an eye.

"Sorry dad."

"Its alright. Everyone's starting to wake up now, and don't be too long if you want to go for a shower either."

"Okay." Aaron left and closed the door. Both of the teenagers sighed and reluctantly got out of bed. Jamie stretched and his morning wood still throbbed.

"You want to take a shower together?"

"I already went for one. You were still asleep."

Max looked down to the floor for a second. "Okay. I could just paw you, ya know."

"Yeah. I know. But I'll be fine. I'll wait till you get back."

"Fine." Max walked off out of the room and Jamie lied back on the bed. He gripped his hard cock tightly and started stroking himself but he stopped after a few seconds, despite that his cock throbbed in protest. Pawing himself did feel good, but it was always better whenever Max did it to him. His mind thought of many things he could be doing with Max and it only made him even hornier. Jamie started at his hard dick and felt the urge to paw himself grow. Taking his cock back into his paw, Jamie started stroking himself.

"Jamie, breakfast!"

The fox stopped himself and looked at the door, muttering under his breath. "Can't you wait a few more minutes?" Breaking the urge, Jamie grabbed a fresh set of clothes and made his way downstairs. He could hear the shower still running and hoped Max wouldn't be too long. On the way, Jamie had to adjust his pants to try and keep himself comfortable but his hard on wouldn't die down. Getting into the kitchen, Lily handed the kit a plate of bacon, eggs and toast.


"Morning mom." Tucking into his breakfast, Jamie was halfway through it when Drake walked into the room.

"Hey kit." Jamie smiled and continued eating. Max came down a little later and sat next to his fox and getting the same meal off Lily.

"Thanks Mrs. Tennan."

Lily smiled at what Max had said. He‘d been living with them for a little while now and she assumed he automatically start calling her by her name, but the snow leopard never did. "Max, you can call me Lily. Its fine."

"Um. . .okay." Max blushed slightly, thinking it was awkward to say her name. Once she was out of the room though, Drake looked at the two cubs. Jamie had his paws under the table and was fidgeting a bit.

"Something wrong kit?"

"Just. . .I'm a little horny."

"You cant have yiffed Max already, have you?"

"Well," Max started, "He kinda woke me up by sucking me off."

Drake chuckled slightly. "Heh, the amount of times Troy's done that to me. You that horny?" Jamie nodded. "Hehehehe, well I would say go upstairs and take care of it quickly, but dad's in the bathroom."

"Don't you need it Drake?"

"Nah. Had my shower last night."

Jamie nodded and looked at Max. The snow leopard was finishing off his breakfast and once he gulped down a few mouthfuls of orange juice, Jamie pulled him upstairs. Once they got to the upper level of the house, Max stopped the fox in his tracks.

"Hey, what is it?"

Jamie turned and pushed Max into the wall, grinding his crotch against him. "I need to paw."

Giggling a little, the spotted feline pushed himself free and walked into their bedroom. Jamie followed but he didn't see the bathroom door open and his father step out. Bumping into the larger black dragon, Jamie said sorry and realised his father only had a towel around his waist.

"Don't be long Jamie. You'll have to go school soon." Aaron turned and walked into his bedroom. Jamie gulped a little and blushed before walking into his room and closing the door.


"That's the first time that's happened."

Max looked at the floor and smirked. "Your dad. . .he's kinda. . .hot. . ." Max caught himself too late and his face burned red with embarrassment. Jamie just giggled a little, Aaron did keep himself in good shape.

"Its fine." Getting up, the canid walked towards Max and cuddled him. "So, do you want to help me?"

Max didn't answer, instead he pushed the fox onto his bed and slowly undid his pants. As soon as they were down far enough, Jamie's rock hard cock sprang free, his knot now completely swollen. Pre ran down the length of his cock and into his fur. Max licked his lips and took the fox cock into his mouth, lapping up all the pre that was on it. Jamie leaned his head back and sighed happily as the rough tongue ran over his sensitive meat. He looked down and saw Max pushing his shirt further up his chest and his paws started roaming his body.

