The Secrets That We Hold. Part 1 Chapter 1 Marcus's Guilt

Story by FraddasD on SoFurry

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Deep in the outskirts of Furopolis, Lay a rather Large mansion that is easy to get lost in. In that mansion a male wolf named Kou and husky named James, where blessed with a beautiful baby boy. There close friends a Wolf named Tracen and a Fox named Fraddas where there to see the cub Kyru born into the world. Kou was a hard working mother. He developed the necessary Items to supply milk for Kyru thanks to his families research team. And in his spare time he keeps himself busy publishing romance stories. James, on the other hand, Spends the day at his family ranch 10 miles due south of the estate, and comes home regularly to be with his lover and his pup.

Soon later after giving some thought into it Tracen and Fraddas decided to have a cub too. Fraddas was a young male fox who loved nature to the fullest. He however was one of the 66,666 children of the Devil himself, but he renounced his immortality to live a free life with other furs, and be with the one he loves. Tracen is an Artic wolf who works in the Aldron City Police Department SWAT Team. which is the next town due west about 20 miles. They have a log cabin within walking distance of Kou‘s Mansion. Fraddas loved going to the estate and spend time with Kou .They kept each other company while there husbands where busy at work. While there, Kou gave Fraddas the pill to have a child. After some careful planning, and some fun adult work, Fraddas and Tracen Finally had a cub named Marcus Alex Lakier.

One day while Fraddas visited Kou, Fraddas thought, what would it be like if Marcus And Kyru became a couple when the reached maturity. Kou, being a softy for romance, thought they'd be a sweet couple. But they all agreed that no matter what there children did they'd love them all the same...

(we now Fast Forward 17 years into the Future)

Part one: Chapter one; Marcus's Guilt

Everyone knows how the story of a Fairy Tale Princess goes: They go through something interesting, then by some sort of fate, meet a prince and live happily ever after. However during the course of the story, at one point said Princess and Prince Charming meet each other, but not notice the love to come until the climax of the story. And right now that's where I find myself.

Names Marcus Alex Lakier, I was born and raised into a gay family ,don't ask how, I get the shivers thinking about it. Any who, I was born and raised by my two dads Fraddas and Tracen Lakier. Those two really love me just as much as they love each other. As for my god slash step parents James and Kou I love them a lot too. And as for there son Kyru, he's my god in Furr form.

Kyru is a half wolf half husky. He was born the same way I was, but he's almost a year ahead of me. You see the week before Kou gave birth to him, my dads got Married. Then after Ky was born my dad spent the first week helping Kou raise him, and that's when they decide to have yours truly here. And our love for each other literally started from the time we were in Diapers. I know this to be true because I've seen them as photo's of the two of us hugging by the pool and cuddling in the crib. I know this is real love but I don't know if Kyru does.

"Come on Marcus we're going to be late be late!" my dad Fraddas called.

"Hang on mom, I'll be down in a moment !" I respond from my room. I call him mom because he's like the mom of the family, he cooks cleans and always makes sure were on time at Kou's for my at home schooling while Kyru attends the public school, Lucky him. I walk out after a few minuets after finding mine and Kyru's favorite shirt to find mom waiting outside with his backpack in paw. I rush outside after I make sure the door is locked. "Sorry mom had to find a clean shirt".

"That's alright honey...I see your wearing the shirt you and Kyru picked out a the mall" mom noticed.

"Yeah, I like the shirt." I said as we walk along the path to Kou's place.

"So you have you been giving thought as to what you want to learn today?" he asked. I was lucky to choose a certain study each day. Either Math, History, Science, or some other topic.

"Well, I have one Idea." I said as we approached Kou's estates. I like it because it's just like our house, it's bigger inside than it is out, but ours is a log cabin and Kou's is a three story house with a lot of room. We got up to the gate and it had already been open which means only one thing, we're late.

"Oh dear. Kou is going to have our heads on a platter again." mom said teasingly as we went through the gate and approached the front door.

"yeah...remember the extra fractions I had to do that one time? Yikes." I replied with a chuckle as we approached the huge set of double doors. I ran ahead so I wouldn't be even more late. I opened door and found Kou sitting in a chair reading a book.

"Sorry were late Kou, we wanted to see Tracen off to work this morning and Marcus had to change shirts"

"That's ok, so Marcus where do you want to have lessons taught today?" Kou asked quite calmly

"I'd like to go on the out door patio today I got a subject I want to talk about" I said. I wanted to ask a few questions. And get some right answers.

"Ok then, to the outdoor patio everyone." Kou said as we walked outside and around to the back. We got there and saw a variety of drinks had been laid out by Kou's ninja maids. We all call them that because they work super hard, and in the blink of an eye what you want is on a table ready for you. We each then sat down in a chair and started lessons.

"So sweetie what do you want to talk about today?" mom asked sipping his tea.

"I wanted to talk about Love, I mean what does it feel like? How do you know you love somebody, and how do you deal with telling someone you love them, if your to shy to confess your love to them?" I explained as best as I could. Both mom and Kou had an "ok?" look on there face. And it was Kou who answered first.

