Semen collection

Story by Wolfy soft paws on SoFurry

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Why do they want his semen? I'm not quite sure but I thought it would make a good story :p I am having trouble setting the content level for my submissions so I want to make it clear that this is an ADULT STORY. Enjoy!

Brett awoke. As his vision focused he realized he was in some kind of medical room. Where the hell am I he wondered. The wolf tried to move but his wrists and ankles were tied securely to the arms and legs of the chair he was sitting on. Another strap secured his waist. His head and neck were also strapped securely. Whoever did this had ensured there was no chance of escape. His legs were spread wide leaving his sheath and balls fully exposed. The wolf tried shouting but he had been muzzled. The muzzle fit snugly making it impossible for him to open his mouth.A door opened and a large German Shepherd entered the room. The wolf snarled. The shepherd knelt down and swatted him on the muzzle with a paw. "Behave pup." Brett continued to snarl, his teeth bared. The shepherd gave the wolf a slightly harder slap on the muzzle making him yelp. His voice was stern and told the wolf he meant business. "I won't tell you again." Brett quitened down not wanting to anger his captor more."That's better. You must be wondering why you are here. Over the next few days I will be collecting your semen." The wolf could not believe what he was hearing. What did this guy want with his semen? Another fur, a Great Dane entered the room. "My colleague will be assisting me. Shall we get started? The Dane stood behind Brett and held a rag over his nose. The wolf recognized the scent immediately. It was the unmistakable scent of an in heat bitch. The scent overpowered his senses making him lightheaded. His cock began to stiffen instantly. The shepherd quickly pulled back his sheath exposing his knot. A tube was placed on the wolf's rapidly swelling penis. It reminded Brett of a vacuum cleaner hose. The tube seemed to be sucking the cum out of him. The shepherd held his cock behind the knot, squeezing rythmically. The rag was still pressed firmly against his nose. Brett felt completely helpless. He had no control over what was happening. But he could not deny he was enjoying it a little. The wolf blushed deeply, ashamed at himself for enjoying this. "Good puppy you are producing a lot of semen aren't you? Keep it up."Nearly fifteen minutes had passed and the wolf was still being milked. The shepherd squeezed hard behind his knot milking the wolf for every last drop. His cock had started to soften and he was no longer producing semen. "Okay that will do for now." The tube was carefully removed from his penis. The shepherd released his grip allowing his cock to retreat back into it's sheath. The shepherd rubbed one of the wolf's ears making him moan softly. "You did well pup. I think we will use the teaser bitch for your next collection. Get some sleep. You are going to need it." The two canines switched out the light and shut the door leaving the wolf in darkness.


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Nappy change

Jake looked up at his daddy with a smile. "Smells like someone has a messy nappy!" Dan tickled the infant wolf's tummy making him giggle and squirm. He undid the pups nappy and cleaned him up. "There we go all clean." Dan moved his head down and...

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