"M-Max. . .lets just. . .skip school. . .and stay in bed all day. . .ugh. . ."

Max just purred around his cock and wrapped his paw around Jamie's swollen knot. Instead of squeezing it, the feline just caressed it eliciting a whine from the fox. Max started sucking harder, slowly bobbing his head. After being pent up all this morning, the fox could feel himself getting closer. Pre was flowing steadily into the snow leopards mouth and Max didn't let a drop escape from him. Jamie's chest continued to rise and fall with his breathing.

[Just a little more. . .] Jamie thought blissfully.

"Jamie! Max! We need to go now!" Both of the two heard Drake shouting from downstairs and Jamie groaned and pounded the mattress with his fist.

"Max please, just a little more." Max continued again and Jamie just wanted to cum into his lover's mouth. He was so close now.

"Oi, you tw-. . .oh." Drake opened the door and walked in, shaking his head at the sight of the two. His little brother's cock deep in Max's mouth. "Might want to put that on hold Jamie, Troy's waiting and we have to go."

"But. . .Drake I'm so close!"

The dragon pointed at the clock on Jamie's dresser. The two looked at it and thought [Oh shit!] It was getting close to nine am and the two had to be in their classes. Even with Troy driving them, they'd be pushing it a little.

"Where was Troy then?"

"We were waiting on you two. Do it later okay?"

Reluctantly they nodded and the feline let the wet cock out of his mouth. Drake left the room and Jamie pulled his boxers and pants up. Grabbing their bags, the two walked out of the house and into Troy's care. When they were out on the road, Jamie fidgeted a bit. His hard on was still throbbing and he wanted it to die down before he got to school. He looked at Max and sighed a little, wanting to spend more time with him, cursing every clock for moving too fast. Slowly, but surely, his cock slid back into his sheath but it didn't stop him from feeling really horny. Stepping out of the car, the older two waved at them and drove off. Hurrying to their class, Mrs Paton marked them in and started talking about something or other. As soon as art class started, Max pulled out his sketchbook and went to get Jamie's art folder. The fox was still in his seat and the snow leopard knew he was still bothered about what happened earlier. Sitting back in his seat, Max handed him his folder. Jamie took it and smiled but wished he could go somewhere private with Max.

For most of the period, Jamie tried his best not to look at Max. Every time he did it only made him want to grab the feline and have his way with him. Well, that's how he thought about it. He looked over and saw Max engrossed in a drawing he was doing. Jamie envied him, Max was perfectly fine while he was fucking horny. He admired how soft his boyfriend's fur felt, wanting to kiss him then and there. Gulping, he tried his best not to get another hard on which was becoming extremely difficult with every passing second.

Jamie tried getting into his work but even that proved useless. He ended up getting frustrated and just stopping his artwork. He felt Max's paw on his shoulder and he gave the feline a warm smile. Max rubbed his shoulder and said that the period was almost over. That just meant another class and it would be break, but he wasn't sure if he was exactly looking forward to it. It would just mean another encounter with that hyena again.

"Hey Jamie?"


"Can you look at these?" Max offered his sketchbook to the fox and smiled as Jamie took it. It was really an attempt to distract Jamie from his horniness and calm him down. Whether it would work or not was a different matter.

Jamie turned page after page, seeing how skilled the feline was. He'd got into an manga style art for the next bit, most of it filled with characters from books or anime. He liked it and smiled intently when he found a drawing of a muscled fox wielding a heavy sword and wearing very little clothing. Max looked over and his eyes widened before he took it off the fox and blushed.

"Shit! I forgot that was in there."

"Who was it?"

"Um. . .well, I based it on you." Max said while blushing right through his fur. Jamie smirked and looked around the class as the bell rang. Putting his stuff away, he walked out of the classroom with the feline. "So are you still kinda. . .you know?"