"Well, love is a complex emotion to describe, but basically you have two people who care for each other emotionally and physically and there, you have love" he explained

"If you love them and are too afraid to tell them, then hint it a little bit." mom said

"like how?" I asked, wanting Ideas.

"Well, compliments are a good way to start. And maybe going somewhere fun together would be a nice start too." Kou replied.

"You mean kind of like a pre date?" I asked tilting my head a bit.

"In a certain point of view yes, what your really trying to do is figure each other out. By that I mean your trying to learn about each other and decide if your feelings for each other are real." Mom explained.

"Well, say I already know the guy and I have feelings for him but I want to hint that I love him but he knows me what would I do?" I asked realizing that I opened the book to how I'm feeling. Kou stared at me and asked.

"Who's the guy?" Kou asked curiously.

I turned to Kou and said quite calmly "Kyru...I admit I have a crush on him and I've had one for a long time"

Kou just reclined in his chair with a sly smile and said, "Hell I've known that for a long time"

"So have I hon. We've known you two loved each other since you where just barely 4 months old. I remember the day well it was a warm June day and we where out at the pool over there" mom said pointed to the pool.

"That's right Fraddas You see Marcus, your mom was laying on the water just relaxing and enjoying the piece and quiet and at the same time watching you and Kyru. I was around the corner doing something else with James. I then heard your mom call from around the corner. So I ran around the corner to see Kyru holding you in his lap with his cute little arms around you" Kou said smiling in adoration.

"Yup, you where just laying back against his chest all comfy. Kou was resisting the urge to squeal out loud in fact..." mom paused and reached into his backpack and pulled out a photo and handed it to me. I looked and there I was with Kyru laying by the pools edge with his armed wrapped around me and a paw on my chest. I could not help but let out a small aww. "...that was the first time you two actually slept together"

"Wow!" I said handing back the photo only to be handed the old video Camera. I pressed play I watched as mom as got out of the pool, and I saw me and Kyru looking up from his nap searching for him. I then saw something that brought a tear to my eye. Kyru leaned over and gave my head a kiss and also gave my ear a lick. My first kiss from Kyru and I was just 4 months old !

"This is so unbelievably sweet and adorable" I said feeling choked up. I've never seen the video before until today. "How come I haven't seen this before?" My moms and Kou's expression changed.

"Marcus, there is something you have to see to understand why we haven't showed you this" Kou said pulling out what looked like one of the old security monitors and cameras. He hooked it up and pressed play.

On the screen showed me at age 1 3/4 on the Diaper changing table. It looked like one of the maids named Amy was changing me. And as she bent down to get something Kyru came over and jumped on the table then grabbed my sheath. Then what I saw next made everything clear. I reached up and bit his arm, and hard from the looks of it.

"Mom, Kou, I need to be excused" I said getting up sadly and walking to the pool. I just stared at the water.

Seeing that made me feel terrible. No wonder Ky just sees the Photos as memories. I broke the love bond we had because of one bite. As I stared at the water the memories slowly started coming back. We played together, we hugged and cuddled together. All before I was even able to form correct sentences. I continued to stare at the water and watched the memories flow by. I also just faintly heard momentous talking around the corner.

"Poor pup" Kou said

"He's feeling remorse full that he broke Kyru's trust with one bite" mom said with a sigh

After that all I herd was mumbling and a chuckle and that's it. I went around the corner, back in the house and up the stairs and passed my wolf uncles Gain and Rei's room. And surprisingly they where sitting down and reading instead of fucking each other. I just walked on ahead a few paces when Gain Called out to me.

"Yo!!! Marcus where are you going?" he asked

" For a walk" I said looking down. He came up to me and put a paw on me and asked

"What's wrong"

I gave him a brief explination of what I learned and how I broke Kyru's trust at a young age. Gain rubbed his muzzle in thought "Hmmm...hey kid you like swimming right?" I nodded "Good...I'll tell you what, tomorrow we'll got to the lake the eight of us and have an all guy day how does that sound?"

"Sounds great." I replied then walked further down the hall until I found Kyru's bed room. I've never been in his room, so I walked in. when I did I saw billions of old pictures of me and him as pups an they where all in a chronological order by age. I then began looking at the entire wall of photos. My eyes focused on one in particular. It was one of me and him at age ten on Christmas. We where under the mistletoe and I could see it in Kyru's eyes. He was afraid of me. I saw many more pictures that showed a hint of fear in his face. The more I review them the more I start to cry. I laid on his bed and started crying my eyes out until I fell asleep.

I stirred for a moment then awoke feeling a paw on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Kyru looking down at me with a look of concern on his face I got up slowly and looked at him.

"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"I'm guessing a few hours" he said sitting bed be side me "you saw all the Photos?"

"Yes... and other things too" I said remembering the reason I was crying and started to feel sad again

"Why is my pillow wet?" Kyru asked looking at the damped pillow then picked it up for a sniff "Tears?....Why where you crying?"