Jamie gulped a little. "Yeah. . .Max I really need it. I think that drawing of me just made me even more. . ."

Max smiled weakly. "I didn't mean it like that."

"I know. . .I love you." He whispered. Max mouthed it back to him and the two took their seats for the next class, English.

[This is going to be torture] Jamie thought.

Break had finally arrived and the two were sitting outside. Jamie was doing his best to conceal the bulge in his pants that had appeared near the end of English. After a period of talking about the play "Romeo and Juliet" he couldn't stop picturing himself and Max in certain scenes.

[God, what am I like?] He thought. Max got up and looked around before sitting back down.

"What is it?" Jamie asked.

"Drew. Usually by now he's around picking on us. And he's not."

"Yeah. . .good. I cant be assed with him around."

"It doesn't mean he's not here." Max said keeping a watchful eye on the other furs.

Jamie yawned a little and tried to discreetly adjust his pants. His knot was starting to form and get larger. He looked at Max and couldn't hold back his urges. Whispering in Max's ear, the snow leopard looked at him, surprised at what had actually came out of the fox's mouth.

"Max, please. I cant take it much longer."

Looking around, Max moved in closer. "Where would we go?"

"Um. . ." Jamie tried to think of any place that would be isolated and quiet. Most places would either have teachers or students around so it was very limited. His cock throbbed in his pants, crying for release as he felt pre staining his boxers. Getting up, he told Max to follow him and he did. In the maze of corridors, the two went into the upper levels of the building and the fox listened closely to the room doors. He was thankful that the teacher's lounge was on the lower floor and most students were elsewhere. Going to the far end, Jamie opened up one of the classroom doors and found it was completely empty. Taking Max into the room, the fox looked around before shutting the door quietly. They were in the Modern Studies Classroom and according to the teacher's Master timetable, the room would be empty for a good while.

"Is this a good idea Jamie?"

Jamie turned and pressed a finger on Max's lips. Taking his finger away, he embraced his snow leopard and kissed him. When Max placed his arms around the fox's waist, Jamie deepened the kiss and start grinding his crotch against Max's.

"I really need it Max. Please?" Jamie said after breaking the kiss. Max blushed slightly and moved his paws around until he found the correct place. Grabbing Jamie's package through his clothes, the snow leopard played with it until Jamie moaned into him.

"I just had an idea."

"What?" Feeling Max pull him around to the teachers desk, Jamie was surprised when Max pushed him onto the chair and started undoing his pants.


Cold air hit his cock as it sprang free. He felt his clothes being pulled down to his ankles and max moved up close to him.

"Sir? Can I take your shirt off?" Jamie giggled at that. He'd never been called ‘sir' before but he liked it.

"What are you doing?"

"Um. . .a little role-playing. I want you to be my sexy teacher."

Jamie had to hold his laughter but he loved the idea. Despite that he'd never done any role-playing at all, it all formed in his head. Max was his pupil and he became the teacher. Smirking, he spoke. "Strip me."

Max obeyed and took the fox's shirt off. "You look handsome sir."

"Take a good look. Now be a good student and suck your teachers cock like a good boy. You'll be graded on this."

"Yes sir." Max took the head of Jamie's cock into his mouth and sucked on it. Jamie sighed happily and gripped the arms of the chair.

"Deeper boy." Max went further down and started bobbing his head, taking as much as he could. He wrapped his paw around the fox's knot and squeezed it hard, making Jamie jerk a little. Despite that he loved this, Jamie wanted to make as little noise as possible. Bucking his hips a little, he pushed his cock deeper down Max's warm, wet throat. It felt so good as it wrapped around his cock, allowing pre to flow down into the feline's stomach.

Max felt the knot against his lips and he wanted to try and take it into his mouth. If Troy could, maybe he could as well. Opening his maw wider, Max let the knot slowly into his mouth. Jamie did have a big knot and even now he wasn't sure how big it was exactly. It didn't matter, he took as much as he could, licking all over it. Jamie moaned continuously through gritted teeth, his claws now digging into the arms of the chair.

"Oh god. . .deeper Max. . .oh, you'll get a good grade for this." Max giggled a little and started to purr around Jamie's cock. The fox bucked his hips again, forcing his knot into Max's maw completely and the feline just sucked on it contently. Twisting his head, the snow leopard sucked even harder and started rolling the canid's furry balls. Jamie started tensing and breathing heavier. "Yes boy. . .I'm close. . .ngh. . ." Closing his eyes, Jamie flattened his ears and held back any moans as hit climax hit him hard. Cum exploded from his cock, flooding Max's mouth and pouring down his throat. Pulling off a little, Max closed his eyes and tried to milk his boyfriend of any more cum as he drank it all down.

Opening his eyes, he felt his now soft cock leaving Max's warm maw. The feline stood up and licked his lips. "How did I do sir?"

Jamie smiled, remembering his role as the teacher in this. "I think you could earn some extra points. Let that nice cock of yours out." Max giggled and undid the zipper on his pants. In a few seconds, he pulled his cock out and Jamie moved forward, pulling the feline's balls out as well. Stroking it, the fox smiled. "Very good. Now, come here and cuddle your teacher."

"Yes sir!" Getting on the chair himself, Max cuddled into Jamie and kissed him, his cock poking into the fox's fuzzy chest. For minutes the two kissed and cuddled each other until they broke away. Jamie felt his retreating cock rub up against Max's clothed rump and he couldn't help but think about stripping Max, bending him over the desk and fucking him hard. The desire grew and grew but he knew that wouldn't be possible. Someone would either hear them or walk into the room. But it still didn't stop him from wanting to do such a thing.

He resisted the temptation and spoke. "You done pretty good boy."

"Am I still getting graded?"

"Yes. And I think. . ." Jamie moved down and licked Max's cock slowly before moving back up. ". . .I think that deserves an A+."

"Thank you sir. Or is that just my cock?"

"Hehehehe. For that performance, an A-." Max pouted and moved down and took the fox's balls into his mouth and sucked on them before moving up and licking the flaccid cock. ". . .oh. . .okay. . .A+. You deserve it anyway."

Moving up, the snow leopard kissed his fox deeply. "Thank you sir. I love you."

"I love you too." Stroking his boyfriend's head, the two sat there until Max looked at the time and said they had to get ready. After getting dressed, Jamie stopped to open the windows. "Heh, it kinda smells in here now."

It was lunch period now and the two teenagers were at their usual table. Jamie and Max couldn't see Drew and the were extremely happy when they heard that the hyena was off sick. Their moods got even better when they talked about the role-playing they did, quietly of course and Max smirked when he felt Jamie's paw rub his crotch. It didn't stop there, Jamie started rubbing his foot against Max's leg and they even wrapped their tails around each others.

Max leaned forward and whispered. "I'm so glad we're sitting in the corner of the room."

Jamie giggled. "Yeah. . .but I cant resist you. You're so beautiful and now I cant think of anything other than you."

"You liked being my teacher?"

"Hell yeah, I wanted to bend you over that desk."

Max giggled and smirked. They sat in silence after that, eating the remainder of their lunch before walking out. "What have we got next?"

"Gym." Jamie said.

Max checked his phone and looked at the fox. "You wanna head to the locker rooms?"

"Kinda early isn't it?"

"Yeah, but we haven't got anything else to do have we?" Max said.

"Coach might still have it locked."

"Well, we can find something to do if that happens." Jamie nodded. Making their way to the gym, Jamie tried the locker room door and found it was locked.


"Hey, you two are early." Both of them looked down the hall and saw a German shepherd walk towards them.

"Hey coach." Jamie said.