"Because of something I did along time ago" I said feeling ready to cry

"What did you do?" He asked so calmly. I couldn't hold it in anymore I wrapped my arms around him and began tearing up.

"I bit your arm... when I was almost two years old... and shattered our bond we had all those years ago... We where very young and we loved each other... and I ruined it with one bite... Ky I'm so sorry... I fucked up badly" I said Sobbing on his shoulder.

"Shh...I know...shhh...I forgive you...It's ok..." Kyru said wrapping me into a warm embrace. I stopped crying and looked ant him tearfully. "Marcus, I love you I always have. When you bit me yes I got scared and yes I felt betrayed. All those years I thought it was my fault. That I did something that was unforgivable. But one day I thought, maybe it was just a reflex action. But incase it wasn't I kept my maw shut about it. But now I find you crying your eyes out over what you did on my bed and It confirmed my thought. It was only just, a one time reflex... I love you Markey" He said looking in to my eyes which where now full of joy.

"I love you too Kyru" I said leaning in for a kiss. For a moment lips touched, then broke, then made contact again and we held it as we laid down on the bed holding each other in a warm embrace. I broke the kiss slowly and looked at Kyru. "Ky?" I asked

"What is it Markey?" Kyru asked, staring at me eye to eye.

"I want to reexperience something that we did a long time ago, but in here. I want to be held like you did that one time at the pools edge" I explained

"Oh I know that day all too well" he replied with a blush and chuckle.

"I want it to feel authentic though. Meaning: would it be too awkward we just strip down to our underwear?" I asked and Kyru just smiled.

"If it's ok with you then I don't mind at all" he replied wagging his tail happily.

I got off the bed, kneeled down on the ground and raised my arms up. Kyru sat up and reached over and took my shirt off exposing my bare chest. I then stood up and looked down at him and our paws collided as they reached my pants. I moved mine, and allowed his to unfasten my belt, unbutton, and unzip them. Kyru then slowly reached his paws out to the sides and pulled them down slowly. When he had them pulled down, I stepped out of them and modeled around showing off my features, my light blue boxers and swayed my tail a bit to tease him a bit.

"Ok Mr. tease, help me out of my clothes" he said with a chuckle

This was the moment I've been waiting for. I walked over to him, his arms already raised, and removed his shirt. His bare chest looked exactly how I envisioned it for years when I pawed off. I placed the shirt right next to my clothes, then got down on one knee and came face to face with his waist. I reached and undid the button and the zipper. I then reached up and slowly pulled down his pants revealing his black boxers and an extra surprise that bopped my nose, a boner. I thought for a moment. Then looked up at Kyru.

"Ky, hon?" I said

"What is it Markey?" he asked looking down at me. Then noticed his erection and blushed.

"Mind if know?" I asked blushing and feeling nervous at the same time. Kyru jus patted my head smiled at me.

"I don't mind at all love, just be careful with those teeth, ok?" he said with a chuckle

"Don't worry about my teeth and worry about my tounge." I said reaching forward and grabbed the waist band of the boxers and pulled them down revealing a seven and a half inch member. I stared at it for a moment like a marvoluse work of art. I then leaned forward and gave it a lick, It was even better than I imagined. I then grabbed it with my paw and gave the cock a couple good long licks. I could tell Kyru was enjoying this because he was moaning slightly and smiling at me.

I licked the member a few more times before I decided to take the next step. I then looked up at Kyru gave him a quick wink then took his entire member in my maw. I was thankful didn't have a gag reflex. I started sucking on the member, and used my tounge to add on to the pleasure I was creating. Kyru was moaning to the feeling. Not much longer, I started to taste his pre as it started to leak out of the member. The taste was so good that I started sucking harder wanting more. Kyru was really moaning now. He put a paw on my head and started to move his hips forward and back as I kept on sucking .

"Ohhh...Marky...I'm gonna!..." the rest of his words where drowned out by a loud howl of pleasure. This was the moment I've been dreaming about for years. I felt the cock twitch then reales several large loads of warm Kyru seed in my maw, it tasted heavenly. I swallowed all that the cock had to offer. Then licked any I may have missed on the tip. After I made sure it was clean, Ky moved to the bed and laid down. I then moved over to the bed too and laid with him and cuddled up next to him.

"Thanks Ky. That was amazing." I said licking his paw.

"Your welcome..."the rest of the sentence was drowned by a squeal and aww at the door. We looked and there was mom, dad, Kou, James and Gain at the door.

"MOM, DAD, GAIN, CLOSE THE DOOR!" we shouted at the same time.

"We heard a howl and thought something happened...and we were right apparently" Gain said smiling.

"Well son, I am just glad to see you happy" James said with a wink towards Kyru.

"Same here." Dad said looking happy.

"I'm just happy to see this pretty sight again you two hugging each other" Kou said tearing up a bit, not that I blame him.

"You know Kou, I am happy to be in his arms again" I said looking at Ky and licking his nose.

"So does this mean you two are officially together?" Mom asked. I looked at Kyru who then said. "Only time will tell."