"Hello." The canine stood at 6ft 3 and he looked down on the two young students. He wasn't anything to be frightened off, rather, he was well liked, almost the favourite teacher in the entire school. "You two still have a good bit of lunch period left."

"We've had our lunch."

The coach looked at the two and pulled out the keys for the locker room. "I'll let you two in early because I trust you both."

"Thanks coach."

"Anytime. Now, I have food that's calling my name." Unlocking the door, he allowed the two teenagers and closed the door. Getting their stuff ready, both Jamie and Max had changed into their gym clothes. Jamie wore a simple white t-shirt and black shorts and Max wore a pair of blue sweat pants and a white shirt. Sitting on the bench, the two allowed silence to swallow the room. Max checked his phone, they were really early. Putting it away, Max moved closer to the fox and snuggled into him. Jamie smiled and looked at the door.

"You know. . .we are alone."


"Can I still be your teacher?"

"Umm. . ." Max looked down and smiled. At first he thought they'd do a little kissing and probably make out. Now his mind filled with images of himself and Jamie yiffing in the locker rooms. He wondered how many other male couples did this and he couldn't deny that he was curious. But there was also something about doing it at school that made it seem even more fun. Max nodded and looked at his fox before kissing him. Jamie kissed back without a moments hesitation and pushed his tongue forward and into the snow leopard's maw. He could still taste a hint of his cum form earlier but the fox pulled back and stood up.

"Now my student. I want you to strip yourself of those clothes and kneel on the floor for me."

"Yes sir." Max started pulling his shirt off and Jamie smiled intensely at Max's exposed chest. The snow leopard then worked on his trainers and socks, taking them off before he started pulling down his pants and boxers. Once he was nude, Max put his clothes aside and kneeled down, his cock now rock hard.

Jamie felt his sheath warm and his cock was sliding out of his sheath. Smirking, he looked at Max. "Now Mr. Maxwell." He moved closer until his crotch was at the feline's face. Pushing Max's face into him, Max felt the fox cock through the fabric, the smell of it hitting him hard. "I want you to lick it." Max went to pull the shorts down but Jamie stopped them. "No. Lick it. Then you'll get to see it."

"Yessir." Max said, muffling his words through the clothes. Letting his tongue out, the snow leopard licked the bulge through the clothing. Jamie did like the treatment but he stopped the snow leopard. Pulling his shirt off, he smiled as Max looked up at him before taking every bit of clothing except his underwear off him. Max clearly saw the fox's cock and started to lick it making the fox sigh happily.

"Take my underwear off. . .slowly. And don't do anything to my cock either."

Max obeyed and pulled the piece of clothing off. Jamie's cock sprang free and hit his nose but he was glad he caught a bit of the scent. "Why cant I do anything sir?"

"Because, I want you on that bench." Jamie pulled the snow leopard up and sat him down on the bench before lying him down on his back. Max's head leaned over the edge and he saw the fox smiling.

"What are you going to do sir?"

"This." Jamie moved over Max and started to take the feline cock into his mouth. "Suck me off Mr. Maxwell. Or you'll be in detention."

Max grinned and took the fox cock into his mouth again. Undisturbed, the two sucked on one another. The snow leopard purred around Jamie's cock and the fox started playing with Max's white furry sac. Both of them moaned around each other cocks, loving the taste of the pre that flowed into their mouths. Jamie wrapped his smooth canine tongue all around Max's length and let it out of his mouth. He pawed Max a little before moving down and kissing Max's cock and taking it back into his mouth.

Max sucked on his boyfriend contently. He forgot about everything else around him, even the fact that they were in school. Today had just been different and much better than any others had been. He purred heavier and heard Jamie whine a little but it didn't stop him. His rough tongue teased the fox's member, trying to make it give up all the cum the fox had. What he didn't realise was that his mate had didn't ideas'.

Pulling his cock out of Max's mouth, Jamie stopped sucking and moved away from him, leaving Max confused and panting. "S-Sir?"

"All fours Max."

Max stopped and looked at Jamie. "Seriously?" Jamie nodded. "But we don't have a rubber. Or any lube."

"You've lubed me up."

"Jamie I don't know."

The fox moved closer to his snow leopard and cuddled him. "You don't know how much I wanted to do that to you earlier. But. . .don't you ever wonder what its like?"

"Well. . .bareback. . .umm. . ."

"We don't have to do it."

"Well. . .its just. . .you really want to Jamie?"

"Yeah. Well. . .I want to know what its like. . .cumming inside a guy without a rubber."

"I've um. . .thought about it too."

"Do you want to?"

Max looked to the side and then back to Jamie. "We were bound to do it at some point weren't we?"


Getting off the bench, Max went on all fours and raised his tail up high. "Give me that cock sir."

Smiling, Jamie moved to Max's small pink ring and pressed the tip of his cock against it. Holding his lover close, he nuzzled him and whispered a thanks in his ear. He placed his paws on Max's rump, slowly caressing his ass and then moving them round and keeping a firm grip on his hips. Pushing forward, the first two inches of his cock were now inside Max and the snow leopard shut his eyes and moaned.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes sir. It feels different sir."

Smiling, Jamie pushed in even further. It felt different for him too without the rubber on. Max's insides felt even warmer and when his knot reach Max's tail hole, he stopped. Max gulped a bit, he could feel every detail of Jamie's rock hard cock as it went deeper inside him. He remembered watching many videos of guys doing bareback and he pawed to stuff like that several times. When he felt the knot, he turned his head and saw Jamie nodding at him. The fox had no intention of tieing him at all.

"Ready Mr. Maxwell?"

"Yes sir, please fuck me."

Grinning, Jamie pulled out slowly and pushed back in. This was different for both of them, but it wasn't any less pleasurable. Jamie had to restrict his moans as well as Max. The snow leopard closed his eyes and kept them clenched shut. He balled his paws into fists as the fox cock pounded his ass, going deep inside him with every thrust. He gripped his own cock and started pawing himself, breathing harder and harder.

"Oh Max. . .you've got one great ass. So warm. . .so good. . ."

"T-Thank you. . .s-sir. ..ugh. . ."

"Do you want my cum deep inside you Max?"

"Yes sir. . . .I really want your cum. . ." Jamie grinned at what Max had said to him.

"Well then. . .I'll have to keep fucking you, wont I?"

"Yes sir. .." Max said while panting. Jamie wouldn't stop his relentless thrusts. The fox fucked him harder, slamming hard into his ass. He felt pre around his tail hole and he kept pawing himself.

Jamie pulled out further and pushed in deeper, his breathing getting heavier and heavier. But he pulled out too much, causing his cock to slip out of Max's warm ass. Growling a bit, he gripped his hot member and pushed it back inside the feline. Max moaned softly as it filled him again and started pounding him.

Jamie moved his hand round and started pawing Max, helping his boyfriend get off quicker. Leaning into him, Max turned his head and kissed his lover while Jamie continue pawing and fucking him. Breaking the kiss, Jamie spoke into Max's ear.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes sir. . ."

"Do you like this?"

"Yes sir, it feels good sir." Moving away from Max's face, Jamie continued fucking the feline. His knot now slammed against Max's tail hole and he pawed his boyfriend as fast as he could. Max started trembling under the fox and spoke. "S-Sir. . .Sir I'm cumming!"

Moving his paw in front, Jamie felt Max‘s warm seed cover his paw. After a few bursts, Jamie's hand was now almost covered in the white sticky goo. Moving his hand up to the snow leopards face, he felt Max lick as much of it up as he could. Taking his hand away, he used the last bit of cum to help lube his cock. "Good. This‘ll make it even better." Jamie said as he covered his cock in the stuff. He pushed back in and started thrusting harder and harder, getting closer and closer to his climax.

"Oh Mr. Maxwell. . .I'm going to cum deep and hard inside you."

"Cum in me sir. . .please."

"I hope you're ready for this Max."

"I am sir." Jamie started shaking and he tried to keep his thrusts at the rhythm he was going at. He could feel his balls rising closer to his body and he closed his eyes.

"M-Max!!" He half screamed as cum shot out from his cock. Max moaned as the searing hot cum landed deep inside him. He was sure is ass was now completely full of his fox's seed. It felt warm, runny and gooey. Opening his eyes, he turned around and saw Jamie pulling out of him. The canid lay on the floor and Max moved up beside him. He felt the cum starting to run out of him but he just ignored it, panting heavily, just like his fox.

Jamie and Max lay on the floor, gasping for breath. The fox was the first one to get up and he sat on the bench. Max moved up carefully and planted a kiss on his boyfriends lips before sitting next to him.

Facing his fox, Max thought of an idea. "You know. . .we could just skip class."

The fox looked up at him. "I know. But you know what the teachers are like. . .and mom and dad would kill us."

"Yeah, but do we have time to even wash?"

"Err. . ." Jamie checked Max's trousers and pulled out his mobile. "We got ten minutes." He looked at the spot where Max was sitting and saw cum on the bench and on the floor. "And you're kinda making a mess."

Max looked down and blushed. "But it was. .really fun."

"Hmm. . .ten minutes to wash you, dry off and get dressed, think we can do that?"

"Don't we have gym next anyway?" Max asked, smirking.

"Yeah, but we still have to clean up." Taking Max's paw into his own, he pulled the feline into the showers. Jamie rather liked the way that the day had turned out.

Getting into the showers, Jamie readied to turn the shower on but he got an idea. Pushing Max against the wall, he quickly kneeled and licked his boyfriends tail hole, trying to lick up any cum that was left. Max closed his eyes and let the canine tongue lick him, panting softly as Jamie pushed his tongue inside him.

Getting up, Jamie licked his lips and Max looked at him. "You're bad sir."

"Maybe I am." Turning the shower on, Max let the smell of cum and sex wash away. Jamie however looked at him. "Did you like the bareback?"

Max nodded. "It was good. But can we stick to condoms more?"

"Yeah. We can."

"Thanks." Kissing his boyfriend, Max stopped the shower and walked out, grabbing the towel he brought with him today. After drying himself, he cleaned up the mess on the floor and the bench while Jamie sprayed some deodorant. Getting dressed, the two sat there and waited for the rest of their class to arrive, and surely enough they did. Not a single one of them knew what happened in here moments ago and the two just smiled at each other. When the coach came in, he took them out of the room to the main gym hall. Lagging behind the rest, Jamie and Max managed to sneak a kiss without anyone else noticing.

The school day was over and both of the two teenagers sat outside the school, waiting for Drake and Troy to come pick them up.

"You know. . .I had a lot of fun today." Max said.

"Me too."

"And I liked the role-playing too. All that was missing was a suit. I'd think you'd look good in it."

Jamie smirked. "Really? Hmm. . .shirt and tie, the works and you sucking me off?" Jamie kept the last part down to a whisper. Max however just smirked.

"Oh I'm sure we can find ways to do other things."

"How so?"

"Them." Max pointed at a familiar panther and dragon walking up to them. Getting up, they made their way towards the panther's car.

"So how was school you two?" Troy asked.

Both Jamie and Max looked at each other and the fox was the one to speak. "Oh you know, just like every other day." Driving off, both Jamie and Max held each other's paws and waited for the next part of their day to begin.


Well, I thought about trying a new way to start the chapter and whether you liked it or not is up to you. It doesn't mean I'll open every chapter like that. But I hope you enjoyed this little side story because I did, my favourite part being the role playing bits, ^-^. Hahahaha, it just came to me.

Any who, back to the main chapters now. Also, many thanks Dakaggo
